about 2 years
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
4s | back to the last Epoch Dev stream as |
7s | always I'm your host Mike hello welcome |
11s | how you doing everybody have a good day |
13s | having fun hopefully |
16s | and we're we're we're we're back playing |
19s | eight five having some fun with some uh |
21s | some old characters we used to play |
23s | today we're playing Harold the scurry |
25s | uh squirrel build gonna have a ton of |
28s | fun with it well we still can |
32s | not that it's going anywhere just I |
34s | don't have an online character with this |
35s | item that's all |
38s | and I should probably get the squirrels |
41s | out before we do this |
45s | little empowered model yeah having fun |
49s | hope y'all are having a wonderful day |
52s | today |
61s | as always we stream for charity charity |
63s | that we're shooting for today is right |
65s | above my head |
67s | um |
69s | if you have any questions please put |
71s | them in the chat and put out last Epoch |
73s | game in front of it so I know you're |
75s | looking to get an answer from me |
80s | oh we didn't we had a sweet stream last |
82s | week uh we we were playing multiple last |
85s | week because the servers were live and |
86s | uh |
88s | Judd hopped in here if you missed that |
89s | it was a good one thank you Andrew for |
92s | the transcribe appreciate that |
101s | this is a power pan apparently they do |
103s | damage who knew |
105s | thank you |
107s | hello I'm pretty good |
114s | traveler's backpack is MTX it's a |
116s | cosmetic item |
118s | um you can't buy just it so technically |
121s | it's not MTX I think |
123s | um but yes |
125s | really is the answer you're looking for |
130s | effectively |
136s | how far is 1.0 away in other words |
138s | Falconer win well Falconer will come out |
140s | with 1.0 comes out and I don't have a |
142s | timeline of 1.0 for you I'm sorry |
146s | on streams with new logos I know I know |
150s | we do |
151s | yeah good point |
155s | forgot about that |
157s | I need to do I need to do a stream |
159s | facelift I think with like uh like when |
162s | someone Subs like it's still the generic |
164s | one and yeah I I just use like a whole |
166s | stream facelift |
172s | the stream is more about like |
175s | um being able to be here and answer |
176s | questions and talk to the community and |
178s | that sort of stuff then |
180s | I don't know having it look pretty I |
183s | guess at least I hope that's what it's |
184s | more about |
185s | but no I'd love to get some |
187s | proper stuff in |
191s | I'm just real bad at that |
194s | graphic design stuff is not my fortune |
200s | can we get a standalone News Post at the |
202s | free weekend that we can get to share |
203s | with people um maybe I uh there's not |
207s | really much to share so the um |
210s | like it's it's uh anyone can play |
215s | uh |
218s | um where is it uh the the it goes to the |
221s | end of chapter five |
223s | is about it |
227s | the models will not be available |
231s | I'm pretty sure this is all right |
236s | it's sort of a like if you if you're |
239s | thinking about trying last Epoch and uh |
241s | you wanted an opportunity to give it a |
243s | test without actually paying for it uh |
246s | now is a good time to just try and see |
247s | if you like it or not or it will be a |
249s | good time to try it like on the 23rd |
257s | all right do you have a pile of rainy |
260s | day ideas and what's the least likely |
263s | one to happen |
267s | um |
267s | I don't know if any rainy day ideas |
269s | really but I also I'm also wearing the |
272s | shirt to go with the build |
276s | um anyways I uh |
281s | I just looked over and saw the top of it |
283s | it reminded me of it like rainy day |
285s | ideas I mean there's |
287s | there are |
290s | some |
293s | uh class ideas some some future class |
296s | ideas that are like |
300s | um |
301s | I I don't know for example there's like |
302s | there's a class idea there's a master |
304s | class idea that's like a a primeless |
307s | Mastery class idea for the future that |
311s | um probably will never happen because |
314s | it's like the third awesome Prime list |
318s | extra masterclass idea that we have so |
321s | um |
322s | and getting up to six masteries total on |
325s | a single class is a |
329s | um I mean who knows |
331s | who knows super long from now but I |
332s | doubt that'll ever happen that that many |
335s | Mastery classes on a single class it's a |
337s | little it's a little much well we'll see |
339s | though who knows that far out but yeah |
342s | I want to say what it actually is just |
344s | in case it does happen |
347s | yeah I came anymore emaps that's right |
351s | drink lots of water everybody |
353s | thank you |
355s | I need a haircut I the the my headset |
358s | like pushes like a chunk of my hair |
360s | forward and just looks awful and I never |
361s | know what to do about it |
363s | oh what do you think about uh |
367s | oh Sonata is set with a Mason shield and |
370s | swirl build I think it's pretty strong |
372s | stronger than T5 mods oh uh maybe |
378s | this is what I'm using |
381s | let me see my gear oh we could go make a |
383s | a legendary out of this |
386s | okay new goal for the stream find an |
389s | exalted helmet to make a legendary out |
391s | of here on the screen that's like all we |
392s | care about |
394s | period |
404s | how many cow went multiplayer testing |
405s | really good uh did you guys uh they're |
408s | satisfied with reactions of players yeah |
410s | I mean like no matter how well something |
413s | goes you're always like I wish you could |
414s | have gone a little bit better but but |
416s | overall things went really well we got a |
418s | lot of great feedback we got a lot of |
419s | great data |
421s | um |
422s | there's going to be improvements coming |
424s | down the pipe for uh for 4.9 uh because |
427s | of it and we're really happy that we did |
428s | the the test when we did |
431s | um so |
434s | Big Ups |
435s | very happy |
439s | where's this guy |
446s | our decision of uh continuously |
451s | doing these streams and taking on |
453s | talking to the community hope this game |
454s | is a huge success you deserve it thank |
456s | you very much I appreciate that I hope |
458s | it is too |
459s | these shoes are a ton of fun I really |
461s | enjoy doing them I'm uh very lucky to be |
464s | able to do them and and be able to take |
466s | time out of my my usual day to do them |
470s | because it says it cuts like I spent two |
472s | hours doing this and there's like a half |
474s | hour lead up and a half hour |
476s | um usually cool down at the end so it's |
477s | like it's three hours of my day it's |
479s | like |
481s | a third of my day |
489s | it's a good chunk of time |
491s | and there's there's other people that |
492s | that come in here too and and help and |
494s | provide uh spoilers and stuff like |
497s | there's there's all sorts of people that |
499s | are doing stuff behind the scenes as |
500s | well |
507s | so really lucky to be able to do this |
508s | which I |
510s | which is great |
515s | nice |
517s | oh this guy's gonna split for some |
519s | reason |
521s | come on go instantly use the multiplayer |
524s | we are back on eight five by the way |
528s | I had some problems with my new |
529s | microphone so I'm back to my headset |
530s | Mike so frustrating |
539s | foreign |
544s | yeah the the |
546s | um the levels in Wolf and totem aren't |
550s | super important to get for this build I |
552s | don't think |
558s | do all Masters for all classes become |
560s | available with 1.0 patch yes yeah |
562s | warlock Falconer Rune Master will launch |
565s | at 1.0 not before |
569s | hello stream happy Friday happy Friday |
573s | to YouTube |
576s | I hope you're |
578s | gearing up for a wonderful weekend of |
580s | relaxation and fun |
590s | going on a hike tomorrow morning pumped |
593s | about that |
595s | just a little one |
599s | I call it a hike because uh |
602s | the person going with me is uh |
608s | quarter of my size |
611s | and for them it's a hike |
625s | uh maybe a third my size it's probably |
626s | more accurate |
633s | foreign |
646s | all right does Mike 2.0 also have a |
649s | beard uh not yet |
653s | they're a little little for that |
663s | I just really like the way this ax looks |
666s | in game |
670s | not not very effective to uh to fight |
672s | that way |
675s | I'm curious to know so we didn't release |
677s | patch notes for the multiplayer test |
679s | events that we've done so far and I'm |
681s | curious to know if people had |
684s | um like surprise changes to skills that |
687s | they uh really liked like like anything |
689s | that stood out to them of like a build |
691s | that you play a lot and there's some big |
694s | change that you kind of didn't see |
695s | coming |
697s | um if anyone has any of those I'd be |
699s | really interested to hear about |
714s | it's been it's been a long uh a long |
716s | week we've been we've got some really |
719s | fantastic discussions that happened |
722s | um and I'm kind of hoping that we can |
723s | share the results of those pretty soon |
725s | hopefully |
731s | I'm hoping pre |
733s | next event |
735s | it's the goal getting getting |
738s | Communications polished enough to |
739s | release is so so tricky |
742s | like it takes a long surprisingly long |
744s | amount of time |
748s | and and once once you've read something |
749s | like 80 times |
751s | like there's certain certain sentences |
754s | that you're like well obviously that |
755s | makes sense I know what that is and then |
756s | you showed to someone the first time |
757s | they're like I have no idea what this |
758s | means it's always a funny moment |
764s | running over 100 FPS instead of 160. yep |
766s | that's that was that's a nice change I |
768s | will say it's |
770s | um it's always really clear going back |
771s | to eight five that you're like oh yeah |
774s | the performance impact is pretty huge |
775s | isn't it |
777s | and it's nice that the visual Fidelity |
779s | actually went up with the performance |
781s | going up as well so I mean yeah I'm |
784s | really happy with that it's it was it |
785s | was good I was trying not to like |
787s | oversell the performance improvements if |
789s | possible |
791s | um but we're getting getting very good |
792s | feedback on performance improvements in |
794s | point nine which is great |
805s | the minion changes for necro look really |
808s | good best necro class I played in any |
810s | RPG wow that's awesome that's that's uh |
812s | that's a high bar that's a high bar this |
815s | is a lot of great necro classes out |
816s | there |
817s | um |
818s | so that's good thanks |
820s | the the I know a lot of people are |
821s | really enjoying the ability to when you |
824s | transplant bring your minions with you |
827s | I saw I saw a few people enjoying that |
829s | just really nice it's it's interesting |
830s | because that was like a big part of |
831s | getting Enigma in Diablo 2 was that |
834s | suddenly you could reposition your |
835s | minions because there was no other way |
837s | to reposition your meetings in D2 |
839s | and other than re-summing new ones but |
845s | that was always the biggest the biggest |
846s | thing like like yeah sure teleport's |
848s | amazing for just Mobility but like it |
850s | was such a huge DPS boost because he |
853s | just like repositioned everything to the |
854s | Target you're trying to hit |
862s | people have been having uh some feedback |
864s | to last week's stream questions gears |
866s | and Judds in the transcript version |
868s | which was nice to see if you haven't |
869s | read those already |
871s | I'm not going to bring that up right now |
873s | but if there are any questions that |
875s | stand out I'd be happy to uh |
878s | if anyone wants to bring those I mean |
880s | maybe I can bring I can pop it up on the |
881s | screen |
890s | that moment where you're like okay let's |
892s | let's try and bring this across my |
893s | screen to the other side |
897s | but we're just gonna I'm just gonna I'm |
898s | just gonna cover my screen for a second |
899s | here |
905s | oh |
906s | oh yeah that's how we do it |
912s | and we're back no problem |
921s | we've got three screens here that was a |
923s | big transcription too I mean it was it |
925s | was a big stream I know because Judd was |
926s | on that's pretty impressive Andrew |
935s | transcribed |
940s | some questions there let's get actually |
942s | get back into game while doing this you |
944s | enraged half Health Bring It On |
947s | I'll get into that I'm just gonna read |
948s | this one from chat first |
950s | I tried meteor when playing in the event |
952s | and it seemed to me it took less time to |
954s | hit the ground out of the box compared |
956s | to when I played meteor two years ago or |
958s | something uh am I only imagine this or |
960s | was there a change there was a slight |
962s | change uh two years ago yeah there was a |
964s | change |
965s | um in the in the priming time |
969s | uh or fall speed depending on how you |
970s | want like there's there's a few |
971s | different things there's fall speed |
972s | which is the speed that the actual |
974s | meteor travels at when it's hitting |
977s | um I think that went up slightly and |
979s | then I'm just making more Punchy but |
980s | then I think the prime priming time like |
983s | the the where the circle is on the |
985s | ground before it actually starts falling |
987s | um it sort of like implied that it is |
989s | falling at that point but the object |
990s | isn't actually in the game yet there's |
993s | different terminologies there |
996s | um yeah I think that time was also |
997s | reduced slightly at base it wasn't I |
1000s | don't think there were big changes the |
1001s | VFX was also changed |
1003s | um which just helps it feel a little |
1005s | punchier too so I don't think they're |
1006s | very big changes but it's interesting to |
1008s | see that it does have a feeling |
1009s | difference |
1012s | am I taller is the ceiling low both I am |
1016s | 6'1 |
1019s | um and yes this is my palm is on the |
1023s | ceiling right now |
1027s | this is my index finger is touching the |
1030s | ceiling because my elbow's almost at 90. |
1034s | that's funny |
1037s | yeah this is a uh |
1040s | um |
1042s | I commandeered a chunk of our garage and |
1044s | built an office in it |
1052s | the rules the rules around that is |
1054s | unreal |
1057s | I |
1058s | had to get so much help and advice from |
1060s | people |
1073s | uh oh is it a free-for-all coming oh |
1076s | well I need a new account or uh need to |
1080s | do to have a free try |
1082s | um so what it'll be is it'll it'll be |
1084s | like any free weekend on Steam so |
1087s | um you won't need a new account uh if |
1090s | you |
1091s | if you own the game it'll just be like |
1093s | like normal you'll uh You'll Play no |
1096s | problem if you don't own the game you'll |
1099s | be able to play like normal no problem I |
1100s | don't know the difference really uh |
1102s | you'll just it'll be like free to play |
1104s | and you'll download it and start playing |
1106s | and that's it and then once the |
1107s | weekend's over it'll it'll disappear |
1109s | from your steam list |
1115s | are there any questions in here |
1124s | there's okay Andrew or anyone else the |
1127s | uh the transcribe from last time in |
1129s | questions |
1131s | um |
1131s | it's kind of long I don't want to read |
1133s | it I I've been going through this but uh |
1136s | I don't remember the specific questions |
1137s | that are in here |
1139s | if anyone could pull a specific question |
1141s | that they want to know from that or saw |
1143s | something that they'd like to have an |
1144s | answer to I'd be happy to answer it |
1146s | um but I just need someone to |
1148s | paraphrase and bring it into twitch chat |
1151s | for me sorry |
1158s | are you able to give your thought |
1160s | process for the Mechanics for Cycles |
1163s | yeah I mean I can give you a little |
1165s | um |
1166s | like a little bit of insight there uh we |
1169s | I don't have any specifics to share |
1170s | right now the first the first 1.0 launch |
1173s | will be the start of the first cycle so |
1175s | to speak um but there's not gonna be |
1177s | like a cycle specific mechanic |
1179s | because it's just the first one like you |
1181s | know what I mean um I don't know how to |
1182s | describe that it'll be the things that |
1184s | come with 1.0 I guess the cycle |
1185s | mechanics will be warlock falcon or Rune |
1188s | master |
1189s | um if you want to look at it that way |
1190s | but the |
1192s | um |
1193s | after that going forward |
1196s | um psycho mechanics I think will be |
1199s | initially |
1200s | the first few that'll happen will be |
1203s | similar to 1.0 in the sense that they |
1204s | are |
1206s | um features that maybe we wanted to get |
1208s | in for 1.0 but I had to cut due to time |
1212s | um maybe they are things that we just |
1214s | knew we wanted to add into the game very |
1217s | quickly after 1.0 and we always knew we |
1219s | weren't going to put them in 1.0 or |
1221s | something |
1222s | um it's going to be a lot of things of I |
1224s | think the the first few Cycles will feel |
1226s | a little bit like expansion packs in the |
1229s | sense of like there there's no chance of |
1234s | um |
1235s | I mean our Cycles are a little bit |
1236s | different than Poe leagues in the sense |
1238s | that we're |
1239s | um like standard will have them or right |
1241s | right now the plan is that standard will |
1243s | have them right away |
1246s | um so we're not maintaining two |
1247s | different environments and |
1251s | um |
1254s | it'll be |
1257s | they'll it'll be a lot of like fairly |
1259s | large features I think at the start so |
1261s | like |
1262s | um possible there'll be a lot of |
1264s | different things we can do so one thing |
1265s | we've talked about a lot is shuffling |
1267s | this a little bit on changing the order |
1268s | that these are in changing where rewards |
1271s | are in each one of these |
1272s | um things things like that things that |
1274s | you can do quick and easy and then also |
1276s | just adding a new mechanics so maybe |
1277s | adding in the new dungeon |
1280s | um adding in a new Mastery class adding |
1282s | in a new |
1284s | um game mode mechanic adding in like |
1287s | some some of the game modes that we've |
1288s | talked about in the past and we've been |
1290s | like kind of quiet about in the current |
1292s | uh times maybe adding in some of those |
1294s | so it'll be a lot of like |
1297s | um fleshing out mechanics expanding |
1300s | mechanics like maybe maybe we add a new |
1302s | mechanic that can randomly spawn in the |
1304s | monolith or something and these are |
1305s | hypothetical things of like |
1310s | um I don't want to these are not lists |
1312s | of things that are gonna happen or |
1313s | anything like that but |
1314s | um types of things that might happen |
1318s | rather and um |
1323s | it's kind of a broad question I don't |
1325s | know if you want something more specific |
1326s | than that I can't really give anything |
1327s | much more specific than that I don't |
1329s | think |
1332s | these guys have Buffs |
1335s | chance to dodge heads uh oh that's okay |
1338s | we got so many hits it don't matter |
1347s | cool stuff there |
1351s | garage office person myself really hot |
1353s | during Australian summer well |
1358s | it does not get that hot here which is |
1359s | nice |
1360s | I bought like a big big fan just sitting |
1363s | off the side that I can turn on if it |
1364s | does get too hot but like too hot for me |
1367s | is like 25 and I'm struggling 25c and |
1370s | I'm struggling |
1372s | which everyone who lives in a hot |
1374s | climate is just like yeah you wuss |
1378s | I can't handle the cold either though so |
1379s | like it gets below zero C and I'm |
1381s | freaking out |
1387s | it's very it's very it's very tight |
1389s | range of temperatures that I'm okay with |
1394s | slow on him oh good thing we got leap |
1403s | is there talk about the default coloring |
1405s | of items so many players often ask what |
1408s | the difference between blue and yellow |
1409s | items are and why they should pick up |
1411s | blue ones |
1413s | um but just adding a two affix blue |
1416s | turns uh just adding a two affix or just |
1420s | adding an affix to Blue turns it yellow |
1423s | I think is what you're looking for there |
1424s | are other plans or where or were there |
1428s | plans to make blue and yellow just one |
1429s | color so uh story time originally |
1433s | um |
1434s | the items that are encapsulated in blue |
1437s | and yellow now actually had six colors |
1442s | Jenna sounds ridiculous |
1445s | um but there were there were six colors |
1447s | ranging from Blue to yellow and it was |
1450s | like blue kind of a Bluey green |
1455s | kind of a greeny green the green yellow |
1459s | yellow like it was it was sort of it was |
1461s | a spectrum of colors |
1465s | um and it was because there were six |
1467s | affixes on items at that point |
1469s | um and so there were six years so it was |
1471s | a slightly different color for each |
1473s | number of affixes on the item |
1477s | um |
1478s | and and we're this is we're talking four |
1480s | years ago at this point maybe more |
1482s | um and |
1484s | uh we we moved to four affixes and we |
1488s | still had that coloring system I think |
1491s | to be wrong |
1494s | uh it just like wasn't quite |
1497s | we're having this exact problem actually |
1499s | where people are like okay well what |
1500s | what does what does it mean |
1502s | um it's hard to recognize which one's |
1504s | which on the ground |
1508s | um |
1511s | and I think the most players quickly |
1515s | recognize and it goes back to a little |
1517s | bit of like D2 coloring I guess a little |
1519s | bit so |
1521s | um D2 coloring was blue or magic items |
1523s | there's fewer affixes the big difference |
1525s | there is that blue items in D2 the roles |
1527s | on the affixes can actually be higher so |
1529s | it actually does mean something a little |
1531s | bit of Distinction there |
1534s | um |
1536s | and uh and yellow was rare which means |
1538s | more affixes |
1539s | so that was kind of the distinction of |
1541s | just being able to quickly identify how |
1543s | many roughly affixes are on the item is |
1545s | why there's the color distinction |
1546s | between blue and yellow |
1549s | it's possible that it could combine we |
1551s | have no uh intention to or plans to at |
1554s | this point |
1560s | squirrel's doing work |
1564s | not questions from players I provided |
1567s | the questions you and Judd asked during |
1568s | the stream oh at the end transcribed and |
1572s | people have been providing their answers |
1573s | to them in the comments to that thread |
1575s | ah yes okay yes I was reading those |
1578s | answers so I was kind of confused about |
1580s | the questions that uh were being posed |
1584s | but yes thank you I did see those when |
1586s | is we're all coming to 1.0 |
1588s | hello there hello there |
1593s | hello there |
1595s | is it better |
1596s | uh congratulations game thank you acid |
1599s | Fletch we ain't playing no Rogue |
1602s | oh goodness little two-hander |
1610s | house 2023 being for you in the game so |
1612s | far pretty good |
1613s | busy very busy |
1616s | um we got back from |
1618s | we have a little Studio break between |
1620s | Christmas and New Year's |
1622s | and we got back from that and it was |
1624s | full steam ahead hit the ground running |
1626s | let's go |
1628s | all hands on deck |
1630s | get get multiplayer out it's been great |
1633s | my favorite color |
1641s | you heard that eh whoops |
1644s | uh one of the things that has stood out |
1646s | for me so far in Le is seeing how often |
1648s | each you guys speak up in chat and game |
1651s | is it something you hope you can |
1652s | continue uh into 0.9 and Beyond I mean |
1655s | hopefully yeah |
1656s | um |
1659s | I think a lot of that is just the fact |
1661s | that we're uh when when we're testing we |
1664s | have access to chat so like you you're |
1667s | like oh let's see if how that that new |
1669s | fireball VFX looks |
1671s | um and you uh you hop into game for a |
1673s | second to just just test it it connects |
1675s | to chat and so you see Chad for a second |
1678s | um and sometimes you just you just say |
1679s | something in response to something |
1680s | someone said |
1682s | um |
1684s | and then on top of that as well there's |
1686s | a lot of people that are |
1688s | that aren't like hanging out in there |
1690s | and trying to be in communicative and |
1692s | helpful and lots of stuff and and there |
1693s | are people that are um |
1696s | uh who who do that as well just like |
1701s | hang out in |
1703s | in game and uh |
1706s | moderators |
1707s | so you may be seeing a lot of them too |
1711s | I think we have an actual like proper |
1713s | tag in the new chat system |
1715s | um for you she's she |
1717s | um chat texts like |
1720s | different uh so it looks physically |
1721s | different in chat |
1725s | yeah I was I was hanging out last night |
1726s | in chat |
1728s | um |
1730s | talking to people |
1732s | I was working on my first infographic |
1734s | ever |
1745s | cool story and thanks yeah just |
1747s | wondering during most gameplay in chat |
1749s | uh a lot of newer players kept asking |
1751s | yeah |
1753s | uh out of the classes that haven't been |
1755s | released which one is your favorite I |
1757s | mean that's really tough to say because |
1758s | um we none of them are internally |
1760s | playable yet so uh |
1763s | I I I |
1764s | from a gameplay standpoint I can't |
1766s | answer that question because none of |
1767s | them exist yet |
1769s | um from uh thematics design theoretical |
1773s | standpoint uh I'm a sucker for the Rogue |
1776s | uh Falconer is like what I'm what I'm |
1779s | looking forward to the most of those |
1781s | three |
1782s | um but it's a super tight race for me |
1786s | um |
1787s | there was some changes that happened to |
1788s | warlock in the design process that |
1790s | um I was I was excited for warlock |
1792s | before and now I'm excited for warlock |
1795s | um every Mass has always been |
1796s | interesting to me so I I it's it's hard |
1798s | to answer |
1800s | um but Falconer is the front runner for |
1802s | me |
1805s | uh uh is there an estimate time when the |
1808s | game will officially release the 1.0 |
1810s | packs we have a goal internally that |
1811s | we're working towards but I'm not going |
1813s | to tell you what that is I'm sorry |
1820s | I guess the only thing I can say is that |
1822s | we are planning on returning to a more |
1824s | regular Cadence for uh major patches so |
1828s | if you look at before eight five so if |
1831s | you look at the like eight three eight |
1833s | four eight five releases and how much |
1834s | time was in between those uh that's the |
1837s | sort of rough General time we're aiming |
1840s | for in between patches going forward uh |
1843s | leading up to and Beyond 1.0 and that's |
1845s | our goal |
1848s | foreign |
1850s | like we're already planning what |
1852s | content's gonna go in the next patch |
1854s | after point nine |
1860s | yeah I can give them increased cooldown |
1862s | recovery speed why not nothing bad ever |
1866s | happened by doing that |
1869s | just gonna be a bunch of oh gosh it's |
1871s | the arena |
1872s | it's in the name you can see it's gonna |
1874s | be an arena beforehand the cooldown |
1876s | recovery might be an issue in the arena |
1878s | we'll see get a lot of |
1881s | people casting those meteors on me and |
1883s | I'll be hoop heard |
1899s | there's still that slow chance |
1906s | oh yeah archers Archer's always so |
1909s | deadly it's just like there's so many |
1911s | hits so fast and it's |
1914s | like it's the first time you walk into |
1916s | ancient tunnels in in D2 and in hell and |
1918s | you're uh |
1921s | there's just so many archers |
1930s | just can't can't stay still |
1939s | come on Hell potion use it oh I guess |
1941s | I'm full |
1942s | nope |
1950s | can you tell us what the Warlock is |
1952s | meant to be doing the description game |
1953s | is very vague the description of the |
1955s | game is very old do not read the |
1956s | description game anymore it is outdated |
1958s | and no longer accurate |
1961s | um I I can't really give specific |
1963s | examples of mechanics that it will be |
1965s | using I can give you the same and this |
1968s | is not new information sorry |
1970s | um the the Thematic Touchstone that I |
1973s | generally refer to in this question get |
1974s | asked gets asked is uh is Jafar |
1978s | from Aladdin as as a thematic touchdown |
1984s | so it's it's more of a |
1988s | um |
1989s | like like a wizard that hasn't been |
1991s | afraid to explore the darker side of |
1995s | things |
1997s | for |
2000s | not necessarily evil purposes |
2004s | um |
2005s | because they act like it's not evil |
2007s | but uh they're not not afraid to to to |
2010s | explore the darker side |
2022s | pitch us the game why should we play |
2024s | last Epoch and not something else I I |
2027s | mean I have such a hard time telling |
2029s | people not to play other games because I |
2031s | love so many other games especially so |
2034s | many other similar games |
2036s | um what makes us unique what makes us |
2038s | special what makes us interesting |
2040s | um I think we have a really fantastic |
2042s | skill system I think this is |
2045s | um if I'm gonna if I'm gonna pick one |
2048s | thing to like |
2049s | put in people's face as a selling point |
2051s | is every single skill in the game has a |
2057s | skill tree that is unique to that skill |
2060s | tree |
2063s | um I I think this is one of the most |
2064s | exciting things and interesting things |
2066s | when you when you come and come into it |
2068s | um and it's a lot of it's almost like a |
2070s | realization of some of the early |
2072s | versions of the D3 Rune system that |
2075s | you'd see |
2076s | um where it seemed a lot like I don't |
2079s | know to me just seemed a lot more |
2080s | transformative when they first started |
2081s | pitching it |
2083s | um and it did end up really enjoying it |
2085s | a lot in the end |
2087s | um but this is kind of what I was |
2088s | dreaming about when I was first hearing |
2090s | about it I think and |
2093s | um like like you just get so many |
2095s | options in here and so many ways to to |
2097s | customize your skills |
2098s | um |
2100s | this is like our past system is pretty |
2102s | great it's a uh it's it's very |
2105s | straightforward |
2107s | um in a very good way so like I say that |
2108s | as a positive thing where you are |
2111s | um most people who've played |
2114s | um role-playing fantasy role-playing |
2116s | video games uh can can look at our |
2118s | passive system and immediately |
2121s | understand what's going on the basics of |
2123s | it are abundantly clear but then when |
2125s | you dive a little deeper there's some |
2126s | really interesting stuff going on and |
2128s | you start getting into this |
2129s | multi-classing ability like I'm A Beast |
2130s | Master but I'm able to touch into Druid |
2133s | um and and get some of these earlier |
2135s | nodes and being able to decide what you |
2137s | want based on that and like having these |
2139s | passive bonuses that are for picking the |
2141s | Mastery and then which which skills get |
2143s | unlocked based on that and |
2145s | um |
2146s | you know I think there's I think there's |
2147s | a lot of opportunity for a really great |
2150s | uh build crafting and character |
2152s | customization options in in last Epoch I |
2154s | think that's where uh that's one of the |
2156s | one of the big strengths from a |
2158s | mechanics sideway and I'm very mechanics |
2160s | heavy because that's what I do |
2162s | um I think we also have a great |
2163s | storyline and especially when it comes |
2166s | to |
2168s | um |
2168s | like I don't want to knock in the games |
2170s | of the genre because I do really like a |
2172s | lot of them as well |
2173s | um but I do think that it's it's often a |
2175s | a less paid attention to element of |
2179s | games like this of ampgs |
2181s | um I think I think there's a lot of |
2182s | great stuff going on in the storyline |
2184s | there's lots of little Easter eggs |
2185s | around which is awesome |
2187s | um the the the tagline or like early |
2190s | pitch that we'd give a lot of people at |
2192s | like conventions and stuff and we're |
2194s | like |
2195s | um like if if like Diablo 2 and uh Crown |
2200s | trigger had a baby this is what we're |
2201s | kind of kind of going for initially |
2204s | um there's there's also if you have time |
2207s | and you want to go look for it there's |
2208s | some there's some little uh little |
2210s | things hidden around in the in the void |
2214s | um in the rundier map so there's there's |
2216s | some there's some cool stuff uh there's |
2218s | some very specific references in here uh |
2221s | that I won't I won't spoil if you want |
2222s | to go look for them I think it's a lot |
2223s | of fun |
2225s | and I like I think we're we're growing |
2228s | and and it's exciting to get in into and |
2231s | be involved in that process we have a |
2233s | lot of |
2235s | um a lot of community engagement and a |
2237s | lot of uh discussions with our community |
2238s | and I think there's I think a lot of |
2240s | people who |
2241s | um have been in our community for a |
2243s | while and have been have been hanging |
2244s | out probably feel a sense of ownership a |
2247s | little bit with with the game because |
2249s | there's so much uh interaction which I |
2252s | think is really great |
2265s | okay I remember the question I was |
2267s | asking answering |
2275s | pitches the game oh yeah oh yeah I think |
2277s | it was pretty good |
2278s | I kind of went off off uh lost the |
2281s | thread a little bit there but you know |
2288s | it's been a while since I've had to go |
2289s | to a convention or pitch the game to uh |
2291s | publisher |
2307s | uh are there any cool ideas you've had |
2310s | which are completely unachievable with |
2312s | the technology available to us today uh |
2315s | absolutely yes |
2317s | um |
2319s | yeah there's there's definitely been |
2321s | ideas that have been pitched |
2323s | um so sometimes they're like |
2326s | well maybe maybe we can figure out how |
2327s | to do that one day and some I'm like |
2329s | hesitant to |
2331s | to mention things that we've tried to do |
2333s | and it failed sometimes |
2335s | um nothing's coming to mind right now |
2337s | but like I know for sure that we've been |
2339s | in game design meetings and someone and |
2341s | someone has said hey wouldn't it be cool |
2343s | if you could do this and everyone's like |
2344s | oh my God yes and then someone's like |
2347s | yeah we can't do that |
2350s | the service can't take that no |
2352s | and everyone goes ah you sure they go |
2354s | yeah just no |
2357s | no because I'm fine all right let's move |
2359s | on that happens basically every game is |
2361s | like meeting at least once |
2371s | usually usually it's it's |
2373s | um frames around just like |
2378s | just just Network capabilities that we |
2381s | have like just being able to handle that |
2384s | many things happening simultaneously |
2387s | it's usually what it boils down to |
2392s | are there any secrets in the game that |
2394s | people haven't found yet in the live 85 |
2397s | version I don't think so I'm pretty sure |
2398s | all those secrets in eight five live |
2400s | have been found |
2401s | um |
2403s | I'm not sure if there are news I'm I'm |
2406s | I'd be surprised if there weren't new |
2408s | secrets for things I know the level |
2410s | design guys love putting them in |
2412s | um |
2415s | and so sometimes there's like little |
2416s | things they're just like nods like |
2418s | really really subtle nods and everyone's |
2420s | like no I mean that's kind of a secret I |
2421s | guess |
2423s | um |
2424s | foreign |
2425s | but uh yeah I I think there's probably |
2427s | some new ones coming in point nine that |
2429s | haven't been found yet probably I don't |
2431s | know though so I do I don't want to |
2432s | start it on for them if I'm wrong |
2437s | I'd be surprised if nothing new was |
2438s | added though |
2440s | in the in the secrets and hidden cool |
2442s | stuff category |
2446s | there was story time again |
2448s | um the uh the the lead level design guy |
2451s | who was our only level design guy back |
2453s | uh at the very start like six other days |
2456s | um |
2457s | he uh he put it he would sneak stuff |
2460s | into the game and not tell anyone and |
2462s | this was this was the wild west of last |
2463s | Epoch development |
2465s | um like there was there was no proper |
2468s | control for these things like like |
2472s | you you'd commit to master all the time |
2475s | to me now but back then you could to |
2477s | master no problem he just pushed |
2478s | directly to master no pull request who |
2480s | cares just it was it was whatever |
2483s | um and people would just throw in |
2484s | whatever they wanted it was it was |
2485s | hilarious it was great it worked well |
2487s | for us and I'm so glad we don't do it |
2489s | anymore but |
2490s | um more than once the the lead level |
2492s | designer would um which would slip |
2495s | secrets into the game or he would like |
2497s | contact one person and say hey I need a |
2499s | tool that does this thing and you're |
2501s | like okay why and he's like I don't know |
2502s | no reason |
2504s | I'll go by someone else |
2505s | and uh and like so he'd put he put |
2508s | little secrets in and there was there |
2509s | was something that like no one found for |
2512s | so long and we were doing we're in a |
2515s | group wide meeting and he's like okay no |
2517s | one's found this for too long I'm |
2518s | revealing it |
2519s | um it was it was it was a good good |
2521s | moment it was fun |
2526s | tell me what the secret was it was just |
2528s | like a room that had like eight chests |
2530s | in it or something and you had to just |
2531s | like jump off this cliff and you didn't |
2533s | know that was the ability to jump off |
2535s | this cliff |
2549s | will there be in the game someday necro |
2553s | or uh rogue mail to play Oh gender |
2555s | locking questions okay |
2557s | um there's a huge topic on the on the |
2558s | forums about this if you want to read |
2559s | there's they'll go into details on it |
2562s | um |
2563s | I I would say that there is a better |
2567s | than even odds chance that eventually we |
2569s | add |
2570s | gender customization to the game at some |
2572s | point |
2573s | um and just character customization in |
2575s | general really |
2577s | it's not something we are planning for |
2580s | 1.0 it's not something we're working on |
2582s | at all right now it's this is uh this is |
2585s | a someday feature this is uh wouldn't it |
2587s | be great yes it would be great can we do |
2589s | it right now it's it's it's low priority |
2591s | compared to so many other things |
2594s | um |
2595s | and uh and like like one day we'll get |
2597s | to it what's that day I have no idea |
2601s | um |
2602s | and this this goes to all sorts of |
2604s | different things one of our |
2606s | um oh like so much of our stuff is based |
2608s | around |
2609s | um like character classes because |
2611s | they're because the game is class locked |
2612s | and having those uh those features of |
2614s | those class work into so many different |
2616s | places like even just down to armor |
2620s | and things like that like it would look |
2622s | weird to have this exact armor piece |
2624s | which which is which is representative |
2626s | on the character |
2629s | it's actually a great example |
2632s | so |
2633s | here's this chess piece |
2636s | uh and and the 2D art matches the |
2640s | in-game 3D model oh my gosh |
2648s | okay let's let's keep moving |
2653s | um I think it would look a little uh |
2657s | uh awkward it might bump us up a rating |
2658s | level if uh there was a female character |
2661s | I don't know how the hurricane system |
2662s | works exactly but if there's a female |
2664s | character wearing this exact armor |
2666s | without any alterations uh we might get |
2668s | a little bit of flack for that you know |
2672s | um so there's a lot to do with uh with |
2675s | updating uh to be able to have gender |
2679s | and character customization in general |
2681s | in the game |
2683s | um but we know it's it is an important |
2685s | thing for a lot of people |
2687s | um and like lots of people come up to me |
2689s | and said |
2690s | um I only play |
2692s | nekros and games like this or I only |
2694s | play Rogues in games like this or I only |
2696s | play uh paladins and games like this but |
2700s | I also only play |
2701s | uh gender whatever in uh in in games |
2707s | like these so it's and like you don't |
2708s | have a combination that matches the |
2711s | class gender roles that I always pick |
2713s | therefore I'm not gonna play your game |
2714s | and and we we definitely have seen |
2716s | feedback to that to that uh tune and |
2719s | it's totally understandable like |
2721s | it's there's it's a very deep topic and |
2724s | I don't really want to go too far into |
2725s | it |
2726s | um and it sucks that we can't offer uh |
2729s | an option for people that are in that |
2731s | situation right out of the gate which |
2733s | like it it does suck and I'm sorry if |
2736s | you are one of those people but we just |
2737s | don't have the bandwidth to do that |
2739s | right now |
2743s | this is something that we hope to add to |
2745s | the game |
2746s | um |
2748s | yeah |
2753s | and if if you are in that category I |
2755s | hope you can find something that you |
2756s | enjoyed to do and if not I hope we can |
2760s | add something for you at some point hey |
2762s | there's that Shield |
2765s | find the weapon I'll try it out |
2773s | even just one of them hitting hurts |
2783s | I was talking to chat GPT and it told me |
2786s | you can call public API it's got any |
2788s | public apis no we do not uh by the way |
2791s | has last Epoch game uh addressed the |
2794s | trading poll any news on them walking |
2796s | back on the no trading decision or not |
2798s | well it would be impossible I'm gonna |
2800s | get a little indignant here it would be |
2802s | impossible to walk back the no trading |
2804s | decision because it doesn't exist |
2808s | um it was a very large amount of |
2810s | rhetoric that came out around the |
2812s | announcements saying that we said no |
2814s | trade which we didn't |
2816s | um which was unfortunate that that |
2817s | happened |
2821s | um so no I think is the answer to that |
2824s | question |
2826s | um |
2827s | the conversations around trade never |
2828s | stopped |
2829s | uh we've been |
2833s | we |
2834s | uh Sophia was saying that sounds |
2837s | hilarious I wonder what happened uh-oh |
2839s | um I get a little behind in chat |
2841s | sometimes and then I see comments about |
2842s | something that happened a while ago and |
2843s | I'm not sure what that thing was |
2845s | anyways uh trade the the trade |
2848s | conversation never finished 0.9 will |
2851s | like like everything that's in that |
2852s | document is still the same and nothing |
2854s | changes the the trade system that |
2857s | launches with 0.9 is still going to be |
2859s | the item gifting system that we |
2861s | initially announced that's that's not |
2863s | changing |
2864s | um |
2865s | that document that Trade Post doesn't |
2867s | cover anything after 0.9 it is strictly |
2870s | talking about 0.9 |
2872s | um |
2874s | so like everything after that is |
2878s | TBD |
2880s | um we are |
2882s | definitely looking for a solution that |
2886s | will allow more people to have fun with |
2888s | the game because we do know that not |
2891s | everyone is pleased by the prospect of |
2896s | um item gifting being the only way to |
2898s | trade items uh going forward and through |
2900s | 1.0 |
2903s | um the the the goals that are outlined |
2906s | in that document are still very relevant |
2908s | we still we we don't want to invalidate |
2911s | um players ability to go out in the |
2913s | world and kill monsters to find gear if |
2916s | that's the way they want to play like we |
2918s | we really don't want to do that and uh |
2921s | like we don't want to validate that we |
2922s | want we want to leave that as a very |
2924s | core gameplay option that people have if |
2928s | they want to and and I guess the |
2930s | important part of that is be able to do |
2931s | that if they want to and still feel like |
2933s | they're being efficient I think that's a |
2934s | big concern a lot of people have is that |
2936s | um you might say like oh well yeah you |
2938s | can still do that okay great but it's |
2940s | not efficient and therefore I don't want |
2941s | to do it and and so like that might be a |
2943s | key piece that's missing is that we want |
2945s | people to be able to still feel like |
2946s | they're being efficient when they're |
2948s | playing the game that way |
2951s | um and we really don't want to split the |
2955s | community physically and it physically |
2957s | it's kind of a weird thing to say when |
2959s | you're talking about video game but we |
2960s | want people who are |
2963s | um interested in playing the way I just |
2964s | described and people who are interested |
2966s | in playing with a trade system a more |
2968s | open trade system if that were to be |
2971s | implemented |
2972s | like hypothetically |
2974s | um we still want those people to be able |
2976s | to play together |
2977s | um if that's possible I don't know if |
2978s | that's possible |
2979s | um there's there's a lot of things we |
2981s | want to do and and that document |
2983s | outlines a lot of things we really want |
2984s | to do |
2986s | um there are a couple things that we |
2988s | when we've been discussing trade systems |
2990s | in the past before all this uh talk had |
2993s | come out |
2996s | um when we were discussing possible |
2997s | trade systems to expand on this in the |
2999s | future after 0.9 uh we had made some |
3002s | assumptions or or assumptions like the |
3004s | wrong word we figured some things based |
3006s | on uh |
3008s | evidence we thought we had or evidence |
3010s | we had gathered or |
3013s | um logic or I don't know what you want |
3014s | to call it but there were there were |
3016s | things we had figured out that |
3018s | um the the trade survey did kind of |
3021s | make us rethink how we were looking at |
3023s | uh what the community wanted |
3027s | um and I'm not going to share the |
3028s | results of the survey |
3030s | specifically |
3032s | um |
3033s | there were there were some questions |
3034s | that like I can talk about generally |
3036s | there were some questions that I'm like |
3037s | oh obviously I know what the answer to |
3039s | this one's gonna be no question and you |
3041s | look at you're like |
3042s | okay well that is a complete even split |
3044s | for every single answer great that tells |
3046s | us nothing |
3049s | um and not always but you know there's |
3051s | there's some funny things in there that |
3053s | you're like |
3054s | surprised there's some surprises in |
3056s | there |
3058s | are other questions where he was like |
3059s | yeah obviously great we didn't need to |
3061s | ask that |
3063s | um |
3066s | but yeah I think it's really important |
3068s | that we're not looking to it's really |
3071s | important to note that we whatever |
3073s | system ends up happening and it's still |
3075s | possible that it could be exactly what's |
3077s | in point nine it could be what 1.0 |
3079s | launches it is possible that that could |
3080s | happen I really want to stress that I'm |
3082s | not there's no new information about |
3084s | what's gonna happen with 1.0 there has |
3086s | not been any information with what's |
3087s | gonna happen with 1.0 it's just this is |
3090s | what point nine is and we're gonna go |
3091s | from there |
3093s | that's that's where we're at right now |
3095s | we know what 0.9 is and |
3098s | we're |
3099s | taking feedback to build |
3102s | what we can for 1.0 to make it work for |
3105s | as many people as possible while |
3106s | maintaining the priorities and goals |
3109s | that we have established |
3114s | and there there is |
3117s | uh a hope |
3119s | from me and from a lot of people I think |
3121s | that we can introduce something |
3123s | different |
3126s | um |
3127s | it's it's it's so far from |
3131s | uh set in stone yet though that I can't |
3133s | say anything |
3135s | even remotely concrete other than |
3137s | something will happen it could be |
3139s | anything |
3140s | like it's just this is nothing I can't |
3143s | say I'm sorry |
3146s | it's like the most long-winded nothing |
3147s | ants I've ever given I think |
3154s | I don't even know if that was the |
3155s | question anymore |
3158s | let's go back to the question make sure |
3159s | I answered it |
3162s | Secrets question |
3163s | apis question |
3166s | oh trading pool yeah oh yeah okay I |
3168s | didn't answer that |
3175s | and I know there's a lot of I guess |
3176s | we're touching this as well there's a |
3177s | lot of assumptions in a lot of the posts |
3180s | that I see like someone say like oh they |
3183s | said this and obviously that means this |
3184s | or uh oh like this means this or I think |
3187s | this means that |
3189s | um |
3190s | really try and avoid that if you can |
3192s | because my goodness are they |
3195s | rarely right |
3202s | I mean what we say and we say what we |
3204s | mean |
3204s | does not hidden subtleties lurking in |
3207s | there to suss out |
3216s | all right is it possible to increase |
3218s | skills Shard drop rate they're not so |
3221s | often I'll try to craft some T5 skill |
3222s | mods yeah it's um |
3224s | you'll notice that some skills |
3226s | uh |
3237s | I don't think I do some of them are more |
3239s | rare than others |
3241s | um and it's very intentional that they |
3242s | are that way |
3244s | um |
3245s | you can you can increase them |
3250s | I think I think one of the monolith |
3252s | rewards has an increase to those drop |
3255s | rates |
3257s | could be wrong |
3259s | um if not we may maybe add it through |
3261s | that but um base drop right for them |
3263s | probably won't be increasing |
3265s | anytime soon |
3271s | oh come on Avalanche |
3280s | I hate Avalanche so much |
3283s | so much |
3289s | all right |
3293s | I played the beta for roughly 150 hours |
3295s | wow I just want to thank you for a great |
3296s | game looking forward to the future |
3297s | released glad you're having fun you're |
3300s | welcome |
3301s | thanks for hanging out congrats to the |
3303s | 500k I was really hyped myself when I |
3304s | saw that yeah oh yeah when I heard that |
3307s | was that was a pretty uh Wild |
3309s | uh when that got announced internally |
3313s | um just just recently like uh I was I |
3316s | was pretty shocked like |
3319s | um but it's it's great to see like |
3322s | oh it's it's cool |
3324s | it's really cool |
3326s | thank you all |
3331s | right with open trade you risk getting a |
3334s | whole other can of worms in your hands |
3336s | being uh trades bought an RMG rampant |
3340s | it'll ruin the game for good young |
3341s | people so there's |
3345s | but I mean eyeshadow I'm gonna pick on |
3347s | you a little bit I'm sorry |
3348s | um there's there's a lot of assumptions |
3350s | in the in that uh statement there and |
3353s | um |
3355s | I I think it's It's tricky to talk about |
3358s | trade |
3359s | um without take without without |
3360s | examining some of those assumptions and |
3362s | and looking at what it what it could |
3364s | mean if you take some of those out of |
3365s | there |
3366s | um so |
3370s | and I know you're careful you said risk |
3372s | getting hold on the camera but like |
3374s | let's let's look at the rmp thing for a |
3375s | second so |
3376s | um there's a sticker price in the game |
3378s | right |
3380s | um every time a a bot system makes a new |
3383s | account they have to buy in uh if like a |
3384s | bot gets banned and they want to replace |
3386s | that bot they have to make a new account |
3387s | right so that's 35 of cost right on the |
3391s | right on the on the front end of every |
3392s | single bot character they make |
3396s | um |
3398s | and and and that's that's a big |
3400s | deterrent right on its own like just |
3402s | right out of the gate that's a huge |
3403s | deterrent |
3404s | um and yes you're right with a fully |
3406s | open trade system |
3407s | it's pretty easy to to bot things and |
3410s | cause problems now |
3413s | um |
3415s | we we do have uh |
3418s | uh there's a lot of ways we can combat |
3421s | Bots there's a lot of different ways |
3423s | um and if we were to set up a trade |
3425s | system there's a lot of different ways |
3426s | we can set that trade system up to have |
3428s | low friction for users and high friction |
3430s | for Bots |
3432s | um and that's a really important thing |
3433s | to be looking at as well |
3435s | um is that if we were hypothetically to |
3437s | create some sort of trade system uh and |
3441s | we were trying to keep Bots out of it we |
3444s | would really want to avoid causing |
3446s | problems for users in that system so |
3450s | um one the the type of thing that I'm |
3452s | always reminded of is there was back in |
3455s | like 2013 there was a lot of talk on |
3458s | um DRM and the impacts of DRM on people |
3462s | who are not attempting to Dr digital |
3464s | Rights Management anti-hacking for video |
3467s | games and if you're cracking so like |
3468s | making sure people buy the game to play |
3470s | it |
3471s | and |
3473s | um |
3474s | sometimes you have DRM systems that are |
3476s | so aggressive they actually do more |
3478s | damage to the people who are buying the |
3480s | game and playing it properly than those |
3481s | who are trying to crack the game the |
3483s | people are cracking the game just get |
3484s | around the trm anyways |
3490s | um and I think there's something similar |
3491s | that that can happen in attempting to |
3493s | fight Bots |
3494s | because like a tiny bit of rmt leaking |
3498s | in |
3499s | isn't the end of the world and I see |
3501s | like a tiny bit leaking in like like as |
3505s | soon as you have any sort of multiplayer |
3506s | system at all you leave yourself open to |
3509s | some form of rmt being possible |
3512s | as soon as you can say two people can |
3513s | group together because you can say all |
3516s | right I'll pay you five bucks if you |
3518s | um join a party with me and just play |
3520s | because you're better than me like and |
3522s | and that that alone is is rmt and it's |
3525s | it's possible to do |
3528s | um |
3530s | and so it's it's working to minimize the |
3533s | impact that RMC has on the overall game |
3535s | economy while simultaneously not having |
3538s | negative impacts on the people who are |
3540s | participating with it legitimately |
3543s | um and there's lots of ways you can you |
3544s | can do that |
3547s | this is all super hypothetical because |
3549s | we might not even have something that's |
3550s | leaves us open to any more extensive RMG |
3553s | van |
3554s | hey join my party for five bucks and |
3555s | play with me you know |
3559s | because even even the even the 0.9 |
3561s | system has the potential for |
3563s | a little tiny bit of rmd stuff to happen |
3565s | it's possible |
3571s | it's way less likely to be rampant or |
3575s | um |
3576s | game bending |
3578s | than a free trade system though |
3584s | and if you if you if you do |
3585s | hypothetically have like a a free trade |
3588s | system and you track transaction records |
3590s | for trades |
3592s | um |
3594s | it's pretty easy to find that long sword |
3595s | that was sold for a billion gold or that |
3598s | uh root of creation that was sold for |
3599s | one gold you know like it's |
3603s | you see that you see that 800 times on a |
3605s | single account you go but I wonder |
3607s | what's going on there |
3615s | so yeah like if we were to add any sort |
3618s | of trade system in the future rmt and |
3621s | Bots is a concern |
3623s | um and it's something that we would have |
3624s | to figure out before we could make that |
3625s | possible |
3633s | is it something that we're going to 100 |
3635s | Stamp Out forever no probably not |
3649s | it would be cool to see in the monolith |
3652s | if I see in the monolith is class |
3654s | specific class specific uniques prefix |
3658s | and affix drops uh for items from the |
3662s | nodes |
3663s | oh come on Mike |
3665s | so I think I think we're asking here is |
3668s | um have have nodes in the monolith that |
3671s | that actually have class specific |
3674s | um and have the drops change based on |
3676s | the class you're playing for that |
3678s | um |
3679s | yeah if you've got suggestions for |
3680s | things like that or mechanics you want |
3682s | to see Ed the game please head on over |
3683s | to our forums and leave it into our |
3685s | feedback and suggestions section because |
3686s | it will get recorded there |
3689s | and I'll just forget |
3700s | me out of y'all |
3708s | how are you doing Mike I my back really |
3711s | hurts right now I'm like |
3713s | the reason I'm still standing has got |
3716s | that sweet sweet robax |
3719s | I hate taking it but I took one today |
3722s | I just couldn't handle it |
3727s | will we be able to purchase cosmetic |
3730s | points or future support packs via steam |
3733s | we are looking to um to open up and |
3735s | we've got a new system with our MTX uh |
3738s | like in-game cosmetic store |
3740s | um coupling it with steen's uh |
3743s | purchasing system that we will be able |
3744s | to have |
3746s | um purchases happen through Steam |
3747s | directly and have them be redeemable in |
3749s | game |
3750s | ah so yes |
3755s | is this this is unique it is this is |
3757s | unique yeah this is the one if if you |
3761s | guys missed that we did a um |
3764s | uh we sent this actually physical |
3766s | version of this helmet uh that's like |
3768s | like we got this cosplayer who makes |
3770s | their own stuff to like make this |
3772s | physical actual helmet and send it to |
3774s | ziz |
3776s | um and uh also this uh this mug as well |
3783s | um still never used because it's just |
3785s | sitting up here on my shelf because I |
3787s | love looking at it |
3788s | but it's actually like a metal inside I |
3790s | think it would actually be nice to use |
3794s | yeah it's it's um this this unique I |
3797s | love this unique and one of the big |
3798s | things that I love about it is something |
3799s | that ziz was pushing for really heavily |
3801s | and it's the really big ranges on the |
3803s | roll ranges on it so like |
3806s | um it has big roll ranges |
3810s | um on a lot of different things five to |
3813s | 75 on three different things like what |
3817s | it's great |
3820s | um and then even the like the one to |
3821s | threesome wolf and the 10 to 30 increase |
3823s | health like there's there's big ranges |
3825s | on it |
3826s | um I really like that in uniques that's |
3828s | that's one of my favorite things |
3834s | because you said that |
3836s | um I I love I love yeah I love uniques |
3838s | with a big roll ranges and like one |
3840s | static step that's really good and |
3842s | useful so you're like no matter what it |
3844s | drops and it's great |
3845s | um it drops your wolves are compared to |
3847s | squirrels and that's awesome you know |
3849s | like every single one of them has that |
3851s | same property and you can build around |
3852s | that one property of it so even if you |
3854s | drop the crappiest Herald ever it still |
3857s | has that build enabling |
3859s | um affix on it which is great and then |
3860s | you can like find a little bit better |
3862s | versions of it and then you get like LP |
3864s | versions of it and like good roles on |
3866s | the mods with LP and then you get a good |
3867s | roll on the and there's just there's so |
3869s | much room for it to actually be like |
3870s | like the difference between a like like |
3874s | the the C like the floor in the ceiling |
3876s | of a heraldless curry is huge but even |
3878s | the floor is still really good and it's |
3881s | like uh it's good I like that big fan |
3891s | talk about like floor ceiling |
3893s | differences in power a lot in Magic |
3895s | cards |
3897s | without when you're evaluating new ones |
3909s | I have a I have a deck recently uh sort |
3912s | of playing this just awful it's uh Pro |
3914s | dragons approach deck |
3916s | um so usually oh that was a mistake |
3921s | oh |
3924s | oh that was a mistake okay if I drop |
3927s | something and stayed on the ground next |
3929s | time |
3930s | I think what I was saying |
3933s | doesn't matter move it on oh |
3936s | okay are you planning to add a unique |
3938s | stash tab where you can place one of |
3939s | every unique for hoarders Among Us a |
3942s | Grail tab |
3943s | um we don't have 0.9 plans for a Grail |
3947s | tab |
3948s | um I think there's a lot of really cool |
3949s | stuff we can do with our stash system |
3951s | and we are still looking at expanding |
3953s | that there's there's lots of really cool |
3955s | stuff that you can do with the stash to |
3957s | to give it like a little bit of quality |
3958s | life improvements a little bit of |
3959s | functionality a little usability |
3960s | improvements |
3961s | um and there's a whole bunch of wins |
3963s | there that we are uh considering working |
3965s | on looking at all sorts of stuff |
3967s | um there won't be any major differences |
3968s | between the eight five stash and the 0.9 |
3970s | stash |
3971s | um but there will be |
3973s | uh uh future improvements |
3980s | so the stash is not done but uh you |
3982s | won't see much in 0.94 |
3993s | as as for the |
3995s | yeah like the The Grail stash |
3999s | um |
4000s | it might so we've we've talked we've |
4002s | actually talked about this one quite a |
4003s | bit and um it might be presented a |
4006s | little bit differently than a normal |
4007s | stash tab |
4009s | um so like the the big things people say |
4011s | like okay well you still want to be able |
4012s | to pull the item out oh or maybe not |
4014s | like that's not sort of a debatable |
4016s | thing like do you need to be able to |
4017s | pull the items out or not |
4019s | um and because there's so many uniques |
4020s | that could get more and more and more |
4023s | um the the tab for the like rail tab um |
4026s | I say Grail tab if anyone's wondering |
4028s | Holy Grail is sort of a term for finding |
4029s | every unique in the game so a Grail tab |
4032s | tracks every unique in the game and if |
4033s | you found it or not |
4035s | um so like I we we were considering at |
4038s | one point having uh something where it |
4039s | would like you could put an item into |
4042s | this like Grail list and it would sort |
4046s | of it would show up more similarly to |
4049s | um something like this |
4052s | was an organized list it was still like |
4054s | you still Mouse over and it still has |
4055s | the tooltip so it still shows what the |
4056s | item was but it's not shown in a Big |
4059s | Grid like this because it's more about |
4061s | completing a checklist than |
4064s | um having this system really |
4067s | um and then this is the question of like |
4068s | okay well do you make it removable or |
4070s | not if you don't make it removable |
4072s | um then it is and there's no room for |
4074s | like using that to like choose storage |
4076s | space which is great |
4078s | um |
4079s | yeah |
4084s | long-term plans great Magic card |
4087s | uh all right next question will |
4090s | multiplayer be friends only or will it |
4093s | be matching system Lobby system |
4095s | um the 0.9.9 will not launch with any |
4098s | sort of automated Lobby matchmaking |
4100s | system |
4101s | um if you want to join a party with |
4102s | someone you'll have to |
4105s | um communicate through chat and gain or |
4108s | through another external communication |
4109s | system and adapt your party you don't |
4113s | have to they don't have to be on your |
4114s | friends list to join the party |
4115s | um that is an easy way to be able to |
4118s | join more than once but no they do not |
4120s | need to be any problems |
4130s | oh thing is fighting Bots will advert |
4133s | your Manpower from actual game |
4134s | development one way or another even if |
4136s | it doesn't ruin our experience we'll |
4138s | take a toll on you yeah and and I think |
4140s | that's an important note as well is that |
4142s | um designing the system in a smart way |
4144s | that makes it so that Bots have a |
4147s | naturally uh High friction experience |
4151s | and people have a naturally low friction |
4153s | experience is uh is a great way to to |
4156s | combat Bots without taking manpower to |
4157s | do it |
4160s | and part of that is just |
4163s | 35 second price it sucks for pots |
4173s | of a movement glitch there |
4179s | what about MTX in Steam uh would they |
4182s | sell in the Steam Market oh like be |
4185s | resellable in the Sea Market no |
4193s | like 99 sure in that one because we |
4196s | haven't talked about it at all and I |
4198s | feel like there's a major amount of |
4199s | setup required to do that |
4208s | hey Mike and team hello just wanted to |
4211s | send you guys some appreciation for |
4212s | making something uh making something |
4214s | work with uh the support packs for those |
4217s | of us that bought the game on scene |
4219s | cool are we doing that |
4221s | I hope so |
4223s | I'm out of the loop |
4225s | but if it's working for you great |
4232s | when the wall up your release 1.0 when |
4234s | it's 1.0 don't know uh yeah in theory it |
4237s | is easy to determine rmt from non-rmt |
4239s | but in practice there needs to be some |
4240s | dedicated people checking things out |
4242s | right yeah and |
4243s | um the response is |
4248s | it's it's something that if it becomes a |
4251s | problem |
4253s | um we'll have to assess how we want to |
4255s | respond to that problem and it'll it'll |
4259s | be depending on how the problem is set |
4260s | up like if it's someone uh sitting in |
4264s | the forest killing boars uh |
4267s | forever I mean maybe those boards don't |
4269s | drop gold anymore or you know like |
4271s | something like that |
4273s | um because no one actually sits in the |
4275s | force killing boards and uh makes Love |
4278s | Not Warcraft best South Park episode |
4279s | ever look it up you don't know anyways |
4282s | um |
4284s | the |
4286s | the yeah the response would have to be |
4287s | proportional to the problem |
4289s | um and I think if the response was going |
4291s | to be |
4293s | significant it would have to be having a |
4295s | significant impact on the player base |
4296s | that makes any sense |
4304s | okay you just give us open trading point |
4306s | nine and just let's see what happens |
4308s | it's an experimental thing no I'm sorry |
4310s | we can't we get not even a little bit we |
4312s | can't do that that's like so far out of |
4314s | the realm of possibility no |
4316s | um no |
4319s | um |
4323s | the |
4325s | like |
4326s | technical technical limitations aside |
4329s | like I've got a magic wand this magic |
4330s | wand says Boop open trade is now a thing |
4333s | um |
4334s | if that was the case if if if I had that |
4337s | magic wand and I could wave it and do |
4339s | that |
4340s | um |
4342s | you can never unwave that wand |
4344s | like the the instant we take open trade |
4347s | away |
4348s | um |
4349s | like the the the backlash is |
4353s | unreal like even when we didn't take it |
4356s | away and people thought we did oh my |
4360s | goodness |
4361s | like |
4363s | um like just wow anyways so no I'm sorry |
4370s | real store win oh you're asking uh uh |
4374s | like like |
4376s | um to buy to buy like like shirts and |
4378s | game mats that I can't lift up because |
4380s | I'll put my keyboard up |
4382s | um and things like that oh I've got |
4385s | that's on the ground that's not |
4386s | happening |
4388s | um |
4389s | uh maybe just a sec |
4415s | that's the one I play magic with and |
4417s | it's huge it's like a two-person play |
4419s | Man anyways um things like that yeah we |
4421s | are |
4422s | um that's I know we've been saying it |
4423s | for years it's in the works it's in the |
4425s | works it is in the works it's coming |
4427s | um |
4428s | like everyone on the team asks everyone |
4430s | like in management about when are we |
4433s | getting this because we want it too |
4435s | um and yeah it's coming it's coming it |
4438s | is further along than it has ever been |
4439s | there was an update recently about it |
4442s | um it's it is happening |
4445s | don't worry |
4451s | that I see think about the mug I'm a |
4454s | little hard behind I think the the mug |
4455s | that mug will not be available in the |
4457s | store sorry |
4458s | uh do you have any plans for random |
4460s | events that could happen in the maps |
4461s | like how in po you load up a map there |
4463s | could be a ritual Legion and harvest |
4465s | kind of gets stale pretty fast there's |
4467s | no um |
4469s | yeah if there's math boss |
4472s | um absolutely yes the the that that is |
4474s | the sort of thing that we uh definitely |
4476s | want to add to the game we've got a few |
4478s | different versions we're tossing around |
4480s | um I think |
4481s | uh one of those things will likely |
4484s | probably maybe sort of I hope |
4487s | like trying to make sure not promising |
4490s | this be part of one of the early Cycles |
4493s | so like 1.1 or something 1.2 would would |
4497s | have a mechanic like that in it |
4500s | um or maybe multiple mechanics like that |
4501s | and because that's that's definitely a |
4503s | piece that we know needs to happen in |
4505s | the monolith is is having |
4508s | um unexpected things happen you're |
4511s | playing and |
4513s | um like some like you've played the same |
4515s | model with map 100 times |
4517s | um but this time some dude runs out of a |
4519s | corner screen with an ax at you tries to |
4521s | chop your head off and you get close to |
4523s | killing him at the very last second he |
4524s | stops you and invites you into a house |
4526s | and gives you a mission to go find a |
4528s | special treasure chest in another model |
4530s | if you'll find that and it has a big |
4533s | epic unique in it with uh guaranteed |
4535s | legendary potential I don't know I just |
4536s | made that up as I was talking |
4538s | um my point is is that having things |
4540s | like that that are unexpected events is |
4542s | really positive because it breaks up the |
4544s | gameplay it subverts your expectations |
4546s | on what you're going to get into |
4548s | um or or also having things that that |
4551s | um maybe random events that you know |
4553s | going into like okay this monolith Echo |
4555s | uh I know going in there's this new |
4557s | effect on it and it's going to change |
4559s | the way I approach that it's gonna cause |
4560s | me to maybe rush it as fast as I can or |
4563s | it's going to cause me to go really slow |
4566s | and try and kill everything in the |
4567s | entire map or maybe it's gonna cause me |
4569s | to hunt for all of the rare mobs in the |
4572s | map or something like that you know like |
4573s | like something that changes your |
4575s | gameplay because there's some random |
4577s | event that's happening on it |
4582s | there's all sorts of things we discuss |
4587s | so yes we have plans for things like |
4588s | that |
4589s | you guys gonna add more a minion spammy |
4592s | necro builds I love you too I love |
4594s | having an army almost 50 skeletons at |
4595s | once in the screen swing storm swarming |
4597s | cows ah 50s a little much we do try to |
4600s | keep things reasonable |
4602s | um |
4603s | I I I've played Lego Man series man I |
4606s | played them |
4607s | um |
4609s | hmm probably won't go that extreme but |
4612s | you can't get quite a few Minions going |
4614s | now uh like like try and do the most and |
4617s | you get a lot it's just one thing we try |
4618s | to do is as well as have |
4620s | um active minions so there's certain |
4623s | certain Minions that like volatile |
4625s | zombies my favorite one where you're |
4626s | like it's it's kind of like a spell but |
4629s | it is a minion and it plays like a |
4630s | minion and like that's one of the key |
4632s | things you're doing as a necromancer is |
4633s | you're casting summon spells frequently |
4636s | um that's really cool thank you very |
4638s | much I just punched the ceiling |
4640s | Harry Paco I'm sorry I don't know your |
4642s | name it's cool |
4644s | four month resub thank you very much |
4646s | appreciate it glad to have you here hope |
4647s | you're having fun |
4649s | maybe learn something |
4651s | hopefully not too much though |
4654s | uh on December has an interesting |
4656s | approach to things you were talking |
4658s | about keeping track of uniques and |
4660s | things like that I have not seen their |
4662s | unique tracking in December yet but I |
4664s | would be interested in looking at it |
4667s | because I bet there are some cool ways |
4668s | to track that |
4673s | if you want to give me a tldr1 sentence |
4675s | version I'd be interested |
4679s | if not that's cool too I will probably |
4681s | just go look it up now afterwards |
4683s | oh that's gonna be a lot of poison |
4684s | Stacks that's a lot of poison stacks |
4689s | do I have a cleanse belt I do not have a |
4691s | cleanse belt |
4693s | oh my goodness |
4697s | I need a cleanse valve for in here |
4702s | woof all right |
4709s | uh stats window enemies kill damage |
4712s | dealt Hearts broken Etc |
4714s | um not yet but uh yeah |
4721s | we'll open a weekend event Beyond a new |
4724s | patch compared to the last event bug |
4725s | fixes or even new content balance uh |
4729s | uh sorry |
4732s | can't hear you know please answer uh |
4734s | I would be surprised if you knew I think |
4736s | I I think it's so it is it is a new |
4739s | patch I can tell you that it's a |
4740s | different game build |
4743s | I do know that it is a different game |
4744s | build I don't know if there are uh any |
4748s | new content changes |
4751s | I'd say likely what happened is We snuck |
4754s | in some |
4755s | um bug fixing and disability changes and |
4758s | things like that probably most of the |
4759s | changes are actually server side |
4764s | um |
4765s | but yeah I don't I don't know I'm sorry |
4773s | so sparkly water there |
4776s | uh I think Kane and Steve post an update |
4779s | for us to send a ticket after purchasing |
4780s | on the packet website Steve posted a |
4782s | link on the backpack announcement listed |
4784s | okay cool no thank you |
4788s | uh also if you uh watched Parks and Rec |
4790s | yet you know Ben Wyatt's stupid surprise |
4793s | face when he's basically like wouldn't |
4795s | Leslie surprised him with the iron throw |
4797s | that's basically my face when he showed |
4799s | us the mat yeah yeah |
4801s | the cones of dunshire would live on |
4804s | forever |
4806s | it's all right I think that's right |
4809s | it's a great show that's a great show |
4810s | that that show that's what that's one of |
4811s | my favorite shows that has like the |
4813s | worst first season the first season is |
4815s | so hard to get through and like so many |
4818s | characters change so heavily after that |
4821s | first season like there's there's just |
4822s | such huge like even the roles the |
4824s | characters play changes like their |
4826s | Dynamic changes the |
4829s | love to love that show |
4834s | someone like tried to recreate the |
4835s | conseger from like the little bits that |
4837s | you see in the show or something |
4839s | ridiculous the most complicated board |
4841s | game ever |
4843s | uh speaking of which has there been any |
4845s | mention on uh what you think lost |
4847s | memories should look like I'm really |
4849s | curious about the system I can't give |
4850s | you any info on that I'm sorry I'd |
4852s | assume the answer is yes but just for |
4854s | confirmation will the next set of |
4855s | supportive packs uh be purchasable slash |
4858s | upgradeable by existing players I |
4860s | believe so |
4863s | believe so |
4867s | uh is there a chance that minions will |
4869s | show uh paper DPS eventually yes |
4873s | eventually can be a long time |
4875s | sorry |
4878s | the uh I'm sorry this update to the |
4880s | character sheet has been delayed I know |
4882s | it's been like a bajillion times |
4885s | um |
4888s | we just we just keep we keep starting it |
4890s | and then we're like oh my God we have to |
4891s | do this now put it on pause |
4896s | let me set it up again oh my God we have |
4898s | to do something put on pause it just |
4900s | keeps it just keeps happening I'm sorry |
4901s | it's it's coming it's coming I promise |
4903s | it'll happen |
4906s | whoa |
4911s | ow my face |
4913s | nope don't stand in that bike you've |
4915s | learned your lesson |
4916s | yeah learning |
4920s | Aries sorry for two months bro thank you |
4922s | very much appreciate it glad to have you |
4924s | here |
4931s | foreign |
4938s | forums I don't know if it's been asked |
4940s | probably but that's okay uh happy to |
4943s | answer it again if it has any news about |
4945s | third Mage specialization French here so |
4948s | if you can't answer slowly so I can |
4950s | understand uh yes |
4954s | I would try to answer in French but I |
4958s | would probably make it worse because |
4959s | your English is probably better than my |
4961s | French |
4963s | um even though it's an official language |
4965s | of this country |
4967s | anyways |
4969s | um |
4969s | the final Mage Mastery the Rune Master |
4973s | will arrive at 1.0 launch the main full |
4978s | game launch will include remaster it |
4980s | will not come before that the Rune |
4982s | Master will not be available |
4985s | at 0.9 when multiplayer Launches on |
4987s | March 9th will not be available |
4995s | I hope that was okay |
4997s | if not I can put a new translator |
5000s | foreign |
5010s | I took French for like |
5014s | I took French for 12 years |
5017s | so I should be good at it I'm not |
5023s | when's 1.0 again I can't tell that's |
5026s | like so there's like questions I get |
5028s | asked so many times in the Stream like |
5030s | by like the halfway mark in the Stream |
5031s | the second half of the stream I'm always |
5033s | like is that a joke like did you just |
5034s | get here you may have just got here |
5035s | that's fine if you did |
5037s | um no I don't have any info when 1.0 |
5039s | will launch I'm sorry |
5042s | oh you know we haven't had any spoilers |
5045s | I got stuff ready for you |
5047s | I've just been so caught up with so many |
5049s | good questions here that I haven't been |
5050s | answering no one's asked for spoilers |
5051s | yet what's going on |
5055s | uh tldr for on December tracker oh cool |
5058s | the tracker is also a sort of stash in |
5061s | which you add items and can also get |
5063s | them out of it works for Unique skills |
5067s | breakfast skills are yep and can be |
5069s | accessed from all characters and |
5071s | collecting things and it gives you some |
5073s | bonuses like extra stats oh that's cool |
5075s | so it actually works as a mechanic |
5077s | present extra drops etc for XYZ things |
5080s | uh percent extra gold for example Etc |
5082s | you get the main idea yeah that's that's |
5084s | cool um that it actually affects like |
5086s | your character |
5087s | um |
5088s | yeah |
5091s | I think in a like in a standard cycle |
5093s | where like it just keeps going I think |
5094s | it's a really cool thing to have where |
5096s | it actually affects that |
5098s | um |
5099s | or if it's like a minor effect |
5101s | it might be cool even that that's a cool |
5103s | idea I I actually hadn't thought of that |
5106s | um I hadn't heard someone suggest that |
5108s | either |
5109s | um |
5110s | that that definitely won't be happening |
5112s | by 1.0 I can tell you that much |
5115s | but that's very cool I do like that |
5116s | that's neat |
5122s | when multiplayer unless you talk |
5124s | beginning March 9th |
5133s | is 22-23 days |
5135s | something like that |
5137s | real soon |
5140s | there is the uh free test weekend or |
5145s | test a little bit chunk I don't know how |
5147s | long it falls in 23rd six days from now |
5148s | there's a little freebie |
5151s | Jeff French stream |
5154s | I'm uh knocking a friendship sorry |
5158s | I'd just be standing there like |
5161s | we |
5165s | like I can't hang |
5175s | I'm like able to learn just enough of |
5177s | whatever language of the country I'm |
5178s | visiting |
5179s | not for like three times I visited other |
5181s | language countries and uh to like get |
5184s | along like I can remember just like |
5185s | enough phrases that I'm like all right |
5187s | this will this will do me for this trip |
5194s | foreign |
5195s | fundamentals come back when you're doing |
5197s | stuff like that |
5198s | like it took four years of Spanish too |
5200s | and it comes back but then you get into |
5202s | three things so we were in Italy and uh |
5205s | for our honeymoon and um |
5207s | I I like tried to learn Little Italian |
5210s | phrases and everything and uh like by |
5213s | the end of it I started to get actually |
5214s | not too terrible at it |
5216s | um but then I got a little got a little |
5219s | cocky and started flipping into Spanish |
5221s | by mistake |
5222s | um as you could tell they were like good |
5226s | try wrong country Bud let's just talk |
5228s | English I'm like oh but I can do it in |
5230s | Italian please |
5236s | they must get that a lot though |
5242s | most of them are just like yeah good try |
5244s | but uh this is gonna be easier if we |
5245s | just talk English yeah fair enough |
5256s | all right how long does the free weekend |
5257s | last I guess 23rd to Sunday is that |
5260s | still a discussion no it's uh go check |
5261s | the um there's a big big Forum Thread |
5264s | about it that has all the details on uh |
5267s | on on when it starts when it ends and |
5268s | all that sort of stuff check that I do |
5270s | not know when it ends I'm sorry |
5274s | dude |
5278s | you're Italian and your father would |
5280s | kill you if that happened yeah |
5282s | I'm sorry if I just offended like a |
5284s | whole bunch of people there I did try my |
5286s | best I swear |
5298s | I caught up I cut up oh yeah spoiler |
5300s | thank you good good job everyone think |
5302s | uh ncoj for reminding me |
5310s | little dogs or something whatever that |
5313s | is |
5315s | oh yeah |
5317s | yeah drink lots of water |
5324s | uh yeah we're focused focusing a little |
5325s | bit on enemies today in our spoilers |
5329s | here's here's a new enemy |
5331s | you'll be seen in game all right this is |
5333s | a great this is the 3D model |
5339s | yeah I'm pretty pumped I'm pretty pumped |
5341s | on these I think they're they're pretty |
5342s | great |
5353s | yeah it's creepy that's right |
5357s | like can I can I pet it |
5360s | probably not right |
5362s | I could try |
5364s | right |
5367s | that's got my hand |
5374s | All Right Moving On |
5376s | Christopher he wins we don't really care |
5378s | that much of a [ __ ] oh I'm enough I can |
5380s | go to the bus |
5390s | yeah we're getting a lot a lot of new |
5392s | um |
5393s | a lot of new enemy models coming in |
5395s | um |
5396s | which is great like more variety |
5398s | replacing the ones that are kind of not |
5400s | so great because they're uh there's |
5403s | there were some enemies that were |
5406s | like like okay we've got this model and |
5408s | we've got this model what if we just |
5410s | like |
5413s | all right new enemies |
5433s | that was gonna hurt more than it did |
5435s | you're gonna fire us |
5439s | uh that new Doggie in the temple of a |
5442s | terror kind of looks like the new |
5443s | Guardian it kind of does doesn't it |
5446s | I actually have no idea where it is |
5449s | but you make a good point it does look |
5451s | like it's in this I'd give you I'll give |
5453s | you full marks for that one |
5457s | is that a doggo cat welfare monster yeah |
5460s | sums it up it's definitely in that Realm |
5473s | oh did someone ask a question I missed |
5475s | uh |
5476s | sorry if I did if I missed your question |
5488s | oh um peachy song uh you have to put at |
5492s | last Epoch game in your question or else |
5494s | I will probably miss it |
5496s | um |
5498s | I just see a couple people saying at |
5500s | Mike |
5501s | oh she can find a way to make app mic |
5503s | work because uh I just like it |
5506s | highlights in the chat for me like in |
5507s | big like highlight like this is one to |
5510s | look at if it's got at last Epoch game |
5513s | in it |
5514s | um so uh have there ever been |
5515s | discussions to sh about timed DPS dummy |
5520s | uh there have we have no interest in |
5522s | them at the moment |
5530s | uh peach song had a question too |
5534s | uh is there a unique that causes you to |
5536s | be healed by poison uh yeah I think so |
5540s | um |
5542s | uh oh |
5548s | someone help me out I think isn't there |
5549s | one that lets you do it through one |
5551s | let's let's do ignite for Mages I think |
5554s | I think it works for poison too I can't |
5557s | remember |
5559s | someone knows more about this than I am |
5560s | I do |
5567s | this is from my habit someone's like so |
5569s | I read so many UniQue Ideas unique item |
5572s | ideas from like Community from our |
5574s | internal uh from like discussions we |
5576s | have from supporting uniques that like I |
5578s | sometimes forget like did that one get |
5579s | made |
5581s | because I definitely remember reading |
5582s | one about that |
5588s | all right right what is your favorite |
5591s | enemy design model so far oh interesting |
5595s | question |
5596s | um |
5604s | I I know it's not everyone's favorite I |
5608s | weirdly like the boss of lightless armor |
5611s | like I'm a weirdly big fan of that whole |
5613s | fight the whole design the Aesthetics |
5615s | everything like from all like both |
5616s | phases I really like that enemy |
5619s | um I think it's it's like it starts out |
5622s | as kind of this weird fight that a lot |
5624s | of people struggle with initially which |
5626s | I think is a problem with a little bit |
5627s | of mechanics timing there |
5629s | um |
5630s | which I think can be improved upon but |
5632s | it's I really like that one it's just |
5634s | this like |
5636s | the the light dark contrast that happens |
5638s | there like you |
5640s | heard it enough to like go inside of it |
5642s | physically until the sense of scale is |
5644s | just so big I'm a big fan of that one |
5655s | or |
5660s | you know we're getting pretty deep into |
5661s | the stream I'll give you another one |
5662s | we're rapid fire spoilers back to back |
5664s | here here's my favorite enemy |
5669s | boom |
5677s | there we go yeah |
5680s | this is a new enemy model |
5683s | um |
5683s | this actually is an enemy that's already |
5685s | in the game that's being replaced with |
5687s | this model I think like 90 you're on |
5690s | that |
5691s | one specific enemy |
5695s | uh this isn't even a 0.9 1.0 question |
5698s | just more of a long term but do you guys |
5700s | have plans for more cinematic stuff |
5702s | showing off some of those enemy scenes |
5704s | like when you get to majelka definitely |
5706s | yes |
5707s | um and you will start to see them prop |
5709s | up in 1.0 |
5711s | maybe even 0.9 I don't think so yeah I |
5713s | don't know if it's gonna happen but but |
5715s | you will start to see some more |
5715s | cinematics stuff pop up in um in there |
5718s | and and like uh yes it'll be skippable |
5721s | and |
5722s | um |
5725s | but like the kind of storybook moving |
5728s | image type uh cinematics that we see it |
5731s | when the characters select that sort of |
5732s | stuff I I think uh I think you'll you'll |
5735s | see more of that |
5749s | oh I got a question all right uh what |
5752s | will be your opinion about mod mods and |
5756s | add-ons uh if at release some people |
5758s | find a way to make something like a UI |
5760s | modifier for example |
5762s | um |
5764s | we we don't really have uh an opinion on |
5767s | mods in mult in in sorry we don't have |
5770s | opinion on mods in single player |
5773s | um like like so like offline solo single |
5775s | player just completely removed when when |
5778s | when when the split the proper split |
5781s | happens when there's like a full offline |
5783s | mode that has no impact on online |
5785s | systems whatsoever there's there's like |
5786s | there's no it's it's it's a fully |
5788s | offline experience like completely |
5790s | offline offline offline offline |
5794s | don't care don't care at all |
5797s | um when we're in the the online |
5799s | environment we're |
5802s | um |
5804s | less interested in the mods happening |
5807s | there |
5808s | um you specifically mentioned UI mods I |
5810s | don't really want to make a statement on |
5812s | UI mods because I don't know I don't |
5814s | know if we've talked about that I don't |
5815s | remember talking about those |
5816s | specifically |
5818s | um |
5823s | yeah so I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm |
5826s | gonna avoid the UI section of that uh |
5829s | question and |
5831s | um kind of just say what's what I know |
5833s | is okay |
5835s | uh yeah sorry that's not a full answer |
5843s | the ntx 10.9 if yes can you link one of |
5845s | it |
5847s | um I mean I can be a jerk and leak one |
5849s | of it that you've already seen |
5851s | um yes there will be there will be some |
5854s | uh new MTX options available in 0.9 I've |
5859s | been working on the store for weeks now |
5862s | um and we are basically ready to go with |
5864s | it |
5865s | good daughter |
5877s | oh like big big stun big son |
5879s | oh it's gonna hurt |
5905s | yeah there we go it's gonna do so so |
5907s | this is the like a lot like I always |
5909s | talk about this with lagon when I am |
5911s | finally gone a lot of people are |
5912s | struggle with the pattern so if you're |
5914s | if you're struggling with it with the |
5915s | gun I think it'll probably help you out |
5917s | a little bit here so he's got three |
5920s | like main moves that'll really get you |
5924s | so is this one where it sweeps side to |
5926s | side |
5927s | uh I actually talk about that later but |
5929s | when it does the the goal |
5932s | um the goal to like if you really want |
5933s | to avoid that sweep really well should |
5936s | be to |
5938s | um move past the starting point to the |
5941s | outside of the side he's moving from |
5944s | that's kind of weird with it so it's |
5946s | like if he's gonna sweep from right to |
5947s | left you want to move right uh so you |
5951s | can get past the start of it so that |
5953s | most of the sweep you're just away from |
5955s | it you don't have to worry about it at |
5956s | all he's just sweeping into nothingness |
5958s | um and when he starts the motion to |
5962s | sweep he'll always sweep towards the |
5964s | center of where you're standing from |
5965s | when he starts |
5969s | um |
5972s | so you should move like |
5974s | like who's gonna he's gonna sweep |
5976s | towards you you gotta you gotta run |
5978s | towards him and pass where he is right |
5981s | now when he starts the sweep |
5984s | uh and and if you're positioning well in |
5987s | the center before that happens you |
5989s | should be able to do that consistently |
5991s | without a movement ability if you're if |
5993s | you're really paying attention and I |
5994s | Know It's tricky to get all of them |
5996s | um |
5999s | and then there's then there's one where |
6001s | he goes down |
6003s | which causes |
6005s | um yeah that one right there it's a |
6006s | bunch of damage just where you are you |
6008s | just gotta get out of where you are and |
6009s | this only comes up as well so there's |
6012s | there's that I should I should have |
6013s | walked right but he was so far right |
6014s | already |
6016s | thought it wasn't gonna be good |
6018s | so we've gone to see people start |
6019s | standing near the middle to try and do |
6020s | it |
6024s | that hit oh my goodness those hits |
6029s | so sweeping go left |
6032s | sweeps away from you no problem |
6041s | I'm starting to bore you I'm sorry |
6048s | sweeping go left |
6063s | stuns are beefing |
6066s | good job squiggly boys oh big lightning |
6068s | one that's just a direct upgrade love it |
6074s | yeah we don't we don't care about shock |
6075s | at all in this build Mana we don't |
6077s | really run out of the Mana let's just |
6078s | get more lightning resistance |
6080s | that's a high roll too I'll take it |
6086s | I will take that happily |
6088s | laughing all the way to the bank I love |
6091s | the way the shield looks |
6093s | all right we can get them online dang it |
6096s | I thought the model was in this one |
6101s | played myself |
6112s | the um the MTX sorry I started this |
6115s | thing the MTX that is coming in 0.9 is |
6118s | very limited there's a very small amount |
6121s | of MTX actually coming in 0.9 |
6123s | um |
6125s | a lot of the work was getting a system |
6127s | together getting the flow together |
6128s | nicely |
6130s | um but there's more coming there's a lot |
6131s | that are in there's a lot that's in the |
6133s | pipeline it just isn't ready yet |
6135s | um More's coming but yeah the the |
6137s | initial version of the system so you can |
6139s | kind of see how it's going to work get a |
6140s | feel for what it's going to look like |
6141s | that sort of stuff is there there's a |
6143s | couple things that are that are |
6144s | something's actually really cool but um |
6147s | yeah sort of like a soft launch |
6154s | oh |
6158s | do you guys have an idea on how the game |
6160s | will be bounced group wise for in-game |
6162s | content for example X supports and xdps |
6164s | we don't really want to have people |
6166s | um locked into those types of roles we'd |
6169s | prefer people to pick four supports if |
6172s | they want to but good luck I don't know |
6173s | if that's gonna work or four DPS if they |
6175s | want to that'll probably work a lot |
6176s | better but you know |
6178s | um |
6179s | I think you'll generally need at least |
6182s | one person doing some decent damage uh |
6184s | before fights get a little painful to |
6186s | deal with but |
6188s | um we're really trying to avoid |
6189s | dictating what that looks like if |
6191s | possible |
6193s | oh that's probably why I haven't done |
6196s | this yet |
6197s | uh |
6200s | Like Mike |
6204s | you silly boy |
6208s | Grand not Grand |
6212s | at all starting this one again |
6218s | call 9-1-1 to catch the guy that forgot |
6221s | to put that model in |
6223s | I mean this patch is like a year old now |
6225s | so it's uh there's a lot that's happened |
6227s | since this patch |
6231s | our team is also on the model of that |
6234s | wormy guy was supposed to was posted on |
6236s | Twitter gave me actual creeps yeah |
6239s | uh so don't spend all my money on the |
6241s | current MTX because the stuff coming in |
6242s | the future is cooler got it I mean |
6246s | there's stuff that I'm sure people will |
6249s | think is cooler and stuff that people |
6250s | think is less cool like it's |
6253s | very subjective topic |
6257s | oh it's not going this way |
6278s | offline no I've got another spoiler |
6284s | also people are back we're back we're |
6285s | back yes we're back yes we did it |
6289s | sorry about that everybody I have no |
6291s | idea what happened |
6296s | it didn't say anything bad on my end and |
6299s | then uh trying to reconnect we started |
6301s | it was like it did not want to restart |
6302s | the Stream |
6314s | we got there we got there |
6325s | my internet's solid I checked that as |
6327s | the first thing I checked |
6338s | oh this is flood in |
6343s | oh there's a lot of mods happening here |
6345s | oh Soul cages yeah I don't think we |
6349s | never mind |
6352s | you heard nothing |
6360s | I don't know if I killed that thing it |
6362s | just happened to take it |
6365s | it's down here |
6367s | ah it's cool item but we don't need it |
6374s | all right you're working on characters |
6376s | animations models Etc yes |
6380s | um lots of new animations coming in |
6383s | for specific weapon combinations and uh |
6386s | classes and certain skills and things |
6389s | um |
6391s | it's always being tweaked and updated |
6392s | we're into the small changes phase there |
6395s | won't be any huge overhauls before |
6396s | fortnite |
6398s | or probably even 1.0 for character stuff |
6401s | either |
6402s | yeah the most updated stuff gets the |
6404s | most outdated stuff gets updated |
6407s | I'm gonna put this up now just in case |
6409s | it goes down again |
6411s | here is uh here's some new Splash Arts |
6415s | that I should double check and make sure |
6417s | this was this was uh maybe I was allowed |
6419s | to post this I'm just gonna double check |
6422s | yes I can still post this wonderful |
6423s | here's some new Splash art that is |
6427s | well you'll see |
6435s | yeah wow |
6437s | pretty |
6447s | yeah |
6449s | so we're doing that sort of stuff which |
6451s | is great |
6454s | Ben White Face there we go yep |
6459s | I'm sure this will be at some point |
6461s | released as a uh like a big old file for |
6464s | background stuff this this file right |
6465s | here is |
6466s | compressed down a lot |
6472s | to fit on here |
6479s | but yeah very cool right |
6484s | lots of little stuff in there |
6496s | there's something something in the air |
6497s | in my office or my nose is so itchy |
6500s | like half just needs so much |
6503s | not actually |
6505s | sneezing |
6511s | just Davey Jones ship ah Davey Jones |
6513s | doesn't really exist in our universe so |
6515s | not specifically |
6524s | is that the Dreadnought right I think |
6525s | I'm pretty sure it's to be honest I saw |
6528s | that picture today for the first time |
6530s | with no context |
6532s | um and that's what I saw too was that |
6533s | the Dreadnought |
6552s | oh |
6554s | oh those might be good |
6561s | never mind carpets are great |
6572s | this is the week the spriggan movement |
6574s | spell no it is not |
6599s | it's drags let's let's let's do a big |
6601s | pull here |
6610s | foreign |
6618s | one day you'll be very excited about it |
6619s | and it'll be perfect and wonderful and |
6621s | everything will be right in the world |
6622s | for you |
6624s | but today is not that day |
6626s | today we ride |
6634s | that's a close to sword |
6638s | pull my sword |
6656s | would still be a pink MTX the consulate |
6659s | when you release thank you Mike |
6662s | uh just like like delete the texture so |
6665s | it's the like Unity missing texture pink |
6667s | yeah |
6670s | do you know why squirrels uh overrun |
6672s | enemies just so fast yeah just so fast |
6675s | gonna go fast |
6682s | uh where is there to look forward what |
6684s | what does it look forward to 0.9 for |
6686s | someone who doesn't care about |
6687s | multiplayer great question uh there is a |
6690s | Year's worth of content updates and |
6693s | patches that we didn't release that are |
6696s | also included uh huge performance |
6698s | improvements and uh just like New |
6702s | Balance changes new |
6705s | um like nodes items all sorts of stuff |
6708s | all the place little little things |
6710s | everywhere |
6714s | um the non-multiplayer patch notes for |
6716s | it is |
6717s | ginormously colossally huge |
6720s | uh and you'll have a tough time reading |
6722s | through all of it |
6731s | new enemies |
6734s | um new new VFX new animations new new |
6736s | visual things like on hit effects |
6738s | um sound effects music changes |
6742s | um the animations sound effects yeah I'm |
6744s | hitting like uh new new like uh changes |
6747s | to level design in certain sections uh |
6750s | new new zones all together |
6753s | um |
6755s | I'm just kind of going through every |
6757s | department and just saying new stuff |
6758s | from that department |
6761s | it's a lot of new stuff it's great |
6768s | uh I may ask was it intended not to have |
6771s | any sort of projectile Collision on the |
6773s | internal test Branch during the last |
6775s | test should there be any sort of |
6777s | projectile Collision Tech at all uh |
6780s | I I don't think that there was no |
6784s | collision at all |
6787s | um |
6788s | like are you saying |
6791s | like you shoot a fireball and it never |
6792s | hits an enemy it just keeps going |
6795s | that was the case that's just a huge bug |
6796s | you were having |
6798s | um it may have been related to horrible |
6799s | lag |
6802s | um |
6803s | but no the projectile self-collision for |
6805s | sure |
6810s | will we lose our characters and stuff on |
6813s | March 9th |
6814s | um well yes but actually no uh so |
6818s | all characters that are that were |
6821s | created in 0.85 F and earlier are |
6825s | offline characters |
6826s | offline characters will remain offline |
6828s | characters after 0.9 launches if you |
6831s | want to play online multiplayer you need |
6833s | to make an online multiplayer character |
6835s | since you don't have any online |
6836s | multiplayer characters yet yeah I think |
6837s | a new one for a lot of people characters |
6839s | made in offline mode are effectively |
6842s | lost because they don't care about it |
6843s | once multiplayer launches so in a sense |
6846s | kinda but actually no they'll still be |
6849s | there and available to play the same way |
6850s | they were before |
6852s | we're just not going to take any offline |
6853s | characters and move them online |
6856s | um and another thing that I see posted a |
6858s | lot is that what we're gonna this is |
6861s | wrong what I'm about to say is wrong I |
6863s | see posted a lot is that we're gonna |
6864s | take the multiplayer characters from the |
6867s | test events that we ran and put them |
6868s | into the offline environment we're not |
6870s | doing that the multiplayer characters |
6872s | that are in the test environments that |
6873s | ran for the last two tests and then one |
6875s | coming up are not going to be available |
6877s | going forward they are temporary |
6878s | characters |
6882s | I've noticed my arrows passing away |
6883s | through walls on the Dreadnought for |
6884s | instance yes okay the Dreadnought is a |
6887s | edge case |
6889s | the turnout walls being flimsy are a |
6891s | problem |
6897s | I've heard about you wanting to |
6899s | implement other leaderboards eventually |
6900s | can we get a little bit more info about |
6902s | that I mean yeah so this is this is very |
6904s | um uh someday hypothetical eventually it |
6908s | would be cool if we could do it wouldn't |
6909s | it yeah it would be cool if we could do |
6911s | it |
6912s | um type of uh suggestion so it's we've |
6916s | we've talked about having leaderboards |
6918s | for weird things |
6920s | um and I've I've personally been really |
6922s | I love I love watching speedrunning |
6924s | stuff I do a little bit of like Zelda |
6927s | randomizer stuff |
6928s | um and there's a lot of there's a lot of |
6930s | really interesting speedrunning |
6932s | categories for games like that |
6934s | um |
6935s | so like one of my favorites is |
6937s | um |
6938s | there's like a wind waker find uh it's |
6941s | like 11 or 13 keys or something which |
6943s | you can usually only ever have one or |
6944s | two I think and there's like through |
6946s | crazy glitches you can get way more keys |
6948s | and so it's the race to get that many |
6949s | keys |
6951s | um and so you can have you can have |
6952s | ladders for things that are |
6954s | non-traditional effects |
6956s | um you could have like first person you |
6959s | could like it's kind of just setting up |
6960s | a temporary race almost in some cases |
6963s | um |
6964s | but I think you could do some really |
6965s | interesting things there and probably in |
6967s | the past I just made up something random |
6969s | on the spot as an example so I'll make |
6971s | up another random thing on the spot as |
6972s | an example |
6974s | um like |
6976s | like like like uh like a jewelry kill |
6979s | speed on a Solo character or something I |
6981s | don't know like like how fast can you |
6982s | kill Joe on a Solo character |
6985s | that like from scratch |
6987s | that might be a ladder I guess I don't |
6990s | know I don't actually like that one that |
6992s | much but you know like there's things |
6993s | like that where you can set arbitrary |
6995s | goals and head ladders for them and be |
6998s | cool |
7000s | or like who has the most gold you know |
7003s | like just who's got the most goals in |
7005s | the inventory I don't know if that one |
7006s | either actually like you can |
7009s | there's room for non-traditional ladders |
7012s | to happen |
7014s | eventually initially it'll just be |
7016s | traditional ladders |
7022s | I think when we have talked about a |
7023s | little bit more seriously actually come |
7024s | to think of it is |
7026s | um |
7027s | like uh |
7029s | um like monolith clear times |
7034s | or uh dungeon clear times so like how |
7037s | fast can you do T4 temporal sanction |
7039s | from from starting finish |
7041s | things like that |
7048s | uh can we get event races for |
7051s | no 1.0 maybe |
7054s | uh do you have anyone on the development |
7057s | team with a 23x9 monitor yes the game |
7059s | director does uh playing through the |
7061s | game you see multiple maps on the far |
7063s | right side of the screen with level not |
7065s | going out far enough showing skywalks I |
7067s | know |
7068s | uh hey I'm hoping to get some friends |
7071s | into the game next weekend uh and was |
7073s | wondering if we uh have to do steam |
7076s | Branch swapping stuff then I believe so |
7078s | yes as I understand you um you had to do |
7081s | that for previous multiple test events |
7083s | yes |
7084s | um |
7085s | yeah you should you should be |
7087s | oh |
7093s | never mind I'm wrong uh nope you don't |
7096s | have to do that |
7097s | great question answer on I'm wrong all |
7099s | right see you later everybody |
7102s | uh yeah that and that will which is the |
7104s | time that we'll just about do it for me |
7105s | here |
7107s | I'm not sure why I'm picking all this |
7108s | stuff oh there was one right there we're |
7110s | just we're trying to start okay last |
7112s | thing |
7113s | um these are the rare shards and they're |
7116s | gonna continue to be just about as rare |
7117s | as they are now |
7119s | probably |
7122s | okay well |
7125s | that will |
7128s | just do it for us here today uh I had a |
7131s | ton of fun uh I know I had fun I hope |
7132s | you did too thanks for coming out we'll |
7134s | see you next time same time same place |
7136s | if you have any questions that I did not |
7137s | answer and you would like to get them |
7139s | answered please head on over to our |
7140s | Discord where there is an accident |
7142s | Channel I'd be happy to answer them |
7143s | there |
7144s | um we're also pretty active on Reddit |
7146s | and there's people on all sorts of other |
7148s | places hanging out our forums are a |
7150s | great place to do stuff too |
7151s | um lots of helpful community members |
7153s | that can answer what's better this or |
7155s | that question's even better than I can |
7157s | so go to them first probably |
7160s | um |
7161s | yeah that's that's that's it see you |
7163s | next time thanks for coming by I'll uh |
7166s | let's go see this one we can say hi to |
7167s | you I was like popping into someone |
7169s | saying hi afterward on these |
7181s | um |
7185s | let's go oh he was he was teasing me he |
7188s | was teasing me yesterday let's go say hi |
7190s | to him |
7195s | yeah it's a good one I always love |
7198s | playing the squirrel build |
7199s | it just feels nice |
7202s | I always enjoy it all right that's it |
7203s | see you later bye have a wonderful time |