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The title might seem rhetorical, however I really am asking as I have been very out of the loop on this game for a while. I have very severe ADHD, and go through different phases of games that I play very often.

A few months back, I was very into ARPGs, playing stuff such as Grim Dawn, Diablo 3 and Torchlight 1 and 2. As I was playing those games, I was also on the lookout for others, and this game kept getting mentioned in every single thread a saw regarding the genre. Pretty much all I heard were very positive things, and it got me excited about the game, and I had planned to pick it up shortly after it's launch. I do vaguely remember that when it launched, it had alot of server issues or something and received alot of mixed reviews due to that, however I fully expected that to shift back to postive once those issues had been sorted.

Well, I never picked it up back then as I kind of drifted off into playing other games (mainly roguelites, and multi-player games like rocket league) and I have recently been getting the itch to play a new ARPG, but I have been hesitant to pick this game up as I see it is still a very mixed reception game it seems.

Basically title, I just wanted to know why this game went from all the positive praise, to all the negative (really reminds me of The Division 2 if anybody has played that around launch, you would know the same thing happened to that game as well where it had nothing but positive support then turned to a cesspool of negativity)

All replies are appreciated in advance. Thanks!

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6 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Some of the upvoted comments here tell the story quite well. From our point of view, it's clear people significantly enjoy the game at its core and we just need to tackle some player feedback mostly related to balance, bugs, performance, some system-related wants, and add more to do at end game. This is precisely why we're taking a little extra time for 1.2 to address the wants that we hear echoed amongst you all.

We appreciate all the feedback