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I forgot all about this till I was level 80. You can pick the first half of passives from the other masteries you didn't pick. This can give you big boosts with certain passives. Figured there are probably 100k new people and they might not know. Good luck out there!

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Haha coming across this and seeing so much surprise and excitement… looks like we have a little UI/UX enhancement we should make to improve that understanding for players.

Thanks for being helpful to the community, u/RaindustZX!

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by BluePcFrog

Sorry to ask but any news on improving the tooltip for skills?

I play lightening blast. I can't really see how many times the ability can chain without any skillpoints. Then I have to go and count each point of added chain stacks "manually" in the tree and other skill tree that also gives chains. The problem is that I pick a talent that 1/2 the amount of chains and then it is important to know if you chain 9 times or 10, because I assume it rounds down so if I have 9 I get 4, 10 I get 5, 11 I get 5 etc etc. Would like to know to not waste a skill point going from 8 -> 9

Also when I add shock chance in the skill tree it does not show up on the character sheet and I cant hover over the skill to see the total shock chance with the gear+passives+skillpoints combined,

Kindest regards.

We want to do this and we’re just waiting to have the available dev bandwidth to do it. We have designs for a much more advanced character sheet but we’ll need to be able to throw a dev at it for at least a full development cycle without interruption. It won’t be for 1.1 but it’s in our development backlog.