4 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to another last Epoch de
7s stream as usual I'm your host Mike
10s hello how how's everybody doing today
14s feeling good feeling
16s fine you may
19s notice I remembered this week medic I
23s remembered and definitely not cuz Aaron
26s reminded me like 20 minutes ago I swear
28s okay fine Aon thank you for reminding me
29s like 20 minutes ago
31s uh and I may still use
34s my
36s uh keyboard and mouse a little bit here
38s and there
40s but we're playing on a controller today
43s we're we're going to give a shot we're
44s going to see what happens um the one one
46s problem that I do have here is that uh
49s the button layout that it's showing me
51s on screen is for an Xbox uh
54s controller and you may notice this is
56s not an Xbox controller layout we are
59s using a
62s switch controller
65s layout so I might get a little confused
67s from time to time I
73s apologize oh that's that okay
78s yep I may have to switch my uh my my my
82s key my my control layout
86s here uh just so just so I you
89s know can figure my stuff out a little
92s bit all
98s right okay what this is this is okay
101s that's that's death seal that's good all
104s right cuz yeah n none of the none of the
108s keys uh cor relate one to one I don't
111s think right
115s now but that's just because I've uh set
118s things up terribly on my for trying to
120s play other games uh with controller so
123s we're going to have some fun with it
124s it's going to be going to be good screen
125s I'm going to die a bunch I've got I got
127s stuff for when I die it's going to be
129s great it's going to be great I'm looking
130s forward to it I hope you all brought
131s some wonderful questions today if this
133s is your first time here welcome glad to
135s have you with us my name is Mike I'm a
137s senior developer for 11 th games in last
139s Epoch and uh I'm going to play some
141s games while I answer your questions if
143s you have a question you'd like me to ask
144s answer please put at last Epoch game in
147s the question so I know you want me to
148s answer it ultim I'll get behind it's all
152s good um and what else oh yeah we stream
155s for charity boom Child's Play It's Our
157s charity of the
160s month okay I'm going to die here this is
163s going to happen I should probably go to
164s an easier spot cuz I'm not as good with
165s the controller as I am with keboard
167s mouse yet just cuz muscle memory is not
169s there yeah
174s there's okay um I do I really like it
178s like I I just need to get my muscle
179s memory down um and and like everything's
183s going to be
185s great I'm just it's so ingrained in my
188s brain I think I need to
191s change main attack from right trigger
194s cuz my fingers are going to get tired at
195s this
204s rate I was kind of nice with like reap
207s and harvest on the
209s triggers well
210s see what I
212s do death will not take
216s me I almost
219s want transplant on left bumper though
222s cuz that way I'd have like both my
223s movement abilities on that like right or
225s that left index
227s finger there's going to be a little bit
229s of me figuring out how to do this
233s properly all right we do have a question
235s here good evening Mike good
237s evening uh
240s Don't Die
243s Mike it is also a little trickier to
245s keep up with questions CU I won't have
246s my hand on my keyboard and mouse and the
248s scrolling is not easy to keep up with
251s sometimes but today might be a little
252s slow we'll see we'll see uh good evening
255s Mike my question today is in regards to
257s collaboration and what you personally
259s would like ooh I like personal questions
262s um if oh to to a degree uh if given the
264s chance to collaborate and integrate an
267s outside Universe lore and characters
269s into last epoch with respect to staying
271s true to ich G's
273s vision and lore what Universe would you
275s like to bring into a tera in my mind
277s something like the Warhammer fantasy
279s series or The Witcher Universe would be
281s good air quotes examples of universes
285s collabing H very interesting question
288s one that I thought of many
291s times um I think it's really I think
295s it's really tricky to come up with like
297s a version that like that actively works
300s mostly cuz we're pretty small like in
302s the grand scheme of things um lasty is
305s not some Mega this button yeah it's that
309s button figure it out first try it's not
310s some like Mega franchise yet yet
315s um so so the like the the realistic
317s options are tricky I think um but
322s like P in the sky whatever whatever say
325s it goes you know just like just go for
327s it
328s Mike um I I think it would
331s be and and I I know I'm dancing on this
334s topic the topic is fairly uh personal
337s for me right now because I play a lot of
340s magic uh and there's a lot of uh stuff
343s happening
344s regarding
347s um I IP collaboration in Magic right
350s now good and bad um and so it's it's
355s it's it's a tricky topic I think for me
358s right right now to like separate my my
359s own own feelings from from that a little
362s bit uh I think like Chrono Trigger is
367s the is the easy answer here but it still
369s I think would be great cuz like I think
371s you could put so many similarities you
373s could and you could like almost talk
377s about like other worlds other versions
379s of of reality and like I I think it's I
382s think you can almost make it fit because
383s they are like ones ours so inspired by
387s uh Chon trigger I think there there's
388s there's a lot more room there
392s um has but but then yeah but then like
396s there's there's some other ones that I'd
397s love to see too and and I think having
398s some that are a little less on the nose
400s might be good too I don't
402s know it's a good question I like
407s it I don't think I'd be super quick to
410s like jump into bed with um some Modern
414s Mega franchise like Marvel for example
418s um
422s but maybe like I mean how do you say no
423s to something like that right like if if
425s they came to us and we're like we want
426s to do a collaboration like okay right
429s like how do you turn that
431s down um so I don't know I think there
433s there's lots of really great options
436s um something simple if it was just like
439s a I I I don't know uh like like a a
442s weapon a single weapon that showed up in
444s the game of ours and a single weapon
445s that showed up in the game of theirs or
446s something like that or even if it like
448s wasn't an explicit reference but it was
450s just like a oh it's kind of like it fits
452s and we each do the sort of thing to like
453s cross over the games um like Zelda would
456s be would be a oh my god really yes uh
460s type situation for me
463s personally turn the heat off in my
465s office is getting
471s warm okay I need to figure out a
475s way to scroll chat from the controller
479s worthless anyway I Noe not that button
482s uh here's the here's the how do you open
485s your inventory this one this one this
487s one NOP uh this one nope this one nope
491s uh I know I can do it this way I I
494s thought there might be a hockey there we
498s go um no wrong
501s thing this is just me not knowing the
503s controls right now come on get this
506s button
511s [Music]
515s there it is okay I got it no problem
530s fixed okay yeah that makes
532s sense uh and quick move to stash is X
536s which is
538s y tab is full
543s we're not we're not we're not figuring
544s out how to add new tab
556s uh to keep things
558s moving cuz I'm just not familiar with it
562s yet it's been a while I I don't think I
564s played uh with a controller for more
567s than just like hey let's test and make
569s sure this abity
570s Works um like actual full play sessions
572s with the controller since we did the
574s like pry sizable update to the controls
579s gem it feels so much
583s better just got to get that muscle
585s memory down oh this going to be
588s great okay hey Mike any updates on merch
593s uh I did talk to someone about it I I
596s have been following up this is not
597s something that i' let laps and just and
599s just walked away from um I I don't have
604s any I didn't get any firm information so
606s I'm I still don't know anything
611s um but I know there's it's not just me
614s that's being like come on let's do it
616s come
619s on there are champions on your side
630s oh thank you very much medic has resed
634s wonderful and arrow Weir too 18 months
637s oh it's a big one and ail oh my goodness
640s 17 months and and Vapor Vader has raided
643s us what is going on here I just missed
645s all of them am I just am I just
646s oblivious I am thank you so much
649s everybody was
653s tight uh thank you for trying a
656s controller you are
657s welcome I'm curious medic is the um I
660s I'm curious on the motivation around uh
663s wanting me to try controller so bad cuz
665s I know you've been really vocal at me
667s wanting me to try controller for like a
668s month now um so I guess I'm curious is
671s this you play with controller and you'd
673s like me to experience it so I maybe fix
675s something uh or is this you're wondering
678s how it plays and you want to see me play
680s with it before you possibly get a
682s controller or uh like like what's what's
684s the what's the hey I want to see
686s controller gameplay really badly
688s motivation for you personally I'm
694s interested oh
699s wonderful I'm really liking
702s it like like every second longer that I
704s play it's just like a little bit cleaner
706s a little bit smoother feels
710s good mer stuped wi oh I hope
718s soon I need to get some I need to get
720s some bigger shirt or smaller
726s shirts swimming in this 2XL
734s now oh it's the harest SP I didn't even
737s look this is so this is such a like
740s getting getting a um a shrine that
743s matches your primary damage ability is
745s so
748s good uh just feels amazing you're like
750s all right I guess I've just got Auto
752s attacks
755s now your death has
761s come picked up an extra thing there
763s thank you very much we gift a sub to
767s Kane Community manager needing Subs
769s gifted from the community what's going
771s on thank you very much I appreciate
774s it as always alter charity as well so
777s it's good
778s anyways um
780s uh uh hi Mike any updates on road map uh
785s nothing as of yet sorry to
789s say
791s um I know I know I know it's still being
793s worked on
799s um I'd love to get like even just an ETA
802s on like when a new Ro Maps cuz cuz there
804s like we're going to we're going to
805s refresh the road map I I don't think
806s that's a surprise to anyone at this
808s point um like it probably is but anyone
811s who's uh probably in here paying close
813s attention is probably not a big surprise
816s too um
819s and I don't know when that's going to
821s happen I hope
823s soon cuz I love I love getting info out
827s there and Kane's gifting the subs
829s forward congrats risen oh
832s risen o okay don't die
836s Mike going do a death seal just a pop
839s dots going
847s off the targeting system
851s for um bone
856s curse is really
859s frustrating um it's not that I'm
861s exaggerating quite a lot it's it
863s actually works fine with the build cuz
864s I've got the auto recast on melee um so
867s when I start meleeing things it like
868s Auto recasts in place anyways but I'm
871s finding that like it's casting way far
873s away and not hitting anything so it
874s needs to actually like have a little
875s smarter targeting which is exactly the
877s sort of thing we're working on for
878s controller uh inputs right now is skill
880s specific smarter targeting um so so um
884s bone curse is going to have a uh
887s different targeting options based on how
889s you specialized it and it's going to
890s modify how it targets enemies based on
892s how you specialized it as well so it's
894s um going to be a lot better hopefully
896s soon
923s that's what happens when you inhale
924s water whoa
933s sorry about that my
936s goodness I went right down the wrong
940s pipe oh calm
945s down uh hey Mike from one person that
949s works at a computer to another hello
952s what are ways that you avoid SL remedy
954s carpal tunnel at the office while
956s creating the
957s game uh
960s I'm actually you know I so so I I don't
963s actively consider carpal tunnel as
965s something that needs to be um oh no like
968s this
969s is that's something that needs to
973s be reformed to save my
976s life uh that's something that like needs
978s to be
980s done i' I've never had issues with
983s repetitive strain injuries um and
985s something I should probably pay closer
986s attention to in all reality but uh not
989s so something that I've I've ever taken a
992s very responsible look at myself
995s um however as I as I was about to say
998s all that I had reperform too as I was
1001s about to say that I realized that I have
1003s a standing desk uh and I spend uh right
1007s now I spend about 6 hours a day standing
1010s and then another like 3 or 4 hours a day
1012s sitting um and so like I think that and
1017s and it's not like all in a big Clump
1018s I'll do like 2 hours and 1 hour and 2
1020s hours and 1 hour type thing and I think
1022s that like the angle that my wrist is at
1026s like when I'm sitting is probably
1028s different than the angle that my wrist
1029s is at when standing I don't know what
1030s that angle is um but I bet that change
1033s is like enough to just like make it so
1035s it's not really a big issue for
1038s me so I think I'm just really
1044s lucky open the door it's really hot in
1046s here
1058s oh it's like borderline concerning the
1060s the the difficulty I was I was having
1062s like breathing there for a
1067s second we good now
1070s though all right hey M have a nice
1073s stream thank you very much uh I have a
1075s question for
1076s corruption uh can you tell us how much
1079s corruption has the best difficulty to
1081s drops ratio
1083s um well it's it's not a uh linear scale
1088s but it is a smooth
1089s scale
1093s um so it's it it all depends there's
1096s there's a solid answer to this there's
1097s not there's not a number I can say um
1099s cuz it all depends on how fast you uh
1103s you actually can complete individual
1107s Echoes so let's say you've got
1112s um there's me discovering the evade
1115s button so let's let's say you you're
1117s able to uh increase your corruption so
1120s that you get 100% more uh more stuff
1123s dropping like so your drops are
1124s increased by
1127s 100% um now if that if you can do
1130s that faster
1133s than uh half as
1137s fast like if if it didn't if if youve
1139s doubled your drops but you didn't double
1140s your time so like if the ratio of time
1144s of of average Echo completion time is
1146s not going
1148s up uh faster than the rate of your
1151s increased drop rate is going up then you
1153s should increase corruption more um so
1156s it's it's a bit of an experiment Point
1157s you're going have to find for every
1160s character um and I think for a lot of
1164s like I'd say like the typical build um
1167s with like a an like experienc the RPG
1170s player and like uh with with like a a a
1174s good endgame build but not one of the
1176s like broken op builds um I think you're
1179s probably looking in and around that like
1182s 3 to 500 corruption range depending on
1185s many factors but that's that's probably
1188s where the top end sort of caps out for a
1190s lot of players I think
1193s um which is good because that's where we
1195s stop adding new stuff to the game uh
1198s from just like corruption break points
1200s on things for example there's uh like
1202s you don't get any new um new blessing
1205s selections per uh per boss kill and and
1209s you don't get any new um like there's
1212s not new items that start dropping or new
1214s like boss item Kill Boss kill items that
1216s start dropping things like that so
1217s there's
1219s um it's kind of naturally designed to
1222s hit those similar break points
1233s hey Mike Aaron says I have to ask a
1236s normal question today Aaron party
1240s pooper so is there any info on the
1242s campaign expansion people have been
1244s asking for it I assume so they can ask
1246s to skip
1249s it yeah I mean so the
1252s um I don't I don't have any updates
1254s specifically on uh the eventual uh
1257s campaign update uh the only information
1259s that's out there on the um the next step
1262s of the campaign is what we put out in
1263s the uh in the now out out of dat road
1266s map um that showed uh some ancient era
1270s teases for um campaign
1276s updates uh yes the road map is
1278s significantly out of date now um death
1280s has come
1283s and uh we are still working on the
1285s campaign there's there's it's
1286s interesting so there's there's a lot of
1287s things
1289s you may if you've been let me start
1291s again for like the fifth time in the
1292s sentence sorry if you've been around
1295s watching last for a little while you
1296s probably remember uh we've done a
1299s few uh big chunks of campaign updates
1303s that have
1305s happened when it's sort of gone from
1307s like uh Hey wow the the quality level of
1308s most of the campaign just took a big
1310s jump forward um and like there's still
1313s there's still room for improvement for
1314s sure and usually one of those big jumps
1317s coincides with some new piece of
1319s Technology we've invented not invent uh
1321s developed um for the game
1326s um invented sounded weird cuz other
1328s games do similar things in most of the
1330s situations so but yes developed for
1332s lasto specifically
1335s um and uh we're kind of in the middle of
1338s doing that more right now as well we're
1341s we're focused on improving the gameplay
1343s experience for the campaign um and the
1346s game in general so that um I think and
1349s this this is a very big conversation
1350s about the campaign skips that you
1352s mentioned as well that people often
1353s bring up is that um I really want to
1357s improve that campaign experience and the
1359s gameplay experience as a whole um just
1361s so that
1362s the like even if we do decide to
1365s hypothetically put some sort of um
1368s alternate leveling experience into the
1369s game uh that the campaign is still
1371s awesome that we're not putting that
1373s experience into the they're not putting
1374s that if we were to put that alternate
1376s leveling experience into the game IE
1377s campaign skip it's not because the
1380s campaign sucks it's because we just
1383s think there's another cool thing to add
1385s and
1387s um because because adding that because
1390s the campaign's not good enough I don't
1392s think is a good reason that makes any
1394s sense um and I think we are more than
1397s capable of getting the campaign to a
1399s point where um you know like going
1403s through the campaign a fresh character
1404s each season season that's
1406s like um me
1409s will will will be fun and interesting
1411s and uh and and like different enough
1412s each time that it's like hey there's
1414s this experience is varied and fun and
1417s you know like it's it's not just a a
1419s chore that you have to do at the start
1420s of each of each new season or something
1422s like
1424s that um and we're looking at all sorts
1426s of options and ways to make to improve
1427s that um but also improve the
1431s like other stuff too that goes with it
1434s around like making new characters and
1435s stuff and we I I think we've shown that
1436s we are trying to improve that experience
1438s especially for making alts um with the
1440s changes we made to to end game and you
1443s know like with with other changes
1444s that'll be coming too um I think there's
1446s there's a lot of room for improvements
1448s to the system overall um that we are
1451s targeting before uh directly releasing a
1454s new campaign I
1457s think or or sorry sorry before we try to
1460s do a uh alternate like leveling
1464s experience that makes sense
1481s all
1483s right hey Mike hi uh hope you're doing
1488s good I am doing good thank you for
1491s asking hope you're doing good
1495s too oh uh fun new
1499s just popped in my head so I'm just going
1500s to say it right now I'll answer your
1501s question in a second sorry uh we are um
1506s we we are moving forward with getting
1507s new people uh as as as other ehg staff
1511s on uh as co-hosts for the stream um
1516s mostly mostly it's just like a a like a
1519s guest spot for for one stream or two
1520s streams something like that um so people
1522s can like come in and uh hang out get a
1524s taste for it see if they like it and
1527s uh you know people can get a chance to
1530s ask some some new people questions cuz
1532s they'll have awesome answers to topics
1535s that I just say I don't
1538s know and we'll we we'll try and announce
1540s ahead of time who that's going to be
1547s um that was close I think I just came
1550s really close to dying
1555s there all right uh with for/ r and
1559s people being sometimes negative and just
1561s want more and more and more and now they
1562s call the game Dead how are you guys hope
1564s it is the right word uh coping and
1567s staying positive I only love you guys Le
1570s is amazing have a good future in airG
1573s space thank you very much um there is a
1575s like uh how do I say this marketing
1577s works really really really well uh if if
1581s it's done right I know nothing about it
1583s but like um there there is a very
1587s noticeable difference
1589s in
1592s um player count based on marketing I
1595s think that's I think that's something
1596s that
1597s is uh something that I
1599s underestimated in that uh before we
1602s started this and we haven't really done
1605s a ton of marketing since 1.0 launched um
1610s the marketing the marketing that went
1612s out for 1.1 was Tiny by comparison tiny
1615s tiny tiny tiny tiny um
1618s and so I think
1620s it's understandable why on on the
1622s outside looking it might look like we're
1625s uh like what like the game's just
1628s naturally falling off on player count
1630s which it is the the player counts
1631s compared to 1.0 obviously significantly
1633s lower
1635s um but I don't think it's
1637s unexpected um and I while I have no say
1641s over the how the marketing system works
1643s whatsoever uh if I had to guess I would
1646s expect there to be based on most mostly
1648s mostly based on like the what's
1650s happening at 1.2 and how long it's been
1651s since a major release and things like
1653s that I would expect the marketing uh
1655s plan to be significantly more prominent
1658s than it was in uh
1661s 1.1 um so I'm hoping that that
1665s is uh going to going to assuage all the
1669s fears that people have
1671s regarding
1673s um longevity of the game cuz I'm quite
1675s confident I'm going to be here for I
1677s you're you're going to try a lot harder
1678s than that to get rid of
1679s [Laughter]
1683s me medic you answer my question
1685s wonderful thank you very much uh play
1687s controller you play controller
1689s exclusively and there are abilities I
1691s wish that could be better not a fan of
1693s the uh State leap is in and if I get Deb
1696s to look at it may fix it ah okay great
1698s that was that was one of my one of one
1699s of the options that I thought you might
1700s be hoping for well I'm not playing the
1704s specific one you're having issues with
1705s but I can tell you that that is the
1707s exact sort of thing that we are
1708s targeting for our next controller update
1711s is
1714s um uh fix uh skill specific targeting
1717s systems for controllers so that they are
1719s smarter the the short version just um
1726s yeah because yes traversal skills are
1728s especially traversal skills that are um
1732s uh Target or position
1734s targeted
1735s are very tricky to do with a control
1739s like that that's transplant and it goes
1740s like half the distance of what
1742s transplant could
1746s do so we'll we'll we'll see uh how it
1749s all shakes out and it's is going to be
1751s something that once we do release that
1752s first version of it and we have the the
1754s system the underlying system we're
1755s building for it has a um a a three tier
1759s targeting priority so there's um each
1763s ability will get one primary targeting
1766s we're creating a bunch of new targeting
1767s methods for controllers
1770s so like uh nearest enemy largest clump
1773s of enemies uh farthest enemy within a
1777s range
1778s um you know just uh fixed distance in
1781s front of you
1783s um like there's there's all sorts of
1786s different variants we're doing for all
1787s these things and like when we come
1789s across a new uh a new ability that we're
1791s like hey this one doesn't really fit
1792s into the existing ones we make a new one
1794s for it um and so every skill will have
1796s like a primary one and if there's no
1798s valid Targets on the primary one it'll
1799s go to a secondary one if there's no
1801s valid Targets on the secondary one it'll
1802s do whatever it does now at with the
1804s controller that's the fallback um and
1807s then as you select nodes in your skill
1809s tree it'll be able to pick out new
1812s um it'll actually actively change the M
1815s the mutator for the abilities will
1816s change what you are what those targeting
1818s priorities are um based on which ab
1821s which nodes you've taken like if you've
1822s taken a channeling node suddenly the the
1824s targeting changes if you've taken a um
1827s like a turns off Ral turns on traversal
1830s uh those will all affect the targeting
1831s systems that are used at priority and um
1835s I think there's going to because there's
1836s so many abilities and so many nodes that
1838s can change that there's going to be ones
1840s we miss in the first pass we're we're
1842s going to be relying heavily on uh QA and
1844s then the CT program to get as many of
1846s those but like there's combinations of
1849s abilities that someone won't just won't
1851s play because there's so many
1854s combinations of abilities um just
1856s someone will miss one of those
1857s combinations and
1858s um so we are going to be looking heavily
1860s at feedback when 1.2 comes out for um
1865s specific skill combinations and node
1868s selections that don't work quite as well
1870s as we' hope it to um and we'll be
1873s updating those individually on the
1875s fly so I would expect I can't guarantee
1878s but I would expect some of the first hot
1879s fixes from one do to include some of
1881s these um targeting updates
1889s Med it continues I have carpal tunnel
1891s and it's been a God sent to me after
1892s converting to
1894s controller I uh want the world to try it
1899s yes can I just keep playing if I don't
1901s click over there oh I can that works
1906s nice um like crafting materials so we're
1910s going to go this
1911s way hey hi I asked to stream many months
1915s ago and thought I would toss this one at
1917s you again any plans on when the
1919s Cosmetics store will see some
1921s new items specifically Cosmetics for
1924s abilities and
1925s spells uh I'm All About The Bling and
1928s 99.9% of endgame to me is
1931s bling hey fashion show endgame is a real
1933s thing uh in in many many games uh so I I
1938s I fully understand where you're coming
1941s from um we are very actively working on
1946s uh new Cosmetics right now the next time
1948s they'll come out is probably not until
1950s 1.2 so
1951s q125 um but there are quite a few
1958s um
1960s and at least one new
1963s category of
1965s Cosmetics
1970s um yeah I think I say that sure I
1972s already said it so I guess I have to one
1974s new category of Cosmetics will be
1976s included as well
1978s so when I say category of Cosmetics I
1980s mean like helmet would be a category of
1982s cosmetic like one of the one of the
1984s slots that's in
1989s there in that
2002s UI I think it's just one at Le I'll say
2005s at least one might trying to think if
2007s there's more than one the least
2014s one out of gills St try breath water ah
2017s never you can't make me um all right can
2021s we plan on a more uniform launches every
2023s 3 months every 4 months or will it be
2024s more along the lines of when uh ready
2026s season comes out you know um we
2029s definitely have oh no come on come on uh
2033s what's what is it that's potion found it
2037s um
2039s I was bleeding out there I had no idea
2041s what my potion key
2042s was H okay um reliability of
2048s um uh content release intervals is uh
2052s something we we've I think struggled
2053s with a little bit since since 1.0 came
2055s out it was something we were actually
2056s really good at before 1.0 came out
2060s um and and as we're growing we've had to
2062s adopt some new um some new systems
2066s and uh you know it's there's a bit of a
2069s learning curve on getting on getting
2071s that to be a little more smooth we are
2073s we we've been aiming for that same uh 3
2076s to four month window this entire
2080s time um I think we'll have
2084s more uh I think we'll have a better
2086s image on how we're going to approach
2088s that timing um consistently after 1.2
2096s drops all right I know it's ear in your
2098s stream you any teasers for later I do
2100s have teasers for later I do I have I
2103s actually brought two teasers this time
2106s yeah they're really good ones
2112s too well they're my favorite type of
2114s teasers put it that way some sometimes
2115s people don't like this type but I love
2117s this it's my
2126s favorite you have lost the spell
2128s speculate
2132s on and part part me doesn't want to post
2134s too early cuz I don't want to have to
2135s dodge questions about
2139s them but we'll we'll get one up not too
2141s long here we we'll let it sit for a
2143s little
2145s bit all right remember to add me to the
2148s Ping yes please put at lasty game in the
2150s question so I know to answer it CU see
2153s how people have side conversations St
2154s like that
2165s come on get some heals a too slow
2171s Mike reperform is an interesting Beast
2174s I've been I've been thinking about it a
2175s lot lately and the like popping out of
2177s Reaper form and sitting in human form
2180s for so long
2182s is uh It's Tricky if you if you fall out
2184s in the middle of a an
2186s echo it's very cuz I'm so vulnerable
2189s right
2205s now
2212s okay and I'm I'm like been trying to
2214s find a way to make it cuz so you kind of
2217s have to put a cool done on it because
2218s Reaper is it's a ghetto jail free card
2221s you cannot die when you're in Reaper
2223s form so there has to be
2225s some uh some something you
2234s know don't the best way to do
2238s it uh will melee minions be air quotes
2242s fixed so they don't just Stack Up and
2245s only kill enemies one at a time um
2249s um that is too this is a tricky one
2251s because it does it implies the the
2253s creation of an existent like a uh a
2258s collective controller for uh for minions
2262s something that says like like coordinate
2264s so they're like hey you3 go that way and
2267s you two go that way um each minion right
2270s now is actively controlling itself and
2273s picking out a target for itself it
2274s doesn't have someone um deciding where
2277s it's going to go for
2279s it which also means that it doesn't know
2282s what every other minion is
2294s targeting and I'm also thinking as well
2296s like sometimes you really want your
2298s minions to focus fire the same
2303s Target and having them be smart enough
2306s to to know which like
2309s nodes you have selected that like
2311s determine if you want it to be Focus
2313s firing or
2316s not that's
2321s [Music]
2329s tricky yeah I don't know the best way to
2331s to improve
2333s [Music]
2336s that but I don't think we have any major
2338s changes for for like a group
2339s Consciousness like a a hive mind or
2342s something like that to start
2347s working
2349s right any updates on the dragon
2354s class no I have no information on any
2357s potential uh new classes coming
2364s sorry that was a fun conversation last
2366s stream but I I don't want anyone to
2368s um get ahead of themselves on on
2371s anything we were talking about it's
2373s mostly just for
2380s fun all
2385s [Music]
2389s right more questions Mike hi Mike
2394s hello uh a few months ago I felt like uh
2397s I felt that the greatest and lowest
2399s values in the tiers were rolling less
2401s often than others uh now I don't feel it
2404s is something changes in the random or
2405s was I unlucky yes something did change
2407s in the way randomization was
2412s calculated you were right it was uh
2415s rolling middle numbers more frequently
2417s than higher
2423s numbers or lower numbers and now it's
2427s more uh more more evenly
2430s distributed all right I recently came
2432s across a last Epoch discussion video uh
2436s and on the topic oh is game balance I
2438s was wondering about your definition of
2440s class and game balance oh my gosh
2446s um h a definition okay let's let's let's
2449s try and craft the definition for game
2451s balance right now your death has come so
2454s what's the goal when trying to balance a
2456s game the goal when trying to balance a
2457s game
2458s we're going to do this we're this off
2459s the top of my head I I I'm not going to
2461s claim this is the correct answer or the
2463s official answer uh to this question uh
2466s but we're going to see what we come up
2467s with and we'll give you my personal
2469s answer on the
2470s Fly um so I think it is creating an
2476s environment in which players have the
2480s opportunity to express
2483s creativity uh
2485s and Gain
2489s advantages over the
2493s um the naive case that's not bad
2499s actually so when I say the naive case
2501s it's a player who um has no experience
2504s with the game uh picks things at random
2508s uh it's kind of like uh I like red so
2510s I'm going to pick Fireball cuz Fireballs
2511s red um you know like like not taking
2514s game balance into consideration like the
2515s opposite of M maxing so if you're if
2517s you're really trying to just do whatever
2520s um having having opportunities in your
2522s decision making to get to get edges over
2525s players like that so that there is uh
2527s and this requires imbalance in a system
2528s because if a balance if a system is
2529s perfectly balanced um it doesn't
2532s actually matter what you pick because
2534s every decision is every option has the
2537s same maximum potential um so you you you
2540s you want imbalance in the game but
2542s having that
2544s imbalance um be I guess carefully
2547s curated is is what's going to get a a
2550s fun and interesting system to play in
2553s um so yeah I I can't some someone
2556s clipped that cuz I think it was actually
2558s a good
2560s sentence and I can't remember exactly
2562s what I said now but I think it was
2563s pretty
2564s good I'm I'm going to I'm just going to
2566s move on cuz I I think that's
2569s uh I think I'm happy with that somehow
2573s there's probably okay there's probably
2574s some I'm thinking that there's probably
2576s some like random game design like extra
2579s credits video extra credits is fantastic
2580s if you've ever seen them um that that
2584s probably said something very similar to
2585s that and it's probably just like coming
2586s out of the back of my brain um so I may
2589s not have come up with that off the top
2590s of my head I don't know where I came
2591s from if I
2597s didn't all right I see a few Doritos in
2600s the beard
2605s really I haven't had Doritos in years
2613s um actually thought I just
2617s uh was looking pretty I I did
2621s have some like shredded carrots with my
2627s lunch maybe there's like a little piece
2628s of carrot in my beard I hope
2635s not now you got me all self-conscious
2637s with my we having stuff in it oh
2640s gosh not trying to win any food eating
2642s contests
2645s here I love that guy
2648s um all
2655s right
2657s ooh couple distinguished
2661s ones death has come
2667s okay more questions Lots here I'm ready
2670s uh how long before 1.2 releases will you
2673s announce a date 1 month two months I
2675s don't know um I hope I hope
2679s uh I I
2682s like it's it's a tricky balancing act on
2685s when to announce stuff like that because
2691s um you want to stay flexible enough that
2694s if something goes wrong or really right
2696s you can adjust um but there's but having
2699s that information out as soon as possible
2701s is probably the best thing for the
2702s community
2706s um so
2708s like it's it's delicate delicate
2710s Balancing Act I'd love to be able to to
2712s give like a tentative date right now cuz
2715s we we know probably within like a 3-
2718s week window of of where it's likely
2720s going to be I think at this point
2724s um you know given given no other changes
2727s in in what's happening around the the
2729s market and that sort of stuff and like
2731s uh no major problems and things like
2732s that so so like I'd love to be able to
2736s uh to be a little bit more like yeah
2738s it's probably going to be run this time
2740s like more narrow than 3 months but get
2742s it down to 3 we window I think would be
2743s really
2745s nice um but it's really tricky to do
2747s that because
2752s um you know if you're ever in a
2754s situation where you change what you've
2755s said on a release date it's not great
2759s right
2762s um so keeping that window vague until
2764s you know for sure is the safe
2775s bet okay
2778s uh word on the street is MTX skills
2781s coming to the shop for season 2 can you
2783s confirm I can neither confirm nor deny
2785s that at this time
2793s but just hypothetically if there
2795s was uh like a skill MTX a skill that
2799s you'd really love to see have
2801s MTX I'd be interested to know what that
2803s would
2813s be these little munchkins
2818s spawning dudes making it so I can't pick
2821s stuff up so I got to sort my
2831s inventory I will have Vines I will have
2840s satisfaction
2845s okay we're out of the woods
2849s let's hope that doesn't count as using
2850s an
2851s ability transfer
2855s sort we we'll check it out eventually
2857s okay sure we'll grab that we'll grab
2859s this I'm going to get another question
2863s going and we're going to change this
2866s screen so I stop seeing stuff
2870s scrolling mat you know I'm streaming oh
2874s my
2876s gosh no oh this
2883s one but I put down the
2886s controller all right uh okay ever
2891s thought about allowing Falconer to
2893s replace the Falcon with a cosmetic pet
2895s yeah absolutely um like the the insta
2899s best-selling cosmetic of all time on our
2902s store would be a phoenix Falcon
2904s replacement like that's I I don't think
2906s I don't think anyone is under any
2908s Illusions to the contrary like it would
2911s it would be immediately
2918s popular I I don't think anyone's
2920s actively working on that right now but
2922s like if if you said hey Mike snap your
2925s fingers and there's a specific MTX in
2926s the store it can be anything you want
2927s that's what it would be uh all right hi
2930s Mike please tell us that q125 is January
2933s and not longer I refuse to give you any
2935s information on the spe specific timing I
2939s apologize uh once there is a large list
2941s of cosmetics in the game will we
2943s eventually see discounts on small groups
2945s of Cosmetics every so often I think yeah
2947s I think I I don't know for sure I think
2949s sales uh like cosmetic sales for things
2952s like that is a pretty common practice
2953s for um like a bundle pack or something
2956s and like a hey you know this has been
2958s sitting on the store for a couple years
2960s and um May maybe it's less popular but
2964s we we'll bundle it together with all
2965s these and they're all half off or
2966s something like that I don't know I I
2967s feel like that's a a thing you do in a
2969s store like in a physical store anyways
2971s right like it's it's the same thing as
2973s like uh so many things um I I I don't
2978s see why not um but there might be some
2981s reason I don't know of why not you know
2983s we have the
2986s technology which is all I really get to
2988s concern myself with on melee minions
2991s they could just decide based on how many
2993s other minions NPCs are already targeting
2995s it they don't have that information
2997s unfortunately so we'd have to have a
2999s central hive mind that that tracks what
3003s everything is
3004s targeting and the way that the targeting
3006s system works in the game is it's
3008s actually uh it's it's kind of every
3011s single time that they go to use an
3013s ability uh they pick a new Target right
3015s then they they reselect their target
3017s with each ability use um so it's not
3019s like a hey I'm targeting this enemy I'm
3021s going to use abilities on it it's hey
3024s I'm going to use this ability who's my
3025s Target and so that like list of who's
3029s targeting what
3031s changes
3033s um it's it's not really it's not really
3035s consistent you know there's not like a
3036s sticky targeting thing um I mean we we
3040s could like we could maintain a list of
3042s like the the most recent enemy that each
3045s minion has targeted um like P like
3048s report that back to the caster and then
3050s when they go to like to to try and grab
3051s a Target having to check that list I
3054s think there's
3055s like I I feel feel like there's
3057s performance concerns happening somewhere
3059s on that chain
3062s um and I feel like there's also like
3064s weird interactions that would happen
3066s like unexpected and like individual
3071s minions would just like run off in
3072s search of a new Target in situations or
3074s something like that like it feels
3077s messy but maybe awesome so um there's
3080s possibly room for something great
3085s there I do really like the idea of of
3087s getting a little bit smarter AI I also
3089s like the idea of uh some AI having these
3093s like smart things to them and other ones
3096s like intentionally not uh you know I
3099s kind of like the idea
3101s of
3103s um I don't know enemies enemies just
3106s being like skeletons for example being
3108s just like really
3110s dumb
3112s um and just having no sense of what to
3115s do or or you look at the other way and
3117s it's like um the skeletons are maybe
3120s should be the smartest ones because
3122s their actions are completely controlled
3124s by the thing that summoned
3126s them go over here and get this get you
3130s back and and so like like oh uh because
3133s because the the acolytes actually what's
3135s controlling the skeletons um like
3137s psychically or something that they they
3140s they're perfectly coordinated and it's
3142s the uh the companions
3144s who um are are less coordinated because
3148s they're like they're all they all have
3150s their own personalities and egos or
3164s whatever yeah there there there's room
3166s for some some like logic oh my goodness
3169s I'm just getting my but handed to me
3174s here okay Mike actually Dodge things
3177s don't stand in the fire purple is
3183s bad
3188s wonderful
3190s uh any plans SL talks about things like
3194s private leagues or race events ehg wants
3197s to run like a side League that you can
3199s only use x unique in the build stuff
3201s like that yeah I think that this is um I
3205s think this is something that's been very
3206s successful ful in other games that have
3208s done things like it and
3212s um uh and I think we'd be foolish to to
3215s ignore it as an
3218s option um so I'd really like to
3221s see I'll fix it fix it and
3224s post um so yeah I'd really like to
3228s see some more options there I think
3231s there's I think there I think there's
3232s some cool things we could do uh yes
3234s we're interested getting the
3237s the
3238s [Music]
3242s um I I I think that's a a little bit
3245s down the road option type thing I don't
3247s think it's a right now
3252s [Music]
3256s option would you guys consider adding a
3259s toggle feature for minions to focus
3261s Elite slashmagic mobs versus staying
3263s around the player and being defensive um
3266s I I will'll consider just about anything
3269s um yeah this this kind of ties into the
3272s I guess the minion conversation we've
3273s been having here on stream and I think
3275s there's I think there's room for more
3276s stuff we talked about having like stance
3278s toggleable stances for minions before um
3282s kind of kind of akin to what you'd find
3283s in like a like a basic um like use I
3287s don't know wow as an example where you
3288s get like your your pet and there's like
3290s a aggressive defensive stand ground you
3293s know that sort of stuff passive mode
3297s I think I think having things like that
3298s is I think would be really good I'd
3300s really like to see it
3303s still we almost did it oh quite a while
3306s ago after finishing a mono why isn't
3308s there a way to regain our missing
3312s potion or before fighting aboth builds
3315s like wraith Lord or sacrifice necro just
3317s use Jungle Queen with experimental aics
3320s uh of zombie on potion use um we got to
3324s port to another Zone to stock up
3335s yeah I think
3338s there's there's there's sort of this
3340s like H what say there's a there's an
3344s issue with
3345s making
3348s uh pre like pre-combat Buffs like
3352s pre-buff stuff a little too convenient a
3355s little too powerful a little too
3359s expected
3363s um and there's kind of two ways to
3365s approach cuz I think we're we're we're
3366s in sort of a weird middle ground right
3368s now I don't know if it's great there's
3370s kind of two ways to approach it one is
3371s just like yeah make it super duper
3374s convenient and and have it be almost
3378s expected um the issue with that is that
3381s maybe maybe it's not intuitive enough
3384s and uh if it's if if the build is
3387s balanced around that happening it puts
3389s this burden of optimal play in the in in
3392s uh uh in the player's hands that we
3394s don't really like um take me and that
3399s burden is worse the more advantageous
3402s the uh the option is and less uh
3406s convenient the option
3408s is so like an example from another game
3410s that I I think is frustrating to need to
3413s do um is like is and
3418s don't feel bad about saying this cuz
3419s it's one of my favorite games of all
3420s time uh in diabl 2 if you're going to if
3422s you're if you're wearing
3425s smoke as your
3428s armor I think it's smoke
3433s um oh that's going to H me him wrong
3435s stealth one of the one of the one of the
3437s armors um you you go and stand in act
3441s four and just literally stand in a fire
3443s one of the little fires at the at the
3444s wayp point for River flame and you just
3446s like sit there and you wait until it
3447s triggers fade and then you take the gear
3449s off and you put your real armor on
3451s you've got fade for the fight and you
3452s run into the
3454s fight and
3456s like it's this weird pre-buff technique
3460s that um if you
3463s don't uh if if like if you if your build
3465s needs that it's really important to do
3469s um and if you don't know about this
3471s weird thing it's kind of a pain to set
3474s up right like it's not it's not obvious
3476s it's not intuitive
3479s and I I really want to avoid situations
3481s like that becoming common place I think
3484s is I think is a big thing
3489s um so I don't know if so I think in this
3492s specific situation having the potions
3494s refill is a good thing um and I think
3499s fix if if the burden is too too much for
3503s uh this specific situation fixing in a
3505s different way is probably ideal
3511s yeah don't forget to put at last OT game
3513s in the question so I see it please any
3515s plans for console edition uh it's it's
3517s it's on the table um we're definitely
3520s we're looking towards consoles as as a
3521s really solid option here for us in the
3523s future um I've been playing with a
3525s controller this whole time uh it's it's
3528s a like this is the first this is the
3531s first step in getting it on consoles is
3532s making sure it works well with
3533s controller and we are very intent on
3536s making it work work um with controller
3539s oh my God game design is about having
3541s balanced imbalance mik 2024 oh God I
3544s mean I don't hate that quote that's the
3546s weird
3549s part there's there's some there's some
3552s YouTube video that I saw years ago that
3555s Bas that's basically the thesis sentence
3556s of the video um I don't remember what
3559s it's
3561s called or who made it or whatever but
3563s like there there's something in my brain
3565s like i' I've watched some long for video
3566s about this that was like an hourong
3569s video essay or something that that's
3570s basically what it boiled down
3573s to just teasing the food and the beard
3575s oh thank God I love alen you guys are
3577s great thank you very much I appreciate
3579s it I I appreciate the follow I was
3581s pretty sure there was nothing there cuz
3582s I can see a little little tiny preview
3584s of me I couldn't see
3587s anything I just showered this
3590s morning um all right it's good okay mik
3593s you're stunning thank you feel so good
3595s today go gos ah Golems
3598s Golems oh these are abilities that
3600s people want to see um Cosmetics for yeah
3603s what what specific Cosmetics you want to
3605s see for the golems and flurry I think
3607s that was another one for the same thing
3609s what specific cosmetic do you want to
3610s see for
3611s flurry
3615s beer like just just a bunch of bees in a
3619s clump or just go whole Hive on
3623s it all the Minions really yeah yeah the
3626s minions minions are a tricky one minions
3627s are one of the hardest ones to do uh
3629s Cosmetics for um and like we're
3633s obviously doing Cosmetics for for all
3634s the skills and like we'll get there
3635s eventually and when we do I think some
3637s of them are going to be really amazing
3639s um but I think the some of those are the
3642s longest to do because they because if
3643s you convert let's say you convert a
3645s minion you also have to convert some of
3646s the abilities that the minion does to to
3648s make sense with that
3649s conversion and so like a minion cosmetic
3652s conversion can take like I don't know
3655s how much like I'm not one of the people
3657s that that creates those things but my
3658s knowledge of what's goes into each one
3660s of those I'd say 10 times as much work
3662s to convert a minion with Cosmetics than
3664s it is to convert a fireball like I can
3666s do the fireball one pretty and like my
3668s my bfx skills are not fantastic um
3671s minion would take me a long time
3674s probably maybe it's just like a texture
3675s change though there's probably there's
3677s probably like different tiers of it so
3678s like if you did like just the texture
3681s probably wouldn't be that bad like
3683s converting the bear to to be like a a
3685s polar bear probably would be pretty easy
3687s to do um but then if you start adding
3690s like little V effects that goes with it
3692s and then you change the abilities to to
3694s also be to be blue and like Frost and
3696s white and that sort of stuff and like
3697s all these little things that that stack
3699s up and and and build up to make it
3701s actually quite significant I think um so
3705s we we'll see we'll see I think the
3706s minion ones will come slower what we
3708s might
3710s guess for MTX skills I see any minion
3714s build any minion based skill would
3716s benefit fit immensely from customization
3717s options yes we want
3719s golems in later hosen oh my goodness
3722s golems in later
3724s hosen I understand why and I love it um
3728s skill MTX for Locust inside swarm blade
3730s to be look like bees that's a good one
3732s it's a really good
3735s one these are great these are great
3740s ideas community on point speaking of
3744s community and having great ideas cuz our
3749s community does have great
3750s ideas um I know we are uh we are in the
3754s process of uh looking for another
3757s gameplay
3758s developer um I should I should post a
3761s link uh Kane if you're here can you post
3762s the link for the uh job posting for the
3765s gameplay developer if you're not and you
3768s don't I'll I'll post it later it's fine
3770s um but we are yeah so we are we're
3772s looking to hire a gameplay developer
3774s someone who um
3777s has like he's very um like a coder
3781s someone who's who who knows how to make
3783s video games in unity like that's their
3785s primary stuff but I think the the ideal
3787s person for this is someone who has a lot
3789s of experience in args and hopefully a
3791s lot of experience in in last defog too
3793s if we can find someone who is like part
3795s of the Le community that wants this that
3797s would be ideal I
3799s think
3801s um but yeah basically um myself and a
3805s couple other people who are
3807s um doing implementation stuff we need
3809s more help to implement cool fun things
3812s um so I know we we're just putting out a
3813s job posting either today or yesterday or
3816s tomorrow it's like just going up right
3817s now
3820s um and yeah some someone
3824s who's uh first and foremost a developer
3827s but like also likes design stuff and um
3830s I think that's really the key thing is
3831s that having someone who is um
3836s like who understands RPGs and hopefully
3839s also last defac uh a fair bit would be
3841s someone who you know like you get a node
3843s to implement and and it says like uh
3847s plus plus 80% crit and you're
3851s like well that's not right you just know
3853s that it means plus 80% increased crit
3856s you just you just can like intuitively
3858s tell these issues things like that I
3860s think would be uh with the sort of
3862s person that we're looking
3864s for um
3866s so if that sounds like
3869s you uh and there's a link in chat which
3872s hopefully there is I'll check right now
3875s um please go
3876s apply I'd love to talk to
3882s you uh where how do I keep my place and
3885s not
3892s lose I don't lose my place
3897s I see a
3901s link oh it's a poll careers yes there it
3904s is wonderful thank you very much
3908s people awesome you know what I think
3910s this sounds like a great time to also
3912s toss up a little teasy
3917s cheese b
3921s boom okay
3928s uh oh which one is
3932s it open right in the center of my screen
3934s isn't
3937s it oh Mike why do you do this to
3942s yourself it in
3949s there oh was good good thing I didn't
3951s open it all right volatile reversals
3954s second combo ability now now jumps you
3956s forward in time to your Target location
3959s instead of
3961s backwards lines our second combo jump
3963s forward and plus 6 seconds cool down one
3965s point future
3966s Focus oh what does that
3969s mean second combo ability in
3972s VR what
3978s what if you can't tell by now uh this
3981s along with last week's image um Vol
3984s reveral is getting some pretty
3986s significant changes in its base
3987s functionality and skill
3990s tree um and we'll we'll have we'll have
3992s more details on exactly how that's going
3994s to shake out as we go forward little
3997s step that down in the
4005s corner uh can you confirm that Heron uh
4008s will be streaming still when season two
4012s drops I think I think Aaron should set a
4015s hard limit on the new year I think you
4017s should say the stream ends in 2025 at
4019s the at the absolute latest um I don't
4022s think I don't think it'll go that far
4024s but maybe I don't know I think it would
4026s just be or like Christmas or something
4027s like that so he can spend Christmas with
4028s his family not Stream Christmas or
4030s something
4032s um I I I Aaron I'm impressed with the
4035s dedication my friend it is uh it's been
4038s a lot it's been
4042s great I hope you're not I mean this in
4044s the best way possible I hope you're not
4046s not still
4047s streaming uh when season 2 drops cuz
4050s that would
4052s be that would be
4056s wild even even if season 2 dropped
4058s January
4060s 1st that would be crazy
4076s all right more questions I can do this
4077s can't I uh cathic fissure seeing
4082s Karen oh with a ship sailing through the
4084s fider would be cool yeah that would be
4086s neat I like that
4095s idea
4096s uh hi Mike where are the twitch sub
4101s badges uh I have no idea
4111s I'm not going to try and figure it
4114s out right
4116s now because I am not familiar enough
4119s with how that works from this end uh to
4123s fix it if there's something wrong
4125s there at least not on the
4129s Fly
4132s uh ker everal if uh if either of you are
4137s knowing what's up there I'd appreciate a
4139s little little [ __ ]
4142s there that was a weird that was weird
4144s you see that animation it was like
4145s really slow I think it was cuz I used
4147s reap right as I came out of Reaper
4150s form that was weird that was weird
4156s okay
4158s uh would uh would minions be able to see
4163s Who enemies Target or last targeted
4166s because you could at least make a more
4167s defensive AI for some of
4170s them
4173s um like targeted or targeting is not a a
4178s a a value or a stat like
4184s it's it's it's not it's not something we
4187s track ever for anything play our minion
4189s anything nothing has like a what am I
4191s targeting um value so like we we could
4196s we'd have to develop that it's it's not
4198s impossible we could make it um but right
4200s now as it stands there's there's no
4202s information on what anything is
4203s targeting ever to use in any
4215s way so it's a little tricky to do things
4217s like
4220s that um probably the best way is yeah
4224s like a like a last Target hid like just
4227s tracking on the actor class what the
4229s last thing it attacked was or tried to
4231s attack
4236s was it would probably yeah yeah I don't
4239s think there's any other way to do
4247s it so this is what happens sometimes I'm
4249s like how could I set that up and I'm
4251s like well there's a huge uh performance
4253s cost to that one huge performance cost
4255s to that one
4257s it's going through my head right
4262s now uh except for Fenton of course he
4265s would just run as far away from you as
4267s possible yes if you don't know Fenton is
4270s there are oh there are um
4274s different names you can get for your
4277s minions basically every minion in the
4279s game I think has random alternate names
4283s that it can have um
4288s and uh one of the wolf random extra
4291s names and and all of only one of them
4293s does anything mechanically Fenton is the
4295s only one the wolf Fenton is the only one
4298s that actually has uh a mechanical
4302s difference based
4305s on
4307s uh its name and it's from a from a dumb
4310s video that's hilarious um where the an
4314s owner is chasing after a dog just
4316s screaming Fenton and it's just running
4318s as fast as it can away from the owner so
4320s that's what Fenton in the game does is
4322s it just it just bolts the other side of
4324s the
4327s screen let's how the
4334s map this as as this
4340s um uh as this controller set up for this
4343s build is is I'm getting more comfortable
4345s with it
4346s it's smooth feels
4354s great I know I know I'm not playing
4356s optimally yet but
4359s like so much better than it was 6 months
4372s ago okay don't get sucked into the
4374s gameplay mik and answer questions that's
4376s what you're here
4379s [Music]
4381s for will there ever be a mecha class um
4385s like Mecha strian no
4390s um I think
4393s there's I think we would likely try and
4396s do a like fantasy version of it before
4400s we did a technology version of it um so
4405s like like turning assemble Abomination
4408s into an Iron Man suit is probably more
4410s likely than having a full class based
4412s around it but you never know cuz there
4414s are some really interesting mechanical
4415s things you can do with
4416s it and uh you know it done right you can
4421s I think you could have some really cool
4422s fun with
4423s that so we'll see treachery is the arm
4426s of the prox F too oh my god of course it
4428s is thank
4430s [Applause]
4432s you shame Mike shame all right uh will
4436s haringer uh boss items stay locked to
4439s those bosses after the season ends and
4441s will the season content items uh being
4445s tied to their bosses be a common theme
4447s across Seasons um I switched cycle up
4450s for Seasons there cuz there new name for
4451s everything
4453s um right so right now like there's
4458s no um there is no there are no items
4461s whatsoever that are exclusively
4463s available to the ladder characters to
4466s the season characters to the cycle
4467s characters all items are available on
4469s all characters right now nothing is
4472s restricted just to get that clear up
4474s right away um reference time stamp 2
4477s p.m. I'm only 15 minutes behind
4479s schedule a record for me this point
4483s um so yeah so so the all the items are
4486s for everyone completely just to clear
4488s that point out cuz I think that might be
4489s a confusion point in the question but
4491s I'm not sure um in the future
4496s uh if there are if there do end up being
4499s items that are locked to the cycle um if
4504s a when a character moves from the cycle
4507s to or the season if there's a charact
4508s there there are items that are season
4510s locked if an if a character moves from
4512s the season
4514s to
4515s um to to like uh to to to
4519s Legacy um then they will be the items
4523s will go with them they're not going to
4524s lose those items so you're going to keep
4526s those items so at the very least those
4528s items will um transfer to um Legacy at
4533s some point I I I don't other than that I
4536s don't have much in the way of details
4538s cuz we don't have any of those planned
4539s at the
4542s moment and you know like once we do if
4545s if we do eventually plan something like
4546s that the um how we how we treat them
4550s could
4552s change uh have you improved the menu
4554s system for controller so it's a smooth
4555s as D4 using D4 as an example only I've
4557s never played D4 with controller so I
4560s don't know um if you mean this menu it
4563s is super smooth and I love it
4572s um I'm finding this fantastic
4576s in Yep this is great that was fantastic
4581s that's the first time I tried to
4581s allocate passives with my controller in
4585s at least six months and it went great uh
4590s yep uh so it's definitely been some big
4592s improvements in that category um I can't
4594s directly compare it to D4 I'm sorry cuz
4596s I never played D4 with controller maybe
4597s I'll maybe that's what I'll do this
4598s weekend I'll play some D4 with the
4599s controller and I can compare
4603s them water
4605s yes with the memory of
4608s blackberry uh I get the D2 reference
4611s having to do all that to do a fight but
4613s about um the potions the build revolves
4615s potion use because this experimental
4617s aects on zombie on potion use yeah I
4619s just wasn't sure if there's um
4622s specifically any prep happening with
4624s that right now it's not I agree it's not
4626s it's not if it's just that you want to
4627s have full potions to go into the fight
4628s with it's not bad at all like that's
4630s that's a there's nothing that needs be
4631s fixed there other than you need to be
4633s able to have full potions to go in which
4635s isn't a big deal can't remember why we
4637s set going to town didn't refresh your
4642s Potions there was a good reason for that
4644s we almost had a found for a while in
4646s town as well I think we may have
4647s actually had a fountain in town for a
4651s while golems and later hosen that's two
4656s requests yeah reskin likeing Grandma's
4659s void to have different color elves on
4660s different levels of the game be cheap
4663s and it wouldn't cost too much at this
4664s late stage
4667s development you you can reference that
4670s that movie to me any point in that movie
4672s any day and I will know exactly what
4674s you're talking about
4675s um that's one of those movies that like
4678s if it's playing in the background I I
4680s don't think I can do it when it's not
4681s playing but if it's playing I can say
4683s every line as it's happening definitely
4685s every single line every song everything
4687s no problem without it actively playing
4690s in the background I don't I think I'd
4691s miss the order of things I think I'd get
4693s stuff out of order um but yeah I've seen
4695s the movie way too many
4697s times uh the polar R skin already exists
4699s and I occasionally snapshot it so
4701s definitely that one is easy MTX Target
4703s the like we bear has that but does
4709s summon bear have
4728s that what am I doing
4736s think I was just pressing something
4738s wrong some really obvious button that I
4740s was
4744s missing or some button that I remapped
4747s that that's that's probably what was
4748s happening there
4750s actually I before so a few days ago I
4753s was trying to um make it so that the
4758s prompt Keys would show up as the right
4761s like abxy would show up correctly as cuz
4763s right now every time it says a i press B
4764s and every time it says b i press say and
4765s X and Y are also
4768s flipped um and so I was trying to REM
4772s like to flip the controller mapping in
4775s the controller
4777s software and then uh flip the mapping
4781s back using
4783s steam's
4787s um uh switch controller integration
4790s mapping that it
4793s has um so that it would like because it
4796s flips twice it would be the right
4800s positioning on the on the face but
4802s because the the game would have thought
4805s that it was
4806s flipped uh it would have also given me
4808s the correct button
4810s layouts uh it didn't work
4816s unfortunately but it makes sense CU we
4819s didn't design it for switch controllers
4820s we designed it for Xbox and PlayStation
4823s controllers Eng generic one
4829s too oh love this
4832s one the motion uh not that chaos bolts
4836s goes on is something that we took a long
4838s time to like went through a lot of
4840s iterations on how that motion works and
4842s I really like where we got to with
4853s it get more questions
4856s uh what's a neat idea is you know how
4859s after we hit 100 but the XP bar keeps
4862s going and resets it'd be cool if there
4864s was a little bonus after maxing that bar
4866s like plus one to attributes or something
4868s yeah so that's that's called the Paragon
4869s system from
4872s D3
4877s um it's not intrinsically uh like a a
4881s bad thing or or whatever um I actually
4883s think it was it by the time D3 was like
4886s nearing its end I think it actually had
4888s evolved into something that was quite
4889s good
4891s um the initial version
4894s was had some issues that that it's not
4897s really important
4902s um we
4904s don't we've tried not to
4907s encourage
4909s um really deep like power gains from
4913s really deep leveling
4916s that makes any
4920s sense
4923s okay now those are all spawned and
4926s done we are going to open our
4930s inventory oh that button
4932s first h i see what I was doing wrong
4934s that was user
4936s error I was trying to be all like oh
4939s fast just pressing the wrong buttons
4946s all
4947s right who are you H Run Fly you
4952s fools
4953s um yeah I'm lukewarm on that idea
4963s personally oh yeah he doesn't like me
4965s using the controller at the same time uh
4968s I have a request which is not exactly
4970s MTX but it is related uh for when
4973s example I put down three cathartic
4976s fissures cathic fissures uh I want them
4979s on a hoof or a triangle shape just for a
4983s fun of
4984s it I get that's also changing how the
4986s skill works but it might but might we
4990s see something of the sort one day um
4992s okay so like um mechanically that that
4996s that is possible yeah it would be like
4997s on an item or on a a skill node or
4999s something like that um it's it's
5003s possible I I I don't want to give you
5005s hope and say like oh sure I'll do it or
5007s something like that it's not it's it's
5009s it's mechanically possible to do um
5014s and uh it could be a cool thing so I I
5017s don't want to give you a I'm I'm trying
5019s to be as neutral in the response as
5020s possible apart from it's technically
5029s possible I hope you understand
5048s all right I will come on board strictly
5050s to bug fix part
5052s time who are
5054s you I mean not what we're looking for
5057s right now but yeah I mean we do probably
5059s need more of that too
5066s uh hey hope you guys are doing fine
5069s thank you I am doing pretty good today
5071s have uh have you ever talked about
5073s disabling the plusus 20% damage range on
5076s the target dummy I don't think that's
5078s ever come
5080s up I could be
5083s wrong not that I know of
5085s though cyber war is telling me you did
5088s in the past but I don't trust
5092s him um
5099s there was some changes to the the way
5101s Target dummies handle it it used to okay
5104s I know I know what this was the target
5105s dummy used to not have any um like any
5110s any enemy Dr so like bosses and enemies
5113s have um stats and Dr and things like
5115s that for just being high level um and so
5119s for a long time the target dummies
5120s didn't have that which means that you'd
5123s get really w wildly off results for when
5128s you were testing on the
5130s dummy and it is possible that I'm
5133s forgetting about something from like 5
5135s years ago you
5146s know lovely
5158s really hungry all of a
5162s sudden don't give him an
5178s out season 2 January 1 confirmed no I'm
5182s willing I'm willing to cut that day I'm
5184s willing to say will not be January 1st
5186s it will not be New Year's Day that would
5187s be
5193s insane I mean everyone has it off
5200s right what day what day of the week is
5202s New Year's Day
5204s anyways it's a
5206s Wednesday we don't release on
5209s Wednesdays do we I don't know if we do
5211s or not all right has the menu system
5214s been looked at for a controller to make
5215s it easier to interact with I I I it
5217s looks different than the last time I
5218s used
5219s it I know there's a team that basically
5221s does controller UI um as like 80% of
5225s what they do so like definitely still
5227s being worked on and it's definitely had
5228s a lot of changes uh what portal skin is
5231s that one called it looks like a new void
5233s portal style yeah let's
5236s uh I can
5240s look I've just like realized that I just
5243s defaulted to using my keybo M cuz I'm so
5245s ingrained that
5248s way uh yes it is called crest of the
5251s Void
5260s Walker since there's a black hole spell
5263s in the game will there ever be a
5264s supernova or while or white hole skill
5267s in the future I think there's a
5268s supernova node in black hole
5275s but
5281s maybe I figured it out I pressed the
5284s button it told me to that was right on
5285s the
5289s screen aren't you proud of
5293s me all right is the current plan still
5297s to have all season content available in
5299s Legacy through 1.4 or has that changed
5301s with the road map
5302s changing um I I think the I I don't
5305s think we ever said that explicitly was
5307s the case for the record just
5309s uh yeah
5312s um I don't know if what will happen with
5316s um past 1.2 basically it's I don't think
5319s there's as far as I know there's not any
5321s plans to make um season specific content
5326s specifically uh for 1.2 I don't
5331s think um
5335s I I I I'm really unsure on this one so I
5339s I think I think it's
5341s um at most basically what we did with
5345s 1.1 as far as season specific
5350s content i' i' like I've changed my
5353s personal tune on this so many times back
5356s and forth back and forth everything
5357s should be available always to everyone
5359s oh no there seasonal content is really
5360s important we have to have it
5363s um and like I I flip-flop back and forth
5366s on this so
5368s hard which is so unhelpful I know um
5371s right now I think I'm in I'd really like
5374s to see seasonal content um I'd really
5377s like to see seasonal content in the
5379s sense that it
5380s is
5382s um specifically things that that are
5385s that are really good for um the like
5388s that that really stand out and shine in
5390s the campaign
5392s actually um
5396s as as and like what we did with 1.1 the
5398s SE the seasonal season specific content
5401s was actually um hyper endgame for like a
5404s 24-hour period because it got beat
5406s really quick and then we un we opened it
5407s to everyone so we we we dipped our toe
5409s into that a tinest possible amount um
5414s but I think I think I really like having
5415s it be in the uh in the campaign
5418s specifically where it like starts like
5421s if if we're going to do that I think I I
5423s would want it to start in the campaign
5424s person
5427s um uh and and part of this comes on the
5430s heels of um like playing the most recent
5434s Poe League I think was like going
5436s through the campaign again was a lot of
5438s fun because of the new stuff they added
5439s to The Campaign which they do every
5441s every League I know
5445s um but I really enjoyed this
5451s one and uh
5455s I know I think I think a lot of the
5457s conversations around the quality of the
5458s campaign and redoing the campaign um
5462s specifically where it's focused on the
5463s seasons seasonal characters as the
5465s people who are doing the campaign the
5466s most I think um I think that's where the
5469s biggest benefit to campaign improvements
5472s happens or or temporary campaign changes
5474s to keep it fresh happens is is is in the
5475s new cycle or new season uh content
5478s that's that's where I'd like to see it
5479s the most I don't know if it makes sense
5481s to make that a Content a season specific
5483s mechanic though whether or not that's
5485s just like every season the campaign
5487s changes and maybe those things like and
5489s there's like a new theme to The Campaign
5491s every single time um and something that
5494s affects most of the campaign so it's
5495s interesting and new and different uh I
5497s don't know if that needs to be season
5500s specific or not yeah that's kind of
5503s where I'm trying to decide personally
5505s for myself um and what that means for
5507s what we actually end up doing in last
5508s Epoch is a whole other conversation
5518s all right I'm specifically talking I
5521s specifically was talking about game
5523s options and the system
5525s menus okay like like this
5528s menu like these
5538s settings do a little bit higher on the
5540s music a little lower on the sound
5541s effects probably
5548s like it feels it feels
5566s good oh I like that way more
5574s it's a little
5575s slower maybe I don't like
5586s that I yeah I think I I wanted to like
5589s just like I'm just flicking the joystick
5590s up and I'd want it to go immediately
5592s when I flicked it instead having to
5594s like yeah H I like them both I don't
5597s know we'll see oh h
5610s so I just get into it playing the game
5612s again and I'm going to answer some
5613s questions
5618s instead that that that crate was Marked
5620s for Death I had to I had to take it out
5622s a responsibility to the crate killer
5624s Guild of the
5627s world all right
5635s we're going to actually get out of
5639s that drugs are bad
5643s okay that purple stuff looks awful
5646s suspicious
5654s okay so going to town should and does
5657s refresh your potions so does any zone
5660s change with a few exceptions however not
5662s all of these are in
5665s all those are intentional team is aware
5668s and working on it though
5670s oh oh apparently there's some bugs in
5672s there my
5674s bad uh that's why I was confused
5677s apparently can you please give a quick
5679s summary of what you guys are working on
5681s now H yeah okay I can do that
5686s um
5688s uh okay yes I should I can I can do this
5691s and I'm like wait a minute am I allowed
5692s to say any of this crap
5696s um oh there's a great line in in the we
5700s we had we had a post
5702s recently that had a oneliner that was
5705s just like it just summed up everything
5706s we were working on so well and didn't
5708s spoil anything but the big things are
5711s like um like systematic endgame
5715s improvements um that's that's start that
5719s affect the entirety of the end game
5722s um gen gameplay improvements bug fixing
5727s uh just game quality in general
5730s improvements
5732s um I'm like trying to think of vague
5734s terms for things that are
5737s coming
5741s um like six things I can't say that I
5743s want to say that it would be great to
5745s say right
5746s now um
5756s other cool stuff sorry I don't want to
5760s get in
5761s trouble I I have been I will say this
5764s okay so I have I I'll I'll I'll sidestep
5766s half this question for now and uh I
5770s will uh I will say we are actively
5772s working
5775s on I can't say that either
5782s crap oh
5785s there's a little bit of uh filament from
5789s uh a 3D print that I did recently that's
5791s sitting on the ground it looked so much
5792s like a
5795s spider I'm starting it's it's only
5797s partially printed I got one and two half
5801s of the the sides going but this is the
5802s going to be the head of a very iconic
5805s mace from a very specific fantasy
5810s series like 4 and 1/2 ft long in the end
5813s uh um sorry threw me off completely uh
5821s the yeah summary stuff we're working
5825s on lots of cool stuff well well I I did
5828s okay so I asked for I I remember I was
5829s going to say I recently asked for a list
5831s of like things I'm allowed to say in
5832s this exact category and hopefully I'll
5834s get that list soon so I'll try I'll try
5836s and get that updated soon but you know
5837s what I'll do right now a little bit of a
5840s low uh here's another here's another
5844s teaser uh this time for a long requested
5847s node that I know uh some people will be
5850s very happy to see uh here is an update a
5854s new node for
5856s RVE and the real short version of this
5858s node is full void conversion cross the
5863s board finally doing it so I'll just I'll
5866s leave that for a second uh some more
5868s questions had to gift a sub when you
5870s recognize Grandma's Boy like you did
5871s thank you very much uh yeah wonderful I
5874s I miss that but thank you very much
5876s congrats to Aon who got that well done
5879s um yeah love Grandpa's
5883s boy I I I watched it's been like a month
5886s since I've seen it okay I'm going to
5887s watch it again tonight it's one of my
5890s like it's kind of like that and
5894s Voyager
5895s [Music]
5896s um and like Battlestar Galactica are
5899s things that I like put on in the
5900s background while I work that like I
5901s don't need just the audio and it's like
5904s brain's watching it in the
5906s background all right I think last stream
5908s you explained the original purpose of
5909s CMG was supposed to be a progression
5911s system that rewarded you but it is uh
5914s too good um with Buffs
5918s Etc it in a good place now uh it's in a
5922s good place now I think are you cooking
5923s up something else for progression after
5925s level 100 um I think we're
5929s we're
5931s um we are cooking up a system that
5937s is uh late game
5940s progression uh that is decoupled from
5943s level and uh there's still stuff to do
5946s Post 100 in
5949s it that's awesome
5953s yeah switch controller sport wi switch
5956s is not one of the one of one of the
5957s systems we're targeting for uh the
5961s eventual um uh console push when we do
5965s when we do get there when we start
5966s looking at consoles switch is probably
5967s not one of the ones we're targeting it's
5969s probably just going to be um the latest
5971s PlayStation and Xbox releases um not
5974s specifically like their Pro variants but
5976s like the latest Bas version so like PS4
5979s not PS5 type thing um sorry PS5 not PS4
5983s um and I don't own an Xbox so whichever
5986s one of the Xboxes is the new one um and
5995s uh I don't I don't think switch is on
5996s that list so I doubt switch controller
5999s support specifically but you never know
6000s we might expand that list um I it's what
6004s I what I'm doing is a me problem not a
6006s game
6011s problem I'm going to shove this down to
6012s the controller and the corner and I'm
6014s going to keep playing and answering
6016s questions don't know if it's ever been
6018s asked before but why do loot lizards
6020s sound like wow NS uh some bought assets
6024s no that is uh a fully
6028s unique and fresh asset uh that we made
6032s specifically for that I don't know why
6034s it uh sounds familiar for that
6037s I now that you say that I'm like oh my
6039s God it does doesn't
6045s it yeah it kind of
6052s does I I think I think it's just there's
6054s only so many sounds and things sound I
6056s bet if you put them side by side it' be
6059s more obvious that they're different I
6061s don't know it's been a
6066s while I haven't like played played Wows
6069s since
6075s wrath that was that was that was a dark
6082s time okay boss right I'm I'm going to
6085s let my I let this fall and specifically
6088s get there we're going to do this boss
6090s before the game I'm going to do the the
6091s boss in in controller be great going try
6095s and catch up on some question we're
6096s going to Rapid Fire some questions here
6097s and then do the boss uh what's the most
6099s annoying bug that either that you either
6101s have fixed an Le or have tried to fix
6103s that still
6104s exists
6105s [Music]
6111s um there is a
6114s there was um actually don't know if this
6116s got fixed I assume it did I haven't seen
6118s it in Forever
6120s um that I was briefly assigned to fix
6122s that I never fixed myself um when you
6126s transition zones in a party sometimes
6129s the the the party frame UI in the top
6131s left corner would just vanish and it
6134s wouldn't vanish for the entire party but
6135s it vanished for some people in the party
6136s it would come back randomly that was
6139s that was one of my most frustrating ones
6140s that I ever tried to work on um I never
6144s solved it but I haven't seen it in a
6145s long time so I think it might be solved
6147s anyways
6151s um yeah I'm going to say that one it's
6153s it's the it's the
6155s intermittent yeah that's a few there's
6157s few of them they're like anything that's
6159s intermittent and not reproducible so
6162s like I get bugs assigned sometimes and
6163s it's like I go test them I'm like it's I
6166s can't make it happen if you can't make
6167s the bug happen in the first place um
6171s it's so hard to fix cuz um you have to
6175s have a consistent reproduction steps in
6177s order to be able to test it after you
6179s fixed it to make sure it's actually
6180s fixed and so you're just be like like
6182s sure you can you find a bug that's like
6184s oh this is the there a node that's
6186s supposed to give 100% more damage and
6188s instead it's giving uh negative 50% less
6191s damage type thing instead and it's like
6193s that's really easy to test cuz you can
6195s just see the numbers changing um but
6198s like if the numbers weren't changing and
6199s you it's still really easy bug to fix if
6202s you know what you're looking for but
6204s like if you can't test it you can't make
6206s sure and that's the frustrating
6210s part all right uh my bad it wasn't you
6214s it was Justin 6 months ago that said
6216s thing about dummies with damage variance
6217s my memory isn't perfect
6219s haha Vindication that's fine don't worry
6222s about it uh I'd like the seasonal
6224s content if we knew well in advance that
6226s it was going uh away just so it could
6228s plan personal life okay yeah if we did
6230s do um a seasonal explicit content that
6233s was Vanishing we would definitely be
6235s clear about that well in
6237s advance
6239s um how far up the priority list is
6241s fixing specifically crash problems game
6243s freezes movement ability bugs that
6245s causes death I'm hardcore player 90% of
6247s my deaths are these things extremely
6249s high extremely high extremely high
6252s extremely
6253s high uh what are some of the upgrades
6256s coming with unity 21 that you're excited
6258s to do with Ellie I mean the biggest
6259s thing that I'm really excited for is
6261s dlss and FSR
6263s there's a lot of like behind the scenes
6266s stuff that doesn't really affect you
6268s directly as a player but uh trust me
6270s it's
6271s great uh what do you mean it's a bug
6274s with
6277s potions I don't know sorry I was reading
6280s a
6281s comment uh from from everal I think it's
6283s I think this is in relation to a bug
6285s with certain zones not refreshing your
6286s potions when they're supposed to I think
6288s that's what it
6290s was uh don't forget to mention him but
6292s yes more teaser please yes I did that is
6295s that a Zelda maze uh it is not
6300s Zelda it's it's the it's hard to see
6304s what it is cuz you it's only on screen
6307s for like 5 seconds in the
6313s movie right at the
6316s start probably 3/4s to the third one for
6319s a little bit as well
6324s Jo Mike looking smug you working out or
6327s switching the diet hands Some Devil
6329s thank you very much a lot of
6333s both uh has there been any thought on
6335s creating an alternate leveling method
6337s for alt yeah we talked about this earli
6339s in stream I can talk about it again a
6340s little bit like a 1 to 56 monolith
6342s system I literally do not play alts in
6344s games that Force campaign run through
6346s every character cannot stand it more
6348s than once lol um see I I'll talk a
6352s little more I'll
6354s um I think want to hear loot lizards is
6357s hoger is stealing my loot any plans on
6360s changing Lich such as making it so you
6362s can die in Lich form which then you can
6365s reduce the cool down much lower possibly
6367s it's what I was talking about a little
6368s bit earlier in the Stream um there's
6369s there's there's something there that I
6371s think needs to be done with it because
6372s yeah it is really I'm playing it it is I
6374s pop out of L and I'm like okay I'm going
6375s to run around in a circle and try not to
6377s die um I just what just want to say I
6381s enjoy the campaign and dungeons more
6382s than the monoliths uh just want to
6384s provide positive feedback for something
6385s the vocal minority seems to hate however
6389s likess Arbor's dungeon mechanics can die
6391s in a bit please find another way of
6393s depleting ambers other than receiving
6394s damage SL hits um just so you know with
6397s that one you can if the if the Amber's
6399s not on you physically hits don't reduce
6401s it so you can like throw it out with the
6404s D key and it um your hits don't reduce
6407s it then so just try not to be carrying
6409s it when you're going to take a
6411s hit uh is there by any chance by CH is
6416s there by chance a pet cosmetic to make
6418s our squirrels into void instead of
6421s shrines
6424s no there's not one that I like ready to
6427s go or anything like that I don't know
6428s there might be one being made but I I
6430s haven't seen one uh LR yes you Tarzan me
6435s Wayne love it uh you are correct it is
6439s Lord of the Rings s's mace yes s facts
6442s it's just the it's just the head it's
6443s it's going to be a lot bigger I ran out
6445s of filament and I more of it's showing
6446s up
6450s tomorrow uh all
6452s right the part of you I think is not
6454s fixed oh
6456s God see you
6458s frustrating all right let's talk about
6462s alternate leveling systems while I try
6463s and beat this
6466s boss okay so
6471s um we have try one thing we're we're
6475s really interested in doing is making the
6476s leveling
6477s experience um something that is a fun
6481s part of the
6482s game I don't think it's like a
6484s controversial thing to be like yes we
6485s want leveling a new character to be fun
6487s ha um I know a lot of people for for a
6489s lot of people like a c a static campaign
6491s experience is not a fun thing to do
6493s multiple times um and there's there's I
6496s think a lot of
6499s um baggage that goes with uh maybe
6503s having done that in other games before
6504s as well that that that puts a lot of
6506s negative spin on that even before we're
6507s out of the gate I'm not saying ours is
6508s significantly better or anything like
6510s that but just there's a lot of
6513s um
6515s uh I don't know Prejudice might be the
6517s wrong word it seems too strong but like
6519s I think it's the technically the right
6520s term I think there's a lot of um refug
6524s is by it's I think it's difficult to
6528s have people come into it with with if
6530s they if they really dislike that in
6532s style thing in general
6536s um yeah and and so yeah we we we really
6539s want to have that leveling experience be
6541s something that is fun oh my God I just
6543s like got moved right at the start lost
6545s my Reaper form right
6548s away okay this is going to be
6555s tricky all right can we even do this is
6558s it possible
6565s um okay
6567s the I'd really like us to have an
6570s alternate leveling experience system I
6572s don't think that the current setup for
6576s monolith
6578s is perfect I I
6581s don't think the current setup for monus
6583s is actually good enough um to be to be
6587s that that leveling experience as well as
6590s the primary endgame system I think the
6592s the monolith themselves need a lot of
6594s work to really shine in in either of
6596s those
6598s situations um and we are working on that
6601s and doing a lot of things that are going
6602s to make that leveling and um especially
6605s early late game experience a ton better
6608s and late late game experience too
6619s um it is hopess uh so yeah we we are
6623s this is this is stuff that we are
6624s working on and we're laying the ground
6625s work for I think alternate leveling
6627s systems to be um more approachable more
6630s accessible more
6632s fun
6636s and dang it I got greedy
6659s oh you just come off cool down I think
6663s it's too bad um I think I can do that
6666s with keyboard mouse just cuz I'm more
6668s used to it we're we'll try again we'll
6670s try
6671s again how much do I need do need more
6674s still good
6676s okay
6677s uh can I
6683s uh character there it is okay
6685s resistances are stacked that is not the
6688s problem we need more Health we need more
6691s attack
6693s speed uh what am I
6696s doing okay we're going use this keyboard
6698s and mouse just cuz I'm uh so much faster
6701s at it and I want to get through
6703s this that's a really nice
6706s one he done do we have any room for
6709s forging potential that we can pull
6711s something impr
6713s [Music]
6717s no
6719s no one forging potential hey Vitality is
6726s Vitality I mean can we roll those
6736s better they're
6740s decent probably won't roll those
6744s oh our Gear's uh not not got a lot of
6747s room for a wiggle in there does it okay
6750s ignite and ell res that's bad for us cuz
6752s we have so much ell
6755s reses uh Fire Res kind of
6758s wasted poison res wasted poison res
6763s wasted Vitality is nice
6769s regardless armor it's kind of useless
6780s oh poison we dropped below the line
6785s okay
6787s apparently uh we had a lot of poison
6789s writing on
6793s that okay what uh what Idols do we have
6795s here
6807s profane Veil not using
6812s it damned on hit transplant CDR that's
6817s not
6822s bad his spell uh we don't do much of his
6826s spell crit crit crit yeah we like crit
6835s do we just do we just slap a bunch of
6837s crit on
6838s there the play we can do one of we can't
6846s do no that doesn't work I'd rather have
6849s this one I think
6852s yeah it's
6859s fine
6861s uh try to do this quickly and I'm not
6863s finding really great stuff why why don't
6865s I have amazing Idols that are just like
6867s ready to
6870s go oh just like a little minion doing
6873s something just Mark for death
6877s yeah okay where's where's our
6885s health I want to beat this
6890s boss uh come on Vitality I just want I
6894s want lots of
6898s health give me some amazing Health ones
6901s come
6908s on why did my Idols all
6911s suck
6913s why what did I
6919s do oh there we go that one's going in
6922s for sure yes yes yes yes yes
6930s yes uh 5% that's going
6936s in 5% that's going in
6939s okay um where can I wiggle that in
6956s there poison is
6963s low all
6965s right it's an
6970s improvement and you know it's it's funny
6971s now we're now we're out of
6978s potions that's more questions
6981s here uh okay so just talking about the
6983s alternate leveling stuff for a second
6984s the dungeons um part of what the
6987s dungeons were supposed to be was an
6989s alternate leveling experience and and
6991s they kind of do that but they're really
6993s crap at doing that um and so improving
6995s the dungeon experience is going to be a
6997s big thing that's going to help with
6998s improving the alternate leveling path
7000s for especially for um for experienced
7002s players and um one of the big things
7005s that dungeons like like that that that
7007s process of going through the dungeon
7009s when it's that static layout with
7010s blockers in the way it like like I think
7013s we've proven that's not fun for the vast
7015s majority of players um and so when we
7017s fix that that's going to be a huge boost
7019s to the way dungeons function we're going
7020s to be able to add so many more Dungeons
7022s and you're going to see a natural
7023s alternate leveling path that doesn't
7024s rely so heavily on the campaign and also
7026s alternate paths for getting the bonuses
7028s that would be available in the campaign
7030s that are going to just make the whole
7031s process blow wide open I think really
7033s quickly um I think there's room for
7036s really
7037s awesome alternate leveling paths that
7039s don't just say hey you're in the
7041s monolith now um um that can be I think I
7045s think the big key thing for them is they
7046s can be varied I think they can be
7048s heavily varied in the path you choose I
7050s think the original vision for dungeons
7052s as an alternate leveling path is still
7053s really great I think we we pumped the
7056s brakes really hard on them because
7057s dungeons themselves weren't fun enough
7059s and I think we're finally getting to the
7060s point where dungeons are going to be fun
7062s enough that that alternate leveling path
7063s is going to be really positive
7064s experience for people that are really
7065s seeking that I want to do something else
7067s other than the campaign I want to I'm be
7068s able to choose my own adventure as I'm
7070s leveling a character still um but still
7073s having that experience be different from
7074s just hey you're straight into endgame
7076s already um I I think it's I think it's
7079s getting really positive experience I
7081s could be wrong about this um and we're
7082s seeing people that are hopping into Mon
7084s level 20 already like it's really not
7086s that long um especially on all
7088s characters but I think the key part for
7089s a lot of players is not those old
7090s characters but rather those new
7092s characters who are starting fresh on the
7094s season starts that want that experience
7095s to be fun still and we want that
7096s experience to be fun still um and that's
7099s definitely the direction we're going
7100s Something That We're heavily working on
7102s um I this also comes hand inand with
7104s seasonal mechanics things that are fun
7106s to slot into the campaign experience
7108s that that make it different that make it
7109s feel different that add new themes add
7111s new people add new um ideas mechanics uh
7115s activities you know all these things
7117s that you can you can make that leveling
7118s experience uh new different fun prepare
7121s you for endgame mechanics that are going
7123s to be integrated into a system at the
7124s whole once you need to use them fully um
7127s and and having that that gradual
7128s introduction process in the campaign is
7130s going to be really positive for players
7131s to uh learn those systems uh not in a
7134s high stakes environment so to
7139s speak okay let's
7142s go is there any chance uh right that I
7146s may have a have very rarely and on rare
7149s occasion sometimes possibly perhaps
7152s allegedly sent bug reports which I may
7154s or may not have realized afterwards that
7156s were strictly technically speaking
7158s idiotic uh of me to send may I please
7161s request forgiveness for past
7163s transgressions absolutely and I just
7165s noticed your name which is kind of funny
7167s in this context um but yes you are
7173s forgiven no problem I would much rather
7176s people send in uh like like four bug
7179s reports and only one of them actually be
7181s and like and then realize the next day
7183s that three of those were kind of crap
7187s um and and uh and be like oh one of
7190s those three was good those one of the
7191s four was good with the other three were
7192s crap like I'd rather that situation than
7193s just like didn't send any bug reports
7196s you know like we can we can filter stuff
7198s that's not great uh there improvements
7200s to steam de performance someone last
7202s week was saying that you didn't have to
7203s use Crow utilities anymore um not sure
7206s but yeah it's something we're working on
7208s uh based on previous answers given is
7210s there Poss a possibility of defining
7212s soon I'm sorry there's
7215s not knowing you are working on an
7217s alternate leveling method is all I need
7218s to hear and to know you can uh know you
7221s are actively finding something that can
7223s check all the boxes of leveling is great
7225s thank you you're welcome I hope we come
7226s up with something awesome for you uh
7229s suggesting The Forum thread to instead
7231s make dungeons that takes any key and
7234s grants you some idle slots and passive
7236s scales with level uh so it's a baseline
7239s environment for anyone trying to uh
7241s speed level uh would that be something
7243s you would add instead dungeons are
7245s already an all leveling tool and that
7247s way you don't have to fix patch uh have
7249s a fixed path to follow just random
7252s yeah so that that that those last two
7255s words that you just put in that sentence
7256s are like the the the hardest part of
7259s that whole thing and I it seems really
7262s innocuous um like just random levels
7266s like yeah great super easy um oh my God
7270s that's a mega mega mega massive project
7272s that takes a lot of people and is really
7275s really big and we're working on
7280s it uh any PL for a mini game to be added
7284s to the main game uh Creator collector
7286s card games some sort of thing I would be
7289s over the moon if we did this uh this is
7293s like the we're talking dream come true
7296s feature for Mike here um I've uh yes I I
7301s I don't have I've I've not been told I'm
7303s allowed to start making one yet um but I
7306s will break them one
7309s day uh is a big fan of Elliot 2K hours
7312s wow that's a lot I I wonder if Rune
7314s Master will return to its past Glory
7317s it's kind of confusing when the Mastery
7318s came sorc was bad and the only strong
7320s sorc builds were actually sorc with the
7321s Run Master passives uh now it is the
7323s opposite no run Master builds only sorc
7325s using some Rune Master skills and
7327s passives I think the um in both cases
7331s there was a disproportionately powerful
7334s thing pushing one half above the other
7337s and the tendency for only whatever is
7340s the absolute best to be populator um
7343s was um kind of pushed to the extreme
7347s and
7349s um we ended up with a very lopsided
7354s results on
7360s um on on on on the the the stats on what
7363s people were
7364s using uh and I think that
7368s it's uh a matter of just you know
7370s getting a little bit better balance uh
7372s and we'll see a little bit better spread
7378s um it's a really tricky combination of
7381s oh can
7383s we um it's a really tricky
7388s combination to to to balance nicely the
7392s they're so similar and they have so much
7394s natural overlap that quite often when a
7396s mechanic's really strong on one it's
7398s really strong on
7399s both um
7407s I popped that way too quick I double
7409s tapped
7414s it magic has
7416s no
7420s perish this right there finally
7425s Co that great was
7428s great uh yeah skill shards
7436s feeling good about
7443s that those are supposed to stick around
7445s I don't know whether or
7451s not bone does a lot of
7454s [Music]
7455s damage all
7457s right
7459s well oh you're allowed to make a mini
7462s game one day there now someone just told
7464s you said said it to
7466s you thank you very
7469s much uh well I had a great time I hope
7473s you did too I will be back same time
7475s same place next week uh if I missed your
7478s question I apologize it was not
7479s intentional please head on over to our
7480s Discord and I will try to answer it
7482s there we've got an ASDF Channel
7485s um we got a couple last second ones in
7487s here uh if uh I'll be back same time
7490s same place next week hopefully with a
7493s guest I think we're if if not next week
7495s the week after we're going to start
7496s doing guests um I really want to get
7498s this as a regular thing we do frequently
7501s um and yeah I hope hope you all have a
7503s great
7506s day thanks for stopping by appreciate
7508s [Music]
7513s y'all and let's go let's let's see let's
7516s see if anyone's doing anything fun right
7520s now uh
7525s oh someone someone's
7527s [Music]
7531s going let's let's see who this let's see
7533s who this person
7536s is that a good stream I felt I I really
7539s enjoyed playing with the controller this
7541s time so thank you very much uh for for
7544s for pressuring me into uh into giving
7546s that a shot I really enjoyed it see you
7549s next week