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Hi I just bought the game yesterday and played online for an hour before noticing there’s “offline” mode and “true offline” mode. I made the dumb mistake of not playing offline for Diablo 2 resurrected until a year in. Offline was so much better for me because you can change player count, map seeding, and I personally don’t care THAT much about trading or co-op and value the QoL of offline. This game doesn’t seem to have any of those benefits in offline. Am I right to say there’s no big benefits other than if you happen to have bad internet connection and load time? How much better is the load time in offline? Does trading and co-op has the same amount of importance as d2r? If you can’t change player count, I’d assume trading and co-op is more important in epoch than d2r. Sorry for so many questions. I just want to start this game right and not waste too many hours on online play, only for me to switch to offline like I did for d2r.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Player count doesn't change loot drop rate because it's instanced loot in multiplayer. For the purposes character saves, offline and true offline are the same thing. Trade is optional and you can play CoF offline so you don't lose out on as much of the power advancement missing from not having trade. On a good day, online loading times aren't that much different than offline, actually faster in the main end game area. Right now is not a good day for load times though.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Askani24

Interesting. Thanks! Can you speak a little more on CoF offline and how I won’t miss out much on power advancement? That’s my big worry. You don’t think I won’t regret it, gear-wise, if I play offline?

There are two item factions that you can join online. Merchant's Guild and Circle of Fortune. You can only be in one or the other at a time on each character. The incredibly oversimplified version is that it's trade or better drops. Offline only has the option to join CoF because offline trade isn't really a thing.

Full details on our forums. Dozens of videos explaining it on YouTube too. I'm sure there is a post here somewhere also. Trade is more powerful gear acquisition wise but this does make a significant impact in closing that gap.