9 months
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
263s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
266s | back to another last Epoch Dev |
269s | stream he as usual I'm your host Mike |
272s | hello how's it going |
274s | everybody going to be hanging out |
275s | playing little games having some fun and |
278s | some a few |
279s | questions just hop right in |
282s | hello if this is your first time here |
285s | welcome glad to have you with us uh |
287s | we've got our charity R above my |
290s | head we always stream for |
293s | charity and yes I am still playing my |
296s | horrible horrible serpent Drake build |
301s | cuz it's fun I like |
303s | it hop right into the |
307s | model hey thank you very much |
313s | Anton 16 months in a row hello how you |
316s | doing thanks for joining |
319s | us uh |
322s | also we |
324s | had uh the results for the we we did a |
327s | poll this something that uh I I feel |
329s | like |
331s | good to talk about we did a poll um for |
334s | the our content roll out strategy for |
336s | cycle content um and we released the |
340s | results of that poll this morning those |
343s | are up on our forums if you'd like to |
345s | check them out and uh I'll I'll at some |
347s | point later on in this stream I'll go |
349s | over them and we can chat talk about |
352s | them what you guys |
356s | think the I'll give you the tldr is that |
359s | the |
360s | um we're basically doing what we what we |
362s | initially had planned to do um which |
367s | is which is we're releasing almost all |
371s | of the content to everyone |
373s | simultaneously and then a few very just |
376s | one in this case very specific little |
378s | thing little thing the Pinnacle boss um |
382s | is going to be |
384s | delayed uh until someone kills it on |
387s | cycle short version |
391s | so everything except for just the |
392s | Pinnacle boss fight itself just the |
394s | final fight um will be available for |
396s | everyone right |
407s | away is a chest over |
414s | here all |
417s | right does that have 300% increase |
420s | damage over time and I have a one LP |
422s | weapon I'm using right |
423s | now why yes it |
427s | does are we going to go do uh dungeon |
430s | now why yes we |
435s | are if you have any questions please put |
438s | atlast dep game in the chat and I will |
440s | know that it is a question for me to |
442s | answer I'll be happy to do |
447s | so got get there now |
451s | uh did you lost some weight I have |
453s | actually thank you for noticing you're |
454s | the first person to |
459s | notice down 14 |
469s | kilos I really liked your performance in |
471s | the town |
472s | portal like always thank you very much |
474s | that was that was I had a ton of fun |
475s | doing that it was great um so yeah shout |
479s | out to Frosty and for having me |
482s | um yeah I it was I had a ton of fun with |
484s | it it was |
492s | great yes my crafting |
497s | materials how many more chapters for |
498s | campaign three chapters are coming to |
500s | the campaign still total um there will |
504s | be uh no new campaign chapters in patch |
508s | 1.1 1.2 is going to be getting a new |
511s | campaign chapter |
514s | um and uh that's that's kind of all the |
518s | timeline information we've given on when |
519s | the new campaign chapters are rolling |
520s | out but yeah so so then the the first of |
523s | the three remaining campaign chapters |
525s | are coming out |
528s | um next patch after this one that's just |
531s | about to come out so |
533s | 1.2 I hear a lot about focus on endgame |
535s | for leveling enjoyers do we get some new |
537s | skills or something to play around with |
539s | oh yeah I mean So like um a lot of the |
542s | stuff we add so like we we add like new |
544s | unique items to the game and those |
546s | aren't exclusively super endgame items |
549s | so like some of them we do intentionally |
550s | add uh early and mid game items to the |
552s | game so as you're leveling you |
554s | experience those as well um also the |
557s | along the same vein as uh exiled Mages |
560s | the um like one of the new systems we're |
564s | adding in this in this 1.1 patch will |
566s | will still happen in the campaign as |
567s | well so that enriches your campaign |
569s | experience |
570s | um there also just like uh like all the |
573s | like skills for different characters |
575s | like skill trees get updated the passive |
577s | trees get updated so all these things |
578s | like new items get added like they all |
580s | affect your leveling experience as well |
581s | so it's it's not strictly a endgame |
584s | stuff there's a big Focus there but a |
587s | ton of that um we add like we we we |
590s | deliver that during the campaign for |
592s | some of that as well and you know like I |
595s | think I I I I don't think you'll |
597s | be um while it might not seem that |
600s | there's like and and the focus is on |
602s | endgame for sure um but we do know that |
605s | our leveling experience is it affects |
607s | everyone too it affects people that that |
608s | are really interested in game so we are |
611s | working on the leveling experience as |
613s | well most of the big ticket shiny things |
616s | that come up in a road map though uh |
619s | that that generate hype and excitement |
620s | for the game all are endgame |
625s | things looking good thank you uh is |
628s | there any new skills SL complete rework |
630s | skills 1 there are no brand new skills |
632s | there's no like just like skills from |
634s | scratch um there is uh there's there's |
638s | one skill that's been pretty heavily re |
640s | reworked |
642s | um we we've kind of teased that a little |
644s | bit already uh and and there's there's I |
649s | would say many skills that have had |
651s | tweaks and |
654s | adjustments yeah |
660s | with more bosses coming and assuming |
662s | more Tech and cool skills with them will |
664s | older timeline bosses get a touchup as |
666s | well to keep them feeling current and |
668s | relevant um yep there |
671s | is there's not a ton changing with the |
673s | timeline bosses directly um but there's |
676s | some new experiences there for |
681s | you the a lot of the stuff we adding 1.1 |
684s | affects |
686s | like uh |
690s | it's going to affect like a broad range |
692s | of times along your journey to the |
695s | Pinnacle |
698s | boss it's been mentioned that HP will be |
701s | more in line with Ward as far as |
703s | Effectiveness for late game ehp in 1.1 |
706s | can you provide any specifics about what |
707s | is changing not really um we're we're |
710s | still tweaking a lot of the numbers and |
711s | a lot of it's just number changes so |
713s | like there's there's changes to like the |
716s | formulas for how War Decay works and War |
718s | retention works and |
720s | um you know there's there's changes to |
723s | the like there there's there's |
725s | individual nodes that are sprinkled in |
727s | on like so for example we spoiled a few |
729s | weeks back there was a um one of the |
731s | teasers we had was um a void Knight node |
735s | that gives you health per Vitality um in |
739s | like extra Health per Vitality in in in |
741s | in the void Knight tree so I think |
743s | that's like I mean that's one specific |
744s | thing we're |
747s | doing the this is something something I |
750s | was talking about recently was that I |
752s | think a lot of the power |
754s | for um for ward-based builds comes from |
757s | passives and skills so like your |
759s | passives and and like what skills you |
761s | have generate a ton of Ward um and |
764s | that's that's completely not item |
766s | dependent so you can happen really early |
768s | in the process so you can you get this |
769s | like um the the power curves on um Ward |
775s | based builds and the power curves on |
777s | non-w based builds look very different |
780s | um and especially early on the the like |
783s | Ward just shoots ahead in a lot of |
785s | situations um so it's it's It's tricky |
788s | to see that like oh health health will |
790s | catch up type thing um and it doesn't |
793s | catch up all the way |
796s | but it's tricky to feel and It's tricky |
798s | to get there as well because so much of |
799s | the health based um builds are very gear |
803s | dependent you kind of need to do a w |
804s | build first to get there which isn't |
807s | ideal |
812s | how do you feel the overall success and |
814s | Patch Cadence of the game is going I |
816s | mean I think um I I I think overall |
819s | we're doing great still there's uh it |
823s | would have been nice to get this patch |
824s | out a month earlier um or two weeks |
827s | earlier uh just just for just to keep |
830s | the pace and the timing up a little bit |
831s | better but |
833s | um you know like we're still we're still |
835s | going through some growing pains on on |
837s | the whole on the whole process um |
840s | but I think it's it's I think we're |
842s | hitting our strive hit getting in our |
843s | groove nicely and it's going to be it's |
844s | going to be a good a good thing going |
851s | forward I think this patch is going to |
852s | be a lot of fun I think that'll help a |
857s | lot |
860s | uh oh here's a question um don't don't |
862s | forget to put at last Depot game in your |
864s | question so I see it um and know that |
866s | it's for me uh so the question there |
868s | used to be a ma version will there ever |
870s | be a thing again we don't have any plans |
872s | to bring it back it's not impossible but |
874s | it's not on our list right |
879s | now uh on Town portal podcast you were |
881s | telling us the name of the Pinnacle boss |
883s | when your mic suddenly cut out what did |
885s | you |
889s | say oh sorry did it cut out again oh my |
891s | bad |
904s | let's try it |
912s | again it won't let me say it I don't |
914s | know what it is my mic's just like cuts |
915s | out and it just like doesn't let me say |
917s | it sorry I'll try I'll try again |
920s | later uh where can we read the change |
922s | log |
923s | for uh for |
925s | stars um the the the um full patch notes |
930s | will be up uh in the few days before the |
932s | patch I think we're we're trying to get |
933s | them out as early as we can uh there's |
936s | there's things that change quite close |
937s | to the end and |
940s | um it's sort of what we do in that last |
942s | week when we're like all right we're not |
944s | no one touch anything it's stable it's |
946s | working it's good we we're content |
947s | finished everything's done all right now |
949s | everyone write down what you did it's |
952s | not quite that bad but uh you know like |
954s | we we spend a lot of time formatting |
956s | those the patch notes and like everyone |
957s | goes through the sections and makees |
959s | sure it's all nice and written and |
960s | properly and everything like that so |
961s | there's there's some time that goes into |
963s | that um after we've locked the |
966s | patch uh in the early stages of making |
968s | the game was a T-Rex for Beast Master |
970s | considered yeah I mean so we when we |
974s | were talking about comp Animal |
976s | Companions for the Beast Master the |
977s | Raptor is actually one of the last might |
980s | be the last one uh yeah wolves were |
983s | first and then it was bear so wolf and |
986s | bear were like right out of the gate um |
990s | I don't know I think Sabertooth was next |
992s | and Scorpion was very shortly after and |
993s | then like quite a ways later we added |
998s | Raptor |
1000s | um and I think like hopefully the |
1003s | obvious thing T-Rex is a little bit out |
1006s | of scale for the player to make |
1008s | sense oh missed oh we got I missed |
1011s | another one |
1012s | Spike res sub for 17 months in a row |
1014s | thank you very much I appreciate you |
1016s | gentlemen and Mr F Mr f |
1022s | yes Mr fli thank you for 13 months this |
1024s | this is crazy guys so many people over a |
1027s | year it's it's nuts it's it's really |
1029s | cool to see uh and I'm glad you're |
1030s | having fun and enjoying yourself |
1032s | here thank |
1036s | you and I am in you're |
1041s | in welcome thanks the sub appreciate it |
1051s | oh it's what is happening it's a it's a |
1054s | casc ranid thanks five gifted Subs to |
1057s | the channel that's very cool congrats to |
1059s | anyone who got one of those uh yeah |
1062s | thank |
1063s | you sorts of stuff happening |
1074s | today nice |
1082s | all right uh as a relatively new ailment |
1085s | Electrify when will it be a little more |
1087s | expanded in availability and how could |
1089s | it stand out compared to the other dots |
1092s | um I mean so like one of the ways that |
1093s | it stands out right now is that it is it |
1096s | is limited on the characters that can |
1097s | have it I mean that's kind of one way |
1098s | that it is different than anything else |
1100s | like bleed and |
1105s | poison ignite there we go got it |
1107s | frostbite things like that it's It's |
1109s | tricky to |
1112s | have uh them be too |
1115s | different there's there's there's |
1116s | something to be said for the Simplicity |
1118s | of the base ailments the ones that are |
1120s | just like uh you you you've got a |
1124s | physical dot you know like and having |
1125s | that be simple and clear you don't have |
1127s | to read what it is you you know what |
1129s | that is going to do just |
1131s | from uh just from looking at it like |
1134s | just you you bleed it's a DOT it's |
1137s | physical you don't need to know anything |
1138s | else about it um and that that that |
1141s | understanding of what it is having that |
1142s | be really a really low barrier to entry |
1145s | is really important and then having the |
1146s | the things that like make it interesting |
1148s | and unique have those be effects on |
1150s | specific skills and abilities and maybe |
1152s | items things that are like more damage |
1153s | to bleeding targets or maybe it's um |
1156s | like when you hit a bleeding Target it |
1157s | can cause it to become poison or super |
1160s | poisoned or something you know like uh |
1162s | thing things like that that that affect |
1164s | the affect the Dot from the outside are |
1166s | a lot um I think are a lot better for us |
1169s | to do for like uh especially for new |
1171s | player onboarding and for being able to |
1173s | like learn learn builds better and be |
1175s | able to craft builds yourself faster and |
1178s | easier um so we usually approach them |
1180s | from that perspective for the like for |
1182s | the for like the I want to call them |
1184s | like core dots like the ones that |
1188s | are um pretty widespread and I know it's |
1191s | part of this question is why is |
1192s | electricy qu as wies spread um and |
1194s | sometimes it just comes down to theming |
1196s | of the class itself so like basically |
1199s | every class has physical damage |
1201s | somewhere on it as uh even a partial |
1204s | theme but um lightning damage is not |
1208s | always uh very |
1211s | represented |
1212s | um element so like acolyte for example |
1216s | has almost no lightning |
1220s | Dage I think I'm like oh gosh does it |
1222s | have it somewh that I'm forgetting I |
1224s | don't think so |
1230s | I don't think it has it almost anywhere |
1233s | um and like void Knight and Sentinel |
1234s | don't have much Paladin has some so like |
1236s | it's a it's a minor one for um forgeard |
1241s | and void Knight don't have much but |
1243s | Paladin has some so it's sort of a minor |
1245s | minor dot there a minor element |
1250s | there guess javelin's actually Base |
1252s | Class isn't I was think javelin's |
1253s | Paladin skill for some reason |
1260s | but yeah things like that I I could see |
1262s | getting a little more expansion in a few |
1264s | places Pro probably I think most of the |
1266s | times that you'll see electrified being |
1268s | available on classes that it doesn't |
1270s | really fit super thematically will be |
1271s | from |
1273s | skills that's when you get that that |
1275s | crossover is is usually through um |
1277s | skills items I'm |
1281s | sorry all right will The Meta be mostly |
1284s | the same for 1.1 or is there a good |
1286s | shakeup uh it's It's Tricky to know |
1289s | exactly what's going to happen um play |
1292s | styles that people have shown us they |
1293s | really enjoy um we're we're careful not |
1297s | to decimate them completely into the |
1299s | ground type thing compared to the other |
1301s | things that are available there there's |
1304s | like there are there are some very heavy |
1305s | Nerfs on the like situations where |
1309s | people are getting into where they're |
1310s | wildly overpowered um but you know |
1314s | relative to the other builds that are |
1315s | available and the and the maximum |
1316s | potential as a character you have in the |
1318s | game it's pretty similar uh for for |
1321s | those super high builds they're still |
1322s | high up builds I think you're going to |
1324s | see more newcomers into the scene as far |
1327s | as builds go um that that will I guess |
1330s | shade things up by just giving more |
1338s | options there's definitely builds that |
1340s | are viable and fun and and you know |
1342s | powerful that weren't viable if on or |
1344s | powerful before |
1365s | uh is there a chance to lower the cost |
1366s | of shatar runes in the early game uh I |
1370s | think it's |
1372s | unlikely um because you can transfer |
1375s | gold |
1376s | to uh to to to level one character can |
1379s | have a million gold on them um we don't |
1382s | want to create a situation where you're |
1385s | like all right let me switch my level |
1386s | one character to buy shattering runes |
1389s | and then we switch back to my level 90 |
1391s | character to keep playing like that |
1393s | seems |
1395s | bad |
1397s | um yeah so I I'd say probably not the |
1400s | the cost kind of needs to be static |
1413s | it's also it's also um a matter of |
1415s | necessity as well so |
1417s | like you can't see this text General |
1419s | Haron get off my ship never |
1423s | um |
1427s | and you you don't you don't really need |
1429s | a ton of shattering runes early game |
1431s | they're also not super useful early game |
1433s | like they are useful but not like |
1435s | they're not as useful um because you're |
1438s | you're getting far fewer uh affixes per |
1441s | shattering |
1443s | room we have talked in the past I don't |
1446s | know if we're going to do this ever we |
1447s | have talked about having like a um an |
1450s | inefficient shattering run or like a |
1452s | minor shattering Rune that's like just |
1454s | always available or is is just you know |
1458s | like it just doesn't do quite as good of |
1459s | a job like maybe it f it gets half the |
1461s | number of app something like that |
1466s | um I think the big reason we haven't |
1468s | done something like that is because it |
1469s | then says all right you want to be super |
1471s | efficient turn on every single item you |
1474s | can pick up and pick them all up and |
1475s | Shad them all or start taking them back |
1478s | to this back to town and you know it's |
1480s | it's it's um creating these play |
1483s | patterns that are not fun but because |
1486s | they're efficient people will do them |
1489s | and it's that it's that like the the |
1491s | short term that we use for that is just |
1492s | burden of optimal |
1494s | play um and a RPG players frequently |
1499s | like to play things optimally it doesn't |
1501s | really matter how you are optimal it's |
1503s | just if you are optimal and um we try to |
1507s | make the optimal path |
1516s | fun it's like those um those builds we |
1520s | we we've had crop up in the past where |
1521s | it's like all right you're going to sit |
1522s | here for 10 minutes before the boss |
1524s | fight you're gonna pre-buff for 10 |
1525s | minutes and then you're gonna walk in |
1526s | and one shot the boss and like that's |
1527s | not really |
1529s | like it's it's cool to have happen and |
1531s | it's kind of neat but like those 10 |
1532s | minutes of pre-buff suck you know even |
1536s | even I remember um like if you played uh |
1538s | D2 pandemonium event you're trying to |
1540s | like uh get you're trying to be optimal |
1543s | so you you get um the the fade armor uh |
1547s | stealth I think and |
1551s | um totally wrong there's a rune word you |
1554s | can put in armor and if you get hit you |
1556s | have a chance to cast fade on yourself |
1557s | and fade um cranks you resistance is up |
1559s | a ton which is super super valued for |
1561s | that fight because Fisto has a um a |
1564s | conviction aura that Nerfs your |
1566s | resistances into the ground um and so |
1570s | you you go and you sit in act four near |
1571s | the Waypoint you just stand in a little |
1573s | pool of fire waiting for fade to proc |
1576s | and then you go do the boss fight it's |
1577s | like that that pre-buff step um it's |
1581s | optimal it's great but you're just |
1582s | standing there in the fire waiting to go |
1584s | and it's kind of boring right um it |
1586s | that's that's a super low impact and |
1588s | super minor version of what I'm talking |
1589s | about but that's the type of thing we |
1590s | try and |
1593s | avoid want me to spell out the name for |
1595s | you yes I have no idea what you're |
1597s | talking about but yes |
1599s | always oh the the the the Pinnacle boss |
1604s | name how do you even know the |
1609s | name uh just tuned in did you talk |
1612s | anything related to more about the alt |
1613s | friendly features um |
1616s | no uh I I don't think we spoiled any of |
1619s | that |
1621s | yet I don't think anyone's talked about |
1623s | that |
1627s | yet that'll be that'll be part of uh Dev |
1629s | vog um they they |
1632s | almost they almost let me actually |
1634s | spoiled some of that for the the um Town |
1637s | portal um interview that just happened |
1641s | that was that was one of the things it |
1642s | was like I don't know 10 minutes before |
1644s | the show and someone sent me a |
1645s | screenshot of of one of those things to |
1646s | post up and I'm like uh uh are we are we |
1650s | showing |
1655s | this so you can blame me for not showing |
1661s | up all right we've got taso 73 thank you |
1665s | very much for the sub I appreciate |
1669s | it let so is our charity cuz that's go |
1672s | to our charity booom |
1688s | we need we need we need to do some some |
1689s | gear upgrades our boots are not |
1698s | awesome you guys should collab with slay |
1700s | the fire for Trans fog would be awesome |
1703s | I would love to do a collaboration with |
1704s | another game um we we've kind of |
1709s | try to keep things like in universe as |
1712s | much as possible um but we have |
1716s | technically broken that once already cuz |
1717s | my face is in the |
1720s | game |
1722s | um but other than that it's it's all in |
1724s | Universe |
1727s | stuff we can find it if we |
1733s | want kind of hard to see but there's my |
1736s | face |
1747s | some of those were |
1755s | cool I also love SL Spire by the way |
1758s | that was I I thought that was a great |
1763s | game to defy the emperor death |
1775s | it's all you have for |
1779s | me how do you guys feel about adding |
1781s | something to Necromancer to encourage |
1782s | some interaction on the part of the |
1784s | player rather than being completely |
1787s | passive I mean yes |
1789s | the |
1795s | um how you know it's time to trim your |
1797s | beard |
1799s | uh |
1801s | the the the the the primary action we |
1804s | want players doing as playing a |
1806s | necromancer and like driving into that |
1808s | primary theme they have is summoning |
1811s | things um so that that active summoning |
1814s | action um and so two two summoning |
1816s | skills that we have uh included |
1819s | specifically to keep players um give |
1821s | players the option for being an active |
1824s | Summoner where you're not just watching |
1826s | your minions kill things are um volatile |
1829s | zombie and summon |
1831s | wraith now this goes back to the |
1833s | efficiency thing a little bit I think is |
1835s | that it's really efficient to automate |
1839s | things and |
1842s | um like we we and we like to give |
1844s | players options to do things that they |
1845s | find fun so there are lots of options |
1848s | for automating things like wraith with |
1850s | the new W Lord Helmet and |
1857s | um the the some of the some of those may |
1860s | be just a little bit too strong I think |
1861s | right now so it makes doing it manually |
1864s | less appealing probably |
1866s | the long and the short of it really but |
1869s | yeah there's we do take that into |
1872s | consideration as something that is an |
1873s | active Summoner role not as |
1877s | important are there any plans for |
1879s | midcycle events yes but not yet um that |
1883s | is the sort of thing that we are really |
1884s | interested in doing we don't have any |
1885s | specifics on what those will be or when |
1887s | they'll happen yet but yeah having |
1889s | midcycle events is something that's |
1890s | interesting to us um especially if |
1893s | there's like um like some event that |
1895s | we're that that that's happening uh that |
1897s | we can like Co like line it up and |
1899s | coincide with I think that's the sort of |
1900s | thing that we'll start to do more once |
1902s | we're um once we're in that that steady |
1904s | Rhythm that steady |
1905s | Pace |
1908s | yeah we give it a |
1910s | shot shot |
1923s | they fight each |
1933s | other not look good we might be in some |
1937s | trouble |
1956s | oh we might make |
1959s | it they did like no damage to him H |
1963s | enemies minions who what's going |
1972s | on I didn't think they would wor the |
1975s | shot that right |
1979s | yeah get |
1984s | C that's |
1986s | interesting that's |
1992s | interesting uh when in when extending |
1995s | the size of 11 th games uh do you |
1998s | foresee the company creating other games |
2000s | if so uh then what genres would you like |
2002s | to work on oh I mean yeah I I'd love to |
2006s | uh to to expand and get more games going |
2009s | under our belt and all sort of stuff I |
2010s | think I think like ehg was formed |
2014s | specifically to make uh last Epoch oh |
2017s | thank you very much um got QB qb1 junkie |
2022s | welcome everybody with that rating party |
2024s | glad to have you with |
2026s | us um yeah with with expanding the the |
2029s | company um we are expanding the company |
2031s | right now like we're we're hiring people |
2033s | um and uh they hit the ground running |
2035s | great job guys um well done and |
2041s | uh like I was I you know did some more |
2044s | interviews last week and uh this week |
2048s | and it's like there's some really |
2051s | talented people that are playing it's so |
2053s | cool um which is which is great like |
2057s | it's awesome |
2059s | um and uh yeah like so s spending the |
2062s | company to to new games and new genres |
2064s | and stuff like that I'd love to but I |
2066s | think I think we are like like I said we |
2068s | did form last we formed 11th Hour game |
2070s | specifically to make last Epoch um so at |
2072s | least in the short term that's that's |
2073s | our that's our Focus that's our like |
2076s | that's what got us here that's what |
2079s | that's why we're all here you know like |
2082s | that's that's what we're here for um but |
2085s | like other genres you know like there's |
2087s | so many genres of games that I love that |
2089s | I'd love to one day work on um I feel |
2091s | like I personally anyways have tons of |
2093s | time left to work to work on other stuff |
2095s | like I'm very committed to working on |
2097s | last defo for a long long time here um |
2099s | but once that's once that's maybe done |
2101s | or like I don't know maybe I get bored |
2104s | of it in seven eight years and I don't |
2106s | quite make it to 10 10 more years we've |
2107s | already been doing it for six you know |
2110s | um but not bored at all yet so that's a |
2112s | good sign |
2114s | um if I was if I was going to pick other |
2116s | genres um I would probably |
2121s | pick like uh I'd love to work on a 4X |
2124s | game I that would be that would be |
2126s | really fun um shout out S7 just got |
2130s | announced uh oldw World current favorite |
2133s | right now for me |
2135s | um if you like forx games and you |
2137s | haven't heard of old world it's a |
2139s | smaller smaller game studio um oh my God |
2143s | it's good uh |
2147s | and uh like maybe like in the the Rog |
2150s | likee or um like met Metroid Vania |
2154s | style I loved uh like Rogue Legacy and |
2157s | Rogue Legacy 2 |
2162s | I think that would be that would be a |
2163s | lot of fun to work on as well it's it's |
2164s | a very different I I I would want to do |
2166s | something like pretty different I think |
2168s | um you know huge huge magic fan maybe |
2173s | like some sort of like card stuff you're |
2174s | talking about slay the Spire recently |
2176s | something along those lines |
2181s | maybe I don't think I'd be overly |
2183s | interested in like a first person |
2184s | shooter Style game personally |
2192s | maybe like a farming |
2194s | Sim that sounds weird I like grew up |
2196s | playing tons of Harvest |
2201s | Moon A whole whole bunch of drama around |
2204s | that right |
2215s | now you i' make it |
2222s | maybe like a really like like a retro |
2225s | like a throwback retro |
2230s | RPG there there's been a few really good |
2232s | ones of those that have come up recently |
2234s | Final Fantasy 9 remake just got |
2237s | leaked that's that's my favorite Final |
2239s | Fantasy game and like oh my |
2241s | gosh I I I just the the the Remake got |
2246s | leaked and I immediately started it up |
2248s | again and first try perfect on the dance |
2251s | battle at the start oh |
2253s | yeah which you need like it's it it's |
2255s | it's not even guaranteed if you do it |
2257s | perfect it's not even guaranteed that |
2258s | you get |
2261s | perfect |
2265s | yeah never done the fast |
2268s | Alexandria to get to get the special |
2271s | weapon so I might might try that okay |
2273s | back to last def let's stop let's stop |
2274s | rambling |
2278s | okay are you satisfied with the sales of |
2280s | the game yeah I |
2282s | mean my my personal um threshold for |
2287s | being satisfied with the sales of the |
2288s | game was like oh my God one dude bought |
2290s | it |
2294s | yeah you know so like I'm I'm |
2301s | easy all right hey just wondering why do |
2305s | we need to click transfer crafting |
2306s | materials at all and it's not |
2308s | transferred automatically just wondering |
2309s | what the thoughts behind it is yeah this |
2311s | is this this is it's a long story |
2317s | um the short version is is we're TR like |
2320s | the we're trying to have items be items |
2322s | and when you pick up an item it goes in |
2323s | your inventory that's sort of like that |
2325s | core fundamental thing and um especially |
2328s | for for like this comes comes back to |
2330s | the new new player experience that |
2331s | leveling experience as well um you you |
2334s | you come |
2336s | across the a crafting material you come |
2339s | across an item um and you're like oh |
2341s | it's a health Shard and you pick it up |
2344s | and you open your inventory and it's not |
2345s | there and you go |
2348s | uh what happened to it where did it go |
2352s | um and and so |
2356s | there's I I think there's probably a |
2358s | better way we can do this and we've been |
2359s | trying to reconcile the requirements we |
2362s | need for this um for a long time |
2370s | but I I do one thing that I do think is |
2372s | that as as you get into that late game |
2374s | and there's um you're finding large |
2376s | especially on like cof when you're |
2377s | finding large bombs of |
2380s | um of of crafting materials and you you |
2383s | end up in situations where it's like um |
2385s | pick up open your inventory transfer |
2387s | materials pick up open your transfer |
2389s | materials pick up cuz you don't how much |
2390s | room in your inventory and like it's |
2391s | only picking up some of them each time |
2393s | like that's not fun that's that's that's |
2396s | just busy work at that point |
2403s | um this it's a pretty hotly debated |
2406s | internal topic and has been since it was |
2414s | made all right is cycle two forg guard |
2417s | is getting in cycle two is forg guard |
2419s | getting a base crit threshold |
2423s | node I'm going to read this question as |
2425s | it's written instead of what I'm saying |
2427s | because I appar apparently I'm just |
2428s | butchering this in cycle 2 Forge guard |
2431s | is getting a base crit threshold node |
2433s | can we expect to see a node similarly as |
2435s | impactful as base crit in the shaman |
2437s | tree for cycle 2 the totem frenzy is |
2440s | underwhelming especially since uh it's |
2442s | frenzy only for totally um I mean |
2446s | there's uh there's there's definitely |
2448s | more new nodes than just the ones we've |
2450s | shown um so so don't uh don't go jump |
2455s | into conclusions on the overall power of |
2458s | any class based on what we've shown so |
2466s | far I don't know every passive note we |
2469s | we've added off the top of my head so |
2470s | hard hard to say yes or no to that |
2473s | question |
2475s | um but like but other nodes in that |
2478s | power range for other classes is totally |
2480s | viable it's on the on the table |
2488s | I love the fury leap animation with uh |
2490s | with with with the spear it's |
2493s | like not using the spear as a |
2507s | spear our |
2509s | wasdi uh being worked on or is it part |
2512s | of the plans in the long road I know |
2514s | there's some animation things that you |
2515s | would have to consider if you do uh it's |
2518s | still it's still in the uh maybe |
2520s | category right |
2526s | now that was well worth the little walk |
2529s | over here very happy I did |
2532s | that oh here we go some |
2538s | stuff all right |
2543s | okay |
2545s | oh oh hello |
2556s | no room also |
2564s | hello yeah is this Dex as well is Dex as |
2571s | well okay we we we' we've got some new |
2574s | uh helmets to work with we're going to |
2576s | take a second and do |
2578s | little crafty craft here I think I think |
2580s | we just got a helmet |
2589s | upgrade |
2604s | this okay |
2613s | oh |
2613s | my oh |
2618s | my I just won't do and I will |
2622s | it better close |
2626s | enough I'm over here now ha |
2639s | a little better |
2641s | wonderful okay we're going to |
2643s | craft we're just going to take a stab at |
2645s | some of these and see what we can |
2647s | do uh what what is our resistance |
2651s | like one of our better ones I think we |
2653s | can get I think we can get something |
2653s | better in that slot though we're going |
2655s | to chaos |
2660s | this we are going to try to seal |
2666s | that and now we're going to try and put |
2668s | something fresh on there I think just |
2669s | straight |
2676s | Health we want flat |
2683s | Health yeah I just want flat Health |
2685s | right |
2691s | now o was a big hit on the forge mital |
2694s | oh another big hit on the forge mital |
2696s | good |
2699s | good all |
2701s | right okay that's a sweet item let's see |
2704s | if we can do better I think this is the |
2705s | one I want to |
2711s | do we're going straight to a seal on the |
2713s | minion |
2715s | health and then we're going to crank |
2717s | this |
2735s | T to just like put dexterity on this or |
2737s | strength |
2739s | even I think these also get with |
2742s | strength nope Attunement |
2746s | really how long has that been like that |
2748s | forever yeah |
2752s | probably we're still going to go Dex cuz |
2754s | we want we want our poison |
2771s | we can't seal anything |
2778s | anymore there are four helmets that are |
2780s | each better than |
2784s | mine okay that's sweet that's awesome |
2794s | very happy with that I I don't even know |
2797s | which one of these I want to |
2800s | use I think the crit strike avoidance is |
2802s | probably the best just cuz I need crit |
2803s | strike avoidance right now so bad this |
2805s | is so much flat |
2812s | defense start with this one I think |
2817s | so out of place that |
2823s | Armor All |
2826s | right uh will we be getting more reflect |
2828s | Thorns damage for uh for the sprig and |
2831s | Thorns armor um I don't think there's |
2833s | much in the way of changes there it's |
2835s | possible uh we've been pretty stingy |
2838s | with reflect in general so far and I |
2840s | know it's a it's an archetype that a lot |
2842s | of people are kind of hoping that we |
2844s | expand |
2846s | on like 100 Health just from |
2849s | that missing avoid res tank |
2860s | okay |
2864s | um yeah I don't I don't think there's |
2865s | much we've been we've been pretty |
2867s | hesitant on the on the reflect |
2873s | stuff what is the least played spec |
2876s | probably what I'm playing right now |
2878s | we actually have the stats for this |
2883s | um uh least I think |
2887s | was oh my gosh one of them we just |
2890s | finished one of the polls okay uh first |
2893s | first teaser uh I totally missed the |
2895s | poll was even happening I was probably |
2897s | crafting while I was going |
2898s | sorry um Forge guard has been voted for |
2901s | the first teaser |
2905s | reveal there we go |
2908s | all right so here's a node in uh you |
2910s | need 15 points in Forge R to get to it |
2913s | uh it gives you um 10% increased |
2916s | Critical Strike chance with two-handed |
2918s | weapons per point up to eight points and |
2921s | at Five Point threshold um you get uh 1% |
2925s | Critical Strike multiplier per two |
2927s | strength with two-handed weapons uh so a |
2929s | little little little bit little bit wory |
2931s | there but um so it's it's really pushing |
2933s | crit and crit multi with two-handed |
2934s | weapons um on strength focused |
2936s | characters |
2940s | not what I'm doing |
2951s | now but speaking of powerful nodes and |
2954s | crit on Forge guard there's another one |
2968s | drop it down to the corner |
2973s | here sitting on screen in case someone |
2976s | wants to see |
2977s | it weapon that goes with |
2984s | it uh did you fix your mic setting this |
2986s | week I don't know is it better I I I've |
2990s | been working on it and failing pretty |
2993s | miserably |
2994s | overall um |
2998s | I I it the settings are very different |
3000s | than they were last week so it should |
3001s | sound different and I hope it sounds |
3010s | better opinion on more Thorns reflect |
3012s | build I think um I think there's room |
3014s | for us to be a little bit less stingy |
3016s | than we are um but I do understand why |
3018s | we |
3019s | are um and so it's you know it's it's |
3022s | It's Tricky cuz it's also not a play |
3024s | style that super duper appeals to me |
3026s | personally so I don't um like if we're |
3028s | in a design meeting and the topic comes |
3029s | up I kind of like and I'm fine with it |
3033s | the way it is so I don't really have a |
3034s | huge dog in that race and |
3039s | um I I I sa I save my design beating |
3042s | energy for topics that I'm really |
3044s | passionate about |
3050s | personally but I can I I can assure you |
3053s | that there are people on the team that |
3054s | do really like that placement so it's |
3055s | not there's there's basically no matter |
3058s | what place that gets brought up |
3059s | someone's always someone always speaks |
3061s | up and goes I want to do that I love |
3062s | that and I think what's really cool |
3064s | about the team is that there's such a |
3065s | huge diversity in uh what people like |
3068s | what people enjoy and like we we have |
3070s | you know like kind of joking debates all |
3071s | the time of like oh this is best that's |
3073s | best in RPGs and like we've got to buff |
3075s | this cuz it's what I play we we we joke |
3077s | about that a lot and um it's it's pretty |
3080s | it's pretty diverse in what people enjoy |
3083s | which is great what you like to see |
3092s | uh will there be MTX for shape shift |
3094s | soon not |
3096s | soon um but yes so even just Perma ice |
3101s | bear looking the same thing all the time |
3103s | just boring and I want to throw money at |
3105s | you thanks for wanting to throw money at |
3106s | us I like that of all the things to be |
3108s | thrown at you it's one of the best |
3111s | um yeah it does it does affect your um |
3115s | overall visual experience more than um |
3119s | non-transformed builds because you do |
3121s | you do change as you level so that is a |
3124s | good point uh I hadn't thought of that |
3126s | before |
3128s | really um the entire skill ntx system |
3132s | isn't built yet so we've got to build |
3134s | that first before we can |
3140s | start but I it might be it might be cool |
3142s | to have um like a passive node where you |
3145s | could turn the bear white instead of |
3146s | needing to wear kma's cage in order to |
3149s | in order to be that the ice |
3154s | bear uh when you finally get a merch |
3156s | sword yeah when we finally do |
3160s | someday feel like we saying that for |
3161s | years |
3163s | uh uh can we get a t-shirt that says I |
3167s | treat my beard like |
3171s | hair |
3173s | uh I'll I'll |
3175s | ask if if um anyone doesn't know what |
3179s | this is um a couple days ago on the town |
3183s | portal |
3185s | podcast we were asking people were |
3188s | asking what I did to take care of my |
3189s | beard and I said I treat my beard like |
3193s | hair which of |
3195s | course beard is |
3200s | hair one of those dumb things Mike |
3204s | says oh that's a nice one |
3219s | hello and good evening to everyone |
3226s | hello uh are you looking forward to slay |
3228s | Spire 2 I am I've been looking to slay |
3230s | Spire 2 since looking forward to the |
3232s | hypothetical slay of spire 2 since I |
3235s | started playing SL of spire 1 |
3250s | I really I really enjoy having |
3252s | like I I really enjoy having those big |
3255s | epic games where you're like um you're |
3259s | playing them for a thousand hours and |
3261s | like you you really get in deep and you |
3263s | find every little minutia of of things |
3267s | you can do and like I I really enjoy |
3268s | doing that and then at the same time I |
3270s | also really like having these these |
3271s | little games that you can you can blast |
3274s | through in 10 hours and have a blast |
3277s | with and put down and walk away from and |
3279s | come back to a few years later and have |
3281s | fun with again um I think SL the Spire |
3283s | fits in that ladder category for me |
3285s | personally um I know there's |
3286s | speedrunners that are just Bonkers good |
3288s | at it um but I really enjoy being able |
3292s | to like beat a game sometimes every you |
3294s | know like it's it's having that variety |
3298s | I like |
3306s | both I like the Weaver will item concept |
3309s | was there a specific motivation for this |
3311s | item type um I think I |
3317s | think |
3321s | uh it's it's having |
3324s | that the cor the core initial thing was |
3327s | just having items having having your |
3329s | items grow and change and be impactful |
3332s | uh in in that in that growth process as |
3335s | you're playing and so having um we one |
3340s | thing we were finding |
3342s | is and this this may have been partially |
3344s | due to just like the volume of um viable |
3348s | items available is just that you you'd |
3350s | end up in a lot of situations where your |
3352s | gear would be pretty stagnant for for |
3354s | for long chunks of time and having |
3357s | having this gear that like levels up |
3358s | with you um and changes as you play we |
3361s | thought was just a really cool concept |
3363s | um and that was sort of the that was the |
3365s | jumping off point for Weaver item and |
3369s | then developed it from that from that |
3374s | angle so mechanics |
3383s | first when leie was released came with a |
3386s | lot of polish and improvements over the |
3388s | beta what kind of um what kind of first |
3390s | impression do you expect players to have |
3393s | when coming back to the new cycle I mean |
3395s | there's a lot of what we've done is um |
3398s | there's been there's been a big effort |
3400s | on polish and Bug fixing the cycle for |
3402s | sure uh one of one of the things we |
3404s | wanted to make sure we did when we but |
3407s | but when we were planning the 1.1 |
3409s | content um we set aside a huge portion a |
3412s | huge a significant portion of um of the |
3416s | of the like Dev time allocation 4 1.1 |
3419s | for Community response so like what I |
3422s | mean that is like um things we can do in |
3425s | response to community feedback from 1.0 |
3428s | so it's we we knew we do plan ahead |
3431s | we're going to put in a lot of patches |
3432s | pretty far out so we we knew we like the |
3434s | base content that was coming for 1.1 but |
3436s | we made sure to like leave room for just |
3439s | stuff the community asks for because we |
3441s | got a lot bigger of a community when 1.0 |
3444s | dropped and we got a lot more voices |
3446s | asking for lot more things um so we knew |
3448s | there was going to be new new things we |
3450s | hadn't thought of that were going to |
3451s | show up there um so I think there's |
3453s | going to be a lot of |
3455s | um there's there's going to be a good |
3456s | chunk of little things that maybe we've |
3458s | talked about doing like sometime in the |
3459s | future we'll do and you're like oh it |
3461s | slipped in now nice there's a couple of |
3463s | those and I think those big emphasis on |
3467s | moment to moment gameplay and |
3470s | fun |
3472s | um and and and then end game as well |
3477s | that's our second one of these we've |
3478s | dropped today it's |
3479s | funny just really wants me to play with |
3487s | them uh when Le was released oh that's |
3490s | the same question don't forget to put at |
3492s | last dep game in your question if you |
3494s | would like to answer |
3495s | it I just skip over everything |
3505s | else okay can Shaman get a unique Idol |
3508s | make it a totem that turns storm totem |
3510s | into a lightning Elemental |
3513s | pet um I mean |
3518s | maybe um I do really like the idea of |
3522s | having Elemental Pets on on Shaman I |
3526s | think that's uh like from like |
3528s | personally yeah I'm I'm on board with |
3531s | that um |
3538s | I think part of the problem with doing |
3540s | it so explicitly is um the core theming |
3545s | on Shaman is like like one of it one of |
3547s | its primary themes is totem specifically |
3550s | and the like core differentiating factor |
3551s | between totems and minions which Beast |
3554s | Master's primary thing is Companions and |
3557s | and totems and companions are all |
3558s | minions but like the the core |
3559s | differentiating thing between the two is |
3561s | the totems are immobile um and as soon |
3564s | as we make the like |
3567s | uh a a mobile totem we've kind of turned |
3570s | Shaman into Beast Master in a |
3572s | way no not completely um but I think |
3576s | that's the that's the that's one that's |
3579s | one of the risks in doing that so that's |
3580s | probably why we haven't done something |
3581s | like that so far we have slipped in some |
3584s | Elemental minions already on um |
3586s | Avalanche you can have like the boulders |
3587s | fall and they turn into like an ice |
3589s | Elemental um which is pretty |
3592s | cool I'd like to see more of those but I |
3595s | don't know if if bringing them in from |
3598s | totems is the best way to put Elementals |
3599s | in the |
3601s | game patch today but no patch notes um I |
3605s | did have a patch too I I had a little |
3606s | update it was probably |
3609s | um I think we were doing some server |
3611s | stuff and we had to change to the client |
3613s | to make the server stuff work that's all |
3615s | it was I I think it's I think it was I |
3617s | think the patch notes would have read |
3618s | updated some server |
3620s | stuff that's |
3623s | it cuz we just we just changed some |
3625s | server stuff in our back and for um for |
3628s | Dev builds as well |
3634s | yesterday any ideas with making regions |
3638s | inside an echo that favors certain enemy |
3640s | types or map types like top left fa is |
3642s | ancient maps um or the right side is |
3645s | fire heavy the currently the individual |
3648s | timelines do that already so like um |
3651s | you'll see different styles of Echoes in |
3654s | each one of the timelines |
3659s | um I do think that could be cool though |
3661s | in the because because when once you're |
3662s | in the actual |
3663s | timeline uh timeline map and you're |
3665s | making decisions on where to go having |
3668s | something that influenced that a bit I |
3669s | think would be really um I think that'd |
3671s | be interesting I think that would be |
3673s | that would be |
3674s | cool I think part of the problem we've |
3676s | had in the past with the timelines is |
3678s | people |
3679s | um kind of see the |
3682s | reward that they're looking for they're |
3684s | go okay I'm looking for um experienced |
3687s | tones and there's like oh there's a |
3689s | cluster of experienced Tes I'm going |
3690s | that way it doesn't really matter what |
3691s | else is there it's just that's where I'm |
3693s | going |
3696s | done |
3699s | um so the reward really drives where |
3701s | people go in the timelines already |
3706s | um so I feel like we'd have to put um |
3709s | the the way we could make it more |
3711s | interesting and and make the decision |
3712s | more Dynamic is having um different |
3714s | rewards showing up there and that's |
3717s | like you know i' I've I've long wanted |
3720s | to put some sort of |
3722s | uh like a mini game almost in the |
3725s | timeline map where like you're chasing |
3727s | something and it like moves and |
3731s | like okay reminiscent of and and I know |
3734s | these are like the speedrunners Bane um |
3736s | in Super Mario Bros 3 The Hammer Bros |
3740s | that move around the map as you um as |
3744s | you beat levels they like they can move |
3745s | anywhere between zero and three spaces |
3752s | um and like I think something like that |
3754s | would be cool in the where like you you |
3757s | beat an you beat an echo and like |
3760s | something moves around the the timelines |
3763s | and you can like Chase it down if you |
3764s | want you can see where it is at the open |
3766s | I I think that'll be really |
3771s | cool that is stream might coming up with |
3773s | crap by the way not uh anything we've |
3776s | talked |
3782s | about all |
3787s | right quick excuse for us to plan a |
3790s | hotwing stream yeah I'll do a hot wi |
3792s | stream for sure oh my God yes that was |
3797s | so much fun last |
3800s | time I I'd love to structure it uh like |
3804s | if I don't feel like answering a |
3806s | question and I have to eat a hot wing or |
3811s | something problem is I just like stop |
3813s | answering questions cuz I love holling |
3814s | so |
3819s | much but last time we did it I made them |
3821s | a little too hot |
3826s | uh like like a complete idiot I didn't |
3829s | really bring some not crazy hot ones |
3832s | that I could |
3833s | like uh like sub out if I things got too |
3836s | bad and I was just stuck eating the |
3838s | crazy hot ones I was struggling last |
3842s | time |
3846s | bad but also |
3849s | good uh do you |
3853s | and uh do you and Ben you and I mean |
3857s | company in general plan to do some sort |
3860s | of documentary about your |
3865s | story uh |
3866s | um I think there's a typo |
3870s | there uh I i' I'd |
3877s | love do you and oh do you and by you I |
3881s | mean company in general got it uh plan |
3884s | to do some sort of documentary about |
3886s | your story um I I don't think we have |
3889s | anything like that |
3890s | planned uh I mean I I I I wouldn't be |
3895s | opposed to it but I think that's sort of |
3896s | a like |
3900s | um I don't know I don't know the story's |
3902s | not done |
3908s | right I feel like we're still in |
3911s | like we're we're in like part two of of |
3915s | the of the |
3916s | books we've we've got a few parts left |
3918s | to go |
3930s | maybe part three depends on how many |
3931s | parts but you know what I mean like I |
3932s | feel like there's enough enough story to |
3935s | be had before |
3937s | we do some sort of uh I don't know look |
3943s | back |
3945s | retrospective but I'd love |
3952s | to I think overall we've had a pretty |
3955s | wild Journey here |
3958s | start putting things |
3960s | actually yeah that |
3966s | one uh is the Sentinel interaction with |
3969s | a javelin that you turn into jar 4S |
3972s | Banner disabling the electrified chance |
3974s | with melee while Javelin is uncool and |
3976s | intended uh probably |
3983s | not |
3985s | uh i' have to double |
3989s | check CH one the it probably stops being |
3993s | a melee ability doesn't |
4000s | it the tags probably changed that's |
4002s | probably what's happening |
4024s | not even going to try and weasle out of |
4026s | that it's driving for thing |
4033s | comment okay did you just pick all these |
4035s | up I think we just pick all these |
4044s | up one |
4054s | bad poison damage |
4058s | hello uh yes |
4061s | please uh yes |
4067s | please yeah yeah mhm mhm yep we do have |
4072s | a pretty sweet amulet but like |
4077s | let's go right increase healing |
4079s | Effectiveness we do not need increase |
4080s | healing |
4083s | Effectiveness uh we're going to chaos |
4085s | that away Ellie dot don't need that |
4087s | throwing damage don't need that fire |
4090s | damage don't need that okay that's an |
4091s | unfortunate |
4092s | turn um but I think we can just get some |
4095s | like ell reses in |
4099s | here crit success not bad |
4107s | that's even even with the fire damage |
4109s | dead |
4112s | stat that that much more damage cuz this |
4114s | the two poison end dot |
4119s | stats with so much more |
4121s | resistance than the 70 something health |
4124s | I think that's worth |
4126s | it oh we got unlucky with some of the |
4130s | crafts okay we don't need shock let's C |
4133s | that away ell res we'll take that |
4144s | so if our minions are struggling we'll |
4145s | go with that but I think we're I think |
4146s | we're happy with what we have |
4151s | now pumped on |
4154s | that |
4156s | node I just realiz I never finished the |
4158s | campaign of this |
4160s | character we still got our zeros uh oh |
4163s | we got one I wonder AI we only have one |
4166s | atunement that's |
4168s | weird okay we're going to go back and |
4171s | finish the |
4173s | campaign maybe we'll finish this |
4177s | uh this this model |
4181s | first all |
4184s | right is there going to be a race to |
4186s | level 100 next reset like 1.0 U I mean |
4188s | yeah like so we are resetting the the |
4190s | ladders and |
4192s | um you can Race to 100 for sure uh |
4195s | everyone will start at |
4197s | one we don't have any prizes for |
4205s | it I'd like to ask if there are specific |
4208s | accessibility options planned for |
4209s | visually impaired players such as |
4210s | customizable color masks that can offer |
4212s | high contrast between background |
4214s | characters NPC and MOB and any point of |
4217s | interest of interactual objects um not |
4220s | for 1.1 we are we are in the process of |
4224s | sort of figuring out what accessibility |
4225s | options we can add to the game um it is |
4228s | it is something that we are um aware is |
4230s | a weak point of the game and we do want |
4232s | to improve it so it is it is something |
4234s | that we are um just accessibility |
4237s | options in general like even even things |
4239s | as like little as like Arachnophobia |
4241s | mode |
4243s | um cuz that PA a lot of |
4247s | people |
4253s | um so yeah there's are accessibility |
4256s | options that we are working on um I |
4258s | don't know I don't think there's many |
4261s | that are ready to go yet |
4263s | unfortunately |
4272s | um but we are |
4283s | working we both Fury Leed at each other |
4285s | the |
4293s | crossover get that V diagram Center res |
4296s | the |
4305s | bow we're doing we're doing all right |
4307s | here we're getting some good upgrades |
4310s | we're |
4310s | cruising I really need to switch this |
4312s | out my goodness might as well not even |
4315s | be equipped anything in that slot okay |
4318s | new goal find a |
4324s | relic uh I missed the last couple of |
4326s | streams oh no it's okay uh and this may |
4329s | have been asked what level of difficulty |
4331s | can we expect for the Pinnacle boss and |
4334s | will there be any requirements to get to |
4336s | it there are requirements to get to it |
4337s | there's there's other stuff in in the |
4341s | um uh in in in the new content that's |
4345s | with Le with 1.1 that you'll have to do |
4347s | first so you'll need to you'll need to |
4349s | earn your way there um this is actually |
4351s | is a good time to talk about the the |
4353s | survey results a little bit |
4356s | here |
4360s | um |
4363s | this over okay |
4366s | so |
4368s | um the the new content for |
4372s | 1.1 um |
4374s | everything that is in 1.1 absolutely |
4377s | everything other than the very final |
4380s | Pinnacle boss fight just that one final |
4383s | boss fight um everything other than that |
4385s | is available to everyone simultaneously |
4388s | as as 1.1 launches so 1.1 drops and |
4391s | everything included to 1.1 except for |
4393s | just the final boss fight is available |
4395s | for everyone right away online offline |
4398s | cycle Legacy softcore hardcore solo |
4402s | everything um the final boss the |
4406s | Pinnacle boss fight um that will need to |
4409s | be completed by anyone playing on the |
4412s | cycle at all so um whether you're cycle |
4416s | like so online cycle um online cycle |
4419s | single player or like on solo not solo |
4423s | hardcore softcore as long as you're |
4424s | playing online cycle and someone |
4426s | completes it um some um staff don't |
4430s | count um and some of the testers don't |
4432s | count either |
4434s | um the |
4437s | the um as soon as that happens the next |
4441s | day uh when like the next working day |
4444s | we'll get up in the morning someone Beat |
4446s | the Boss great and we we we flip a flag |
4448s | and everyone gets access to the boss um |
4451s | offline gets it Legacy gets it all that |
4453s | sort of stuff um so I think the the |
4457s | there's the the big like we can talk |
4459s | about the reason why we're doing this |
4460s | and like we there's there's a huge |
4461s | there's a big article we posted um this |
4463s | morning about why we're doing this um |
4466s | and um goes into like we we set out a |
4469s | poll recently to talk to ask the |
4471s | community what they thought uh about |
4472s | these about these options um and I guess |
4475s | the one one thing that I really want to |
4476s | stress with this decision is that um |
4478s | this is the decision we've made for 1.1 |
4481s | and um we are very interested in your |
4484s | feedback for how this goes with 1.1 and |
4488s | what you experienced and how it affected |
4489s | you and what you felt when it when it |
4491s | happened like um and I I think that the |
4497s | um a a huge number of I think that the |
4500s | that the and our prediction on this |
4502s | might be wrong we'll see what happens um |
4505s | I think that there's going to be a few |
4507s | people who push really hard to do this |
4509s | really quickly on cycle and it's going |
4511s | to be beaten and released to everyone |
4515s | pretty quick my my estimate's three days |
4517s | that that's that's my personal estimate |
4519s | um and I could be wildly wrong uh in |
4523s | either direction but my my first lesson |
4525s | is on the third day uh we will |
4531s | get it's pretty good we're transform |
4537s | right I think we'll wake up third day |
4539s | and everyone will have access to the |
4542s | Pinnacle bosss and I think the really |
4544s | important thing is that because you |
4546s | still have to complete the earlier |
4547s | stages of that process um on your |
4550s | character you'll um unless you're also |
4554s | like really rushing hard for it um most |
4558s | players won't be won't have access to |
4560s | the fight anyways by the time it's |
4561s | unlocked for everyone |
4564s | um so if if you're sitting there at home |
4567s | thinking uh I hey I play offline and I |
4570s | you know I just play a few hours a night |
4572s | casually why am I being punished for um |
4575s | for for other people wanting to be |
4576s | competitive on this and that sort of |
4578s | stuff um I I I encourage you to uh to |
4583s | leave leave feedback on this and tell us |
4585s | us uh how this goes for you and tell us |
4587s | what you experience when it happens and |
4590s | um if you were if you were sitting there |
4591s | waiting for it to unlock |
4595s | um I think I think it's going to be |
4598s | rare |
4601s | um if you're unless you're like really |
4604s | pushing hard to do this stuff as fast as |
4606s | possible um I think it's I think most |
4610s | people are going to kind of get there |
4613s | around that time anyways and so it's |
4615s | it's it's going to feel like this is all |
4617s | pointless for most people I think I |
4618s | think a lot of people are just going to |
4619s | be |
4620s | like you're not going be able to tell |
4622s | anything happens but I I could be very |
4624s | wrong on this and we are very interested |
4625s | in your feedback on it um and we're |
4627s | going to we're going to re um re |
4630s | reassess this situation and like look at |
4633s | the data um we're going to look at the |
4635s | feedback we're going to look at how this |
4637s | went for everyone um and we'll make a |
4639s | new decision for |
4642s | 1.2 this might be everyone might be like |
4646s | oh this is fantastic just keep doing |
4647s | this exactly the same and we'll just |
4648s | keep doing this exactly same this might |
4649s | be everyone hates it we have to change |
4650s | it and go back to the drawing board and |
4651s | we'll change it and go back to the |
4652s | drawing board so this is this is really |
4654s | um it's a bit of an experiment um and |
4656s | we're still figuring out exactly how we |
4658s | want to handle this long term |
4661s | um yeah we are very interested in your |
4663s | feedback on this |
4665s | um but it is one of those things that I |
4667s | will um I i' I'd request uh withholding |
4673s | final judgment until you experienced it |
4676s | would be my |
4678s | request I think it is |
4681s | um it's a difficult thing to give |
4684s | feedback on without experiencing it |
4685s | first which is which I know is |
4686s | frustrating especially if like um |
4689s | especially if it is does end up being |
4691s | bad I know that that can be frustrating |
4695s | um but we'll we we'll see what |
4700s | happens I'm pretty confident it's going |
4702s | to be but we'll see |
4721s | okay more questions I I think I like |
4724s | just sidetracked a hard left turn in the |
4726s | middle of that question sorry uh |
4728s | requirements yes there are requirements |
4729s | to it as well so you'll have you have to |
4731s | like get those requirements before |
4731s | getting into it anyways |
4738s | all right maybe you could develop a |
4739s | space based survival exploration game |
4741s | without loading screens and call it |
4743s | starwave or |
4747s | something space based survival |
4749s | Exploration with I don't know what |
4751s | that's a reference |
4756s | to this sound cool |
4762s | though I played um oxygen not included |
4767s | that was a great game it was a lot of |
4769s | fun someone had a ton of fun with the |
4772s | like there's the there's a lot of good |
4775s | humor in that |
4776s | game just little tiny |
4780s | things uh for order of Decay if it had a |
4783s | conversion node for it what type of |
4784s | conversion would it |
4786s | be |
4790s | uh I think I think you got to look for |
4793s | cuz you're talking conversion nodes so |
4795s | it's got to be something that's on on |
4797s | theme |
4798s | for |
4801s | um for acolyte I personally would try |
4804s | and go cold with it I think I think |
4807s | that's where I would |
4814s | go uh do you think there will be couch |
4816s | Coop with consoles when that someday |
4818s | happens I would love to there's some did |
4821s | it not work |
4827s | that not work |
4831s | somehow |
4833s | on why did it ping me back there a |
4836s | bug um |
4841s | yeah um I it's expecting me to do this |
4845s | one first it's the problem anyways uh |
4849s | couch Co-op and consoles yeah I think |
4851s | there's |
4852s | um I think there's room for for that I |
4856s | think that was a huge part of Diablo I |
4858s | success on Console um was the couch |
4861s | Co-op options |
4864s | um I would love to add that in I I don't |
4869s | think that's likely to be um initial |
4873s | scope for |
4875s | conso personally be wrong but uh I think |
4880s | that's I don't think that's initial |
4881s | scope version of cons I think that's I |
4882s | think that's version two on consoles you |
4884s | know |
4888s | uh has the dev team thought about an |
4890s | artifici class Mastery if not why yeah |
4892s | we thought about that for sure um like |
4896s | we we we've talked a ton about possible |
4899s | class options like |
4901s | just so much of like when we were adding |
4905s | the when when we when we expanded the |
4907s | extra classes to include like Falconer |
4909s | and run Master when when we did when we |
4911s | did that um that expanded class we went |
4914s | from two master three Masters for every |
4915s | class who that was close um we talked a |
4919s | ton about the various possible uh |
4922s | classes that we could add into the game |
4923s | and like go go to your favorite classic |
4928s | fantasy tabletop RPG website and um you |
4932s | know like like look at every class |
4934s | they've ever included in their game um |
4937s | and then go to your second and third and |
4939s | fourth favorite one of those and look at |
4940s | every single class that's in all those |
4941s | games too we've talked about all of |
4943s | those classes |
4971s | all right hey Mike hi have you played on |
4975s | December I have not yet um or anyone |
4978s | else on your team has yes seever several |
4980s | people on the team have played it for |
4981s | sure um I was not |
4984s | play I do think it looked really nice |
4986s | though there was there's a few things |
4987s | they did really cool and the like |
4990s | um that like hex grid um where you're |
4994s | like slotting in different things and |
4996s | they make different shapes and different |
4997s | patterns B on like like connections and |
4998s | the sides they have available and things |
4999s | like that was a cool system that is a |
5001s | cool system |
5007s | sorry um i' not do recommend it |
5011s | just uh I do Rec if not if not I do |
5014s | recommend just a good idea for Le I ask |
5017s | because they have some really good ideas |
5018s | in system They just added a gem system |
5021s | which is really fun to uh participate in |
5023s | I think a system like that um could work |
5025s | great in Le all RPGs Inspire others uh a |
5028s | dog just like you did with Poe and with |
5030s | the trade system these don't just copy |
5032s | the monetization model yeah we're or um |
5036s | there's the number of awesome systems |
5039s | that people come up with for various |
5040s | games is so cool I love I love getting |
5043s | into another game and checking out the |
5045s | the cool systems they have and playing |
5046s | around with them and exploring them and |
5048s | trying to break them and put them back |
5049s | together and all sort stuff you know |
5050s | that's that's so much fun for me as I |
5053s | expect it is for many of you here um the |
5058s | I think a lot of those systems um as |
5061s | like with our systems are too they're |
5062s | they're built on each other and they're |
5063s | built with each other in mind they're |
5065s | like okay well because we have this |
5066s | system we need something to fill this |
5068s | other role and and then you develop the |
5071s | system for with that other role in mind |
5072s | and that sort of stuff so there's I |
5073s | think there's a lot of times where |
5074s | there's like systems that don't |
5075s | transition nicely um I have no idea if |
5078s | this one Falls in that category but |
5080s | there's there's definitely systems in |
5081s | games where you're like man it would be |
5083s | great to be able to add that but we'd |
5085s | have to remove this system from our game |
5087s | first |
5089s | um we we've had that feeling a few times |
5098s | um but yeah it's |
5101s | it's on on the giant list of games that |
5103s | I have to play it's on there for sure |
5107s | it's definitely on |
5111s | there I watched Aon play a |
5114s | bunch that was that was my I usually |
5117s | will have like other arpg streams open |
5120s | while I'm while I'm working or like just |
5122s | other game streams open while I'm |
5123s | working in general |
5128s | just or it's like if I really want to |
5129s | play a game and I'm just like don't have |
5131s | the time to play it myself um I'll just |
5133s | like pop a stream open while I'm |
5137s | working whoa that was a lot of |
5140s | explosions |
5148s | run uh can the crafting materials Auto |
5151s | stack instead of using individual tiles |
5153s | we don't have St we don't have stacking |
5155s | system at |
5156s | all um uh also will there be updates to |
5160s | the character sheet and skill stats |
5162s | hover over skills and see what's |
5164s | affecting it uh we don't have |
5170s | specific oh apparently I'm very far |
5172s | behind so I'm going to try and catch up |
5173s | here I think we should do another we |
5175s | already do we do a second poll or is |
5177s | this the notification for the first poll |
5178s | am I that far |
5180s | behind Okay we're going to be a little |
5183s | aggressive on some of these questions |
5184s | I'm going to try and catch up a |
5186s | bit and if we haven't started a poll the |
5189s | second poll yet let's start the second |
5191s | poll um while I while I while I crank |
5194s | through some of |
5196s | these all |
5198s | right um we don't have a major character |
5202s | sheet or skill stat detail update for |
5205s | 1.1 sorry we are working on it though um |
5208s | I'm working on a bug with it right now |
5209s | that is just so frustrating the the like |
5213s | you see the the in over overflow stuff |
5215s | that's happening trying to fix |
5217s | that so |
5219s | frustrating uh all right pick a teaser |
5221s | poll is up thank you uh how will the |
5223s | cycle stash tabs transferred into Legacy |
5225s | when the cycle ends for example I have |
5227s | 130 stash tabs in cycle and 80 in Legacy |
5229s | how does it work thanks to your game |
5231s | okay here's how it's going to work um |
5233s | you will when you open when you when you |
5235s | open uh cycle rolls over all of your |
5238s | characters are now Legacy okay all of |
5240s | your characters are now Legacy you have |
5241s | no cycle characters at all um if you |
5244s | make a new character you open your cycle |
5246s | stash and it looks it's one it's General |
5248s | with one tab that's your entire stash on |
5250s | cycle okay you go into any other Legacy |
5253s | character and you will see your legacy |
5254s | stash just like you see it now normally |
5256s | however there will be a little drop down |
5259s | here that you can pick different Cycles |
5262s | from so you'll be able to switch between |
5263s | Legacy and cycle one because those are |
5264s | the only two uh cycles that have existed |
5267s | so the only two things that have existed |
5269s | if you switch to cycle one uh it will |
5272s | switch it'll then show you what is right |
5275s | now currently your cycle stash and |
5278s | you'll be able to have your full all |
5279s | your tabs everything for your cycle |
5280s | stash will will populate there on your |
5282s | Legacy character and you'll see all of |
5283s | it however it's remove only so you can |
5286s | take your stuff out of here put in your |
5288s | inventory switch back and you can |
5289s | transfer over that way so you can bring |
5291s | your stuff into Legacy um via remove |
5295s | only tabs |
5298s | um the the the things that will merge |
5302s | nicely for example basically everything |
5304s | in this everything |
5311s | in this is that bug that I like couldn't |
5314s | reproduce oh my God this is that bug |
5315s | that I've not been able to have happen |
5317s | at all and it's happening now oh my God |
5321s | this is |
5324s | hilarious I'm I'm I'm completely shook |
5328s | here from this angle yeah I can okay |
5330s | great um all of these things that that |
5334s | transfer nicely between stash this is |
5336s | part of your stash this crafting |
5337s | inventory is part of your stash your |
5339s | gold is part of your stash |
5341s | um when you open your when you go into |
5345s | Legacy uh onto Legacy character there's |
5348s | another button right here that if you |
5349s | click it it will take all of your nice |
5352s | mergeable things from from the cycle and |
5355s | just bring them into Legacy so all of |
5357s | your um crafting materials and gold and |
5360s | all those things that just like merge |
5361s | nicely will just come over um so it's |
5364s | you don't have to do it if you don't |
5365s | want to but it's a single click for that |
5367s | that's how it's going to |
5369s | work the tabs themselves do not come |
5373s | over as they like they they don't become |
5376s | tabs in your new |
5377s | characters on your old characters |
5380s | sorry or new I guess all right before |
5383s | launch Ellie got over a million copies |
5385s | sold have you guys 10x that value after |
5387s | launch I don't know what our total um |
5391s | our total sales numbers I don't think |
5392s | it' be 10x that would be maybe we'll see |
5395s | item faction way out in front no one |
5396s | wants to see the art spoiler wow I'm |
5399s | going to vote for it just that a |
5401s | Pity it gets a Pity |
5407s | vote okay |
5411s | um item factions running away with it |
5414s | it's fine it's a good one |
5417s | um you ever see something in Poe or |
5419s | Diablo and thought damn I wish I thought |
5421s | of that yeah yeah definitely |
5427s | I'm not going to say it cuz we might uh |
5429s | try and do things like that still but |
5432s | yeah uh any plans for the sprig form for |
5436s | Druid uh |
5438s | there's there there were some changes |
5440s | because we just we just pulled out a |
5441s | bunch of old stuff for it because some |
5443s | new stuff was put in can't remember what |
5445s | it was though uh can you share any of |
5447s | your plans to improve set items in a |
5449s | post LP game what about guaranteed |
5452s | LP2 LP of two but never have more no so |
5455s | we're we're definitely not like we've |
5457s | we've had the LP on |
5461s | um the the like LP on set item |
5467s | suggestion thousand times and we're |
5469s | definitely not doing that um our plan we |
5472s | we want |
5474s | to |
5476s | um I I can't really talk about |
5478s | specifically it's not in 1.1 yet we're |
5480s | still it's still coming down the pipe we |
5483s | want set items |
5485s | to |
5490s | um we we really want to incorporate set |
5492s | items into your endgame characters um |
5494s | but we don't necessarily need you to |
5497s | have like 10 set items equipped at a |
5499s | time um but we do want them to be like |
5503s | to have that that feeling of |
5507s | um what is this that that that gear |
5512s | puzzle that set items bring we really |
5515s | like and it's something that we've been |
5516s | trying to incorporate into the game many |
5518s | times early on before we even had proper |
5520s | set items we actually had set affixes |
5522s | where you can kind of build your own set |
5524s | items into the game it didn't really |
5526s | work great |
5528s | um but I think that that that puzzle |
5532s | feeling of like okay well I just got |
5534s | this sweet new exalted gloves and I got |
5536s | to slap those on but oh my God I had a |
5538s | set piece in there so I've got to figure |
5539s | out how I can get that set piece to be |
5541s | represented somewhere else to still hit |
5542s | hit my set thresholds and things |
5544s | and that that juggling and that that |
5546s | puzzle is still something that we really |
5548s | like that set items brings to the table |
5549s | so we really want to incorporate that |
5551s | still I think it's about as best I can |
5552s | do for you um but we got our next teaser |
5556s | the faction |
5559s | teaser so here |
5563s | is here's cof rank |
5565s | seven boom answer the question do it uh |
5569s | where is the SAR star SAR change log I |
5572s | think this is the second time this was |
5573s | asked and I'm not sure what the the star |
5574s | star star is the change log I assume is |
5578s | the like patch notes coming |
5581s | um and the patch notes uh will be just |
5585s | before the |
5587s | patch |
5592s | uh as a RF enjoyer are there any plans |
5595s | to implement RF for fire Ora for spell |
5598s | blades s m we did just show a teaser on |
5602s | the town portal podcast that happened |
5604s | the had a new Rous fire node for |
5607s | spellblade Rank 10 that's very powerful |
5609s | uh are there specifically it's called |
5612s | inating Aura I think uh are there |
5613s | specifically accessibility options |
5615s | planned for all answer this uh can we |
5618s | get a merchant skilled embargo |
5621s | on Aaron action RPG he has a bizarre |
5625s | addiction well good news is he can't |
5627s | spend his real money on it uh why can't |
5630s | experimental aices have a chance to be |
5632s | shattered maybe with some Rune I find it |
5635s | hard to use these items maybe it's just |
5637s | me there are um there is a way you can |
5639s | you can seal them and do some janky |
5641s | stuff with that with with one of the uh |
5643s | new runes that we added so there's some |
5644s | stuff there but it's |
5648s | um they're very restrictive in where |
5652s | they |
5653s | work and having Just A Shard for it drop |
5656s | that's only good on a single item slot |
5659s | it felt weird to us so that's why we |
5660s | pulled those cuz we did actually for a |
5662s | little while uh hey Mike hope you and |
5664s | the family are well yeah doing good what |
5666s | design wise goes into you and the team |
5669s | deciding on what justifies being an |
5671s | entire ability for a class opposed to |
5673s | just an alteration node ooh I think it's |
5676s | the potential that an ability has to be |
5678s | altered so um if if we're like if if |
5682s | someone pitches an ability idea and |
5684s | we're like can you pitch can you also |
5686s | pitch or can someone else come up with |
5689s | um like three to five really interesting |
5693s | solid Transformers of things you can do |
5695s | to that um okay may that's got a shot at |
5698s | becoming a full-blown ability and and |
5701s | then also um does it introduce a new |
5703s | play Style Niche does does it give you a |
5705s | new way to do things you couldn't do |
5707s | before uh I I think that's a big thing |
5710s | as well and then it's like also uh also |
5713s | how similar is it to something else does |
5714s | it feel like a variant of another |
5716s | ability |
5718s | um and I think those those all combin |
5721s | together to be the does it make it or |
5723s | not |
5726s | I'm half an hour behind still my |
5728s | goodness uh any news about uh reducing |
5731s | the busy work with activating sigils |
5733s | yeah we're still working on it but it is |
5736s | a problem it's it's going away uh I I |
5740s | it's a process |
5745s | sorry I'm pretty sure we I'm pretty sure |
5747s | we got some of the updates in for 1.1 |
5749s | for that there was something that we |
5751s | wanted to do with it we that was not |
5752s | able to be done |
5755s | that was a while ago that meeting uh so |
5757s | regardless of corruption uh is there |
5759s | anything planned besides nerfing over |
5761s | overperforming builds because right now |
5763s | even non-meta builds like a racing |
5765s | strike and Lich death seal can reach uh |
5768s | a thousand plus corruption with just op |
5770s | gear or you're 70% of the builds in the |
5772s | game there's there's some pretty heavy |
5776s | um like there's Nerfs and Buffs all over |
5779s | the place |
5780s | so there's there's there is that there |
5783s | are other things that increase the |
5784s | difficulty of like just new challenges |
5786s | that show up as well |
5793s | um I and I don't |
5798s | think I think that it's probably more |
5800s | close I think |
5803s | it's it's it's hard to say I don't think |
5805s | that 70% of the builds actually can do |
5807s | for four-digit corruption uh runs I |
5811s | think that there's uh maybe 70% the |
5814s | popular builds can |
5817s | um but I think that's a different |
5826s | thing |
5842s | activ just tank thatr light good got |
5849s | lots |
5858s | do walk away from it at that point will |
5861s | the poison carry |
5863s | over I think it did I don't know if it |
5865s | did or not |
5874s | it did carry over nice nice come on up |
5876s | here |
5882s | minions oh my God it's it's like stuck |
5885s | on one of my |
5887s | uh one of my |
5890s | Vines I still want to fight in the |
5891s | corner |
5909s | the 113 |
5918s | 121 there many poison Stacks I get to |
5921s | 120 was the highest I saw |
5937s | got |
5938s | him fun got the ring I always get the |
5942s | armor it's the like heavy favor Champion |
5944s | chance but |
5948s | yeah |
5952s | interesting go for it I think we just go |
5954s | for it way |
5958s | better I'll take |
5962s | that oh oh my god oh my |
5982s | god well it's a good thing y'all have |
5984s | seen that fight a bajillion times |
5995s | I'm |
5997s | sorry oh I need like a big like light |
5999s | that just like shows up my screen when |
6001s | I've got like an overlay |
6003s | up that was |
6005s | dumb that was dumb that was |
6012s | dumb where did I go did I |
6021s | pick okay |
6028s | oh my |
6031s | goodness uh we don't want that we want |
6033s | to go |
6035s | do I want to go get my spear some LP on |
6042s | it hey Mike have you discussed the |
6046s | imminent this is to grindy time |
6048s | investment does not pay off complaints |
6050s | coming one after 1.1 when at least I |
6052s | assume we won't even hit 1,000 |
6054s | corruption anymore I fear 1.0 is set |
6056s | standards 1.1 won't live up to gear wise |
6058s | because of the inflated drop rates and |
6061s | Rarity um I think that |
6063s | there's uh enough interesting things to |
6067s | do and uh different ways to get gear in |
6070s | 1.1 that it won't be an |
6074s | issue but I could be |
6079s | wrong I also |
6081s | think actually know this that the |
6084s | percentage of players that are hitting |
6085s | for digit corruption is so teeny |
6091s | tiny that |
6094s | almost no one will notice some people |
6107s | will where my keys |
6109s | at w |
6117s | this is why you organize your stuff |
6121s | kids |
6123s | uh and why we're adding new cool stuff |
6126s | next patch |
6135s | no uh yes but galin is never melee it |
6138s | just grants other attacks chance to |
6140s | Electrify unless you touch the banner |
6141s | node ah okay not far back okay uh any |
6144s | chance to get a color wheel for the loot |
6146s | filter instead of the uh predefined ones |
6148s | no we actually had that originally and |
6149s | took it out um how about the incoming |
6152s | server overload in cycle two are we |
6154s | better sit in cycle one yeah yeah much |
6157s | better |
6161s | um we have a different different Ser |
6163s | different server |
6171s | provider and different backend |
6173s | infrastructure and different matchmaking |
6175s | server uh and different it's it's so so |
6179s | much has |
6187s | changed uh I'm getting older and my eyes |
6190s | aren't the same as they used to be |
6192s | sometimes it's hard to follow where the |
6193s | mouse is on screen it Blends in too well |
6196s | with the background at times will there |
6197s | be an option to change the M's size or |
6199s | color in the future um there is an |
6202s | unfortunate side effect of of um the way |
6206s | the cursor we we have the cursor set up |
6208s | in in the engine to be um as efficient |
6212s | as |
6215s | possible um and it does have an |
6219s | unfortunate downside of once the once |
6221s | the game is |
6223s | built |
6225s | um that is the like when we say built |
6228s | like once we've created the executable |
6229s | and sent the executable to steam um the |
6233s | cursor that it has is fixed and |
6236s | permanent um we can update that cursor |
6239s | by making a new game by re by re uh |
6242s | rebuilding the game and sending it back |
6243s | out to steam have new cursor that way we |
6246s | don't have a way to um put a put put an |
6250s | option in the game right now to change |
6252s | the cursor um it is something we want to |
6255s | do uh if you if your cursor is really |
6257s | small you can actually change the size |
6259s | of the cursor using your Windows |
6261s | settings um so if you change your mouse |
6263s | cursor settings in Windows to be huge uh |
6266s | it will change the the cursor size in |
6268s | game I'm pretty sure pretty sure still |
6270s | does that |
6273s | um having the ability to change cursor |
6275s | size in the game is something we are so |
6277s | interested in I don't think anyone's |
6278s | actively working on it right now but |
6285s | um would be |
6291s | nice love play |
6300s | hello you talk |
6302s | to can we kill this guy first |
6315s | okay uh and and if you are really |
6317s | struggling with it there are alternate |
6319s | options um such as Yola MOS |
6328s | it does introduce a tiny bit of lag |
6332s | but if you're okay with |
6346s | that all right |
6349s | that |
6351s | that I'm just just um oh I did already |
6354s | answer but just in case it was this is |
6356s | since then how will stash transfer over |
6358s | secondy Legacy is it going to be removed |
6359s | only T Poe or something other solution |
6361s | yeah it's remove only tabs um will a |
6363s | lore for new Pinnacle boss be tied to |
6366s | the existing base game or uh the |
6368s | seasonal story it's |
6372s | both |
6376s | um yeah both |
6385s | uh what is the reason behind the current |
6387s | way that hardcore works when I just |
6388s | delete the dead tune |
6392s | um I think that people that they it's an |
6396s | attempt to it's an accessibility attempt |
6397s | so um there's I think people who |
6401s | will uh want to play |
6403s | hardcore and you know maybe not really |
6407s | want to dive in too far into hardcore |
6409s | just yet they're like I kind of want to |
6411s | try it but I'm not sure I really want to |
6412s | play it um so they play hardcore and |
6414s | like their stuff is in their stashes and |
6416s | everything like that the hardcore stash |
6418s | they've started fresh and they're |
6419s | playing hardcore and they die and and |
6422s | their character flips to softcore |
6423s | basically and um you know it's that |
6426s | moment of like okay do I just keep |
6427s | playing on softcore as it was with all |
6429s | my old characters or like I can go back |
6432s | to hardcore and play again it's just |
6434s | like the the character D it's out of the |
6436s | hardcore M and then everyone who like is |
6439s | like I only play hardcore is like how |
6440s | they play um |
6443s | me the character is dead to them anyways |
6445s | as soon as it dies so it doesn't matter |
6447s | cuz it's it's bounced out of their |
6448s | entire core gameplay environment where |
6450s | they are playing hardcore all their |
6451s | stashes and |
6461s | everything maybe having maybe having |
6464s | some sort of like local setting that's |
6467s | like Auto delete the character when it |
6468s | dies or something you like like preut in |
6471s | the like when you're creating the |
6472s | character or like and maybe an option |
6474s | where you can like type in the character |
6477s | name to be like pre- delete character |
6479s | when it dies or |
6480s | something or Auto delete character die |
6483s | so that I can see that being an option |
6485s | that we add in um or maybe the the play |
6489s | pattern we're talking about isn't |
6490s | actually that bck of a deal we just made |
6491s | a mistake I don't |
6508s | I don't think it really takes away |
6509s | anything from people who want to play |
6511s | hardcore but I can see how it |
6517s | could all right you can manually stack |
6519s | the runes and Scrolls |
6526s | what can you actually how is this |
6530s | possible how is this possible be able to |
6532s | command time |
6535s | here unless I will I I'm going to test |
6538s | this I'm going to I'm not going to |
6540s | transfer my materials and I'm going to |
6541s | test this cuz |
6546s | what since since |
6556s | when all right if in potions were if in |
6560s | potions were hot sauces what flavor hot |
6563s | SAU that's what they be uh I |
6566s | mean it's got to be something that like |
6569s | gives you like that real like sudden |
6571s | jolt of like just just getting going but |
6575s | it can't be like so hot that it makes |
6577s | you vomit everywhere true story um so I |
6582s | think it needs to be |
6583s | like probably in like the Scorpion |
6586s | pepper range where it's like still |
6589s | doable and then I'd almost want |
6591s | something cuz it's cuz it was like a |
6593s | potion it's supposed to feel good i' |
6594s | want something like maybe a little |
6597s | tropical like |
6600s | a like a roasted pineapple scorpion |
6606s | pepper sounds |
6609s | good all right we getting more unique |
6611s | armor skin models |
6614s | um there are new armor skin |
6617s | models I don't know if they're tied |
6619s | specifically to |
6622s | uniques uh um I know there's new weapon |
6625s | 3D |
6628s | models I ass we're talking about 1.1 |
6631s | specifically oh yeah in 1.1 right |
6637s | afterwards weekly reminder for the |
6638s | character she rework I already got it |
6640s | from someone |
6642s | else but thanks ior I assume that was |
6646s | you yes that was |
6650s | good |
6652s | noap see you next |
6656s | week all right uh aren't you guys afraid |
6659s | of the long time it's taking to drop the |
6661s | next big patch and people losing |
6662s | interest in the game I mean yeah it's |
6664s | it's definitely uh a concern that we are |
6667s | um that we that we weighed heavily when |
6670s | we decided on on the time frame for the |
6672s | patch it's it's two weeks longer than |
6674s | than um what our our goal was which |
6678s | isn't you know it's not great it's not |
6680s | the end of the world um I I think that |
6684s | a um an undercooked |
6687s | patch um that |
6690s | people um didn't like but had it quickly |
6695s | would be worse than a uh um like |
6699s | delivering on the quality that we need |
6717s | any mechanic Improvement to help melee |
6719s | like uh Jorah and frost L uh there's no |
6724s | core fight mechanics there um I think |
6728s | that the evade mechanic generally helps |
6731s | melee characters more than it helps |
6733s | range |
6734s | characters um not not hugely but a |
6737s | little bit |
6738s | more um so I guess yeah there's that |
6754s | will there be an option to hide armor |
6756s | pieces especially boots asking for |
6758s | friend that that's interesting hiding |
6759s | boots on your character model um I I |
6763s | don't think we have plans for that right |
6764s | now |
6765s | but possible finally I will have it |
6769s | power |
6773s | uh is there more changes coming to CF in |
6776s | 1.1 besides level 710 R oh yeah lots |
6777s | more and and |
6780s | mg2 like there's there's there's there |
6783s | are of of like all of the factions in |
6787s | 1.1 |
6789s | um there are a total of more new things |
6794s | than old things like of of of the of the |
6797s | rank rewards of all the factions in 1.1 |
6801s | there's more new rank rewards than old |
6823s | I'm woring that a little tricky but you |
6825s | know you'll understand what I |
6828s | mean uh any plans for movement skill for |
6831s | spring uh not a hard one not |
6833s | specifically get a |
6835s | aade close uh what is in the middle of |
6839s | the screen a teaser that I failed to |
6842s | remove my |
6846s | bad uh is it |
6850s | this um what would you prefer a mecha |
6854s | ninja or an undead pirate class |
6868s | my first thought is like let's just |
6869s | combine them into one I would probably |
6871s | prefer unended pirate class I |
6877s | think they both sound like |
6890s | fun my scorpion was just dead I didn't |
6892s | even notice |
6902s | uh do you look at balance from the point |
6904s | of view of group play uh yep I like |
6907s | playing in groups and like that we had |
6909s | uh healer in Le I could expect for one |
6911s | player being density clear another being |
6913s | single Target can we expect more |
6915s | development around group |
6917s | interactions um I mean so yes and no so |
6919s | we do um we do build things with group |
6922s | play in mind where we'll we'll say like |
6924s | hey this this ability is really good in |
6926s | group play or something like that and |
6927s | maybe it's not very good outside of that |
6929s | situation um so we do we do develop |
6932s | specific things with with that in mind |
6935s | um but we don't develop specific fights |
6938s | or interaction like like um combat |
6940s | encounters with um specific group |
6943s | compositions in mind so we don't we |
6945s | don't look at the classic like um DPS |
6948s | healer support like DPS healer tank or |
6951s | DPS support tank however you want to |
6953s | phrase that Trinity um we don't we don't |
6956s | set up fights with that in mind but we |
6958s | do set up um some character abilities |
6962s | with like specific alternate roles in |
6964s | mind so we'll say like like this is oh |
6966s | someone wants to play a support role um |
6968s | here's a here's a way we can take this |
6970s | um this ability and turn it into an even |
6972s | more support style |
6974s | role and sometimes those look like kind |
6976s | of weird nodes in individually so |
6979s | there's there's some nodes you'll see on |
6981s | um maybe a class that doesn't have good |
6985s | um oh what's a good example this the |
6987s | flame flame Ward you can cast flame Ward |
6989s | on allies but there's like no Minions on |
6993s | Mage really there's it mirror images |
6996s | doesn't really count so there's like um |
6998s | that notes kind of useless unless you're |
7000s | in a party right um so we do have little |
7002s | things like that that we put in um the |
7004s | one key thing that we do have is that |
7006s | all of the content should be possible to |
7008s | solo so we don't really want to have |
7010s | boss fight situations where it's like |
7012s | well if you you don't have someone |
7013s | that's dedicated healing you're kind of |
7015s | hooped and know if you don't have |
7016s | someone that can like that's able to |
7018s | tank these huge hits you're kind of |
7020s | hooped cuz and you see that a lot in |
7021s | MMOs where it's like there this boss and |
7023s | it's like it's going to hit someone um |
7026s | and if you don't have a tank that's |
7027s | going to hit with this like someone that |
7029s | can absorb that hit whoever it hits it's |
7030s | going to kill no matter what um and so |
7033s | we we don't we don't put abilities in |
7035s | that situation where it's like |
7036s | guaranteed to hit and guaranteed to kill |
7038s | if it hits |
7043s | Escape is |
7045s | impossible oh jump too |
7052s | soon jumped way too |
7058s | soon embarrassing that was just stuck |
7061s | there for the whole |
7068s | fight Escape is impossible oh it's |
7077s | I was thought how like oh you can learn |
7078s | fights and uh it's fine if you learn the |
7080s | fights and I'm just like bustering this |
7084s | fight it's okay it's okay we we we'll |
7087s | get there be fine don't |
7094s | worry maybe Escape is impossible |
7110s | we got |
7111s | there no thanks to |
7119s | me it's a cool item it's it doesn't |
7122s | really work cuz the uh everything's all |
7125s | over the place but it's kind of |
7130s | cool yeah |
7132s | those items have identity |
7139s | crises we are doing |
7148s | this I didn't even look that it was the |
7150s | right item |
7154s | type oh it's like it's it's long and |
7156s | pointy like stabby you know it works |
7158s | right it should work |
7163s | oh Mike you absolute |
7168s | Noob okay we got one |
7201s | Lots got so many we're spoiled for |
7208s | Choice |
7210s | okay guess we should actually Craft on |
7211s | these |
7212s | first find the one we're going to do |
7214s | let's Craft on it and let's do |
7217s | it |
7219s | oh you think I never played this game |
7222s | before |
7234s | none of these are very good for my build |
7236s | ooh never mind that's the |
7244s | one yep okay uh can't do that can we |
7249s | roll this uh nope it's too hell we can't |
7251s | roll anything on it that's okay we're |
7253s | just going for it will it will it let |
7257s | us okay we're going we're going for that |
7259s | poison |
7260s | penetration uh it's unfortunately we |
7262s | can't craft the other things off of it |
7264s | but I don't |
7267s | care let's just do this |
7270s | first uh we're doing this down |
7275s | here I love that |
7278s | note |
7280s | um this way no |
7283s | where were we going we did all of |
7285s | this health Le yes up here |
7290s | yes um we're going up here we're going |
7294s | this way what we're doing |
7306s | no all right next |
7310s | question uh would you to ever consider a |
7313s | kill combo system for Ellie nothing |
7315s | needed for reward just something to set |
7317s | a goal of highest continuous kill combo |
7319s | person like a boss batch yeah I I I love |
7322s | this idea we've debated a few times um |
7324s | we don't have one uh I would love it |
7327s | that's one of my favorite things about |
7328s | uh modern Diablo is that like the the |
7330s | how many of you killed without stopping |
7332s | uh it brings me right back to playing |
7333s | Resident Evil 4 I love it love it love |
7337s | it all right as D4 direct competitor uh |
7343s | I'll take |
7344s | it uh do you find anything interesting |
7346s | in their loot reborn system that you |
7348s | would see in Le in any sort of form I I |
7350s | I I think there's a lot of similarities |
7351s | that already and I don't think there's |
7353s | really um there's there's not a ton of |
7355s | new ideas there for us I don't think but |
7358s | um I I think it's definitely going the |
7360s | right direction for sure uh Wilson is |
7363s | going away yes it's always sad when a |
7366s | game shuts down the servers anyway |
7367s | single player still so it's not going |
7368s | away fully um did you guys buy anything |
7370s | from the fire sale |
7374s | no are are they like selling off assets |
7377s | or something I don't it's in a different |
7378s | engine so I don't if it would work too |
7381s | well ah it's too bad it's still it's not |
7385s | the end of the world that we got that |
7386s | one but I was really hoping for that |
7387s | poison pen we'll take it though |
7405s | about melee I mean when bosses are on |
7407s | top of killing skills like JW's |
7409s | Kaleidoscope oh and the frost L cold |
7411s | smoke uh those are deadly for yeah I |
7413s | mean |
7414s | um there's there's not a lot you can do |
7416s | in that situation like having the boss |
7419s | position itself in such a way right |
7422s | um there might be some stuff that I |
7426s | we've had some issues with um server |
7429s | positioning reliability for players |
7431s | moving enemies with abilities um but I |
7435s | think it could be like you know |
7439s | um uh like like like a get over here uh |
7444s | scorpion nailed it first try uh type |
7446s | ability |
7448s | is probably the closest thing you could |
7450s | do to fix that if we if we we we've been |
7452s | doing a lot of stuff with the |
7453s | reliability of um enemy positioning on |
7456s | servers which is why the |
7460s | um the walk through |
7462s | uh walk through enemies is different on |
7464s | online and offline or |
7467s | was are you planning on improving |
7469s | timeline blessings like locking in |
7471s | blessings uh so are always guaranteed to |
7473s | get to reduce |
7477s | grind uh oh like no we don't have |
7479s | something for that um we do have um I |
7484s | mean so like as you get into higher |
7485s | corruption you get more blessings and |
7487s | you can get to the point like you're |
7488s | seeing like a third of them every time |
7490s | um specifically looking at trying to |
7492s | assume higher um roles on specific |
7495s | blessings that's a pretty like that's |
7499s | that's a very very late endgame type of |
7501s | thing to go for is optimizing your |
7502s | blessings |
7504s | um optimizing the roles on your |
7506s | blessings we are um we are making it so |
7509s | that you can um that when you get a |
7513s | blessing it basically goes into like a |
7515s | stash of blessings that you can then |
7517s | switch out if you need to um like Town |
7520s | NPC similar to passives |
7524s | uh we are over time I'm going to try and |
7526s | Hammer out as many of these questions as |
7527s | we can and then I'll be done so I'm not |
7528s | going to do any more Echoes and stuff so |
7529s | I'm just going to finish off with a |
7530s | bunch of questions here and I'll try and |
7532s | get through as many of them as I can I |
7533s | don't know how far behind I am right now |
7535s | um we haven't had this many questions |
7537s | lately so I've been like intentionally |
7539s | going slower on questions but youall |
7541s | have fantastic questions this week so |
7543s | thank you really been enjoying them |
7546s | um uh hi please add a level up |
7549s | notification for factions reputation uh |
7551s | that's a good point that's a really good |
7553s | point um I think it only happens when |
7557s | you're in a menu I think that's why we |
7560s | didn't do it |
7562s | before be wrong uh hey don't have much |
7565s | of a question just wanted to let you |
7567s | know that I love the game thank you and |
7569s | just give a quick thanks to you and all |
7570s | the devs I have achieved all my goals |
7572s | for the first Circle and I'm really |
7573s | looking really looking forward to hop |
7575s | back on when the second one starts glad |
7578s | to have you with us excited to see what |
7580s | you do in the next one |
7583s | uh all right last question I swear a I |
7586s | like questions lost Arc is it's good |
7588s | though running out of time |
7590s | uh L Arc is adding an active block to |
7593s | all classes so you think an active block |
7595s | button while wielding a shield would be |
7597s | a possibility like how you added an |
7598s | active evade to all |
7601s | classes um |
7604s | possible I think it I think that changes |
7607s | the combat a |
7608s | lot um one of the things with the |
7613s | um active evade thing is it's it's like |
7616s | just push and let go and it's done it |
7619s | happens it's not something that you hold |
7620s | down or um and and the timing of it is |
7626s | it's it's not like an iframe timing |
7627s | thing it's it's a repositioning tool so |
7631s | it's um it's it's it's it's pretty |
7634s | different but maybe it's possible I I |
7637s | think if we did something like that it |
7638s | would probably probably be um more of a |
7641s | more of a a class skill-based thing |
7643s | specific to a certain class or specific |
7645s | ability and we kind of have that with |
7647s | the rebuke ability because it's like |
7648s | it's a channeled ability that has a |
7650s | really short channeling time it's like |
7652s | two seconds or one second or something |
7653s | like that and it kind of it it absorbs a |
7656s | weird amount of damage so it's we kind |
7658s | of already have that a little bit and i' |
7660s | I'd more prefer to see it in a skill |
7662s | focus um shell than a uh Universal |
7668s | shell uh after seeing how good pee2 |
7671s | campaign boss fights are will you guys |
7672s | revisit the campaign bosses make them |
7674s | better and challenging fights yeah I |
7676s | mean we're we are working on um on |
7679s | improving campaign bosses for sure we |
7682s | there's there's some minor changes to to |
7684s | them coming in the in the campaign that |
7685s | I personally I think really improves |
7688s | it's |
7689s | it's |
7695s | um I I think there's certain fights that |
7699s | benefit from the changes we doing a lot |
7700s | more than others |
7702s | um and I think the fights especially the |
7704s | multi enemy fights benefit from it a lot |
7706s | I think I think it makes them a lot more |
7710s | fun like just adding interesting |
7713s | decisions to the |
7715s | fight uh since pets can't pick up items |
7718s | can they instead eat items you aren't |
7720s | looking for kind of like a filter but |
7722s | permanent with the fun animation that's |
7723s | that's cute um probably not just because |
7727s | there's always that chance that you |
7728s | filtered something wrong um and people |
7730s | people check their their filtered items |
7733s | sometimes H maybe though I think that's |
7735s | cute I think it's really |
7737s | cute uh and on that note it's time to |
7741s | end thank you very much for coming out |
7744s | uh I had a blast I had lots of fun I |
7746s | hope you did too we'll be back same time |
7748s | same place next week um the if if you |
7752s | asked the question and I didn't answer |
7753s | it I'm sorry it was not intentional uh I |
7755s | am hanging out in the um I'm hanging out |
7760s | in the |
7763s | uh |
7764s | Discord all the |
7766s | time |
7769s | um there's an ASD Dev Channel you're |
7771s | welcome to uh to come hang out with us |
7775s | there |
7778s | and |
7779s | uh until next |
7783s | time there we go had to |
7786s | die it has to happen every stream right |
7790s | um |
7795s | see what's going |
7797s | on what what I what am I talking about |
7799s | oh yeah there's um there's a the full |
7803s | document on the poll results there's |
7807s | there's like images and uh all all like |
7809s | the exact breakdown of all the stats and |
7811s | everything I didn't go through all the |
7811s | details but it's all um all all the main |
7814s | question results are there so you can |
7815s | see how they how the actual questions |
7816s | were answered and everything |
7819s | um if that's interesting to you |
7822s | I put this up usually I put this up and |
7824s | hide during the |
7826s | outro um I hope you all have a wonderful |
7831s | time drink lots of |
7834s | water like 7 Seconds I'll see you guys |
7837s | later just goingon to just G to kill |
7838s | some time here we |
7840s | go bye everybody |