over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

A Patch Overview video by Game Director Judd Cobler.


Table of Contents
 1. Loot Filters
 2. Campaign
 3. Crafting
 4. Skills
 5. Item Sets
 6. Uniques
 7. Items
 8. Mechanics Balance
 9. Defense Systems
10. Monolith of Fate
11. Skill Balance
12. Passives
13. User Interface
14. Visuals
15. Sounds
16. Enemies
17. Optimization
18. Bug Fixes


Loot Filters

  • You can now create loot filters which affect what items are visible on the ground, and modify how their labels look.
  • Loot filters operate on a list of rules that are processed from the top.
  • You can add rules based on item base type, item subtype, rarity, level, class requirement and the affixes on the item. Rules can also be set to only be active during certain character levels.
  • Rules can cause items to be shown, hidden, recolored, or emphasized, which puts the item’s name in all caps.
  • Loot filters are saved as text files which can be shared to other players, or they can be imported from your clipboard.

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Chapter 2 Rework

  • Overhauled the visuals used throughout the entire chapter (from Last Refuge Outskirts to The Sheltered Wood).
  • Adjusted the layout of multiple existing zones and how they connect together.
  • Revamped the quest progression of the chapter to be less linear.
  • Overhauled the Elder Pannion boss fight and other encounters.


Chapter 3 Rework

  • Overhauled quest progression in the middle of the chapter (near the Ruins of Welryn).
  • Added new zones and reworked the layout of existing zones in the middle of the chapter.
  • Improved visuals in multiple zones.


Chapter 6 Changes

  • Upgraded visuals and made minor layout changes throughout most of the chapter (The Desert Waystation until The Immortal Citadel).
  • The boss arena at the end of the Immortal Summit is now its own zone, the Immortal Citadel.


Chapter 8 Changes

  • Added a sidequest in Etendell.


Boss Fights

  • Dying during a boss fight during the campaign now restarts the fight when you respawn. You respawn just before the boss fight, rather than at the start of the zone.
  • Dying to the bossfight in Liath’s Sanctum still resets the zone, but now respawns you just before the boss fight, bypassing the enemies at the start.


Liath’s Tower

  • Your movement is interrupted after going to a different floor to prevent accidental movement.
  • After going to a new floor the character is now facing away from the stairs they just used.
  • Dying to the bossfight now resets the fight and respawns the player on the previous floor.


Town Portal

  • Rather than just taking you to either Council Chambers or End of Time, the Town Portal now takes you back to the latest town in the questline (except at the start of some chapters where it takes you to End of Time instead).

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  • Using shards on an item can now cause a Critical Success. A Critical Success adds an extra tier to an affix on the item, as long as that would not make the affix greater than tier 5 or make the level requirement too high.
    • A Critical Success occurring does not impact how much Instability is applied to the item; the craft applies the regular amount, with the additional tier being ‘free’.
  • Damaging Fractures now reduce the tier of a random affix by 1 to 2 tiers, and lock the item. This can no longer reduce the tier of an affix below 1.
  • Destructive Fractures now reduce the tier of 2 or more affixes by 1 to 2 tiers, and lock the item. This can no longer reduce the tier of an affix below 1.
  • The instability of the item you are crafting on is now displayed at the top of the crafting window.

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  • New skill unlocked at 30 points into Spellblade passives. Includes a specialization tree.
  • Firebrand is a melee attack which grants you a stack of the Firebrand buff if it hits an enemy.
  • Each stack of Firebrand grants +5 melee fire damage and increases the size of Firebrand attacks by 25%. Firebrand can stack 4 times and lasts 4 seconds.


Infernal Shade

  • New skill unlocked at 20 points into Acolyte passives. Includes a specialization tree.
  • Applies an Infernal Shade to a targeted enemy. The affected enemy and all nearby enemies take fire damage per second.
  • Infernal Shade expires when the enemy dies, or after 5 seconds. You may have up to 4 Shades active at once, and this limit is shared with Dread Shade.


Shield Bash

  • New skill unlocked at character level 8 for Sentinels. Includes a specialization tree.
  • Shield Bash is a directional melee attack that requires a shield and stuns enemies it hits for 1 second. Shield Bash has 100% increased stun duration against non-boss enemies.
  • Shield Bash deals 1.5% more damage per 1% of block chance you have (multiplicative with other modifiers, up to 150%).


Minimum Skill Level

  • Characters now have a minimum skill level, which increases as they level up.
  • When you specialize in a new skill, it’s automatically the same level as your minimum skill level.
  • Removing skill points from a skill cannot reduce its level below your minimum skill level.


Removed Skills

  • Removed Defile.
  • Removed Ice Ward.
  • Removed Manifest Weapon.
  • Removed Molten Blade.

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Item Sets

  • Added a new three-piece set.
    • Each of the set items was designed by the same community member.
    • While a number of unique items have been designed by owners of ‘Creator’ packs, this is the first time a set has been designed through design collaborations.

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  • Added a new unique amulet, Gambler’s Fallacy.
  • Added a new unique amulet, Xithara’s Conundrum.
  • Added new unique gloves, Avarice.
  • Added new unique boots, Transient Rest.
  • Uniques on the ground no longer show their name until hovered over. For example, Transient Rest will show as Boots until hovered over.
  • Arek’s Bones adds 25 to 55 melee physical damage (from 20 to 50).
  • Water Orbs from Ucenui’s Sphere deal 33% more damage.
  • Volcanus now also grants 37 to 57 spell fire damage.
  • Ward Trail grants 30 ward on dodge (from 20).
  • Wing Guards grant 14% to 24% chance to gain Haste on Hit (from 4% to 8%).

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  • Added a new set of armor models for the Acolyte, which have been added to existing base types.
  • Unique and Set item labels on the ground now just state what kind of item they are (i.e. amulet), rather than the full name of the unique.
  • The Mage’s “of the Capacitor” and “of Liath” affixes now grants chance to apply a spark charge on melee hit, rather than on lightning hit.
  • The Mage’s Ward Gain on Melee Hit idol affix has been changed to Chance to Gain 20 Ward on Melee Hit. On average it provides about half as much ward as before.
  • The Chance To Apply Frostbite With Cold Skills idol affix grants 25% to 60% chance for Primalists and Mages (from 10% to 40% for Primalists and 15% to 50% for Mages).
  • The increased physical damage prefix can now be crafted onto wands, and has a small chance of spawning on them.
  • Reduced the power of minion reflect and skeleton reflect affixes by 20-40% (varying based on affix and tier).
  • Scholar Coats (mage starting armour) grants 24 armour (from 16).

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Mechanics Balance

Boss Temporary Resistance System

  • Bosses can take up to 170% more damage than most enemies, but start off with a lot of temporary resistance so they initially take about the same amount of damage as most enemies.
  • Once they have dropped to 99% health this initial temporary resistance begins to drop off linearly over time. The exact duration depends on the boss’s health compared to its level, it’s about 150 seconds for the Abomination boss.
  • Whenever the boss loses 1% of its total health it takes 2% less damage for a duration. The exact duration depends on the boss’s health compared to its level, it’s about 30 seconds for the Abomination boss. This 1% does not need to be dealt with a single hit.
  • Whenever a boss takes lots of damage at once the damage is reduced based on how many of these stacks of damage reduction it would have procced. This just means that one big hit deals the same damage as lots of small hits over a short duration (where the later hits would be affected by the temporary damage reduction).
  • With this system unless your build has exceptionally high single target damage you should never deal significantly less damage to a boss than you would to a regular enemy. Meanwhile if you’re struggling to take down the boss in the normal amount of time you will end up dealing more damage to the boss as the fight goes on.


Other Changes

  • Players gain 8 health per level (from 6).
  • Players now start with 25 stun avoidance, making them harder to stun at low levels.
  • Slow and Chill now have 50% reduced effect against players.
  • Increased the damage of Spreading Flames by 100%.
  • Increased the damage of Plague by 50%.

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Defense Systems

The Patch Notes provide an exhaustive list of changes. If you would like to read about the reasons why these changes have been made, please see our Developer Blog.



  • Protections have been replaced by Resistances (e.g. 25% Fire Resistance), with a resistance cap of 75%.
  • Penetration is now percentage based (30% penetration against 20% resistance results in -10% resistance).
  • Enemies have 1% resistance penetration per area level (up to 75%). This penetration applies after the resistance cap.
  • Protection Shred ailments have been changed to equivalent Resistance Shred ailments which reduce the respective resistance by 5% against most enemies and 2% against bosses and players. Armour Shred works the same way. Shred ailments now have a maximum of 20 stacks.
  • Armour now applies to hits rather than all physical damage and scales with area level rather than health (similar to Dodge).
  • Armour is more effective at protecting your health below a threshold (30 + 3 x area level).
  • Glancing Blow is now rare and players are not able to reach 100%.
  • Many defensive affixes, nodes, items and more have changed as a result of these changes, and most are listed below. Cases where protection was just changed to resistance, or flat penetration was just changed to percentage penetration may be ommitted.



  • Block effectiveness is no longer additive with other defenses.
  • The percentage of damage that your block effectiveness will mitigate now scales with area level (similar to Armour and Dodge).
  • Block mitigation percent is now shown next to block effectiveness in the character sheet.
  • Renegade Shields now grant 175 block effectiveness (From 125).
  • Kite Shields now grant 1200 to 1800 block effectiveness and 25% to 27% block chance (from 1000 to 2000 and 25% to 29%).
  • Solarum Shields now grant 600 to 1000 block effectiveness (from 600 to 1600).


Attribute Changes

  • Each point of Strength grants 4% increased armour (from 5%).
  • Each point of Attunement grants 2 mana (from 4 elemental protection).
  • Each point of Dexterity grants 4 dodge rating (from 5).
  • Each point of Vitality grants 10 health and 2% increased health regen (from void, necrotic, and poison protection).


Set Affix Changes

  • The only remaining set affixes are set resistances.
  • All set affixes now roll on helmets, boots, gloves, shields, belts, rings, relics, and amulets.
  • Set Glancing Blow has been replaced by Set Elemental Resistance.
  • Set Armour and Void Protection has been replaced by Set Physical and Void Resistance.
  • Set Necrotic and Poison Protection has been replaced by Set Necrotic and Poison Resistance.
  • Set Elemental Protection has been replaced by physical penetration, which can only roll on amulets.
  • Set Health has been replaced by fire penetration, which can only roll on amulets.
  • Set Dodge Rating has been replaced by cold penetration, which can only roll on amulets.
  • Set Health Regen has been replaced by lightning penetration, which can only roll on amulets.


Other Affix Changes

  • Increased necrotic protection has been replaced with necrotic penetration.
  • Increased void protection has been replaced with void penetration.
  • Increased poison protection has been replaced with poison penetration.
  • Resistance suffixes cannot roll on weapons.
  • Changed the Reduced Damage Taken on Block affix to Less Damage Taken on Block and slightly reduced its power.
  • The Armour and Protections While Channelling affix is now All Resistances While Channelling and only rolls on relics.
  • The Sentinel Idol Fire Shred Chance With Fire Skills has been changed to grant fire penetration with melee attacks.
  • The Acolyte Idol Poison Protection While Aura Of Decay Is Active affix has been replaced with “Increased Poison Damage while Aura of Decay is active” because the previous effect was too strong when converted from the Protection system.
  • Changed the Primalist Shared Glancing Blow affix to Primalist Armour And Minion Armour.
  • Existing non-set glancing blow affixes on equipment have been changed to physical resistance.
  • Existing glancing blow prefixes on Idols have been converted to a new health on kill prefix. This affix was not converted to physical resistance because all other resistance affixes on Idols are suffixes.


Unique Changes

  • Bulwark of the Last Abyss gives 40% to 90% increased armour (from 10% to 40% glancing blow chance).
  • Keeper’s Gloves give poison resistance and minion poison resistance (from poison protection).
  • Grimoire of Necrotic Elixirs gives 30% to 40% less void, necrotic, and poison damage taken (from 60% to 90% increased protection of those damage types).
  • Isadora’s Revenge grants 5% to 10% necrotic penetration (from 10% to 15% glancing blow chance).
  • Liath’s Signet grants 75% elemental resistance while channelling (from 100% glancing blow chance).
  • Orian’s eye now grants 15% to 10% less fire damage taken (from 100% increased fire protection).
  • Snowblind now grants 40% chill chance and blind chance (from 20%).
  • Stormbreaker
    • No longer adds or increases lightning protection.
    • Now adds 30% lightning resistance.
    • Now adds 10 to 30 mana.
    • Now grants 30% Chance to Cast Lightning when you use a skill that costs at least 10 Mana.
  • Suloron’s Step
    • No longer halves glancing blow chance.
    • Now subtracts 100% from physical resistance.
    • Grants 70% to 95% melee crit multi (from 50% to 65%).
  • Urzil’s Pride now gives 1% increased mana regen per 10% uncapped lightning protection, but cannot grant more than 40% increased mana regeneration.
  • Woven Flesh grants 100% critical strike avoidance (from 85% glancing blow chance).
  • Changed the Invoker Set’s 3 set bonus to 50% elemental resistance (from 500 elemental protection)


Base Item Changes

  • Leather Gloves grant mana (from void protection).
  • Lagonian Gauntlets grant lightning resistance (from elemental protection).
  • Stained Tomes grant health instead of vitality and no longer reduce health regen by as much.


Blessing Changes

  • Resolve of Humanity grants 8% to 15% to all resistances (from 35% to 55% chance to receive a glancing blow).
  • Bastion of Divinity grants 10% to 14% elemental resistance (from 50 to 80 elemental protection).
  • Grand Bastion of Divinity grants 15% to 20% elemental resistance (from 90 to 140 elemental protection).
  • Dream of Eterra grants 15% to 25% necrotic and poison resistance (from 100 to 200 necrotic and poison protection).
  • Echo of Solarum grants 10% to 14% physical and void resistance (from 50 to 100 physical and void protection).
  • Grand Echo of Solarum grants 15% to 25% physical and void resistance (From 101 to 160 physical and void protection).


Poison Ailment Changes

  • Poison now reduces poison resistance by 5% (2% against bosses and players) rather than increasing poison damage taken by 5%.


Mark for Death Changes

  • Mark for Death now reduces all resistances (from increasing damage taken by 30%).


Frostbite Ailment Changes

  • Deals 133% more damage.
  • No longer reduces cold protection (or resistance).
  • Now reduces freeze avoidance by 200, making enemies easier to freeze.
  • Frostbite chance is now shown in the character sheet.
  • The Razor Ice node on the Shatter Strike tree increases frostbite effect by 12% per point (from 30%).
  • The Cold-Blooded node on the Summon Scorpion tree increases frostbite effect by 20% per point (from 50%).


Shock Ailment Changes

  • Now reduces lightning resistance by 5% and increases chance to be stunned by 10%.
  • Shock now has a stack limit of 20 (from unlimited).
  • Large amounts of “increased shock effect” are no longer needed to keep Shock relevant at endgame, because its effects no longer scale with health. As such, many sources of this stat have been reduced or removed.
  • The Mage Idol Increased Shock Effect affix grants 4% to 10% increased shock effect (from 10% to 33%).
  • Stormtide grants 10% to 15% increased shock effect (from 100% to 500%).
  • The High Voltage node on the Storm Totem tree grants 10% increased shock effect (from 30%).
  • The Ascended Current node on the Elemental Nova tree grants 10% increased shock effect (from 80%).
  • The Shocking Expanse node on the Arcane Ascendance tree grants 20% shock chance (from 50%).
  • The Invokers Static Touch grants 5% to 10% increased shock effect (from 30% to 75%)
  • Oceareon grants 10% to 20% increased shock effect (from 100% to 200%)
  • The “of Plasma” increased shock effect suffix has been replaced by a new armour shred chance suffix that can rolls on melee weapons, gloves and amulets.
  • Trance of the Sirens grants 5% to 9% shock effect (from 50% to 100%).
  • Grand Trance of the Sirens grants 10% to 16% shock effect (from 120% to 200%).
  • Cruelty of the Meruna grants 30% to 60% shock chance (from 40% to 70%).
  • Grand Cruelty of the Meruna grants 65% to 100% shock chance (from 80% to 120%).


Skill Changes

  • Fire Shield grants 30% fire resistance (from 100 elemental protection).


Specialization Tree Changes

  • Thorn Shield from the Ice Thorns Tree grants 40 armour (from 20 armour and 20 cold protection).
  • The Bark Shield node on the Ice Thorns Tree now makes Thorn Shield grant 20 additional armour (from 20 armour and 20 cold protection).
  • The Floric Tides node on the Ice Thorns Tree gives 5% crit avoidance (from 10 poison protection).
  • The Prismatic Stance node on the Focus Tree now reduces elemental damage taken rather than adding elemental protection.
  • The Vile Shroud node on the Reaper Form Tree now grants 1% necrotic and poison resistance per point of intelligence.
  • The Thick Fur node on the Summon Sabertooth tree gives 13% cold resistance (from 130 cold protection) and can have 5 points allocated (from 7).
  • The Shatterhide node now requires 4 points in it rather than 5.
  • The Abyssal Juggernaut node on the Devouring Orb tree grants 15% void and elemental resistance per point, and can have 5 points allocated (from 6).
  • The Brigand node on the Lunge Tree now only grants armour (from armour and protections).
  • The Sap Warmth node on Snap Freeze now steals cold resistance from all targets hit, causing you to gain resistance and enemies to lose it, and can have 5 points allocated (from 6).
  • The Faithguard node on the Shield Throw Tree now grants stun avoidance rather than elemental and poison protection.
  • The Fume Weaver node on the Aura of Decay Tree reduces the poison resistance of you and nearby for each point of intelligence you have (from just reducing enemy poison protection by a much smaller amount) and requires 2 points in Vulnerability (from 1).
  • The Unholy Command node on the Assemble Abomination Tree now grants 25 armour (from 20 armour and protections).
  • The Rapacious Protection node on the Assemble Abomination Tree now just grants armour (from armour and protections).
  • The Leper’s Skin node on the Death Seal tree now grants armour and necrotic resistance (from necrotic protection).
  • The Desperate Shroud node on the Death Seal tree now grants armour and stun avoidance (from armour and protections).
  • The Martyrdom node on the Dread Shade tree now grants armour (from armour and protections).
  • The Safeguard node on the Eterra’s Blessing Tree now grants elemental and poison resistance (from armour and protections) and no longer has triple effect on minions, but grants much higher resistance.
  • The Warding Totem node on the Frenzy Totem tree grants 20% physical and elemental resistance (from 500 armour and protections) and can have 3 points allocated (from 4).
  • The Banding node on the Ring of Shields tree grants physical resistance (from increased armour and protections). It still also increases health.
  • The Bolster node on the Smelter’s Wrath tree grants armour and fire resistance (from armour and protections).
  • The Skin Like Bark node on the Spriggan Form Tree grants 80 armour (from 60 armour and protections) and 80 health gained on transform (from 60).
  • The Fragments of the Fallen node on the Bone Golem tree just grants armour (from armour and protections).
  • The Ursine Heart node on the Werebear Form tree grants 50 armour and 5% increased armour (from 40 armour and protection and 4% increased armour and protections).
  • Replaced the Thick Skin node on the Werebear Form tree with Intimidating Roar, which causes your Roar skill to inflict 1 stack of Frailty per point.
  • The Rallying Cry node on the Werebear From Tree now grants you and allies armour per nearby enemy when you use Roar.
  • The Magma Shell node on the Fireball Tree grant armour and fire resistance (from armour and elemental protection) and can have 5 points allocated (from 7).
  • The Prismatic Buffer node on the Flame Ward Tree now reduces elemental damage taken (from granting elemental protection) and can have 3 points allocated (from 5).
  • Replaced the Storm Stream node on the Lunge Tree, with Invasion which grants increases stun chance for four seconds for each enemy hit.
  • The Brave the Elements node on the Rebuke Tree now reduces elemental damage taken (from granting elemental protection) and can have 4 points allocated (from 5).
  • The Phalanx node on the Ring of Shields tree no longer grants elemental protection.
  • The Acclimated node on the Shatter Strike tree grants cold resistance (from elemental protection) and can have 2 points allocated (from 4).
  • The Warding Bark node on the Summon Spriggan tree grants armour and physical resistance (from armour and elemental protection).
  • The War Forge node in the Warpath Tree now also grants fire penetration.
  • The Prismatic Fury node in the Holy Aura Tree has been replaced by Rahyeh’s Fury which grants fire penetration and can have 2 points allocated.
  • The Necrosis node on Death Seal Tree gives 15% necrotic shred chance (from 20%) and can have 3 points allocated (from 5)


Manifest Armour Tree Changes

  • Replaced Elemental Deflection with Force of Impact which grants melee physical damage equal to a proportion of the armour on your body armour
  • Bulwark requires points in Self Repair rather than Elemental Deflection


Acolyte and Masteries Passives

  • Cling To Life grants 2% all res to minions (from 1 vitality).
  • Elixir of Death grants 5% less physical and necrotic damage taken (from 50 elemental, void, necrotic, and poison protection).
  • Unnatural Preservation grants 6% ward retention (from 5%) and 3% necrotic and poison resistance (from 8 necrotic and poison protection).


Mage and Masteries Passives

  • Arcane Current now grants 5% increased shock effect (from 50%), also increases stun duration with lightning spells by 10%, and can have 5 points allocated (from 8).
  • Arcanist grants 3% fire resistance and lightning resistance (from 4 elemental protection).
  • Ceraunomancer grants 3% shock chance (from 2%).
  • Elemental Ascendance grants 2% elemental resistance (from 5% increased elemental protection) and grants 8% increased stun chance (from 5%).
  • Pyromancer grants 3% ignite chance (from 2%).
  • Rift Bolt, Chill to the Bone, and Lavamancer grant 3% penetration and 0.3% leech (from 40 penetration and 0.2% leech).


Primalist and Masteries Passives

  • Shaman’s Mastery Bonus now grants +50% elemental resistance while you have a totem (from 100% increased elemental protection while you have a totem).
  • Avian Shelter grants you 2% glancing blow chance (from 5%), it still grants minions 5%.
  • Blood Claws grants 2% physical leech (from 1.5%) and grants 1% physical penetration (from 15 armour penetration).
  • Briarguard grants twice as much armour, but no longer grants protections.
  • Primal Shifter grants 25% all resistance (from 50 armour and protections).
  • Protective Circle grants 3% elemental and physical resistance (from 5 elemental, necrotic, void, and poison protection).
  • Natural Duality grants 30 armour (from 15 armour and protections).
  • Shamanic Infusion now grants physical, cold, and lightning penetration to you and your minions (from cold and lightning protection).
  • Silent Protector grants 25 armour per point (from 10 armour and protections).
  • Storm Bringer grants 5% lightning resistance for you and minions (from 5 lightning protection).
  • Turtle Form grants 50 armour (from 25 armour and protections).
  • Woodlore grants 5% poison resistance, but no longer grants health or poison protection.


Sentinel and Masteries Passives

  • The Forge Guard mastery bonus now grants 30% physical and fire resistance (from 30% more armour and fire protection).
  • Divine Essences increase armour by 10% (from armour and protections).
  • Abyssal Endurance grants 10 health and 4% void resistance (from 7 health and 15 void protection).
  • Holy Symbol grants 7 health and 7% necrotic resistance (from 7 elemental and necrotic protection).
  • Rallying Block grants 15 armour (from 10 armour and elemental resistance).
  • Singular Purpose gives 5% void resistance (from 10% increased void protection).
  • Staunch Defender grants 2 adaptive spell damage while using a shield (from 50 fire protection while using a shield).
  • Woe grants increased void damage (from void protection).

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Monolith of Fate

  • When a monolith echo contains Soul Cages or Soul Wardens it contains fewer of them so fewer spawn together.
  • When a monolith echo contains Lightning Elementals or Voidfused Armors fewer spawn at once.
  • When a monolith echo contains Ice Goliaths it contains fewer of them so fewer spawn together.
  • The damage over time effects in the boss arena for the Fall of the Outcasts timeline now dissipate after the boss dies.
  • The Deadly if not Damaged Recently monolith mod can no longer roll in the Fall of the Outcasts timeline.

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over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Skill Balance

Abyssal Echoes

  • Characters with Abyssal Echoes specialized with receive a free respec for its tree.
  • Abyssal Echoes deals 17% more damage.
  • Added a new node that causes you to regain health whenever Abyssal Echo echoes.
  • Abyssal Infusion
    • Now grants void penetration with melee attacks rather than increased melee damage and damage over time.
    • Only counts manual casts rather than all casts.
    • Can have 3 points allocated (from 4) and requires 1 point in Reality’s Dirge (from 2).
    • There is now a UI icon for the buff.
  • Abyssal Remains grants 25% void resistance (from 20 void protection), can have 3 points allocated (from 5), and requires 1 point in Reality’s Dirge (from 2)
  • The increased cast speed from Echomancer is additive with increased cast speed from outside the tree
  • The Lightbringer node now correctly changes the tags and casting vfx of the skill
  • The cooldown added by Mental Echoes now lasts 5 seconds (from 4 seconds)
  • Reality’s Dirge now reduces cooldown duration by 1 second per point (from 75% cooldown recovery speed) and can have 2 points allocated (from 6)
  • Fiery Abyss is now connected to Sonority and the new node rather than to Abyssal Infusion


Aura of Decay

  • Aura of Decay now gains 1% increased poison effect per point of intelligence you have.


Bone Curse

  • Barbed Construct now grants 200% increased effect (from 300%).
  • Bone Prison now no longer taunts if it isn’t a solid ring.
  • Brittle Bones now grants 4% threshold (from 6%), but now also grants 4% more damage.
  • Swift Release no longer reduces the duration of Bone Curse on minions. It still reduces duration on enemies.


Dread Shade

  • Added a new node, Infernal Dread, which causes casting Dread Shade to refresh the duration of your Infernal Shades.


Eterra’s Blessing

  • You can now control a maximum of 6 crows (from unlimited).
  • Crows deal 100% more damage.
  • On Dark Wings now grants crows 30% more physical damage - multiplicative with other modifiers (from 30% increased physical damage).
  • Nightfall grants 50% blind chance per point (from 25%).


Fire Aura

  • Deals 100% more damage.
  • Now grains 4% increased damage per intelligence like other mage spells.
  • Affixes that grant a chance to cast fire aura on kill, on crit, or when hit now have a 1 second cooldown. Cooldowns are not shared between different triggers.
  • The Eye of Flame node on the Flame Ward tree now grants Fire Aura 15% more damage (from 50%) and can have 1 point allocated (from 4). This is to prevent one node from a single source having such a transformative effect on the overall power of Fire Aura.
  • Fixed a bug where increased fire aura damage from idols was additive with the node on the Flame Ward tree, but not with increased damage stats.



  • Characters with Fireball specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
  • Added spell damage applies at 125% effectiveness (from 100%).
  • The increased cast speed from Adept is no longer multiplicative with other modifiers.
  • The cast speed modifiers from Skira’s Gambit and Embers are now multiplicative with all modifiers (not just modifiers outside the tree).
  • Unchained Fire now increases cast speed by 6%, but no longer reduces mana cost to 0.
  • Unchained Fire now requires 4 points in Adept (from 3 in Mana Sphere).
  • Mana Sphere requires 1 point in Adept (from 2).
  • Fixed a bug where Igneous Force still prevented Fireball from critting despite this modifier being removed from the tooltip.


Flame Reave

  • Characters with Flame Reave specialized with receive a free respec for its tree.
  • Completely reworked Flame Reave’s specialization tree. Concepts from the old tree have been carried over, but all nodes have been changed.
  • Added damage scaling increased to 150% (from 100%).
  • Base fire damage increased to 15 (from 8).
  • Mana cost increased to 26 (from 18).
  • Increased the delay before another ability can be used after using Flame Reave by 7%.
  • Reduced the delay before you can move after using Flame Reave by 27%.



  • Characters with Focus specialised will receive a free respec for its tree.
  • Now grants 100% increased mana regen while channelling (from 300%) and also grants 10 ward per second.
  • Now grants a burst of 30 mana and ward after channelling for exactly one second.
  • Now has a 3 second cooldown.
  • Added a new node that increases the ward and mana granted by the burst.
  • Added a new node that grants additional ward per second while channelling.
  • Added a new node that removes the cooldown, but prevents the burst from granting mana.
  • Shocking Aura gives 10% shock chance per point (from 5%).
  • Burning Aura gives 10% ignite chance per point (from 5%).
  • Chilling Aura gives 10% chill chance per point (from 5%).
  • Resolute Stance grants 50% increased health regen (from 30%), but can have 3 points allocated (from 5).
  • Null Profusion adds 5 seconds to cooldown duration (rather than adding an 8 second cooldown).
  • Desperate Meditation can have 1 point allocated (from 4).
  • Iron Stance can have 4 points allocated (from 5).
  • Mind’s Eye can have 1 point allocated (from 2).
  • Everward can have 2 points allocated (From 5).
  • Changed several node connections on the tree.



  • Fixed an issue where Glacier’s Static Collapse node wasn’t preventing the third hit from dealing extra damage with crits.
  • The alt tooltip now also shows the added damage effectiveness of each of the explosions, and lists the correct Freeze Rate value.


Hammer Throw

  • The attack speed modifiers from Disintegrating Aura and Chaining Hammers are now multiplicative with all modifiers (not just modifiers outside the tree).
  • Mana Starved Forging no longer reduces damage or attack speed.
  • Battle Rouse restores 20 health (from 12).
  • Collision now also increases stun duration by 60%.
  • Force of Impact grants 25% increased stun chance (from 30% increased stun chance), but now also grants +5% hit damage.
  • Overwhelm grants 30% more damage against stunned (from 25%), and now also increases stun duration by 30%, but can have 5 points allocated (from 6).
  • Rapid Throw grants 5% increased attack speed (from 6%), can have 5 points allocated (from 8), and the attack speed bonus is no longer multiplicative with other modifiers.
  • Zeal now has a buff icon.
  • Clarified the Guardian’s Zeal tooltip to state that Zeal has a maximum number of stacks.


Lightning Blast

  • Improved targeting behavior against very large enemies, such as Lagon.
  • Convergence now chains to half as many targets (rounded up).
  • Insidious Conduction now causes Lightning Blast to only chain on every 5th cast.
  • Focal Blast now connects to Bitter Burst rather than Chain Lightning



  • Forge On grants 25% increased armour and stun avoidance (from 15%), but only lasts 2 seconds (from 4).


Mana Strike

  • Mana Strike now restores 15 mana if it hits at least one enemy (from restoring 10 mana per enemy hit).
  • Nodes that grant mana or ward on hit can no longer proc multiple times per attack.
  • Avatar of Hunger increases damage by 20% (from 30%)
  • Starved Strikes increases damage by 15% (from 25%).
  • Lightning from the Mana Storm node now costs 15 mana (from 20).
  • Swift Sap grants 5% increased attack speed (from 6%), can have 4 points allocated (from 5) and is no longer multiplicative with other modifiers.
  • Explosive Flurry’s increased attack speed is no longer multiplicative with other modifiers.
  • Mana Cleave’s attack speed modifier is now multiplicative with all modifiers (not just modifiers outside the tree).



  • Increased base damage by 20%.
  • Mana Fall grants 10% mana efficiency (from 15%) and is connected to Distant Craters instead of Infernal Column.
  • Twin Meteors now adds 70 to mana cost, but no longer reduces damage. It requires 3 points in Rapid Descent (from 2).
  • Meteor Shower reduces individual meteors’ radius by 15% (from reducing damage by 12%) and can have 3 points allocated (from 2).
  • Jagged Fragments increases shrapnel damage by 50% (from 25%), but can have 5 points allocated (from 6).
  • Apocalyptic Impact increases area by 30% (from 40%).
  • Force of Impact now increases stun chance by 40% (from 30%).
  • Rapid Impacts requires 3 points in Meteor Shower (from 2).
  • Rain of Fire can have 1 point allocated (from 3).



  • The duration of buff persistence from the Protective Legacy node is equal to the duration you channelled rebuke for (from 2 seconds).
  • The duration of the buff from the Burst of Speed node is equal to the duration you channelled rebuke for (from 2 seconds).
  • There is now a UI buff icon for Protective Legacy. This also acts as an indicator for Burst of Speed as they have the same duration.
  • Burst of Speed grants 25% increased movement speed (from 15%).
  • Regenerative Shell grants 50% increased health regen (from 25%).
  • Redemption heals for 15 per point (from 10).
  • Wildfire Shell grants 20% spreading flames chance (from 8%).
  • Singed Shield grants 20% ignite chance (from 8%).
  • Unforge grants 20% armour shred chance (from 8%).
  • Clarified the Accelerated Healing tooltip to state that it causes Redemption’s healing to accelerate, rather than just increasing it by a fixed amount.


Rip Blood

  • Fixed a bug where a single cast of Rip Blood could hit multiple enemies (or allies) if they were close enough together. A single cast of Rip Blood now only hits a single enemy.
  • Fixed a bug where Transplant’s Dance of Blood node would trigger based on the number of valid enemies even if you took Rip Blood’s node that targeted minions.
  • Mana Feast now grants 3 mana per point (from 2), but only works with direct casts. Mana Feast will no longer apply when Rip Blood is triggered by other skills.



  • Flurry now grants 8% increased attack speed (from 10%) and is additive with attack speed from outside the tree.
  • Rapacious Mind grants 6 mana on hit (from 5), but can have 2 points allocated (from 3).



  • Catalyst of Horror now causes Sacrifice to chain to up to 2 minions per point and increases mana cost by 40% per point, and has a maximum of 3 points.
  • Previously, Catalyst of Horror had a maximum of 1 point, could chain an unlimited number of times (within a given area) and increased mana cost by 60%.


Serpent Strike

  • Blood Flurry grants 10% bleed chance (from 5%), but grants 4% increased attack speed (from 5%), can have 4 points allocated (from 6), and the attack speed bonus is no longer multiplicative with other modifiers.
  • Spear Flurry grants 5% increased attack speed (from 7%), can have 4 points allocated (from 5) and is no longer multiplicative with other modifiers.


Spark Charge

  • Increased base damage by 11%.


Shatter Strike

  • Hoarfrost now grants 5 ward (from 3) but can no longer proc multiple times per attack.
  • Icy Flow now grants 3 ward (from 5) and now requires you to hit an enemy to proc (it still cannot proc multiple times per attack).


Spirit Plague

  • Spirit Plague’s initial application is no longer dodgeable.
  • Enfeeblement now grants 100% Frailty chance per point. (Frailty gives 6% less damage per stack for 4 seconds, up to 3 stacks). The previous effect was 8% and did not have a name.



  • Unlimited Power can no longer cast Lightning Blast if Lightning Blast costs mana and you are out of mana.


Static Orb

  • Shocking Detonation has 40% shock chance (from 33%) and can have 5 points allocated (from 3).


Summon Raptor

  • Screech applies 2 stacks of physical resistance shred (from applying two stacks of armour shred and increasing melee damage taken by 10%).


Summon Wraith

  • Increased flat health decay for all summoned wraiths by 50%.
  • Added percent health decay for all summoned wraiths.
  • Increased movement speed of all summoned wraiths by 33%.
  • Increased attack speed of basic and blood wraiths by 25%.
  • Increased damage of basic and blood wraiths by 12%.
  • Increased damage of poison and flame wraiths by 17%.
  • Fixed minor animation bugs.



  • Characters with Swipe specialised will receive a free respec for its tree.
  • Added a new node that grants Swipe more damage against slowed enemies
  • Replaced the Snake Bite node with one that adds bleed chance.
  • Replaced the Acid Claws node with one that adds a chance to shred physical resistance.
  • Replaced the Lasting Venom node with a new node which states “When you attack with Swipe and hit at least one enemy you gain a health if you are transformed, or mana if you are not transformed.”
  • Battle Howl has been renamed Aspect of the Panther, and now has a buff icon, but only grants 10% increased damage (from 12%).
  • Replaced Frenzy with Maul, which gives increased melee damage while you have Aspect of the Panther.
  • Wengarian Reach requires 2 points in Way of the Hunt (from 1).
  • Clarified the effect of the buff granted by the Natural Cadence node to state that it doesn’t only affect basic attacks.
  • Amended the description of Avatar of the Wild node to clarify that it gives increased damage, not more damage.



  • Frigid Departure now grants 150% freeze rate multiplier per point for 4 seconds on use (4 max points), instead of automatically freezing nearby enemies on use.



  • Increased base damage by 20%.
  • Lasting Storm increases duration by 15% (from 25%).
  • The increased cast speed from Stormbringer has been reduced to 5% (from 6%) and is no longer multiplicative with other modifiers.
  • The cast speed modifiers from Churning Orbs and Igniting Swirl are now multiplicative with all modifiers (not just modifiers outside the tree).



  • Riposting a hit reduces damage taken by 25% (from 30%).
  • Added a new node that converts fire resistance shred granted by the tree to physical resistance shred.
  • Double Riposte no longer reduces attack speed, but instead changes the damage reduction from Riposte to 16% from 25%.
  • Eviscerating Blades no longer increases the effectiveness of fire resistance shred (it still increases the effect of armour shred), but also increases the effect of armour shred from Riposte, not just Vengeance.
  • Rapid Strikes grants 5% attack speed (from 6%), can have 5 points allocated (from 8), and is additive with attack speed from outside the tree.
  • Fixed a bug where Vengeance’s nodes that were supposed to trigger on kill triggered on hit instead.


Volatile Reversal

  • Warped Time now grants 10% attack and cast speed per point (from 12%).


Volcanic Orb

  • Infernal Caster now grants 40% less cast speed (from 70% stated, 41% actual).



  • Added melee damage now applies at 60% effectiveness (from 50%).
  • Hits have a 40% reduced chance to apply ailments (from 50%).

[ Top of Page ]




  • Reactive Ward grants 20 ward (from 15).
  • Preparation also grants the spell 20% slow chance as well as increasing its damage.



  • Iron Mastery grants 8% increased damage and armour (from 10%) and can have 5 points allocated (from 8)
  • Relentless can have 10 points allocated (from 8)


Forge Guard

  • Completely reworked the Forge Guard passive tree. Includes nodes that:
    • Let you swap between anvil stance (less damage dealt and taken) and hammer stance (more damage dealt and taken).
    • Turn your throwing attacks into high cost resistance shredding abilities.
    • Improve your manifested minions.
    • Specialize in using a shield or two handed weapon.
    • Deal increased melee damage for every hit you’ve taken in the past 10 seconds.
    • Convert all your dodge rating to armour.
  • The Forge Guard mastery bonus now grants 3% increased armour for each hit taken in the last 10 seconds (from 3% less damage taken per recent hit, up to 10 stacks).



  • Ageless Ascetic can now have 5 points allocated (down from 8). Clarified the description to state that this only applies on hit, not damage over time.
  • Darkguard now gives 2 ward on crit (from 7), but also grants 10% increased critical strike chance and can have 5 points allocated (from 3).



  • Completely reworked the Spellblade tree. Includes nodes that allow you to:
    • Build up stacks with low cost melee attacks then expend the stacks to increase the damage of a high cost melee attack.
    • Gain fire aura from moving and using melee attacks.
    • Improve fire aura in various ways, such as increasing its area and giving you increased melee damage per fire aura.
    • Hit with an elemental melee attack to trigger a matching elemental burst (e.g. a fire burst for a fire attack).
    • Gain an arcane shield on melee hit that reduces damage taken, generates ward per second, and can be converted to stack.
    • Gain a lot of flat elemental melee damage, so you’re less reliant on flat melee damage from your weapon than other melee classes.
  • The Spellblade mastery bonus now grants 4 ward on melee hit (from 5).


Void Knight

  • The Void Knight mastery bonus now grants 75% increased melee void damage (from 50%).

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User Interface

Skills Window

  • The skills window now shows all locked skills for your current character, including those unlocked via spending passive points. The condition for unlocking each skill is listed.
  • You can now view the specialization trees for skills you have not yet unlocked.
  • Skills now have icons based on what base damage types they deal. Damage types that can be added through the skill’s tree or your passives are also shown with greyed out icons.


Other Changes

  • Added new visuals in the background of skill specialization trees.
  • Updated the visuals for healthbars above players, enemies and minions.
  • Pressing the button for a skill now has visual feedback on the action bar.
  • Added an objective pulse for the monolith reward chest on the minimap in Echo of a World.
  • Adjusted the color of item labels on the ground for Exalted items to improve visibility.
  • The Hide UI key (delete by default) now also hides the minimap.
  • Increased how far the overlay map can be zoomed out.
  • Divine Essences and Void Essences now show on your UI buff bar when active.
  • The base class level shown in the passives window is no longer capped at 30. This change is purely visual.

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  • Upgraded the visuals of attacks used by void enemies in Chapter 2 and 3.
  • Upgraded the visuals for the Omen of Silence’s abilities.
  • Updated the visuals for Haruspex Orian’s abilities.
  • Updated the fireball visuals used in several places.
  • Updated the visuals for Volcanic Orb and Frozen Orb.
  • Updated the visuals for void abilities used by enemies throughout the start of the game.
  • Improved the visuals for Haste and Frenzy.
  • Improved Lightning Blast’s cold conversion.
  • Added blood splatter to enemies in Chapter 1 when they get hit.
  • Fireball has increased screen shake and its screen shake is no longer reduced by getting extra projectiles, or removed by the Flamethrower node.

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  • Added a new piece of music for Last Refuge Outskirts.
  • Added a new piece of music for The Last Archive.
  • Added a new piece of music for the Temple of Eterra.
  • Added a new piece of music for the End of Time.
  • Added a new piece of music for Maj’Elka.
  • Added generic greeting and goodbye voice lines for most NPCs.
  • Added new sounds for The Last Imperial.
  • Added a toggle to sound settings that disables “error” voice lines, such as the line for a skill being on cooldown.
  • Updated sound effects for many void enemy abilities to coincide with the visual upgrades.
  • Added new sounds for Haruspex Orian.
  • Updated ambient sound effects in Chapter 2.
  • Added some new ambient sounds to Chapter 6.
  • Hovering over the transition to another zone now plays a sound.
  • Added a sound for the ice wall in the Tomb of Morditas.
  • Fixed a bug where casting Meteor would cause undesired sound effects with either the Twin Meteor or Meteor Shower nodes specialized.

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  • Added monster suffixes for resistance shred (e.g. Shreds Fire Resistance on Hit).
    • Can only roll on monsters of relevant types (e.g. Shreds Cold Resistance can only roll on cold enemies).
    • Can only roll in areas above level 27.
  • Added the “Protective” monster prefix that gives the monster an aura that causes its nearby allies to take 80% less damage. This aura does not affect the caster or other enemies that grant strong defensive buffs such as Wengari Shamans.
  • Added the “Shrouded” monster prefix that causes the enemy to take less damage from attackers outside of a certain radius.
  • Caprine Chimera
    • No longer uses charge attack at close range.
    • No longer uses charge attack when above a random health threshold (50% to 95% health).
    • 20% more health.
    • Regular attacks deal 25% more damage.
    • Charge now deals substantial damage (still less than its regular attacks).
  • Reduced the damage of the fire patches used by Covenant of Dominion.
  • Improved Haruspex Orian with new abilities.
  • Ice Wolves have 21% more health, but deal 25% less damage.
  • Reduced Marsh Beetle Queen health by 12%.
  • Reduced Rime Giant damage by 11%.
  • Sleet Weavers now resist cold damage.
  • Soul Cages’ Soul Nova spell can now be interrupted by stuns.
  • Soul Wardens now resist necrotic damage.
  • The Temple Guardian now counts as a Boss rather than a miniboss, which affects scaling.
  • Void Cultists can no longer have the “revives after two seconds” prefix.
  • Void Prophets now always crit distance enemies, but their ranged attack now deals 47% less damage and has 6% less cast speed.

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  • Improved the performance of hit detection for skills, particularly when lots of skills are on screen at once.
  • Improved the performance of Tornado.
  • Improved the performance of Northern Winds.
  • Improved the performance of Glacier.

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over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where some buffs and debuffs could have less duration than intended when they applied to multiple targets simultaneously. Examples include Storm Totem’s Storm Rider node and Ring of Shields’ Phalanx node.
  • Fixed a bug where at high framerates some skills, such as melee attacks and single hit AoE skills, could fail to hit enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where creating a Shade while at your maximum number of Shades would replace the newest Shade, rather than the oldest.
  • Fixed a bug where Assemble Abomination’s Meat Grinder node granted 1000% increased damage per stack rather than 10% (max of 10 stacks).
  • Fixed a bug where the connection for Assemble Abomination’s Consume and Stitched Flesh nodes only worked in one direction.
  • Fixed a bug where Avalanche’s Alpine Guide could critically strike, causing a repeating loop of boulders.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bone Prison node caused Bone Curse to be cast on a delay when used in conjunction with Cursed Ground.
  • Fixed a bug with Bone Curse where Bone Prisons would only appear after Bone Curse is toggled off when the Signet of Agony node was taken.
  • Fixed a bug where Bone Curse could benefit from stats for other skills when applied via the Cursed Limbs node.
  • Fixed a bug where Bone Curse’s Oppressive Gaze node did not make Mark for Death’s duration unlimited.
  • Fixed a bug where the number of Damned stacks applied to the player by Death Seal’s Doomcaller node did not scale with points allocated.
  • Fixed a bug where Flame Reave’s Rhythm of Fire node did not increase damage.
  • Fixed a bug where Flame Reave’s Rhythm of Fire node required an extra cast to trigger than intended at the start of a game session.
  • Fixed Holy Aura’s Hope node not working.
  • Fixed a bug where Lightning Blast would do damage to incorrect targets and have minor visual issues if the player turned.
  • Fixed a bug where the armour and stun avoidance buff from Lunge’s Forge On node would stack, rather than refreshing duration.
  • Fixed a bug where Maelstrom’s Grip of Chaos node would always create Twisters when your number of Maelstrom stacks reached zero.
  • Fixed Marrow Shard’s Twinned Malevolence node granting increased physical crit chance rather than generic crit chance.
  • Fixed a bug where Reaper Form’s health decay could be reset by adding Reaper Form to your action bar while already in Reaper Form.
  • Fixed a bug where the armor bonus from Shield Throw’s Colossus node would not expire if the skill was echoed. This caused a character’s armor to steadily increase while playing.
  • Fixed a bug where removing points from Transplant’s Flesh Marquis node did not update Transplant’s cooldown correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where Transplant’s Pale Blood node had no effect if Flesh Marquis was not also taken.
  • Fixed a bug where the poison damage nodes in the Wandering Spirits tree caused it to gain a poison minion tag rather than a regular poison tag.
  • Fixed and improved various skill node tooltips.



  • Fixed a bug where if a node in the passive tree had multiple fulfilled requirements none of the nodes fulfilling them could be respecced.
  • Fixed a bug where the Spellblade node Infernal Imbuement was granting Fire damage instead of Melee Fire damage.



  • Fixed a bug where Spiteful Adorned Rahyeh Idols and Vindictive Adorned Rahyeh idols were not providing a damage bonus when a skill echoes.
  • Fixed a bug where Coral Aegis could cause you to take more lightning damage on block, rather than less.
  • Fixed a bug where Frozen Ire’s Tundra Nova could still trigger after being unequipped.
  • Fixed a bug where the Halvar 3-piece set bonus could trigger off of abilities that are not spells.
  • Fixed a bug where the Increased Frostbite Effect idol affix was not working.
  • Fixed a bug where the Nagasa Axe gave increased bleed chance rather than added bleed chance.
  • Fixed several class specific affixes that had “increased increased” in their text.



  • Fixed a bug where a low resolution texture covered the ground in The Gates of Solarum and The Burning Forest.
  • Fixed ailment and buff visuals being too large on many minions.
  • Fixed a bug where the Imperial Enforcers summoned by Imperial Watchers would bring their emerge visual with them when moving around after emerging
  • Fixed a bug where the visual for the Chilling Waves cast by Drowned Husks when hit would display incorrectly when triggered by hits that killed the husk.
  • Fixed Necropolis Scavengers, Mountain Ravens, and Horrid Slimes not outlining on mouse-over.
  • Fixed a bug where the Shining Cover waypoint did not light up in the zone itself.



  • Fixed a bug where using Teleport or Transplant at the start of a Monolith zone would spawn more enemies.
    • We previously fixed this during the development of 0.7.9, but changes to the Monolith re-introduced the problem before the patch was released.
  • Fixed a bug that caused you to use the wrong ability when automatically moving into melee range. This would happen if you had left click set to move/attack with one of the QWER skill slots and were out of range of that ability but in range of your right click ability.
  • Fixed a bug where “on heal” effects (such as Divine Essence or Prayer) would not trigger if the target was restored to their maximum health.
  • Fixed a bug where you could revive companions while dead.



  • Fixed a bug where Lagon could use his attacks without animations at the start of phase 3 of his fight.


User Interface

  • Fixed a bug that caused zooming in the camera to be drastically slower for some users.
  • Fixed a bug where the minimap could have holes in the revealed area when returning to a zone.

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over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

The Mac build is currently in QA.

We’re not yet ready to offer an ETA, but we’re working on it. Apologies for the delay!