about 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by jkk57

It looks fantastic! However, I would get rid of the "you" in the advanced alt descriptors.

  • No mana regen when spinning

Instead of "You do have no mana regen when spinning" Following the same model:

  • Cannot be stunned when spinning

It would then match the current " Not affected by weapon range"

Unless of course the "you" is used for programming and adds some interesting subtleties.

Sorry if I'm unclear, english isn't my native language.

Good point, thanks. 👍

about 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by DanielSecara

Warpath scaling tags: Melee, Void
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.


about 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by Tulos

This looks extremely slick.

I would, however, recommend at least testing the alt-info being left aligned and potentially bulleted.

Thanks, passed it on!

about 4 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by BladesReach

I'm curious, are there plans to include other ability specific info in these tooltips in the future? For example I recently played a Crit Lightning Mage and it had lots of passives/affixes that gave 'Lightning Spell Crit', but this information isn't represented anywhere (unless I'm really dumb and couldn't find it). It'd be cool if the Lightning Blast tooltip also showed it's ACTUAL crit rate.

Not specifically in the tooltips, no - we'll be expanding the character window for that purpose.

We know there are folks who'd like to see additional information in skill tooltips, however since yesterday's post we've also heard from a number of people who think the new tooltip design is on the large side already. Realistically they probably won't get much bigger. But we do want extensive information to be available on a per-skill basis before 1.0.