almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to our last Epoch Dev stream
7s yeah as always I'm your host Mike hello
10s how's it going
11s good thanks how you doing good good
14s uh we're just gonna we're hopping right
16s back in just Dive Dive Right on into our
19s character we've been playing I realized
21s that I didn't have all of my
24s um passive and idle slots unlocked so
28s I'm just really quick just grab I'll
31s just just one of those
36s I'm gonna play a little over leveled
39s yeah welcome to the stream everybody
43s I
44s stream our game and answer questions
46s about it so if you have any questions
48s please feel free to ask and uh I'll be
50s happy to answer them put at last Epoch
52s game in the question and I will see it
54s pop out easy also we always stream for
57s charity here boom International animal
59s rescue that's our charity this month
62s so all the everything goes to that
68s lots of friendly faces in chat today
70s how's it going everybody
73s glad to have you with us
84s still curious why Mike's running a
85s two-headed blade dancer because Mike is
88s a weirdo
90s yeah that's right
93s I like to have fun with it
95s I'm I'm cosplaying
99s not like my big sword
103s so this works right
115s little little shards there some nice red
118s shirts
120s we are a little shy on those still
130s yeah if you've got a question for me
131s please put at last Depot game in the
133s question so I can so pings me and I see
135s it easier
136s um but yeah the best beginner build my
139s recommendation always people with when
140s they start is especially if you've
143s especially if you've played games like
144s this before even if you haven't really
148s is just pick the thing that you think
151s sounds the most fun
153s like don't try to
156s um
157s I don't know like don't try to
160s pick a meta build and go with that
163s um
163s just make your own have fun with it
165s because even if you mess it up you can
167s still change it into one that will be a
170s meta build and will be really super
171s strong but you'll get a chance to like
173s explore
176s you get a chance to explore how the
178s systems work like read nodes for the
180s first time just kind of like get a feel
182s for how things actually work
184s and you know what
186s do we have a temple sanctum Geeks we
188s might as well do it right okay do we
189s have an LP unique and an exalt I know we
192s get one no matter what
196s Keepers loves
209s oh what do we have here
214s let's slap something on that
216s do an exalted two-handed sword
219s uh one right there
223s you know what
225s let's have some fun let's go for it
236s glorious build a glorious beard dude
240s thank you very much
242s it's quite soft
246s so Mike the net new glyph uh does it
249s have something to do with item
250s appearance like a transmoglyph no it
252s does not
255s I see warlock Mastery class will be
257s centered around curse damage I don't
259s know if you assume that or not but
261s um
262s we haven't released any detailed
264s information on how on um game mechanics
268s that the three new masteries will play
270s with
274s you see on like our website I think
276s there's still a description there and on
279s um
280s uh like the the Mastery selection screen
282s they're they're pretty outdated still so
284s yeah they'll get updated once we're
286s ready to reveal everything
292s uh
294s are you guys gonna release any more
296s starter packs through Steam before 1.0
298s would be cool to see some more yes I
300s started practicing me like supporter
302s packs and yeah there will be more of
303s those
307s oh sorry man supporter yes
310s the next thing yes sorry
313s I got there
330s more questions
333s no more questions do you guys plan on
336s adding more classes in the future oh
337s yeah for sure
339s um it'll probably look like Mastery
340s classes first
342s um so like adding on an extra class to
345s go
346s like adding on an extra Mage Master
349s Class adding an extra primeless Master
351s Class things like that will happen
352s before adding on another like a sixth
354s Base Class I think just because it's so
357s much less work to add a Mastery class
358s than it is to add a full Base Class
364s um and post launch will be a little less
366s strict on having things line up exactly
367s evenly especially once you get into that
369s point where there's like enough options
371s anyways that the percentage difference
373s so like if if uh two classes have four
376s masteries and three classes have three
378s masteries the percentage difference
380s between uh third master and fourth
382s Mastery is what is way less than the
385s percentage difference between a um two
388s masteries and a third mastery
400s yeah
401s being all sorts of uh taunting right now
404s isn't it
407s sorry from a little stuff dude the app
409s might like springtime's hit my allergies
411s are just like deal with it Mike
414s took some Benadryl right before the
416s stream started so
418s I'll probably be improving about halfway
420s through
423s would be good to add a search
424s functionality for LP wouldn't it
426s debatable we've decided that we're not
428s planning on doing that right now um it
430s might be something we had in the future
431s but uh
434s we intentionally do not have it at the
436s moment so
437s I think you mean for like yeah
442s I think I think the question was about
443s blue filters
446s did you watch the tears of the Kingdom
448s trailer I did watch the new tears in the
450s Kingdom trailer
455s I'm very excited
457s taking the week off
463s there's almost no games I will do that
465s for Zelda's one of them
475s uh can you show you skilled your main
477s skill yeah sure I continue shopping this
479s is how I'm doing flurries so far
483s yeah look I'll leave a mirage
486s uh this is how you lethal Mirage
489s so really focusing on getting more hits
491s in so like extra Mirage hits
494s um that's sort of the main the main
495s focus here just get as many hits as
497s possible while not reducing the duration
499s because we're actually using it
500s partially as a defensive skill as well
501s to like disappear out of out of Harm's
503s Way
505s um and then floor is just like
506s damage hits go
516s we are pretty overleveled for this right
518s now so like it might look like I'm
520s really good but I'm not
542s life leads
543s feels good all right more questions
547s I swear I will remember to keep doing
549s this today I'm trying to get too far
550s behind uh do you guys do you consider to
553s make more skills instant cast many of
555s the skills are Boston's very bad to
557s interrupt skills like warpathic acids I
559s mean so there's
561s um
562s we do take very care a lot of care in
564s deciding when we're gonna make something
565s instant cash or not
568s um I'd say there's a low probability oh
570s gosh
573s not paying attention uh this is a low
576s probability that will convert
577s non-instant cast skills to be instant
579s cat skills
581s um
582s did we get them where is this
584s I hope this one yeah
592s that's the question we're doing
597s turn to oracle's abode
600s oh it's got the wrong location for that
602s step interesting
604s because I'm already here
610s okay yeah about instant cat skills yeah
613s it's it's a low chance of converting
615s many from cast like from a casim to
618s instant cast
619s um but I mean not impossible so
622s you ever want to leave a suggestion for
623s the game best place that is on the
626s forums
630s let's get up here to the stolen Lance
634s I always wondered why white mobs like
637s propane flush Imperial Watchers and a
638s few others have so much HP uh do they
641s give more XP because I didn't notice
643s more loot from them sometimes The Echoes
645s spawn way too much of them slowing down
647s the game by a lot I I think they do get
650s more XP
651s um
652s I don't think it's directly scaled up HP
654s but I think just
656s maybe maybe it is directly scale of HP
658s but I think that you get more XP than
659s like a basic little mob it'd be crazy if
662s they didn't right
665s yeah we don't care that much of a Dodge
671s it's not great for something in the
672s world
674s uh to tell me what to build
679s slash level uh I can't decide in this
682s game because I want to play all of it
683s but sadly don't have time for it okay
686s um there is
689s uh there's a sweet video that's uh from
691s it's from lastpatch but I think a lot of
693s the builds are still functional
695s um
696s uh it was from I oh if I think it's
700s wrong I'm sorry for whoever actually
701s made the biggest video but I think it's
703s right I think Perry the pig made the
704s video
705s um and it's like something like 10 fun
708s builds to play in last Epoch or
710s something like that or 10
711s awesome things to try they're not the
713s most powerful necessarily but they're
714s just like a lot of fun
716s um and I do highly recommend it so I'd
719s go in there and give one of those a shot
720s they're generally pretty easy to build
722s um and you could probably find like 0.9
724s uh X versions of them as well
734s oh
739s what was it 62 okay yes it's
740s appropriately leveled and I'm just
742s playing a bad build so yeah okay makes
743s sense
755s easy too easy
759s more questions
761s will you play D4 for research I mean
762s I'll play D4 for fun but uh you know you
765s can't help but uh look at games with uh
769s inquisitive eye when you're when you're
771s making them at the same time
776s as much as I do try to avoid that
781s what's the good luck with everything but
783s since the move to steam only I can't
785s play because it crashes the movement
787s skill something sticks at some point in
788s the future I mean if you've got bugs
789s head over the forums we'll work on them
791s uh there's information there you can
793s find other people that have the same
794s bugs maybe they found workarounds
796s um you know bugs on the forums way to go
799s other people can talk to you about it
807s oh come on
811s I did not want to activate Luther Marsh
813s I think that's done there
826s all right
831s uh thanks you're welcome okay can you
834s guys give Warpath some quality light
835s changes so we can spin in place if our
837s cursor is on our character peel we did
840s this in Cyclone and it's wonderful
842s um I mean there's there's a little
843s there's some tricky stuff with that it's
846s um
847s I think there's a reason why it doesn't
848s work nicely
850s um probably not impossible but if you
852s got a suggestion
853s head on over the forums and leave it
855s there because I will forget this is the
857s problem is that so that I don't like
858s ideas it's just that like
860s unless I'm writing them down as I'm
862s talking about them I just I'll forget
869s tree the real boss of this ball here
871s yeah
880s uh some skills like Brands b-o-n
884s v-o-m-p-oe could be cool are there any
886s plans for some
889s uh some skills like this
893s okay
895s uh uh this this
899s is this
903s I do not know what skill you're talking
905s about sorry
908s um I think there might be some typos in
909s there
915s but I also can't tell you uh what the
917s upcoming skills are gonna be
919s um because there's a lot of skills in
921s development right now that are super
923s Hush Hush secret
925s um most notably the Warlock Rune master
928s and Falconer skills
932s um we pretty intentionally try to avoid
934s looking at other games for for our like
937s skills we try not to like say oh this
939s was a cool skill in that game let's pull
941s it over to this game we try we try to
942s avoid that as much as possible
944s um just because I don't know like we a
947s lot of times systems work really well in
949s one game and not so great in another
950s game
951s um even though they're really similar
952s there can be things that just cause them
954s not to be quite as cohesive
957s um so we'll we'll frequently
959s try to just you know make our own skills
962s make our own fantasies all sort of stuff
964s and then
965s um sometimes it gets pointed out that
967s like oh that's really similar to this
968s thing uh and and uh
971s we try not to let that make us change
974s things either
976s but it happens
983s I'm sure you've gotten this question
985s before probably that's fine is there any
987s plans to release content for alternate
989s ways to level get idle slots passive
991s points just the camping
993s um
994s so we we plan to expand the dungeon
997s system
998s um specifically to add more dungeons so
1000s there's more skips oh I guess keep on
1002s this the dungeon systems are campaign
1004s skips as well so if you complete a
1005s dungeon and you walk out the door at the
1007s end your your teleported significantly
1009s further ahead in the campaign
1011s um and so we do plan to add more dungeon
1013s skips uh and then we do plan to also
1016s make using the dungeons as a leveling
1019s skip a little bit easier a little more
1021s friendly because right now it's a little
1022s tricky to do and it doesn't really work
1023s in a lot of cases
1025s um
1026s so we want to make that a little more
1028s accessible to do
1036s uh
1041s well I would like to report a bug after
1043s the update well please go to the forums
1044s to report a bug
1050s uh I'm not even gonna read the question
1052s I'm sorry I I just I looked over and
1053s it's just a bug report I cannot help you
1055s with bug report right now
1058s uh have you ever been talking on
1060s bringing Le to mobile phones or other
1061s platforms
1063s um we do want to add in uh Ellie to new
1066s platforms that's a nice title uh so so
1069s getting getting onto new platforms is
1070s definitely something that we're
1071s interested in doing
1073s um phones ah
1078s nah phones it has to be a pretty
1081s colossal shift in a phone Hardware
1085s um
1086s and a bunch of other things for us to
1088s consider phones really right now
1090s um I think there's there's definitely
1092s room for great arpgs to be on phones but
1096s unless you develop the game to designing
1099s it for that platform because it's just
1101s so different I I think you I think
1103s there's
1104s likely to be some pretty major problems
1109s um so we don't we don't have plans for
1111s that as far as other other platforms
1112s like console uh that's something that's
1114s that's that's more on the horizon I
1116s would say
1117s um
1118s we still don't have any progress done
1120s towards console development
1122s um the biggest hurdle there is control
1123s support which is part of our core 1.0
1125s feature set so I mean there's there's a
1127s lot of stuff that's going to be done to
1129s make it console
1131s easier to implement
1132s um but like we we haven't been in
1135s communication with Sony or Microsoft
1136s about about getting onto their platforms
1139s um you know like there's there's a lot
1141s of things a lot of steps that are
1142s required before we can even start to
1144s really look at that
1146s and we're just we're focusing on a 1.0
1148s launch before we even consider other
1150s platforms so
1152s not right now but uh I I'd be surprised
1155s if it doesn't end up on consoles at some
1157s point
1161s that's that's sort of always been a the
1164s way we've planned this was launch the
1166s game on computer
1167s then look at consoles sort of our
1170s always plan
1187s oh yeah hmm
1197s or they want to tackle more stuff with
1198s sort
1200s that's that's a that's another meeting
1202s to do for quite a while now
1205s uh no we don't do Shadows
1211s I mean
1212s we hit the move speed threshold there
1215s I can't remember what I was gonna do
1216s here
1218s it's a problem
1222s just get more dust drought stuff because
1224s we love dust shreds right now more XP
1226s yes
1228s let's go we're leveling
1232s uh to any idea when you're gonna get
1234s around to making serpents milk useful
1237s again uh I think it's probably serpent
1240s strike
1241s could be wrong
1243s um it could be a nice poison shred boost
1246s or maybe it's a node in serpent strike
1249s I don't have any information on upcoming
1251s balance changes oh
1255s the real gentle giant the real gentle
1259s giant thanks for uh thanks for reading
1261s the stream here
1265s oh yeah
1273s I think I may have set this filter up a
1275s little too
1277s friendly there's a lot of stuff that I'm
1279s like I don't really want that
1283s and he can share about what you guys
1284s might be planning to expand in-game
1286s activities in the future yeah um so more
1289s dungeons uh it's a big big thing for
1291s sure dungeons are set up very much to be
1294s um because because they're kind of
1295s self-contained challenges with a with a
1297s a template or framework that they go
1299s into so they have this uh this this
1301s framework of
1303s um there's different tiers there's a
1305s unique reward at the end
1307s um there's a unique mechanic that you
1308s get with that extra D key that that lets
1311s you have some sort of mechanic that
1312s interacts the dungeon and there's a boss
1314s fight at the end like that sort of
1315s General framework we we definitely
1317s designed that to be really easy to add
1319s more dungeons to the Future so if we're
1321s we get an idea for some uh some mechanic
1324s that we want to implement but the only
1326s way we can make it work is if we have a
1329s guaranteed ability on the player so this
1331s kind of goes back to to
1332s um boss mechanics and boss design is
1335s that we can't assume that players have
1337s certain abilities
1339s um so like Jura the temporal Sanctum
1343s dungeon boss the first dungeon we did
1344s this this is really evident so we can't
1347s assume that players have a movement
1348s ability
1350s unless we give them one so in the
1352s dungeon you get a movement ability the
1353s time shift where you jumped the other
1354s time period and so we can put an
1356s undodgeable One-Shot kill ability in in
1359s the
1361s um in the boss fight that you have to
1363s use this dungeon ability to get out of
1365s the way of
1366s um and so so like that style of
1369s interaction where you you get this
1371s ability you learn how to use it in the
1373s dungeon then you have to use that
1374s ability to fight the boss
1377s um and I think I think there's a lot of
1379s really cool design space there there's
1380s there's definitely a lot of dungeons
1381s that we've got in the uh early to medium
1384s stage of ideation uh that I know a lot
1386s of people really want to get get put in
1387s as soon as possible
1389s um it'll be a little while before you
1390s get too many more dungeons I think but
1392s um that is something that we definitely
1394s want to expand uh other end game stuff
1396s so the monolith is great but it's not um
1399s oh come on
1400s it's got some issues with
1403s um
1405s it's got some issues with being a little
1407s on the repetitive side and uh not enough
1410s like randomized content in the uh
1413s randomized activities I think would
1415s probably be a better way to put it so um
1416s let me randomized the wrong word
1417s unexpected activities it doesn't have
1419s enough unexpected activities
1422s um and so that's something we definitely
1423s want to want to look at and expand quite
1425s a bit
1426s um
1428s just just things like you're you're
1429s going through the game you're going
1430s through the game you're going to the
1431s monolith and you stumble across
1433s something that changes your expectations
1434s for what this run is going to be
1436s um so suddenly there's like a new
1437s activity that shows up and you're like
1439s oh cool I'm gonna stop what I'm doing
1441s and I'm gonna do this one shot activity
1442s right now get the reward and then keep
1444s going on my way
1445s um and have that be something that is
1448s um exciting and interesting maybe
1450s semi-predictable in some cases you know
1452s things like that and uh so yeah there's
1454s there's definitely
1455s uh room for expanding the end game
1457s there's also a couple more
1459s um
1461s like in-game modes that we've kind of
1463s got sitting in the wings that I think
1465s we'll be looking to add in in
1468s um post 1.0 Cycles
1475s actually ah yeah
1476s good
1481s had uh
1484s some family overts from out of town
1486s hanging out with us and
1488s going doing cool stuff and show people
1490s all the fun stuff in our town
1495s which I like doing
1497s also everyone should drink lots of water
1500s threat and pushing my water agenda on
1502s all y'all yeah
1506s deal with that hydration
1512s let's drop some stuff here
1513s uh we don't need a tune in
1516s and we could probably fix that but yeah
1520s speed bye bye
1523s uh I actually would shatter that
1530s would chatted that too
1541s it's not going to be a Big Bird spec
1545s giant yellow bird
1547s no
1550s easy too easy you want some what's a big
1554s bird MTX
1557s that'd be awful
1559s oh that'll be so terrible
1562s uh I was wondering if you have plans to
1564s improve minions Behavior Uh I mean like
1566s we always plan to improve everything so
1568s I guess indirectly yes when when playing
1570s a build with a single Minion they often
1571s act react very uneffective ways
1574s ineffective ways uh sometimes they don't
1576s obey orders well I mean if you've got
1579s um
1583s yeah
1586s it's not a high priority thing at the
1588s moment um but there is there's a hope
1591s that we will one day put in and I still
1593s I still want to do this
1596s um being able to especially to be able
1597s to describe to your minions what type of
1600s behavior they will be uh eliciting so
1602s there's
1604s um if you want to see what a crazy
1605s aggressive minion looks like there
1607s actually is a way to get one
1609s um
1610s the there's so
1612s the way all mini AI works is exactly the
1615s same enemies minions they all use the
1616s same AI system
1619s um and how it's generated is based on
1622s uh how it's generated is based on
1625s uh they have they have a list of
1628s abilities it's priority list of
1629s abilities and so they start at the top
1630s of the list and they say
1632s um is are there any enemies in range
1634s that I can engage with for the engage
1637s range of this ability
1640s um
1642s and if there is it engages you know it
1645s just goes to the list and then or if
1647s it's already in combat it uses the just
1649s attack range
1651s um
1651s or if it is in combat and it's outside
1654s of that range it can use the
1657s um like the chase range and then it's a
1659s leash range for if it gets too far away
1661s from you to Leach back to you and that
1662s sort of stuff and and so this is this is
1664s the same AI used for for everything in
1666s the game
1668s um now there is a there is a specific
1671s Wolf Minion that's named Fenton
1673s uh uh that will
1676s that will just be crazy aggressive has
1679s basically no leash
1681s um and we'll just run that everything as
1683s fast as it can we'll run away from you
1685s we'll just go and attack stuff like
1687s crazy
1689s that's the Other Extreme there so you'll
1691s try that you can it's tough to find that
1693s minion though because there's random
1694s chance so good luck
1707s all right
1709s uh what are you guys going to make
1711s hitting level 100 be a Chase girl right
1713s now I get 100 so quickly and I get bored
1715s um so I mean there's
1717s there's still time we're still going to
1719s be uh extending the uh the time for the
1723s super high level
1725s um progression so like 95 plus we're
1729s still looking at extending the time it
1730s takes to get from 95 to 100 because the
1732s the relative power from level that you
1734s get at that stage of the game is pretty
1737s low
1739s um
1748s and uh and yeah because it is an
1750s achievement should be an achievement to
1752s hit a hundred
1754s um
1756s so things that things are a little
1758s condensed for the uh
1761s for the beta still
1767s fear fire shed yeah we'll get on that
1770s branch
1772s ah what else do we want
1775s damage reflective is always nice and
1776s decoy charges is good too
1781s this is the explosion like Shadows yeah
1783s explosion damage freezing yeah
1785s I'll just go this way
1788s so I'm not using it for deeps
1793s are there any plans to create high level
1794s versions of certain items
1797s um short answer is not specifically but
1800s I mean we're always looking to add more
1803s items to the game so this is like
1805s looking at base types that have actually
1807s read the whole question are there any
1808s plans to create higher level versions of
1810s certain items for instance the naginta
1813s naganata I don't know how to pronounce
1815s it naganasha and that's right uh which
1817s has added [ __ ] damage implicit roles
1822s um
1825s so it's probably increased crit
1827s multiplier
1829s um
1830s at level 50 I feel I I feel I out
1834s leveled it should we not be able to get
1836s a level 100 like
1839s nagatana okay now it's just let's build
1841s two different ways there I don't know
1843s what uh what word it is but properly I'm
1845s sorry uh or are the higher level items
1847s with the same implicit stats I have not
1849s found yet there are certain items that
1852s have specific implicit stats sometimes
1853s they are created for a specific unique
1855s item uh and we just felt that they
1857s worked well in the leveling process so
1858s we left them in there
1860s um sometimes they are there specifically
1862s because we think the stat is quite
1863s powerful and do we think the stat itself
1866s scales really well into late game so if
1868s we sometimes we'll look at an implicit
1870s and say hey this this scales really well
1872s naturally to itself
1875s um so we'll just like
1877s let it let it be a lower level item
1880s specifically so that as it scales
1882s naturally it still is good
1884s um
1886s also just we have a maximum number of uh
1890s things we can add to the game in total
1892s until some point you have to draw the
1893s line and say okay well that's enough we
1894s don't I'm not gonna add in any more here
1897s um we're gonna work on something else
1898s and so you know like as as we go I'm
1900s sure we'll be adding more base types and
1903s sometimes that will include in uh
1906s replicating lower level one lower levels
1908s stat types that lines with higher values
1911s um there's no there are no plans to have
1915s just a system where
1917s um in base type implicit scale with
1919s level or anything like that
1923s because sometimes there are very very
1926s specific reasons why they are not a high
1928s level version we do try we do try and
1930s hit like
1931s um usually in the four to seven range of
1936s level 65 to 85 bass types that are all
1940s kind of going to be good in end game
1952s and I know some of the item types are a
1953s little shy on that
1964s no I don't mean the uh exact the skill
1968s more the mechanic play style like
1972s Brands mine something like that like
1974s like a like like traps being placed down
1977s and like people walk over it and they
1978s explode things like that
1980s um
1982s we do uh technically already have that
1984s but yeah into that type of style is not
1986s out of the uh out of the question for
1988s having a little more
1991s more things added to it because it's a
1993s fairly unexplored play style right now
2004s let me do this
2013s let's talk about less or less secretive
2016s skill development all right cool when
2018s are you gonna make Shaman ice Thorns
2020s work more like spring uniform Spirit
2022s Thorns uh ice ice storms has gotta go
2026s man it's gotta go it's it's been on the
2029s like cut list forever
2032s um it's still set for cut
2035s so never probably
2037s uh I don't I don't know thank you
2040s knowledge is power
2043s cool I didn't know yeah that yes
2047s and learning how to read is half the bed
2049s now
2051s oh God
2052s uh why have dungeon skips if you can
2055s just go to the monolith so early
2058s um well you can like there's some skips
2061s there there is a skip that gets you to
2063s the monolith earlier
2065s first off
2066s um then there is also a campaign
2068s completion reward
2070s um and also
2072s you sometimes will want to have access
2074s to specific areas of the game for other
2077s dungeons as well so you need to gain
2078s access to the other dungeons
2081s that are in the world and there might be
2083s reasons to have access to other things
2085s later too
2086s you never know
2095s also being able to skip to the campaign
2098s faster so you get your passives and uh
2100s so you can like pick specific passive
2102s and idle slot reward quests because
2104s there's more idle slot and passive slot
2106s reward quests than there are
2108s available rewards so if you passive
2110s reward 15 out of 15.
2112s uh this one still it says two packs of
2114s points so this Quest would have given me
2116s two passive points but because I've
2117s completed all past the point reward
2119s quests I won't get any passive points
2120s for it so you can pick and choose which
2122s ones you want to do like there's another
2123s one
2126s there's one that's got one of each
2129s but we've seen like four idle slots but
2131s I only have one Idol set left to get
2133s I should really just do one of these
2134s shouldn't they
2143s 'll just go back and do one of those
2147s I guess I've actually got an open Idol
2149s so I don't know
2150s two of them
2152s I picked up an idol a minute ago it was
2154s pretty deuce
2158s look at this
2160s yeah
2162s her chance and health
2164s I'm here for it
2167s liquor chains 18 not very good
2171s it's fine though
2175s uh you know I guess let's do this get
2177s more just Reds more glancing blow
2182s ah
2185s a
2189s so we gotta cap that
2192s any plans to allow us to change our
2195s cursor for example assistant to allow
2197s for a customizable cursor where you can
2199s pick a graphic color outline Etc uh
2202s highly excited for the future
2204s um I would so we want to add more cursor
2207s options that's that's definitely uh on
2208s the list of like okay we gotta figure
2210s out a way to do that we still got to
2212s figure out a way to do that
2214s which I know seems ridiculous but one of
2216s the big things that people ask for
2217s frequently is the size of the cursor
2219s um
2221s which is which is uh shockingly
2223s difficult thing to do and I know there
2226s are programs that do that the way they
2228s do it's a little weird
2230s um and so we'd like to do it a little
2232s better way if possible
2241s that's right attack that dummy it's
2243s totally me
2245s it looks just like me right
2253s the blind yeah it's blind
2257s all right will there be PVP in the game
2260s uh not at launch
2262s um we have toyed around PVP a little bit
2264s it's a ton of fun
2266s um
2267s and and it's definitely something we've
2269s got our sights set on but uh
2272s time to do it will be post 1.0
2281s yeah we're keeping that actually because
2282s that's a
2283s we might just slap on and exalted onto
2285s legendary
2288s Libras
2293s you kind of want to go get this
2295s what's on the top up there and that
2297s other one's nice too
2299s even look what the downside was whoops
2306s did you just pick up items without
2307s clicking on them is that a hockey no I
2309s did not I clicked on it
2311s um there's if you've got multiple shards
2314s on the ground
2319s it's like a range so if I click on this
2320s one it's gonna pick up all of them
2323s so there's there's that you gotta pick
2325s up one of them we are we're we're also
2327s expanding that range
2331s uh is any testing be done on Steam deck
2334s for 1.0 for the 1.0 launch no we haven't
2336s touched steam deck at
2339s um I know that there are people that
2340s have managed to get it working
2342s um and it's kind of it's kind of Hit or
2344s Miss I've seen people be like it works
2345s perfect it's great
2347s um I've seen other people just be like
2348s it it doesn't work at all
2350s it's completely broken fix it and so
2352s like I'm I I don't know what the
2354s difference is there I don't know if
2355s there's I've never seen a steam deck in
2357s person so I don't know if there's like
2358s specific things you can do to make those
2360s processes better more reliable I I don't
2364s know
2365s um
2366s steam deck is it's a really interesting
2369s platform
2370s um and and I think it'll be one of the
2372s ones that we will look at uh post launch
2374s but
2376s um
2377s we don't have any plans to put time and
2379s effort into uh making it be uh
2381s officially supported platform for 1.0
2384s um
2385s although we do have a Linux client and
2387s we do have controller support which is
2389s kind of the things you need to make it
2391s work so you know it's it's not it's not
2393s a big stretch to make it to have it
2395s function pretty decently and I am like
2398s it's like if we start getting a lot of
2400s people asking about it and
2402s um
2405s nice and uh and like there's some bug
2409s that's like a low hanging fruit with a
2411s big upside to like it's possible we
2414s might be like all right let's fix this
2415s one little thing but just that time to
2418s like say okay this is an officially
2420s supported platform as soon as we do that
2421s every time we launch a launch a new
2423s build we have to test it on that
2426s um and I
2427s don't know who on the team has one yet I
2430s know there's a couple floating around
2432s um
2433s but like we don't have like a company's
2436s theme deck or you know like that sort of
2437s stuff yet
2439s um
2441s yeah
2445s yeah there we go
2450s I do love that I put cleanse on like
2452s three or four of my abilities now I
2454s think just three of them
2456s so cleanse things quite frequently
2460s how do I make the mini map overlay
2462s similar smaller or zoom in or out not
2464s the mini map itself but the one where
2466s the centers on your screen yeah so this
2467s mini map here this one on the on the the
2469s you've got visible right now
2472s um you can come settings and then
2474s overlay Zoom so
2478s we're gonna have it up there probably
2481s you can change the opacity pretty hard
2492s I do I do really feel that these are
2494s these are inverse though of what they
2496s should be
2499s Slide the other way for each and it
2501s doesn't matter though
2507s uh more questions don't forget to put at
2509s last teapot game in the question so I
2511s see it
2512s uh in regards what it's the question in
2516s regards to
2517s older question oh Serpent's milk the
2520s amulets oh it's right it's an amulet
2523s yes it's the amulet that makes minions
2525s at 200 poison chance but deal with 90
2527s poison damage
2529s uh it used to be uh your meaning stack
2532s penetration for you mechanic the
2534s penetration cap Now sort of ways since
2535s it hit 30 seconds or so yeah
2538s I I don't remember what the question was
2540s but thanks to the Refresher
2544s uh can we expect a key ring feature for
2546s dungeon key similar to the forge or
2548s crafting as like a wallet to keep
2550s dungeon keys instead of hoarding them in
2551s the stash I I really hope so um that's
2554s something that we've talked about doing
2555s um it's it's kind of it's on one of
2558s those lists of like
2560s um what's what's the priority of
2562s something like that how much does that
2563s actually help the gameplay like uh
2565s finding someone's time that's like you
2567s got time to add something like this like
2569s um the ui's got to be designed and like
2572s there's just so many things where like
2574s people that that from different
2576s disciplines that need to get in just add
2577s something like that are really busy on
2579s really important other things right now
2582s um but it is a good chance some of that
2583s happening
2593s yeah I'd love to see it I'd love to see
2595s it like
2596s um have a key ring something like a
2599s little like maybe fly out yeah I don't
2602s know something for the queue yeah I'd
2604s love to see someone like that I think
2605s it's a great idea um we've talked about
2606s Lots before
2609s so many belts here
2612s bye
2614s bye
2617s bye
2623s oh yeah I feel we got that with LP
2626s um
2631s foreign
2633s minions anymore so it doesn't matter
2635s it's so cool
2640s I enjoy uh sorry any issues with
2643s overheating CPU I haven't had any
2646s um
2650s especially from the most recent uh
2654s set of optimization and uh
2658s performance fixes and updates and things
2661s like that which there's even more coming
2662s for
2663s um we've had a lot better well I think I
2666s think there's been a a very marked
2668s improvement for performance across the
2670s whole game from point nine
2672s um
2673s been really happy with that like I don't
2676s know the numbers for every like what
2677s everyone's or the average for everyone
2679s and all that sort of stuff off top my
2680s head but I know personal experience oh
2682s my God I run smooth now compared to what
2684s it used to
2687s I used to put this in perspective for
2689s streaming I'm running like a
2690s five-year-old i7 and a 1080 TI
2694s uh like
2696s probably 32 gigs of RAM I can check
2699s pretty easily
2703s oh no
2707s that's what happens when you oh dab
2713s you got a list of my uh
2716s processes that are open right now
2720s uh yeah 32 gigs of RAM on uh their CPUs
2724s and i7 700k
2726s yeah so it's this is not running on a
2728s super high-end system or anything like
2729s that
2737s thank you that's awesome glad to have
2739s you with us congrats everyone got one of
2741s those
2741s doesn't look like any staff accidentally
2743s got some I wish I could like Mark people
2744s as like
2746s ineligible for
2748s uh gifted Subs
2752s random gifted Subs as I said I'm like
2755s there's probably a way
2771s all right
2774s I really enjoyed the game for a couple
2776s of weeks but I got to a point in
2778s empowered Echoes where it was difficult
2779s to kill some of the bosses namely Logan
2780s his hitbox is very annoying he plans on
2782s adjusting his hitbox and certain builds
2784s have a hard time with it I mean yeah
2785s legon's very problematic believe it or
2788s not it's way better than it used to be
2792s um
2794s I I
2795s love to be able to say that there is a
2798s Herculean effort underway to fix like on
2801s there's there's not right now
2803s um
2804s it's definitely it's definitely
2805s problematic and it needs some fixes
2808s um lagon is not going anywhere and I'd
2811s be surprised if the boss fight
2813s changes dramatically
2816s um I I would suggest that the attempt
2818s will be to fix it and make it feel
2821s better make it play better all this
2822s sorts of stuff
2824s when that'll happen I
2831s the the primary person who does a lot of
2833s the
2834s um boss interactions boss mechanics the
2835s primary people that handle that sort of
2837s stuff are um mostly working on um
2840s Falconer Rune master and warlock right
2842s now bringing new skills in there and we
2845s got even more stuff
2847s I thought it was just the the Old One's
2848s still rolling but it's new people too uh
2850s Marto Delamore thank you for the sub and
2854s Anonymous test gets this up as well
2856s that's fantastic thanks everybody
2858s a little musical instrument here
2861s all aboard
2869s all right other mini Masters set to
2872s watch 1.0
2873s by 1.0 or on 1.0 on 1.0 they're set to
2877s launch on the exact same day as 1.0
2881s and will not have been used by
2885s in the in the primary launched version
2888s of the game title or the
2892s you you won't be able to try them until
2893s one point it launches
2895s but we're working hard on it they're
2897s coming along like there's there's some
2899s stuff that's there's there's one skill
2901s that we actually changed uh did a bit of
2903s a tweak on yesterday
2905s um but like this stuff's coming together
2907s really nicely and it feels so good
2910s I'm pumped on it
2916s we just previewed a bunch of warlock
2918s skills yesterday
2921s and they feel great
2938s I'm super duper gonna die in here I can
2940s feel it
2949s do we know this is what wave you're on
2951s in the
2953s model uh Arena waves
2957s like I'm Looking For What wave I'm on
2959s and I just don't see it
2963s oh we did I thought that like it wasn't
2965s there and then we added it apparently
2966s not
2971s Grumble Grumble grumble
2975s what's the current timeline for 1.0 we
2978s don't have a set official announced
2979s timeline yet uh there was a leaked
2983s announce or leaked comment made by
2986s um extremely senior member of Staff
2989s um the most senior member of Staff
2993s um that said we were hoping to release
2995s this year still
2999s um
3001s and we we do have a date that we are
3003s targeting internally that we're like
3004s okay if everything goes well that'll be
3006s the day
3007s um
3008s well I don't know if it's a specific
3010s date yet but like get like a two-week
3015s window that we're targeting I guess call
3017s it that
3019s um but we don't that information's not
3020s public
3026s oh come on we're all out of potions oh
3029s no what are we gonna do
3031s what are we gonna do
3046s I need the potion
3061s come on
3064s oh some hiccups there go over there over
3066s there no
3074s I feel it
3082s uh talking about movement any chance we
3086s can unlink different Druid form
3088s cooldowns uh I would love to try roots
3091s of bitter Shield build but not being
3094s able to move for six seconds at all is
3096s making it hard for a Bible build
3099s um
3099s yeah
3101s I I would say it's unlikely to have
3103s change like that happen
3107s I love lassypug the game is super fun
3109s thanks for accepting into the content
3111s creator program if you guys can look at
3114s iron reflex passes I'm pretty sure it
3115s isn't working you got bug fixes please
3117s take it to the forums uh it takes Dodge
3121s chance away but doesn't apply armor
3123s please go to the forums with that as I
3125s will not write that down right now
3127s and it needs to be tracked and recorded
3129s in one place another Arena what have I
3131s done
3132s what have I wrought
3135s yeah that's not gonna be well
3138s I think we might be needing a little bit
3140s of uh
3141s um
3142s some musical support
3147s from the Hylian royal family
3150s you see it it's laying down you can't
3152s even see it
3160s might do a little crafting
3165s but yeah this is why you don't play
3166s two-headed Rogue
3168s it's bad
3170s I think I need a new weapon I think my
3172s weapon has uh outlived its usefulness
3176s and I need a new weapon and I've got one
3178s that I'm that I'm that I'm eyeing for
3179s crafting I don't want to take the
3181s breakouts of crowd
3182s won't take long
3188s getting some get some hiccups here too
3191s oh my goodness that's a lot of poison
3194s wow it Stacks up so fast
3201s does decoy not have Clinton
3202s I thought it did
3219s okay another question Mike you can do it
3220s can we get a Kung Fu Panda wear skin oh
3224s I got a lot of tickets for super dude
3226s yeah that'd be sweet eh
3228s um
3229s I I would I'd be surprised if uh maybe
3232s not specifically the intellectual
3234s property of Kung Fu Panda
3237s um but I could see a black and white
3241s um panda bear style markings
3245s appearing as a skill ncx for Weber
3247s except being a thing
3250s uh there is a uh there's a unique item
3253s kermud's cage that uh
3256s will let you be a whiteware bear
3258s pretty cool
3261s which they're like I actually knows
3263s before the scenes they are technically
3264s different than a polar bear
3274s this is not going well
3287s not going well
3291s it's okay we can do this we can do this
3292s we can just
3294s question our other plans for character
3301s why do I look away oh how do I do it
3305s okay you know what I think I think and
3307s there's probably things down here being
3309s like he died give us a spoiler you've
3311s earned it you suffered through my
3312s horrible play long enough
3315s uh here's here's something cool
3320s I think that one's actually this one
3322s first
3323s um
3324s oh maybe not now let's see those they're
3326s both cool okay the
3338s um problem
3348s what's going on here
3353s oh no oh no
3357s sorry
3360s why didn't that Center I hit Center on
3363s screen like four times
3365s okay
3367s here we go here is uh an example of a
3371s higher tier uh Rogue armor set coming uh
3375s down the pipe
3376s which I'm pretty pumped for I think it
3378s looks pretty cool so
3380s yeah answer questions are there any
3381s plans for character creation
3383s customization or is it a lower priority
3385s compared to other areas it's an
3387s extremely low priority right now for us
3388s um it is something that we do hope to
3389s add in the future but it doesn't
3391s actually
3392s um it doesn't affect the core gameplay
3394s Loop directly
3397s um there's lots of really good reasons
3399s to have character customization in the
3400s game and we we would like to get it in
3403s um
3404s the
3406s time and development resource investment
3408s to
3410s um what you get out of it
3412s right now where we are in development
3414s and what else is available like like the
3416s when you when you take that and compared
3418s to the other things we could be doing
3419s and like all sorts of stuff it's it it
3421s comes up short and so
3424s um
3425s we've we've got to just do all this
3426s stuff first
3428s basically this all boils down to
3432s I love my snow blade the old man isn't
3434s selling it
3441s uh you should ask questions oh someone
3443s asked the question
3447s can I click on this like see what it was
3450s um
3451s any chances other colors for transforms
3454s like the way back
3458s yeah it'll be a while still though
3461s any cool patch coming in besides Bud
3463s fixes um the next like cool patch where
3465s there's like neat fun stuff will be 0.91
3467s and that's a little ways out still going
3469s back to our usual Cadence from the 0.8 X
3473s um it's like go look up the time between
3474s point point eight
3478s go look at the difference
3479s between all those patches and average it
3481s and you'll get pretty close to what
3482s we're expecting for patches going
3484s forward
3487s won't be exact I just don't want to say
3489s whatever that number is because I don't
3490s know the numbers at the top of my head
3493s and this way I can be like well that's
3494s close
3498s what kind of hardware specs do HD devs
3500s typically use to work I mean so I
3501s mentioned mine earlier
3503s um
3503s but yeah I can say it again real quick
3505s so I'm I've got a
3508s um I'd say my system's probably on the
3511s weaker side compared to what a lot of
3514s people are using
3515s um
3516s maybe about average i7 7700k
3519s uh 32 gigs uh it's ddr4
3523s um
3525s a few ssds uh so GTX 1080 TI
3529s I think it's like an 8 gig version
3533s it was a very big memory version when I
3535s got it but it's not that big anymore
3541s uh the second half of that question will
3543s MTX be available from 1.0 or before I I
3546s we planned for it before 0.91 show that
3548s was supposed to be pointing to know but
3549s it wasn't quite polished enough so 0.91
3554s uh is there a time frame for when the
3556s thorn Shield player preference targeting
3558s will be looked at
3561s uh it's already in
3563s I assume that means taking that out
3565s which is something what you're hoping
3566s for but that's already done
3569s I died the spoiler yep
3572s okay I'm gonna turn this off and uh get
3575s back on
3577s because this is really old questions I'm
3580s sorry
3582s I've gotta I've gotta take this down to
3585s some easier stuff here because I'm
3587s getting my butt kicked
3591s shred armor not great
3594s recently that's fine
3598s uh will we ever see cool Quest rewards
3600s other than passives and idle slots I
3602s know we have the unique glove and amulet
3604s but anything else yeah definitely
3606s there's there's cool stuff coming
3611s technically there's also the uh one all
3614s attributes at the end of The Campaign
3616s Quest reward already but yes there's
3617s other cool stuff coming too
3620s um
3622s any map redesigns coming in 1.0 for
3624s towns currently without being able to
3625s use skills it's a pain to walk
3628s um not specifically no but there will be
3630s a lot more stuff happening in Thames in
3631s general but yeah there's um the early
3634s game specifically does have a lot of
3636s changes coming oh my goodness I I need
3639s to do a crafting break because like
3641s we're gonna get to the boss and I'm just
3643s gonna be like
3644s well
3665s I'm trying to pick off the things that
3667s are outside of its protection aura
3672s I'm kidding my butt kicked all right all
3675s right all right uh here we go
3678s oh my gosh that's huge what have I done
3681s what have I done
3684s how could you how could you can't
3686s believe I've done this
3692s oh it's not the right I have such a hard
3694s time with this
3699s okay well it's terrible but it's close
3700s enough
3701s uh here we go let's figure out if we can
3711s because we so we had to create avoidance
3713s here but this weapon has the less damage
3715s thing from crit's Strike so we can put a
3717s different uh chest on
3720s um
3721s to maybe up our damage as well and use
3722s this as the defensive for the crits
3726s um
3728s so I'm going to try and craft this up a
3730s little bit
3732s it's so close to being like 92 is fine
3737s uh we need more [ __ ] multi though it's
3739s unfortunately damage let's start here
3743s yeah that was necessary
3745s uh and we're gonna probably Frailty
3747s right
3749s armor short sealer option but I think we
3752s need Realty all affix is nice too
3756s yeah
3759s that's too high of an item level
3770s Wow since it goes down so much
3774s does it actually though it does go down
3776s wave yeah that's gonna be way big drop
3780s okay can we can we eke out more from our
3783s chest piece though
3784s if we use something good on the chest
3795s not really because we don't have much
3805s there'll be something there
3809s Let's uh
3812s You're Gonna Want This
3828s like we roll those off now
3835s everything's out of 40 individual oh
3837s it's got some room
3840s chaos it's off
3843s fire damage uh
3845s Elemental damage ugh
3849s we are we are we are not doing well here
3851s at all
3854s our fire or necrotic Reds are they below
3857s cap fire in says necrotic okay well I
3859s mean might as well grab something right
3870s foreign
3880s just getting our butts kicked
3888s we go back to ballista have three of
3890s them probably not
3896s can do this though this might be better
3901s close to the same damage
3904s not better
3910s yes
3921s okay can we
3924s uh roll this off just something else
3926s that's useful
3931s apparently not
3955s okay okay
3959s we're gonna get there
3962s didn't really do make many changes not
3963s the ones I wanted to make anyways
3968s back to questions sorry I was so quiet
3970s there uh
3973s did you remove percent chance to cast
3974s haste on totem spawn on Idols I'm 96 and
3978s still I'm kind of single one uh I don't
3980s think so if you there's a database
3982s websites uh has
3986s um stuff that's pulled directly from
3989s what can drop so this is the information
3991s there should be sold on what's possible
3993s to exist
3996s um as long as it's still there you're
3997s good to go
3998s I want that
4005s I mean we might we might have to go back
4007s and do easier content I could I could go
4008s try and do temporal Sanctum
4014s but next time I die I'm just gonna think
4016s unless we're like really close to the
4017s boss
4020s foreign
4034s oh and I'm on the wrong side of the
4036s screen
4037s frostbite sworn blade in the serpent
4040s strike tree bleeds convert to frostbite
4042s and the swarmblade tree poison converts
4043s to frostbite what about Idols like lead
4045s chance to on cold hit a chance to poison
4049s on
4051s uh poison on hit to both those convert
4053s as well uh chance of poison hit wood uh
4056s chance to
4057s bleed on cold hit depends how that's
4060s worded if it's your cold abilities have
4063s a chance to bleed yes if it's worded a
4067s different way probably not
4079s this is the hard thing about having like
4081s just like like this is what this is
4082s because they there's subtleties in how
4084s they're worded that really make a big
4085s difference
4098s when is launch I don't have a set date
4101s for you sorry about Dungeons Jewel drops
4103s feel like they roll normally uh then
4105s just convert zero LP to one LP uh yes am
4108s I just unlucky or not can we fix these
4110s drops to actually have more LP consider
4112s than LP mechanic no it's it's
4114s um what it actually is it rolls normally
4115s and if it doesn't have any LP it adds
4118s one
4120s that's all so the zeros get converted to
4122s one not the
4126s it's not guaranteed to be one exactly
4128s one that's all
4133s blighted Jade dice meditation that's
4135s like that's gonna be so bad for us
4137s yeah
4138s so bad for us
4157s all right
4159s I'm very intentionally playing a
4161s terrible build I know that
4164s for fun this is maybe the last people to
4165s do this I'll I'll get another character
4167s going for next week I think that's
4168s that's a little better
4170s problem is I can't just cheat anymore I
4172s have to actually play it up
4174s um so I'll take some time on the weekend
4176s and get another character up up higher
4186s all right next question uh I'm sure you
4188s had this question before but anyway it's
4190s totally fine I do love the new beams
4192s they're so nice
4194s um
4195s will it be a character reset once we go
4196s to full once the full game drops oral
4198s characters carry over from the beta um
4200s so we do not find that we'll actually
4201s wipe any characters we do plan to have a
4204s ladder reset happen and start a new
4206s cycle so Cycles is the term we're using
4208s for leagues so to speak from Poe we're
4211s doing them a little bit differently but
4212s that's that's the general style and idea
4215s that can be used to convey the rough
4217s mechanics pretty quickly
4219s um
4220s we are looking at this for you though
4226s um before I just died to Avalanche
4228s that's what I do
4230s um
4232s so like the the characters that are
4234s currently around will get moved to air
4235s code standard and uh if you want to play
4238s on the ladder you'll have to start a new
4239s character so I want to delete them um
4241s but we do want to keep a uh like a fresh
4244s competitive environment for
4247s um for ladders when when a reset happens
4254s and economies for uh for trade once the
4256s end of actions coming too
4263s because it's like especially for things
4265s like when there is
4266s um trade with item factions It's tricky
4269s to enter enter into an economy from
4271s scratch where like you show up and
4273s you're like oh I got this Quest reward
4275s that was like 500 gold I'm gonna go to
4277s the uh to the to the auction house and
4278s see how much I can what I can buy for
4280s that cheapest item four million gold but
4288s the cycle resets helping that a lot how
4290s about faster leveling after Story
4291s completion let's say 90.
4295s a little bit contrasting with the uh
4298s comment we just saw
4300s I don't think we have plans to speed up
4302s rolling process
4303s uh question any thoughts about giving
4305s immunity timer uh to personal portals it
4307s does have one uh like using a teleport
4309s device in hardcore if you port back the
4311s previous spot uh mobs are back on you
4314s and you get whacked yeah that's a bug
4318s uh for all my annoying questions ah I
4321s see those oh my God I'm far behind oh no
4324s oh no I don't see someone else to play
4326s while I just answer questions here
4329s um pulled Jack Black
4338s obviously I saw that he was like doing a
4339s gaming twitch Channel and he was like it
4342s was some some ridiculous amount of time
4343s he hadn't actually played a game yet uh
4346s and then he like pretend like he was
4347s actually playing but he was it was
4349s someone else with all green screen
4350s everything yeah it was good it's funny
4353s it's all a big joke uh so without being
4355s able to use skills in towns notes is
4357s this something that's sting as it a
4360s little as is or will you be able to use
4362s them again we do not plan on enabling
4364s skill use in town sadly I can't get into
4366s the hidden hut in here where I am now
4368s because of that oh yeah I forgot about
4370s that still crossing my fingers for a
4372s hidden B level also
4374s uh are there any fix or crashes when
4376s he's lunch skill
4378s um we're working on fixes for bugs I
4379s don't have any specific information on
4381s it uh just buy them Subs yourself yeah I
4383s could that was a while ago any plans for
4385s Unique Idols unique Idols for specific
4388s classes
4389s um we do have we do have unique Idols in
4391s the game already we will probably expand
4392s on that eventually and
4395s apparently thank you for gifting box jet
4399s 200 who is the game director what's up
4403s that's funny
4407s uh any plants more unique Idols uh yeah
4409s yeah we will be adding more unique Idols
4412s um class specific Unitas I haven't seen
4414s any class specific unique Idols
4417s um in the in the
4418s um unique item documents yet
4422s going off the table I think Idols I
4423s think you'll likely see us launch 1.0
4425s and Idols won't have changed much from
4426s where they are now like mechanically in
4428s the systems that are involved with them
4429s but there will be clear room for
4432s improvements and expansions on that
4434s system going forward as as I think it's
4436s a really interesting space to do stuff
4438s in
4439s um and I think it's really important
4440s that we have obvious spots in the item
4444s systems where we can be like okay let's
4445s like add something here there's room for
4448s more more complexity more depth in this
4449s system
4451s more options
4453s um so that'll be an important an
4455s important piece going forward
4471s come on
4473s there you go
4476s the whole uh one death fail mechanic
4479s where single lift means you lose
4480s everything from the echo reward or
4481s dungeon reward it was really frustrating
4483s especially level 100 plus or single legs
4485s like means you die no matter what this
4487s is going to be permanent fixture less
4488s Epoch forever um yeah I think having a a
4492s echo reward loss on death is uh very
4496s appropriate
4498s um
4499s punishment for for dying
4503s um I don't see that going anywhere
4506s everything's up for discussion
4507s everything's up for change possibilities
4509s um I I don't see that being a
4514s uh
4515s uh a targeting thing for us right right
4518s now
4522s hello there hello any plans on making a
4525s party model with less punishing
4526s experience
4528s um yes like now only one player gets
4531s progressed so we are actually forced to
4532s play so I mean the that's a bug so yes
4538s uh nothing to show waves for arena monos
4541s you can only go based on the bonus
4542s stability oh yeah
4544s it's a bug it should be there
4549s my damage just is not high enough
4562s yeah like I need to be like doing triple
4565s damage at least
4568s I gotta figure out a way to fix this
4571s is where this build falls off
4576s uh
4577s uh all right Cincinnati Masters are only
4579s on 1.0 will there be previous spoilers
4581s for the tree or skills
4583s um yeah I would say
4586s um
4587s like we'll definitely have posts that
4590s we'll share like here's here's what this
4593s tree is gonna look here's what the skill
4595s is gonna look like like here's bass
4596s functionality here's some very notable
4597s nodes
4599s um and like like previews of it in that
4601s sense yeah we'll definitely be doing
4602s stuff like that
4604s um
4605s here's the whole entire skill tree so
4608s you can
4609s um prepare stuff for it me
4612s I I'd really like to keep it a little
4614s bit under wraps if possible and have
4616s that be uh like a day of surprise and
4618s exciting and things like that I think
4619s that'd be awesome
4621s um but we'll see what happens I don't
4622s know
4628s I don't always get what I want
4631s very rarely actually
4634s but that's okay
4636s uh
4638s the next question wait wasn't it you who
4640s said under the arena wave UI it was
4642s bugging point nine it probably was
4645s um Forge card has a shrapnel now to
4647s bring your Shields Forge strike trees
4649s which has atrocious scaling the damage
4652s is barely there compared to basic hits
4654s my bug report on the Forum got moved
4655s into feedback instead doesn't mean that
4657s it works as intended yes
4662s uh if it got if someone moved it it must
4664s be any news on post localization fairly
4667s we're still working on localization in
4668s general
4669s um it's gonna be a while before it's in
4670s still I think uh it's a ton of stuff but
4672s yes we're still working on it and I
4674s think polish is one of the
4676s languages
4679s I think
4682s there's quite a few languages on that
4683s list
4686s I was surprised
4690s uh do you guys have any plans to improve
4692s Arena Echoes sometimes they take a long
4694s time or feel slow but I like this
4696s alternative to more standard objectives
4698s um I mean like Define improve right
4700s I I there's no major plans to change
4702s them big time
4704s um if if you're not feeling them the
4706s name of the echo actually does say Arena
4709s so you can't avoid them they are
4710s avoidable if if you're not a fan or it's
4712s not feeling it right then
4714s um
4717s but there is a clear this is an arena
4719s Echo before the echo starts
4721s before you even click on it
4731s thanks Master I'd really kill him
4732s because he's so much oaf
4741s oh come off it
4750s okay
4753s I think I can just stand against this
4756s uh we can do this all right
4761s I know that was for sorry
4766s thinking of MTX transmog when you do
4768s implemented uh will you only be able to
4770s use purchase MTX for your character or
4772s will it be your trans box system
4773s profound gear looks um we don't have
4776s specific plans on transmog system at the
4778s moment
4779s um the the only thing that's coming in
4780s 0.91 is
4783s um MTX to be able to
4785s uh change the look of what you're
4788s wearing to something else so this is oh
4791s yeah
4794s this will this is what this tab is so
4795s like you'll be able to pick specific
4797s things to replace the visuals on certain
4799s slots in some cases add effects so this
4802s one um will add like a like a footstep
4804s effect and this will add an effect to
4806s the minion itself or this will be like
4807s for skills so there's there's
4809s um replacement effects that's the first
4811s wave everything going that's for
4812s transmogs we don't have any clear
4813s information that we're ready to share on
4816s that
4822s political resume
4827s oh right do you have any expected patch
4829s number for factions release
4832s um we have a goal for it and uh it's
4835s gonna depend on how I the async trade
4838s functionality
4840s uh back-end systems come together
4842s because those those are still in process
4843s right now so
4845s um depending on when that gets finished
4847s uh and and how other things are coming
4850s along we'll determine when that happens
4851s so we're not ready to say when yet
4854s um
4855s it's not going to be 0.91
4860s I don't think hey I I could be wrong
4862s about that but I'd be really shocked
4865s I'd be really shocked
4868s just just from where it is right now
4882s uh will the new character should be any
4884s attention no that's been pushed hard
4888s I had a question is there any plans to
4890s just fix model progression in Co-op are
4893s you a model of side quests only
4894s completed for one player both players
4896s not getting gazed or corruption progress
4897s yeah the gays and Corruption progress is
4900s uh intentionally like that
4902s um
4904s mostly because you can put yourself
4907s right right now anyways you can put
4909s yourself into a situation where
4912s um you you like can't progress in your
4914s monoliths properly
4915s um
4917s if you if you're like getting carried
4919s hard by someone else and your version of
4921s the model progresses um corruption
4923s really heavily you can end up in a
4925s situation where you're just hooped
4928s so until we have a way to adjust that
4930s properly
4932s um or to to reduce your corruption
4934s manually without having to
4937s uh uh like do something really
4940s challenging uh it's it's gonna be like
4942s because finding a shade to to lower it
4945s over and over again will will be
4947s impossible for a lot of players if like
4948s if your character can do like
4951s corruption 20 and your corruption 300
4954s because you were in this party of these
4955s like crazy powerful people for a long
4957s time
4958s um and
4960s you're sitting here going okay well now
4962s I need to find a shade that's close
4964s enough to the center to do to to lower
4966s it
4967s um and just like you just can't even get
4969s past the center nodes you're just you're
4971s you're you're up up a creek right
4975s um
4978s so because we couldn't prevent we
4979s couldn't allow people to get into that
4981s situation
4983s um
4991s um
4992s yeah that's why it is the way it is but
4994s we do we do plan to
4996s um have a way to reduce your corruption
5000s um like reset it a lot easier
5005s uh well this early game changes be in
5007s 0.91 oh I don't know
5011s we don't know
5014s it's I I'm not really super involved
5016s with the development of that but like
5017s from from the stuff I've seen from it I
5020s hope so
5022s I particularly love how Le integrates
5024s narrative lore mechanics alternative
5026s timelines as concept for repeatable end
5028s game could you share some thoughts on
5030s the role of narrative lore on your
5032s overall game design process yeah
5035s um
5037s and it's it's yeah this is this is
5040s interesting and kind of difficult to to
5042s quantify sometimes
5044s um
5046s this
5049s oh that is a really confused item is
5052s what that is
5055s does not know what it wants to be but I
5057s bet that's uh good Target for a
5060s legendary potential role
5064s yeah okay could you share some thoughts
5066s on the role of narrative and lore in
5068s your overall game design process yeah
5072s um
5073s a lot of it comes out so there's there's
5076s items that get designed there's like you
5079s get top down or bottom of design for
5080s four items
5082s um and sometimes you you just you start
5084s with oh
5086s oh
5088s oh some stuff that's really nice
5090s sometimes you start with
5093s um
5093s like a just a thematic concept so you
5096s say like okay like
5098s um
5100s um uh tight Titan steamer okay this is a
5102s great example actually Titan steamer
5104s it's a uh I have my back at the minus
5106s stash it's it's it's a two-headed maze
5109s that's literally just a huge bone
5112s um and it came out at the same time as
5114s we released the uh like this Arbor that
5117s has a big active Titan in it
5119s um and so so like this is this is an
5122s item that we took and we're like okay
5123s like we like the thematics we were
5125s pulling from it is just like lore lore
5128s start for the for the thematics of the
5130s item and then we're gonna build the item
5131s around that beaming
5134s um and that happens a fair bit so we we
5135s do we do both types of things for sure
5138s frequently sometimes we'll take an item
5140s and say like oh or like we'll have a
5142s mechanic and so okay we like we want to
5144s have a mechanic that does this specific
5145s thing that's like
5148s um
5152s we'll have some mechanic and we'll say
5154s like okay we want to have
5157s um
5158s and here's an example of of a lore
5160s driven one because it's it's got
5161s specific functionality for
5163s um a specific character and you know the
5165s character's name on it
5168s yeah so yeah sometimes we'll start with
5169s the mechanic and say okay we need to
5171s build an item that has this mechanic on
5173s it and then we'll we'll try and like
5175s make it fit into the world after that
5176s and sometimes we take and say like okay
5178s like let's have an item let's pull it
5180s out of the world and like let's let's
5181s say like okay what would this item have
5183s in a real situation
5191s okay
5199s our factions plan for 1.0 are after um I
5201s mean I'd be pretty disappointed if they
5204s were after
5205s I I would I'd be I'd be very
5206s disappointed
5208s I'd be surprised and disappointed
5211s but you never know
5221s the reason I'm not ready to commit to
5223s that one is because there are still uh
5225s technical hurdles that need to be
5227s overcome that if they aren't
5230s World Legends
5232s yeah the the I asked this few times for
5235s people who've been here a lot but the
5236s when we released that document that uh
5239s that item factions document that was
5240s like two weeks after the idea was first
5243s pitched internally
5245s from from Chi to to the other design
5247s team people
5250s yeah they showed up I had a dream guys I
5253s got this
5256s could be more fire damage sources for
5258s primalism in a particular feels like
5260s it's lacking a bit there it's definitely
5261s lacking a lot though that's very
5262s intentional I would say that there's a
5264s high probability of having more items
5266s come in that have
5268s um Fire theme and fire Focus fire
5270s conversions for
5272s um for Shaman type abilities as possible
5274s but having it be intrinsic to the uh to
5277s the skills itself is pretty low
5278s probability
5280s we try and avoid fire on Shaman in
5283s general
5284s um it's very much physical lightning
5286s cold
5287s um
5288s and and you you put fire in that mix and
5291s suddenly you've just got like the the
5294s the element combination that's primarily
5297s focused on in Mage with physical editors
5301s um
5302s and so we're we're trying trying to keep
5304s that out of there we try and it's part
5306s of our class identity pillar design
5307s pillar design is is having things be
5309s unique having this gonna be distinct
5311s having things be
5312s um thematically interesting and
5314s appropriate and fun and also stuff but
5317s um you know sometimes you just have an
5319s effect that works really well and gotta
5321s make it happen and so when we're doing
5323s those like
5324s to use a magic term a color pie break
5328s um we're generally doing it through
5331s uh unique items
5337s really good way to put it's a color pie
5338s break
5341s like the
5343s the void
5345s disintegrate is a color pie break for
5348s mage right in a concert item
5362s I mean
5363s nice base for something other than me
5365s but poo-poo garbage for me
5377s we did one we got there it took a while
5381s we had to stop to get snacks
5384s it's a nice beef jerky some like
5385s teriyaki beef jerky like fresh beef
5387s jerky
5389s there's a place in the province over
5390s that does it so well
5396s uh hello Mike hello Johnson clothes
5398s seven uh great job with update thank you
5401s question at the moment the impact of
5404s forging on gear with progression is
5405s declining the further you advance into
5407s the game it reverts to just be a slot
5410s machine I would keep going here sorry uh
5414s do you have plans for further ongoing
5416s crafting options especially for in-game
5418s crafting
5419s um yeah I mean so there are we we like
5421s to add in more runes glyphs things like
5423s that
5424s um
5425s I think that as you get further into the
5428s game as you get into end game as you get
5431s into like
5433s uh like like as as the as the your power
5437s level goes up the room for improvements
5441s is going to go down just because you're
5443s finding really specific things and
5446s um needing to have those specific
5448s affixes on gear is going to make a big
5450s difference so
5452s um yeah like they'll be it will be
5453s adding more gloves I mentioned this last
5454s time there's a new glyph coming uh I
5457s think we'll probably be down here Snoop
5458s with coming
5459s right there
5462s um there won't really mean anything with
5464s crafting so it's not really a good
5465s answer
5466s um but yeah there are there are things
5468s that we're looking at to expand crafting
5470s here and there some some like dungeon
5473s rewards are a great way to add in new
5475s crafting mechanics
5476s um
5477s uh I'm trying to say things without
5479s giving some way of stuff we're gonna do
5481s here
5482s um but yeah there's there's things we're
5484s planning and looking at doing for sure
5486s um
5487s I'm not talking about the circle of
5489s Fortune is just going to be a great way
5490s to do that just to help with
5491s deterministic item fighting and crafting
5493s and stuff so yeah doctor when when it's
5495s really chat
5497s when it's ready
5504s Kane replied to yourself
5509s uh the most recent patch is awesome
5511s thanks you're welcome I'm glad you're
5512s having fun that's that's really the most
5514s important thing
5516s I had I had a friend come up to me
5520s um who I haven't seen in years
5525s um they had no idea I was working on
5527s this game at all but they knew like when
5529s we played Diablo 2 back in the day a lot
5531s I said came up to me and sent me a
5532s message uh on Facebook
5534s um and they're like dude you gotta check
5537s out this game it's so much fun I was
5540s like
5541s they're like it's it's just like Diablo
5543s I know you're gonna love it
5545s um and they actually kind of they
5547s pitched my own game to me and I was like
5549s the whole time I was just reading I'm
5551s just kidding like this is so fantastic
5554s um I just sent them a link to uh one of
5558s the dev streams
5559s they felt kind of silly it was sweet
5561s though
5563s I was quite pleased it made my week
5573s I mean like we can do the criticoidance
5575s it's not that bad we're not like relying
5576s on crit it'll wear out for the Boss look
5579s at that experience
5583s oh don't forget to put at last default
5585s game of the question so I answered but I
5586s got one here that I saw anyways hey Mike
5588s Will item shop purchases whenever that
5590s comes in
5591s uh I think this means like MTX shop
5593s purchases be available to work with
5595s offline characters currently offline
5597s characters have the appearance tab grade
5599s out that is the plan to stay as it is
5602s grayed out at the moment so we don't
5603s plan to add them right now they could
5605s change but we don't have plans for
5607s immediately at least
5609s frostbite shackles look like the splash
5612s art on the gloves I'd be so happy maybe
5615s two
5616s uh am I insane playing hardcore without
5619s a shield using Commander I'm only level
5621s 82 right now no no no no no you're you'd
5623s be insane if you're doing that on a
5624s rogue
5626s um but no there's there's
5629s um
5630s so there's this stat right here that's
5632s 92 less bonus damage taken from critical
5634s strikes
5636s um
5636s on on two-handers this is uh this is a
5639s really important mod if you're gonna be
5640s on two-hander
5641s um if you want to not have to worry
5643s about
5644s um
5646s uh critical strikes which is really
5647s important to do so you don't get spiked
5649s um there's then Titan heart is a
5652s fantastic uh chess piece for going with
5655s two-handers
5658s um you do like like void night you can
5660s do
5661s um Druid you can do you do all sorts of
5663s stuff with it
5670s was there any discussion on the
5671s possibilities for Idols to have
5673s conditional stats plus 30 Health if this
5676s Idol is next to a 2x2 idle yeah we've
5679s talked about this a lot
5680s um positioning uh and stuff like that
5684s this is this is definitely something
5685s we've talked about a lot and you'll see
5686s you'll notice that the centerpiece is is
5689s is empty they're not empty but
5690s unavailable to have something placed in
5693s it
5694s um
5695s and there's there's definitely a lot of
5699s mechanics we've discussed and explored
5701s for future content relating to the
5704s relative position of Idols in your idle
5707s inventory
5708s and possibly having other mechanics that
5711s tie into that as well but I don't have
5714s enough nothing's been decided on that
5716s nothing's been green light nothing's
5718s been uh like figured out or anything
5720s like that
5724s but we've talked about it a lot and when
5726s we talk about stuff a lot it means we
5728s like it usually
5730s uh what kind of data do you look at when
5732s deciding how to change balance skills
5734s yeah there's a lot here
5737s um I think we'll get into more
5740s data-driven formal balancing as we get
5744s um for the towards launch
5747s at the moment there's there's a lot of a
5751s lot of just discussions that happen
5752s about it so
5754s um we we do look at things like
5757s um
5758s just like
5760s every Everything really so everything
5762s from just
5763s hey was anyone playing this how did it
5765s feel just on our internal weekly play
5768s tests and uh all the way up to like
5771s trying to find data on
5773s specific like play percentages and
5776s things like that
5777s uh right now it's definitely more skewed
5779s towards discussions and feelings
5784s um partially because we're still in
5786s development right like it's
5788s I I think that we're gonna be always
5790s using that as a very
5793s um as a primary tool for balancing
5797s um because because data doesn't tell you
5798s everything and and did out of context
5800s can be very misleading
5802s so it's we do feel it's important to use
5805s as many different methods as possible to
5808s get as high quality of an overall
5810s picture
5812s for improving the game
5814s with balance going forward and like one
5816s of the big things we're trying to do
5818s when we balance the game is
5820s um increase the chances
5824s Ingress Jets where if you don't follow
5826s build guide you just play something
5827s that's you think will be fine and make
5829s your own build
5831s um is it going to the chances of that
5834s doing well
5836s is one really important metric for for
5838s balance so like if someone just picks up
5840s and plays and has fun and and just goes
5842s for it and experiments what's the
5844s likelihood that they're gonna get to
5845s empowered monoliths and finish empowered
5847s models and gets level 100 what what are
5848s the chances of all those things assuming
5850s that they're a good player
5854s um and then then there's also
5855s information that's that's really
5857s important
5858s um looking at like okay these These are
5861s the the top meta builds available
5864s um do any of them generate uh
5868s degenerate gameplay So like
5871s um
5872s oh there's this build that's like real
5874s sweet and you can one shot any boss with
5876s it but there's a half hour setup that
5878s you got to do standing outside the
5879s bathroom before you do it haha have fun
5882s no that's awful you know like so there's
5885s there's there's things there's more than
5887s just numbers there's a lot of things
5888s that go into deciding how we're gonna
5889s balance something when we're gonna
5890s balance something all that stuff that's
5893s a sweet hat too bad it's completely
5895s useless for us
5903s I'm gonna make a rogue uh Marksman at
5906s some point so let's just
5907s stash that away and that was a cool
5922s nice running
5927s frenzy and hazeman hit
5936s that's fine
5937s we need the shards
5942s um uh any teasers on what you intend for
5946s sets while I enjoy them uh they can use
5948s some LP wise Chase maybe a progress a
5951s progress tree uh you can feed other set
5954s item drops into set drops into
5956s um
5957s that's that that's that's a cool that's
5959s a cool thing we have uh talked about
5961s doing where like
5963s uh you can find like
5964s 40 of this set item to like fully power
5967s up the the set of pizza or something and
5970s and there's some real problems there so
5971s we aren't gonna do that
5974s um we do have plans for
5976s uh
5978s set mechanics and uh improving of set
5982s mechanics
5983s um
5984s and expanding all the possibilities
5985s because there's there's there's
5987s definitely room for awesome and they're
5989s not awesome yet and we want awesome so
5992s we're gonna make them awesome
5995s um but I can't tell you exactly what
5997s it's gonna look like yet we did we did
5998s uh very recently last week agree on uh
6002s uh mechanical change for set items going
6004s forward that we're gonna test
6006s um
6007s it's not in yet we haven't touched it
6009s yet so it's it's in the
6012s um
6014s queued for development
6017s um
6018s column
6025s I need better AOE
6027s I get in here and I'm just like
6031s not doing the AOE
6037s what can I Edge this build for better
6038s aov
6044s kind of tips to like change flurry to
6046s puncture or something like that
6059s I don't know
6067s oh come on
6083s a little Ring Around the Rosie okay uh
6085s what teasers have you given out today uh
6087s we did Rogue t65
6090s um and then I've got a little video to
6091s play
6094s um
6096s I'm trying to think of a coded way to
6098s answer this question so you know what it
6099s is but no one else knows what it is and
6100s I got nothing
6102s so it's gonna play it safe and uh
6106s hang out in my little bubble
6119s difficulty it was just too high to
6121s figure out a way to uh
6125s say it's you coated
6132s just just yeah just give them a better
6134s perspective on what's coming up
6140s anyone picked up on it that was me
6142s actually trying to communicate to
6143s someone what it is
6155s oh I did survive
6157s that was dead for sure
6165s shift iframes
6169s I don't care if it's bugged it worked
6170s for me
6184s my goodness me
6191s my damage is
6193s woefully terrible
6200s I can't do the arena because
6204s you know what
6206s I think we're gonna just show it I've
6208s done so many times you've earned it
6209s we're going to hammer a couple questions
6210s here let me do it alone sir mcfluffin
6212s coming in hot you just picked the best I
6214s don't know if you heard me say I'm gonna
6215s just show it and then rate it or not but
6217s my goodness that was the best time you
6219s possibly could have had welcome to the
6221s Stream
6222s come on in let's take a look at the
6224s spoiler thanks the resub too 23 months
6226s oh we're getting there oh we're getting
6228s there
6235s it's gonna it's gonna mess it up too
6237s isn't it
6238s oh no it's good okay sweet
6240s so this is
6242s um this is a test clip for some new
6246s camera control systems that we're
6249s working on
6251s um for special events and specific
6253s locations and
6255s um
6256s you know it's it's you you won't see
6258s this much Dynamic camera movement in uh
6261s in like most zones and situations like
6265s this is a very special situation
6268s um
6269s yeah we've just been expanding our
6271s camera control tools and scripting for
6273s different events in game and thank you
6275s very much to akimoto's
6278s uh Elven shoes that's cool though I like
6282s that
6283s nice uh for the sub thank you very much
6286s you got a couple questions about this
6288s replay a few times here because I'm
6289s gonna try and Hammer something to it so
6290s I don't just die uh another question but
6293s thank you for the new beans on items so
6295s much better quality of life than before
6297s I appreciate all the hard work you guys
6298s do for us players you're welcome glad
6299s you enjoy them
6308s want to say with it
6311s uh
6313s Judd offering up teasers oh it's danger
6316s zone uh there's been any internal
6318s discussions about adding extreme and
6320s game Boss Fights that's something came
6322s to PeeWee Uber boss fights oh yeah
6324s oh yeah
6327s we haven't we like Orvis isn't even in
6329s the game yeah he's seems like a pretty
6331s big Baddie to fight right
6333s uh does the blessings with the item drop
6335s work correctly yes trying to farm
6337s Leviathan Carver and I got two-headed
6339s sword drop blessing but I'll get his
6341s other stuff
6342s oh but I get all other stuff but that
6346s RNG is RNG when I farm a node unique set
6348s two-handed swords one-handed or and
6351s daggers I get too much the others yeah
6355s RNG
6357s can be a cruel mistress
6360s um solution is to how manual lowering of
6363s corruption that groups can share the
6365s increase I I agree that is a good
6367s solution for it
6373s uh when is the last time you didn't have
6375s a beard oh the last time I didn't have a
6378s beard was uh the second week of
6382s University
6383s so I was like 19 or something
6386s um
6387s and there was an opportunity for
6390s participation in
6393s uh early University shenanigans
6397s uh and I I'm I'm one to dive in face
6400s first with these sorts of things so to
6402s speak
6403s um and I spent the first week two weeks
6408s of University with with a beard that was
6412s it was like there's a spot in my beard
6414s you can't even see it now there's a spot
6416s like right here underneath right here
6418s underneath my chin that like doesn't
6420s grow or did actually it's going pretty
6423s well now but it didn't grow for a long
6424s time very well so it was like a little
6425s like Gap there and so I I shaved
6427s everything underneath and like ended up
6429s with like sideburns that came down and
6432s up into the mustache so it was like
6434s shaved yeah it was it was horrible it
6436s was great
6438s um
6438s was actually a request because I was
6441s always that would be funny
6443s so that was
6448s uh
6449s uh quite a few years ago
6451s quite a few years ago
6455s any skill set mechanics you wish people
6457s would play around with more because
6461s bees is excluded as an answer
6464s um
6465s no I mean there's lots of really cool
6467s stuff going on all over the place and uh
6470s I I think Shaman is the is the is the
6472s cheaty answer there but that's well put
6474s because yeah
6476s um
6478s I I know no one plays it because it's
6479s bad but I'd love people to play with
6481s Tempest right more
6482s cool
6485s we'll get it fixed and then people will
6487s play with a lot more I know
6489s uh is the goal of the game for as many
6491s builds to be 500 plus corruption Bible
6493s 500 is really high I would turn that
6495s number to 300.
6498s uh or do you think it's fine that's only
6500s a select you can go that high like do
6501s you think it's okay that some skills are
6504s decently with Trashed by Manas
6506s um
6507s yeah I mean like
6510s like getting into a bottle with I think
6512s most skills should be able to handle
6514s that without a build guide and and be be
6516s fine to get into multiple like like I'm
6519s thinking of very unoptimal build system
6521s here and I'm I'm like into monoliths
6524s with like just wrong choices
6528s I think that's a good thing to be able
6529s to do
6532s it's currently 16 27 CT compare this to
6534s me to this okay
6536s I'm not that far behind
6538s 12 minutes behind no that's 22 minutes
6540s behind
6548s that was a question I missed
6550s uh
6553s why don't I see these questions oh yeah
6554s it's just really far behind sorry
6556s uh thanks for answering my question
6557s design Lord of these things speaking of
6560s Titan femur oh my gosh I'm so far behind
6562s uh we need a unique exciting theme or
6564s that being such a D2 bone snap I love
6566s about snap you have bone spear going
6569s I've been loving the game would it be
6572s possible for some melee text removed
6574s from void night items
6578s uh probably not
6580s apparently there's a lot of lore of love
6583s for void spells and Fields there isn't a
6585s lot of love for voicemails and it feels
6586s Limited
6588s there we're still trying to have it be
6591s like
6592s they're they're still a melee class that
6594s uses supplements of spells more so
6597s I'll give Simon some Lightning Spell
6599s love for their color pie break I mean
6601s lightning spells is with Shaman still
6603s it's fine right now the only way to make
6605s a lightning storm is to start with
6606s Tempest strike attack on additional
6608s skill notes yet
6611s um but I'd love to add that right now
6613s it's
6614s how extensive are online servers for
6617s video expensive are all in terms video
6618s games
6621s wow expensive uh with helping us
6624s understand it coming from a total Noob
6626s of having no idea how that type of stuff
6629s um I I smarter people than I manage that
6631s even now and
6633s um
6635s I uh
6638s they're they're really expensive
6641s that's all I can say uh be honest now
6643s early in the game after you get the
6646s first town There's a chord progression
6648s that sounds like Pink Floyd Welcome to
6650s the machine I'm not crazy right I do not
6652s know that song well to make that
6654s comparison
6655s um I would I suspect that so there's
6658s there's this thing where like whenever
6660s you make something creative right
6662s um even things that you
6664s uh try to avoid or or try to ignore or
6668s don't intend to to let seep in it's up
6671s here's like a ring of failure
6672s go back down here and hide
6676s um you'll still like your experiences uh
6680s interact with what you create
6684s definitely it happens
6685s um having subconsciously all the time
6687s for basically every creative medium for
6689s every person it's like and the the nice
6693s way of putting that is like you get
6694s inspired by certain things and um
6697s like maybe that happened I don't know
6699s I'm not the composer
6703s what build is this this is my two-handed
6706s flurry lethal barrage poo poo garbage
6708s build
6711s uh is it which is cold spell and cold
6713s dot viable can make it work with
6715s wealthier crafting it's pretty weak it
6716s needs some love it's gonna get some
6719s uh is there any chance to give the
6721s backpack for people that bought the game
6723s after the 0.9 release I don't think so
6726s um it's one of those things where like
6728s um
6730s it's it's
6732s if we did it kind of
6734s makes what we said before not true you
6737s know
6739s but there's gonna be lots of
6740s opportunities for cool stuff don't you
6742s worry
6744s uh if Falconer will be released before
6748s 1.0 yes I have very concrete info about
6750s that it will not
6753s I love Ellie would struggle to
6755s understand sub-skill sailing scaling
6757s stats Etc will it be any way to show
6758s sub-skill crit chance flat and percent
6761s damage Etc we don't have any plans that
6763s right now there's some problems with
6764s that
6765s um if we find a way to do it yeah
6770s rubyfang
6784s yeah like this this Falls victim very
6786s heavily to the
6787s um
6788s like weak weak implicits
6793s Organics that's awesome
6796s have you guys looked at poison builds at
6798s all yes I tried doing with blade dances
6800s patch and it feels vastly inferior to my
6802s new flurry multi-shot Mark Zone I mean
6804s yeah there definitely are poison builds
6805s that work still
6807s um
6808s poison was
6810s a little busted op before the patch and
6812s it did get some overall Nerfs
6815s um
6817s but it was necessary if you had if you
6820s had tried it the
6823s um
6824s if anyone had ever tried four player
6827s uh poison builds
6829s uh in multiplayer you would have like
6831s immediately after seeing that for for
6833s two seconds gone okay well you obviously
6836s have to change that there's what
6839s you know like see either that or just
6841s like give everyone who's not using
6843s poison plus five million percent damage
6845s obviously an exaggeration but you got
6847s the idea you mentioned magic color pies
6850s they plan to make the classes
6852s um
6853s pillar public
6855s oh sorry when I say pill like design
6857s pillar
6858s um
6860s there's not like a specific uh set of
6863s rules like that I mean but yeah like I
6865s can I can
6867s um
6867s this is in so you can actually kind of
6869s see it now in the skill tree when you
6870s open it up
6871s um so like Rogue is like physical
6873s physical physical physical physical it's
6875s a lot of physical there right
6876s um there's a touch of fire so we got
6877s fire fire uh there's fire over here
6881s um this fire
6884s that's bleed right you're fired that's
6886s fire
6888s the oh it's poison not fire obviously
6891s um
6893s so yeah there's there's like you see
6894s there's like a decent on fire
6896s um and then there's like a little bit of
6897s cold but not a ton
6899s um there's two cold skills it's three
6901s cold skills so like you can see
6903s um
6904s like there's more cold here in Marksman
6906s there's not a lot in Blade dancers so
6908s you can kind of like get like a little
6909s bit of feel for what's what's happening
6911s where things are coming from
6915s just by looking at there's a bunch of
6916s poison you notice there's no necrotic or
6918s void in here anywhere
6920s um the other classes you can see that as
6921s well
6922s um
6924s there are missing skills that will
6925s expand those as well
6934s oh
6935s my
6936s goodness
6938s okay yep uh this is just bad in every
6941s way
6944s I don't like to use the term Hoops
6946s completely but uh
6949s chances of this coming together are
6958s you guys uh exploring alternative ideas
6962s to the seasonal content that I'm uh
6964s leveling up from scratch over and over
6965s again uh not at the moment
6969s um but if you really don't want to
6970s participate with a new character
6972s um you will be able to participate with
6974s old characters in standard
6978s uh are you guys exploring uh how big is
6980s the dev team right now I I don't know
6982s I'm gonna say 75 and I'm within
6985s a decent
6987s ly small margin of error there I think
6993s hybrid Health in those boots
6997s uh child slurry and there are times for
6999s my attacks
7001s sometimes swing but don't do any damage
7003s or this one continuously after Letting
7005s Go the button is the bug if you if you
7007s ever say to yourself is that a bug
7008s doesn't matter please don't report it
7010s but yes it's a bug
7012s uh
7014s haven't unveiled what this new Echo is
7018s have we no but thanks for the extra bit
7021s of information spoiled for it
7024s I didn't even say it was an echo did I
7027s was
7028s a special Echo tape a new special Echo
7031s type
7035s I'll shoot again with that new
7037s information
7038s but it wasn't me that said it so I can
7039s get away with it
7044s uh what's up skill Skilling stuff
7051s okay I'm dead this place is too exciting
7054s no spoiler was too much for my heart
7055s yeah
7058s sorry
7060s uh can we get some weapon and or armor
7063s perks that leech Health off throwing
7066s damage not just melee I I'd be pretty
7068s surprised if we did that but possible I
7070s mean I'd say a unique item doing that is
7072s not out of the realm of probability
7079s can you show previous teasers if there
7080s were any for later Rivals uh sure
7084s this was the other thing I changed today
7088s oh we're like I didn't even see the time
7090s my goodness I'm sorry
7093s I'm just I'm gonna Hammer a bunch of
7095s questions while this plays because I
7096s know there's lots of questions that I've
7097s missed and I really hate leaving them on
7099s the table
7099s um so I'm gonna just try and power
7100s through these quick Spots I'm sorry if
7102s I'm if I go skipping over them
7105s I think I've heard that you guys might
7107s be changing focus and uh Arcane
7110s ascendancy for mage uh there's no major
7112s plans for that I was just wondering if
7113s that's true uh if so if you guys have
7116s anything in mind already since I do like
7118s I think their concepts are cool and use
7120s their kind of sentence in some builds
7121s but a lot of nodes feel underwhelming
7122s I'm sure they'll get like glow ups and
7124s improvements and you know like extra
7126s stuff here and there but uh like like
7128s reworks or Replacements are not uh in
7131s the works for those Bobby
7134s very much appreciate it
7136s um I also should mention that the the
7138s whole thing like so some what I've said
7140s in the past
7142s guarantee that was Judd uh the other
7145s thing that I say is that um like oh is
7148s is XYZ on the list yes everything's on
7151s the list every every skill is on the
7152s list for updates and reworks
7154s um some are just dramatically higher on
7156s the list than others
7159s have you thought about adding uh rare
7161s run or glyph that adds x amount of
7162s forging potential to an item but makes
7165s them super rare yes we have very very
7168s carefully explored this idea
7170s no
7173s no
7176s uh whatever happens to Shaman uh shock
7180s chill or stun us yes
7182s love that include support uh we play
7185s any build once
7189s y'all play any build sure
7192s I like fun builds
7193s uh any plans on expanding the idle
7195s system like maybe idle crafting or
7196s resulted Idols or something yeah and
7198s this goes back to what I was saying
7199s earlier about
7200s um having room for growth in the in the
7202s mechanical space for systems that we
7205s already have in the game post launch
7208s um and and having those like clear
7210s signposts and things of like well it
7212s looks like we're gonna add more stuff to
7213s this yeah we are
7216s um but having room for uh building on
7219s systems that already exist is really
7220s good for
7223s uh keeping the like Community knowledge
7226s of the game relevant useful and uh and
7230s and like up-to-date things like that so
7232s like it's really easy to say like post
7235s launch
7236s um everyone knows how the idle system
7238s everyone plays the endosthel system
7239s works no problem
7240s um everyone's been introduced to that
7241s great
7243s um and you you add in idle crafting
7245s maybe it's like a dungeon reward and you
7247s can
7248s um combine like like it it's it's like
7251s literally just not a student as a like a
7254s what if so you had like on your two
7257s Idols the same type in and it takes both
7259s the prefixes from one and both the
7261s suffixes from the other it makes two new
7262s idols and just like kind of like whoops
7266s it doesn't not something we're doing but
7270s um something like that let's say and
7271s suddenly
7273s um you have like
7275s you see you have new players and most of
7278s the players have been playing with the
7279s Alice system the whole time so most
7281s people will be able to just understand
7282s how this works really easily because
7284s it's not a big change for that
7286s um and they'll be able to help new
7287s players uh learn and explore that as
7289s well yeah Temple Saints of key except
7292s for our horrible attempt earlier
7295s I'm definitely gonna do dungeons next
7297s time so I want to get into uh Temple
7300s sanctum stuff
7303s oh yeah
7305s oh yeah
7307s yeah there's some good ones in there
7309s even more
7315s deep space better than that
7317s all right more questions we're trying to
7320s get through these chat splitting
7324s uh chat splitting into into at times is
7329s reported I take it I don't know go
7331s report it
7332s uh I I did let this over earlier today
7334s and so much the drug that it pushed
7336s purples off the screen I had to go to
7338s the portal to click some but lost a few
7340s uniques due to clickable too far away
7342s I'm reporting this
7344s um but is this a known issue the ground
7345s levels aren't reacting to pickups yes
7348s it's
7349s um
7351s uh I think if you uh if you like put a
7354s rule if you like start a new loot filter
7356s and go like hide all show all it'll
7358s force a Refresh on it I think
7362s like like hide all and turn it off it
7364s should it should I think refresh it
7367s uh we can try that but I really want to
7369s get to these questions
7371s um any consideration to making it
7372s possible to switch to previously
7374s acquired blessings yes we talked about
7375s this a fair bit internally uh we don't
7377s have plans to this right now but it
7378s might happen at some point
7380s um we're not completely against it but
7382s uh at least for now we're not we're not
7384s a specific plans to actually put it in
7386s yet
7388s um make frozen upgrade all right love
7390s Frozen or is that the stripe on the
7392s river close yes it's getting it's
7394s temperature is getting its role changed
7397s so it's not going to be a
7399s um spammable melee skill uh early in the
7402s early in the tree it's gonna get moved
7403s later in the tree
7405s um and have its functionality tweaked
7407s and something else is going to take that
7408s place
7411s uh have you considered adding in
7412s spacebars skipping through conversations
7414s or making an option that you skip
7415s instantly pass the flavor conversations
7418s with Bender NPCs um nothing specific but
7421s if you had a suggestion go to the forums
7422s leave it there uh
7428s oh Judd answer to blow out saying
7430s something different
7431s thing we have talked about it I wasn't
7432s in that meeting he probably was uh would
7434s you consider playing an internal test
7436s build on stream at some point yes and I
7438s have done this before
7440s um
7441s I I try not to if possible partially
7443s just because it's uh there's there's a
7446s very high chance for accidental spoilers
7450s um
7452s but yeah maybe
7455s all right powering through let's keep
7458s going I love sword Glacier Mana build
7460s but they're gonna be a NERF to passive
7462s lost knowledge
7463s uh right uh maybe it's really strong
7467s it's good
7470s um thought about making party invite
7472s window have priority over everything
7474s else layer wise
7476s um
7477s no not specifically but maybe
7481s I think the like the to like the pop-up
7484s like when you get like a pop-up up here
7485s that should be over just about
7486s everything
7488s uh
7490s there might be some stuff in front of
7491s but it hopefully shouldn't be
7494s currently uh currently the best way to
7497s farm oh wait thank you Anton eight two
7500s months in a row glad to have you with us
7503s glad you're enjoying it we're we're
7504s overtime we're gonna keep reading
7506s questions clearly the best way to farm
7507s rare shard
7508s uh rashade drops is to fight an edge of
7511s the web shade yes but this raises your
7514s corruption yes what if you want to farm
7516s rare shade drops but don't want to raise
7518s your corruption or corruption is already
7520s at the boundary of your capabilities you
7522s can't Farm anymore
7524s um yeah I mean the the thing here is to
7527s um
7529s like
7532s do do lower ones in between to like to
7535s balance it out
7536s um but I think there needs to be more
7538s control on uh stopping you for
7541s corruption from going higher and or just
7543s dropping it completely
7549s Judd making me look bad writing stuff
7550s down ugh
7552s uh Justin filter off and back on the
7556s hockey works for me okay just the hockey
7557s is not cool
7559s that was for the items reconfiguring
7560s themselves uh any idea if we will see a
7563s rewarding feature for alt characters
7568s um
7569s this is a tricky one because some people
7572s really hate playing alts and so having
7575s stuff like that is is difficult we do
7577s have things for like easier leveling
7579s evolves
7580s um which is a little different though
7582s like getting bonuses on one character
7583s for another character's progress is
7586s yeah at best
7593s uh hey can you update please the Rapture
7595s and creature like that movement and
7597s actions because they look kind of odd
7599s um please head to the forums the
7601s suggestion there and I managed to only
7603s go seven minutes over and answer all the
7605s questions I think
7611s that's it that's all I got for you
7615s oh
7616s last one from Judd oh you're the best
7618s and you should know it thank you
7619s appreciate that
7621s I just had a fun today I hope you did
7623s too if I missed your question I
7625s apologize uh we have lots of very active
7628s people answering questions over on our
7629s Discord we're gonna ask the devs channel
7631s um if you want to get in touch with one
7632s of us if it's a gameplay related thing
7635s that you think community members might
7636s know even ask the community Channel very
7638s knowledgeable people in there answering
7639s questions all the time
7641s um lots of great other communities too
7643s uh we're active on Reddit and other
7645s social media platforms and uh our forums
7649s great forums all sorts of stuff you can
7650s get in touch with us if you want to ask
7651s questions I will be back same time same
7654s place next week uh if you need a Discord
7656s link I think if you scroll down slightly
7658s it's there or it's possible just Discord
7660s slash last sorry
7663s or maybe last default game
7666s uh there it is Judd's got it
7668s oh the first time uh yeah
7672s that'll do it for everyone here
7674s um we'll be back yeah next time same
7676s place
7677s same time next week same bat Time same
7680s bad place
7685s I hope everyone had fun
7693s let's go say hi to someone
7702s here's a new player
7706s still fun help them out maybe be nice
7714s see you next time everybody bye
7729s God
almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s foreign
111s foreign
154s foreign
252s foreign
298s foreign
303s everybody and welcome back to our last
305s Epoch Dev stream
307s yeah as always I'm your host Mike hello
310s how's it going
312s good thanks how you doing good
314s uh we're just gonna we're hopping right
316s back in just Dive Dive Right on into our
320s character we've been playing I realized
322s that I didn't have all of my
325s um
325s passive
327s and idle slots unlocked so I'm just
329s really quick just grab I'll
332s just just one of those
336s I'm gonna apply a little over level
340s yeah welcome to the Stream
344s I stream our game and answer questions
347s about it so if you have any questions
348s please feel free to ask and uh I'll be
351s happy to answer them put at last Epoch
353s game in the question and I will see it
355s pop out easy also we always stream for
357s charity here boom International animal
359s rescue that's our charity this month
363s so all the everything goes to that
368s lots of friendly faces in chat today
370s how's it going everybody
374s glad to have you with us
384s still curious why Mike's running a
386s two-headed blade dancer because Mike is
389s a weirdo
390s yeah that's right
393s I like to have fun with it
396s I'm I'm cosplaying
400s my big sword
404s so this works right
416s little little shards there some nice red
419s shirts
421s we are a little shy on those still
430s yeah if you've got a question for me
432s please put at last Depot game in the
434s question so I can what's up pings me and
436s I see it easier
437s um but yeah the best beginner build my
440s recommendation always people with when
441s they start is especially if you
443s especially if you've played games like
445s this before even if you haven't really
449s is just pick the thing that you think
452s sounds the most fun
454s like don't try to
457s um
458s I don't know like don't try to
460s pick a meta build and go with that
463s um
464s just make your own have fun with it
465s because even if you mess it up you can
467s still change it into one that will be a
470s meta build and will be really super
471s strong but you'll get a chance to like
474s explore
476s you'll get a chance to explore how the
479s systems work like read nodes for the
481s first time just kind of like get a feel
483s for how things actually work
485s and you know what
486s do we have a temporal sanctum Geeks we
488s might as well do it right okay do we
490s have
490s an LP unique and an exalt I know we get
493s one no matter what
497s Keepers loves
509s oh what do we have here
515s let's slap something on that
516s do an exalted two-headed sword
520s uh one right there
524s you know what
525s let's have some fun let's go for it
537s glorious build a glorious beard dude
541s thank you very much
543s it's quite soft
546s so Mike that new glyph uh does it have
549s something to do with item appearance
551s like a transmoglyph no it does not
556s I've seen warlock Mastery class will be
557s centered around curse damage I don't
560s know if you assume that or not but
562s um
563s we haven't released any detailed
564s information on how on um game mechanics
568s that the 3D masteries will play with
574s do you see on like our website I think
576s there's still a subscription there and
578s on um
581s uh like the the Mastery selection screen
583s they're they're pretty outdated still so
585s yeah they'll get updated once we're
587s ready to reveal everything
592s uh
594s are you guys gonna release any more
596s starter packs through Steam before 1.0
599s it would be cool to see smart yes I
601s started practicing me like supporter
602s packs and yeah there will be more of
603s those
607s oh sorry man supporter yes
611s the next thing yes sorry
614s I got there
631s more questions
634s no more questions do you guys plan on
636s adding more classes in the future oh
638s yeah for sure
639s um it'll probably look like Mastery
641s classes first
643s um so like adding on an extra class to
645s go
646s like adding on an extra Mage Master
649s Class adding an extra primeless Master
651s Class things like that will happen
653s before adding on another like a sixth
655s Base Class I think just because it's so
657s much less work to add a master class
659s than it is to add a full Base Class
664s um and post launch will be a little less
666s strict on having things line up exactly
668s evenly especially once you get into that
670s point where there's like enough options
672s anyways that the percentage difference
674s so like if if uh two classes have four
677s masteries and three classes have three
678s masteries the percentage difference
680s between uh third master and fourth
683s Mastery is what is way less than the
686s percentage difference between a um two
688s masteries and a third master
701s being all sorts of uh
704s taunting right now isn't it
708s sorry from a little stuck dude the app
709s might like springtime's hit my allergies
711s are just like deal with it Mike
715s took some Benadryl right before the
717s stream started so
718s I'll probably be improving about halfway
720s through
723s would be good to add a search
724s functionality for LP wouldn't it
726s debatable we've decided that we're not
729s planning on doing that right now um it
731s might be something we had in the future
732s but
733s um
734s we intentionally do not have it at the
736s moment so
738s I think you mean for like yeah
742s I think the question was about loot
744s filters
747s did you watch any tears of the Kingdom
749s trailer I did watch the new tears in the
750s Kingdom trailer
755s I'm very excited
758s taking the week off
763s there's almost no games I will do that
765s for Zelda's one of them
775s uh can you show you skilled your main
778s skill yeah sure I continue shopping this
779s is how I'm doing flurries so far
783s yeah look I'll leave a mirage
787s I decided lethal Mirage
790s so really focusing on getting more hits
792s in so like extra Mirage hits
795s um that's sort of the main the main
796s focus here just get as many hits as
797s possible while not reducing the duration
800s because we're actually using it
801s partially as a defensive skill as well
802s to like disappear out of out of Harm's
804s Way
805s um and then floor is just like
807s damage hits go
817s we are pretty overleveled for this right
818s now so like it might look like I'm
820s really good but I'm not
842s life leads
844s feels good all right more questions
848s I swear I will remember to keep doing
849s this today I'm trying to get too far
851s behind uh do you guys do you consider to
853s make more skills instant cast many of
855s the skills our Boston is very badge in
857s terms of skills like warpathic acids I
859s mean so there's
861s um
862s we do take very care a lot of care in
865s deciding when we're gonna make something
866s instant cast or not
869s um I'd say there's a low probability oh
871s gosh
874s not paying attention uh this is a low
876s probability that will convert
878s non-instant cast skills to be instant
880s cat skills
881s um
882s did we get them where is this
884s oh this one yeah
892s it's definitely that's the question
894s we're doing
897s turn to oracle's abode
900s oh it's got the wrong location for that
903s step interesting
905s because I'm already here
911s okay yeah yeah about instant cat skills
913s yeah it's it's a low chance of
915s converting many from cast like from a
918s casim to instant cast
920s um but I mean not impossible so
922s do you ever want to leave a suggestion
924s for the game best place that is on the
926s forums
930s let's get up here to the stone Lance
934s I always wondered why white mobs like
937s propane flush Imperial Watchers and a
939s few others have so much HP uh do they
942s give more XP because I didn't notice
943s more loot from them sometimes The Echoes
946s spawn way too much of them
947s um slowing down the game by a lot I I
949s think they do get more XP
952s um
952s I don't think it's directly scale up HP
954s but I think just
957s maybe maybe it is directly scale of HP
959s but I think that you get more XP than
960s like a basic little mob
962s it'd be crazy if they didn't right
966s yeah we don't care that much of a Dodge
971s it's not great but something in the
972s world
975s uh to tell me what to build
980s slash level uh I can't decide in this
983s game because I want to play all of it
984s but sadly don't have time for it okay
987s um there is
989s uh there's a sweet video that's uh from
992s it's from lastpatch but I think a lot of
993s the builds are still functional
995s um
997s uh it was from I oh if I get this wrong
1001s I'm sorry for whoever actually made the
1002s biggest video but I think it's right I
1004s think Perry the pig made the video
1006s um and it's like something like 10 fun
1009s builds to play in last Epoch or
1010s something like that or 10
1012s awesome things to try they're not the
1014s most powerful necessarily but they're
1015s just like a lot of fun
1017s um and I do highly recommend it so I'd
1019s go in there and give one of those a shot
1020s they're generally pretty easy to build
1022s um and you could probably find like 0.9
1024s uh X versions of them as well
1034s oh
1039s that wasn't 62 okay yes it's
1041s appropriately leveled and I'm just
1042s playing a bad build so yeah okay it
1044s makes sense
1056s easy too easy
1059s more questions
1061s will you play D4 for research I mean
1063s I'll play D4 for fun but uh you know you
1066s can't help but uh look at games with uh
1070s inquisitive eye when you're when you're
1071s making them at the same time
1076s as much as I do try to avoid that
1082s what's the good luck with everything but
1084s since the move to steam only I can't
1086s play because it crashes the movement
1087s skill something sticks at some point in
1089s the future I mean if you've got bugs
1090s head over the forums we'll work on them
1091s uh there's information there you can
1093s find other people that have the same
1094s bugs maybe they found workarounds
1097s um you know bugs on the forums way to go
1099s other people can talk to you about it
1107s oh come on
1112s I did not want to activate Luther Marsh
1114s I think that's done there
1126s all right I'm a dead shark
1131s uh thanks you're welcome okay can you
1135s guys give Warpath some quality life
1136s changes so we can spin in place if our
1138s cursor is on our character Pew we did
1140s this in Cyclone is wonderful
1142s um I mean there's there's a little
1144s there's some tricky stuff with that it's
1146s um
1147s I think there's a reason why it doesn't
1149s work nicely
1150s um probably not impossible but if you
1152s got a suggestion
1154s head on over the Forum and leave it
1156s there because I will forget this is the
1157s problem is that so that I don't like
1159s ideas it's just that like
1160s unless I'm writing them down as I'm
1162s talking about them I just I'll forget
1169s tree the real boss of this area
1179s foreign
1184s Poe could be cool are there any plans
1187s for some
1190s uh some skills like this
1194s okay
1195s uh this this
1204s I do not know what skill you're talking
1205s about I'm sorry
1208s um I think there might be some typos in
1210s there
1215s but I also can't tell you uh what the
1218s upcoming skills are gonna be because
1220s there's a lot of skills in development
1221s right now that are super Hush Hush
1223s Secret
1225s um most notably the Warlock Rune master
1228s and Falconer skills
1232s um we pretty intentionally try to avoid
1234s looking at other games for for our like
1238s skills we try not to like say oh this
1240s was a cool skill in that game let's pull
1241s it over to this game we try we try to
1243s avoid that as much as possible
1245s um just because I don't know like we a
1248s lot of times systems work really well in
1250s one game and not so great in another
1251s game
1252s um even though they're really similar
1253s there can be things that just cause them
1254s not to be quite as cohesive
1257s um so we'll we'll frequently
1260s try to just you know make our own skills
1263s make our own fantasies all sort of stuff
1264s and then
1266s um sometimes it gets pointed out that
1267s like oh that's really similar to this
1268s thing uh and and uh
1272s we try not to let that make us change
1275s things either
1277s but it happens
1284s I'm sure you've gotten this question
1285s before probably that's fine is there any
1288s plans to release content for alternate
1290s ways to level get idle slots passive
1292s points just the camping
1293s um
1295s so we we plan to expand the dungeon
1297s system
1299s um specifically to add more dungeons so
1301s there's more skips oh I guess the
1303s dungeon systems are campaign skips as
1305s well so if you complete a dungeon and
1306s you walk out the door at the end your
1308s your teleported significantly further
1310s ahead in the campaign
1312s um and so we do plan to add more dungeon
1314s skips uh and then we do plan to also
1317s make using the dungeons as a leveling
1320s skip a little bit easier a little more
1321s friendly because right now it's a little
1322s tricky to do and it doesn't really work
1324s in a lot of cases
1326s um
1326s so we want to make that a little more
1328s accessible to do
1337s uh
1342s well I would like to report a bug after
1344s the update well please go to the forums
1345s to report a bug
1350s uh I'm not even gonna read the question
1352s I'm sorry I I just I looked over and
1354s it's just a bug report I cannot help you
1355s with bug report right now
1359s uh have you ever been talking on
1360s bringing Ellie to mobile phones or other
1362s platforms
1363s um we do want to add in uh Ellie to new
1367s platforms that's a nice title uh so so
1369s getting getting onto new platforms is
1371s definitely something that we're
1372s interested in doing
1374s um phones ah
1379s nah phones it had to be a pretty
1382s colossal shift in a phone Hardware
1386s um
1386s and a bunch of other things for us to
1388s consider phones really right now
1390s um I think there's there's definitely
1393s room for great RPGs to be on phones but
1397s unless you develop the game to designing
1399s it for that platform because it's just
1401s so different I I think you I think
1403s there's
1405s likely to be some pretty major problems
1409s um so we don't we don't have plans for
1411s that as far as other other platforms
1413s like console uh that's something that's
1415s that's more on the horizon I would say
1417s um
1418s we still don't have any progress done
1420s towards console development
1422s um the biggest hurdle there is control
1424s support which is part of our core 1.0
1426s feature set so I mean there's there's a
1428s lot of stuff that's going to be done to
1430s make it console
1431s easier to implement
1433s um but like we haven't
1435s being in communication with Sony or
1436s Microsoft about about giving up their
1438s platforms
1439s um you know like there's there's a lot
1441s of things a lot of steps that are
1443s required before we can even start to
1445s really look at that
1447s and we're just we're focusing on a 1.0
1449s launch before we even consider other
1450s platforms so
1453s not right now but uh I I would be
1455s surprised if it doesn't end up on
1457s consoles at some point
1462s that's that's sort of always been a the
1464s way we've planned this was launch the
1466s game on computer
1468s done look at consoles sort of our
1471s always plan
1488s oh yeah hmm
1497s or they want to tackle more stuff with
1499s sort
1500s that's that's a something that we're
1503s meeting to do for quite a while now
1506s uh no we don't do Shadows
1511s I mean
1513s we hit the move speed threshold there
1516s I can't remember what I was gonna do
1517s here
1518s it's a problem
1523s just get more dust red stuff because we
1525s love those shreds right now more XP yes
1529s let's go we're leveling
1532s uh to any idea when you're gonna get
1535s around to making serpents milk useful
1537s again uh I think it's probably serpent
1540s strike
1542s can we run
1544s um it could be a nice poison shred boost
1546s or maybe it's a node in serpent strike
1550s I don't have any information on upcoming
1552s balance changes oh
1556s the real gentle giant the real gentle
1559s time thanks for uh thanks for reading
1561s the stream here
1565s oh
1567s yeah
1574s I think I may have set this filter up a
1575s little too
1577s friendly there's a lot of stuff that I'm
1580s like I don't really want that
1583s and he can share about what you guys
1585s might be planning to expand in-game
1586s activities in the future yeah
1588s um so more dungeons uh it's a big big
1591s thing for sure dungeons are set up very
1593s much to be
1594s um because because they're kind of
1595s self-contained challenges with a with a
1598s a template or framework that they go
1600s into so they have this uh this this
1602s framework of
1603s um there's there's different tiers
1605s there's a unique reward at the end
1607s um there's a unique mechanic that you
1609s get with that extra D key that that lets
1612s you have some sort of mechanic that
1613s interacts with the dungeon and there's a
1614s boss fight at the end like that sort of
1616s General framework we we definitely
1617s designed that to be really easy to add
1619s more dungeons to the Future so if we're
1622s we get an idea for some uh some mechanic
1625s that we want to implement but the only
1626s way we can make it work is if we have a
1629s guaranteed ability on the player so this
1631s kind of goes back to to um boss
1633s mechanics and boss design is that we
1636s can't assume that players have certain
1638s abilities
1639s um so like Jura the temporal Sanctum
1643s dungeon boss the first dungeon we did
1645s this this is really evident so we can't
1647s assume that players have a movement
1648s ability
1650s unless we give them one so in the
1652s dungeon you get a moveability the time
1654s shift where you jump at the other time
1655s period and so we can put an undodgeable
1657s One-Shot kill ability in in the
1661s um in the boss fight that you have to
1663s use this dungeon ability to get out of
1665s the way of
1666s um and so so like that style of
1670s interaction where you you get this
1671s ability you learn how to use it in the
1673s dungeon then you have to use that
1675s ability to fight the boss
1678s um and I think I think there's a lot of
1679s really cool design space there there's
1681s there's definitely a lot of dungeons
1682s that we've got in the uh early to medium
1684s stage of ideation uh that I know a lot
1686s of people really want to get get put in
1688s as soon as possible
1689s um it'll be a little while for you too
1691s many more dungeons I think but um that
1693s is something that we definitely want to
1694s expand uh other end game stuff so the
1696s monolith is great but it's not um oh
1700s come on
1701s it's got some issues with
1704s um
1705s it's got some issues with being a little
1708s on the repetitive side and uh not enough
1710s like randomized content in the uh
1714s randomized activities I think would
1715s probably be a better way to put it so um
1717s maybe randomized the wrong word
1718s unexpected activities it doesn't have
1720s enough unexpected activities
1722s um and so that's something that we
1724s definitely want to want to look at and
1725s expand quite a bit
1727s um
1728s just just things like you're you're
1730s going through the game you're going
1731s through the game you're going to
1731s monolith and you stumble across
1733s something that changes your expectations
1734s for what this run is going to be
1736s um so suddenly there's like a new
1738s activity that shows up and you're like
1739s oh cool I'm gonna stop what I'm doing
1741s and I'm gonna do this one shot activity
1742s right now get the reward and then keep
1744s going on my way
1745s um and have that be something that is
1748s um exciting and interesting maybe
1750s semi-predictable in some cases you know
1752s things like that and uh so yeah there's
1754s there's definitely
1756s uh room for expanding the end game
1757s there's also a couple more
1760s um
1761s like in-game modes that we've kind of
1764s got sitting in the wings that I think
1765s we'll be looking to add in in
1769s um post 1.0 Cycles
1775s I'm actually yeah really good
1781s had uh
1784s some family overts from out of town
1786s hanging out with us and
1788s going doing cool stuff it show people
1790s all the fun stuff in our town
1796s which I like doing
1798s also everyone should drink lots of water
1801s that's right I'm pushing my water agenda
1802s on all y'all yeah
1807s deal with that hydration
1812s let's drop some stuff here
1814s uh
1815s uh yeah we don't need to tune in
1817s and we could probably fix that but yeah
1820s speed bye bye
1823s uh I actually would shatter that
1830s I'm chatting that too
1841s it's not going to be a Big Bird spec
1846s giant yellow bird
1848s no
1851s easy too easy you want some what's a big
1854s bird MTX
1858s that'll be awful
1859s oh that'll be so terrible
1862s uh it was funny if you have plans to
1865s improve minions Behavior Uh I mean like
1867s we always plan to improve everything so
1868s I guess indirectly yes when when playing
1870s a build with a single Minion they often
1872s act react very uneffective ways
1875s ineffective ways uh sometimes they don't
1877s obey orders well I mean if you've got
1880s um
1884s yeah
1887s it's not a high priority thing at the
1888s moment
1889s um but there is there's a hope that we
1892s will one day put in and I still I still
1894s want to do this
1896s um being able to especially to be able
1898s to describe to your minions what type of
1900s behavior they will be uh eliciting so
1903s there's
1904s um if you want to see what a crazy
1906s aggressive minion looks like there
1907s actually is a way to get one
1909s um
1910s the there's so
1913s the way all mini AI works is exactly the
1915s same enemies minions they all use the
1917s same AI system
1920s um and how it's generated is based on
1922s uh sorry how it's generated is based on
1926s uh they have they have a list of
1928s abilities it's priority list of
1929s abilities and so they start at the top
1930s of the list and they say
1932s um is are there any enemies in range
1935s that I can engage with for the engage
1937s range of this ability
1940s um
1943s and if there is it engages you know it
1946s just goes to the list and then or if
1947s it's already in combat it uses the just
1949s attack range
1951s um
1952s or if it is in combat and it's outside
1954s of that range it can use the
1957s um like the chase range and then there's
1959s a leash range for it gets too far away
1961s from you to leash back to you and that
1962s sort of stuff and and so this is this is
1965s the same AI used for for everything in
1966s the game
1968s um now there is a there is a specific
1971s Wolf Minion that's named Fenton
1974s uh that will
1977s that will just
1979s crazy aggressive has basically no leash
1982s um and we'll just run that everything as
1984s fast as it can we'll run away from you
1985s we'll just go and attack stuff like
1988s crazy
1989s that's the Other Extreme there so you'll
1991s try that you can it's tough to find that
1993s minion though because it is random
1995s chance so good luck
2007s all right
2010s uh when are you guys going to make
2012s hitting level 100 be a Chase goal right
2013s now I get 100 so quickly and I get bored
2016s um so I mean there's
2017s there's still time we're still going to
2019s be uh extending the uh the time for the
2023s super high level
2026s um progression so like 95 plus we're
2029s still looking at extending the time it
2031s takes to get from 95 to 100 because the
2033s the relative power from level that you
2035s get at that stage of the game is pretty
2037s low
2040s um
2048s and uh and yeah because it is an
2051s achievement should be an achievement to
2052s hit a hundred
2054s um
2057s so things that things are a little
2058s condensed for the uh
2061s for the beta still
2068s fear pirate shed yeah we're good on that
2070s branch
2072s oh what else do we want
2075s damage reflective is always nice and
2077s decoy charges is good too
2081s this is the explosion right Shadows yeah
2083s explosion damage freezing yeah
2086s I'll just go this way
2089s so I'm not using it for deeps
2093s are there any plans to create high-level
2095s versions of certain items
2098s um short answer is not specifically but
2100s I mean we're always looking to add more
2103s items to the game so this is like
2105s looking at base types that have actually
2107s just read the whole question are there
2109s any plans to create higher level
2110s versions of certain items for instance
2111s the naginta neganata I don't know how to
2115s pronounce it naganasha and that's right
2117s uh which has added [ __ ] damage implicit
2120s roles
2122s um
2126s so it's probably increased crit
2128s multiplier
2130s um
2131s at level 50 I feel I I feel I out
2134s leveled it should we not be able to get
2137s a level 100 like
2139s nagatana okay now it's just not spelled
2142s two different ways there I don't know
2143s what uh what word it is but properly I'm
2145s sorry uh or are the higher level items
2148s with the same implicit stats I have not
2150s found yet
2151s um there are certain items that have
2153s specific implicit stats sometimes they
2154s are created for a specific unique item
2156s uh and we just felt that they worked
2158s well in the leveling process so we left
2159s them in there
2160s um sometimes they are there specifically
2162s because we think the stat is quite
2164s powerful and do we think the stat itself
2166s scales really well into late game so if
2168s we sometimes we'll look at an implicit
2170s and say hey this this scales really well
2172s naturally to itself
2175s um so we'll just like
2177s let it let it be a lower level item
2180s specifically so that as it scales
2183s naturally it still is good
2185s um
2187s also just we have a maximum number of uh
2191s things we can add to the game in total
2192s and so some point you have to draw the
2194s line and say okay well that's enough we
2195s don't I'm not gonna add in any more here
2197s um we're gonna work on something else
2199s and so you know like as as we go I'm
2201s sure we'll be adding more bass types and
2203s sometimes that will include in uh
2206s replicating lower level one lower level
2208s stat type stat lines with higher values
2212s um there's no there are no plans to have
2215s just a system where
2217s um in base type implicit scale with
2220s level or anything like that
2224s because sometimes there are very very
2226s specific reasons why they are not a high
2228s level version we do try we do try and
2230s hit like
2232s um usually in the four to seven range of
2236s level 65 to 85 bass types that are all
2240s kind of going to be good and end game
2253s and I know some of the item types are a
2254s little shy on that
2265s no I don't mean the uh exact the skill
2269s more the mechanic play style like
2272s Brands mine something like that like
2275s like a like like traps being placed down
2277s and like people walk over and they
2278s explode things like that
2281s um
2282s we do uh technically already have that
2284s but yeah into that type of style is not
2286s out of the uh out of the question for
2289s having a little more
2292s more things added to it because it's a
2294s fairly unexplored play style right now
2304s let's do this
2313s let's talk about less less secretive
2317s skill development then haha all right
2318s cool when are you gonna make Shaman ice
2320s Thorns work more like spring uniform
2322s Spirit Thorns uh yeah I still gotta go
2326s man it's gotta go it's it's been on the
2329s like cut list forever
2332s um it's still set for cut
2335s so never probably
2337s uh I don't I don't know thank you
2341s knowledge is power
2344s cool I didn't know yeah that yes
2347s and learning how to read is half the bed
2350s now
2351s oh God
2353s uh why have dungeon skips if you can
2355s just go to the monolith so early
2359s um well you can like there's some skips
2362s there there is a skip that gets you to
2364s the monolith earlier
2365s first off
2367s um then there is also a campaign
2369s completion reward
2371s um and also
2372s you sometimes will want to have access
2374s to specific areas of the game for other
2377s dungeons as well so you need to gain
2378s access to the other dungeons
2381s that are in the world and there might be
2383s reasons to have access to other things
2385s later too
2387s you never know
2396s also being able to skip to the campaign
2398s faster so you get your passives and uh
2401s so you can like pick specific passive
2403s and idle slot reward quests because
2404s there's more idle slot and passive slot
2406s reward quests than there are
2408s available rewards so see passive reward
2411s 15-15
2413s uh this one still it says two packs of
2415s points so this Quest would have given me
2416s two passive points but because I've
2418s completed all past the point reward
2419s quests I won't get any passive points
2421s for it so you can pick and choose which
2422s ones you want to do like there's another
2424s one
2426s there's one that's got one of each
2430s but we've seen like four idle slots but
2431s only one Idol set left to get
2433s I should really just do one of these
2434s shouldn't they
2444s just go back and do one of those
2448s I guess I've actually got an open I also
2449s don't I
2451s two of them
2453s I picked up an idol a minute ago it was
2454s pretty deuce
2458s look at this
2460s yeah
2462s your chance and health
2464s I'm here for it
2467s record chance 18 not very good
2471s it's fine though
2475s uh you know I guess we'll just do this
2478s get more just Reds more glancing blow
2483s ah
2489s so we gotta cap that
2493s any plans to allow us to change our
2496s cursor for example a system to allow for
2498s a customizable cursor where you can pick
2500s a graphic color outline Etc uh highly
2502s excited for the future
2504s um I would so we want to add more cursor
2507s options that's that's definitely on the
2509s list of like okay we gotta figure out a
2511s way to do that we still got to figure
2513s out a way to do that
2515s which I know seems ridiculous but one of
2517s the big things that people ask for
2517s frequently is the size of the cursor
2520s um
2521s which is which is a shockingly difficult
2524s thing to do and I know there are
2526s programs that do that the way they do
2529s it's a little weird
2530s um and so we'd like to do it a little
2532s better way if possible
2542s that's right attack that dummy it's
2544s totally me
2545s it looks just like me right
2553s the blind yeah it's blind
2557s all right will there be PVP in the game
2560s uh not at launch
2563s um we have toyed around PVP a little bit
2565s it's a ton of fun
2566s um
2567s and and it's definitely something we've
2569s got our sights set on but uh
2572s time to do it will be post 1.0
2581s yeah we're keeping that actually because
2582s that's a
2584s obviously mods to slap on and then
2585s exalted onto legendary
2588s Libras
2593s you kind of want to go get this
2596s what's on the top up there and that
2597s other one's nice too
2600s even look what the downside was whoops
2607s did you just pick up items without
2608s clicking on them is that a hockey no I
2610s did not I clicked on it
2612s um there's if you've got multiple shards
2614s on the ground
2619s it's like a range so if I click on this
2620s one it's gonna pick up all of them
2623s so there's there's that you gotta pick
2625s up one of them
2626s we are we're we're also expanding that
2628s range
2632s uh there's any testing be done on Steam
2634s deck for 1.0 for the 1.0 launch no we
2636s haven't touched steam deck at
2639s um I know that there are people that
2641s have managed to get it working
2643s um and it's kind of it's kind of Hit or
2644s Miss I've seen people be like it works
2646s perfect it's great uh I've seen that
2648s people just be like it it doesn't work
2650s at all
2651s it's completely broken fix it and so
2653s like I'm I I don't know what the
2655s difference is there I don't know if
2656s there's I've never seen a steam deck in
2657s person so I don't know if there's like
2659s specific things you can do to make those
2661s processes better more reliable I I don't
2664s know
2665s um
2667s steam deck is it's a really interesting
2669s platform
2671s um and and I think it'll be one of the
2673s ones that we will look at uh post launch
2675s but
2676s um
2678s we don't have any plans to put time and
2680s effort into uh making it be uh
2682s officially supported platform for 1.0
2685s um
2686s although we do have a Linux client and
2688s we do have controller support which is
2689s kind of the things you need to make it
2691s work so you know it's it's not it's not
2693s a big stretch to make it to have it
2695s function pretty decently and I am like
2699s it's like if we start getting a lot of
2700s people asking about it and
2703s um
2706s and uh and like there's some bug that's
2710s like a low-hanging fruit with a big
2711s upside so like it's possible we might be
2714s like all right let's fix this one little
2716s thing but just that time to like say
2719s okay this is an officially supported
2721s platform as soon as we do that every
2723s time we launch a launch a new build we
2725s have to test it on that
2727s um and I don't know who on the team has
2730s one yet I know there's a couple floating
2731s around
2733s um
2734s but like we don't have like a company's
2736s theme deck or you know like that sort of
2738s stuff yet
2739s um
2742s yeah
2746s yeah there we go
2751s I do love that I put cleanse on like
2752s three or four of my abilities now I
2754s think just three of them
2756s so cleanse things quite frequently
2761s how do I make the mini map overlay
2762s similar smaller or zoom in or out not
2765s the mini map itself but the one we're
2766s looking at centers on your screens yeah
2768s so this mini map here this one on the on
2769s the the you've got visible right now
2772s um you can come settings and then overly
2775s Zoom so
2779s we're gonna have it up there probably
2782s you can change the opacity pretty hard
2793s I do I do really feel that these are
2795s these are inverse though of what they
2796s should be
2799s and Slide the other way for each and it
2801s doesn't matter though
2807s uh more questions don't forget to put at
2809s last teapot game in the question so I
2811s see it
2813s uh in regards what I can't see the
2816s question in regards to
2818s older question oh Serpent's milk the
2820s amulets oh it's right it's an amulet
2823s yes it's the amulet that makes minions
2825s at 200 poison chance but deal with 90
2827s poison damage
2829s uh it used to be uh your median stack
2832s penetration for you mechanic the
2834s penetration cap Now sort of ways since
2836s it hit 30 seconds for yourself yeah
2839s I don't remember what the question was
2841s but thanks to the Refresher
2845s uh can we expect a key ring feature for
2847s dungeon key similar to forge or crafting
2849s uh it's like a wallet to keep dungeon
2851s keys instead of hoarding them in the
2852s stash I I really hope so um that's
2854s something that we've talked about doing
2856s um it's it's kind of it's on one of
2858s those lists of like
2860s um what's what's the priority of
2863s something like that how much does that
2864s actually help the gameplay like uh
2866s finding someone's time that's like you
2867s got time to add something like this like
2870s um the ui's got to be designed the and
2872s like there's just so many things where
2874s like people that that from different
2876s disciplines that need to get in just add
2877s something like that are really busy on
2880s really important other things right now
2882s um but it is a good chance some of that
2884s happening
2893s yeah I'd love to see it I'd love to see
2895s it like
2896s um have a key ring something like a
2899s little like maybe fly out yeah I don't
2902s know something for the queue yeah I'd
2904s love to see something like that I think
2905s it's a great idea um we've talked about
2907s Lots before
2910s so many belts here
2912s bye
2914s bye
2917s bye
2923s oh yeah I probably got that with LP
2927s um
2932s foreign
2933s minions anymore so it doesn't matter
2935s it's so cool
2941s I enjoy uh sorry any issues with
2943s overheating CPU I haven't had any
2947s um
2951s especially from the most recent uh
2955s set of optimization and uh
2959s performance
2960s fixes and updates and things like that
2962s which there's even more coming for we've
2964s had a lot better well I think I think
2966s there's been a a very marked improvement
2969s for performance across the whole game
2971s from point nine
2974s been really happy with that like I don't
2977s know the numbers for every like what
2978s everyone's certainly average for
2979s everyone and all that sort of stuff off
2980s top of my head but I know personal
2982s experience oh my God it runs smooth now
2984s compared to what it used to
2988s I used to put this in perspective for
2989s streaming I'm running like a
2991s five-year-old i7 and a 1080 TI
2995s uh like
2997s probably 32 gigs of RAM I can check
3000s pretty easily
3003s oh no
3008s so what happens when you oh dab
3014s there you go a list of my uh
3017s processes that are open right now
3020s uh yeah 32 gigs of RAM on uh their CPUs
3024s and i7 700k
3027s yeah so it's it's this is not running on
3029s a super high-end system or anything like
3030s that
3032s sub and
3034s what's up thank you very much
3038s thank you that's awesome glad to have
3040s you with us congrats everyone got one of
3041s those
3042s doesn't look like any staff accidentally
3044s got some I wish I could like Mark people
3045s as like ineligible for
3049s uh gifted Subs
3053s random gifted Subs as I said I'm like
3055s there's probably a way
3071s all right
3074s I really enjoyed the game for a couple
3076s of weeks but I got to a point in
3078s empowered Echoes where it was difficult
3079s to kill some of the bosses namely Logan
3081s his hitbox is very annoying he plans on
3083s adjusting his hitbox and certain builds
3084s have a hard time with it I mean yeah
3086s legon's very problematic believe it or
3088s not it's way better than it used to be
3093s um
3094s I I
3096s love to be able to say that there is a
3098s Herculean effort underway to fix lagon
3102s there's there's not right now
3104s um
3105s it's definitely it's definitely
3106s problematic and it needs some fixes
3108s um lagon is not going anywhere and I'd
3112s be surprised if the boss fight
3114s changes dramatically
3117s um I I would suggest that the attempt
3119s will be to fix it and make it feel
3122s better make it play better all this
3123s sorts of stuff when that'll happen I
3126s have no idea
3131s the the primary person who does a lot of
3133s the
3134s um boss interactions boss mechanics the
3136s primary people that handle that sort of
3137s stuff are um mostly working on um
3141s Falconer Rune master and warlock right
3143s now freaking new skills in there and we
3146s got even more stuff I thought it was
3148s just the the Old One's still rolling but
3149s it's new people too uh Marto Delamore
3152s thank you for the sub an anonymous test
3155s gets this up as well that's fantastic
3157s thanks everybody
3158s a little musical instrument here
3161s all aboard
3170s all right other mini Masters set to
3173s watch 1.0 by 1.0 or on 1.0 on 1.0
3177s they're set to launch on the exact same
3179s day as 1.0
3182s and will not have been used by
3186s in the in the primary launched version
3188s of the game title or the
3192s you will you won't be able to try them
3193s until one point it launches
3196s but we're working hard on it they're
3197s coming along like there's there's some
3199s stuff that's there's one skill that we
3201s actually changed uh did a bit of a tweak
3203s on yesterday
3205s um but like the stuff's coming together
3207s really nicely and it feels so good
3211s I'm pumped on it
3217s we just previewed a bunch of warlock
3218s skills yesterday
3221s and they feel great
3239s I'm super duper gonna die in here I can
3241s feel it
3249s do we know this is what wave you're on
3251s in the
3253s model uh Arena waves
3258s like I'm Looking For What wave I'm on
3260s and I just don't see it
3264s oh we did I thought that like it wasn't
3265s there and then we added it apparently
3267s not
3272s Grumble gumbo grumble
3275s what's the current timeline for 1.0 we
3278s don't have a set official announced
3280s timeline yet uh there was a leaked
3284s announce our leaked comment made by
3286s um extremely senior member of Staff
3289s um the most senior member of Staff
3293s um that said we were hoping to release
3296s this year still
3302s and we we do have a date that we are
3304s targeting internally that we're like
3305s okay if everything goes well that'll be
3307s the day
3308s um
3309s well I don't get the specific date yet
3312s but like give it like a two-week
3315s window that we're targeting I guess call
3318s it that
3319s um but we don't that information is not
3321s public
3327s oh come on we're all out of potions oh
3330s no what are we gonna do
3331s what are we gonna do
3342s easy too easy
3362s come on
3364s oh some hiccups there go over there over
3366s there no
3374s feel it
3376s nah gumbo Gumball Gumball grumble
3382s uh talking about movement any chance we
3386s can unlink different Druid form
3388s cooldowns
3390s uh I would love to try roots of bitter
3393s Shield build but not being able to move
3395s for six seconds at all is making it hard
3397s for a Bible build
3399s um
3401s I I would say it's unlikely to have
3403s change like that happen
3407s I love lassypug the game is super fun
3409s thanks for accepting into the content
3412s creator program if you guys can look at
3414s iron reflex passive I'm pretty sure it
3416s isn't working if you got bug fixes
3418s please take it to the
3420s forums uh it takes Dodge chance away but
3422s doesn't apply armor please go to the
3424s forums with that as I will not write
3426s that down right now
3427s and it needs to be tracked and recorded
3429s in one place another Arena what have I
3432s done
3433s what have I wrought
3435s yeah that's not gonna be well
3438s I think we might be needing a little bit
3440s of uh
3442s um some musical support
3447s from the Hylian royal family
3451s you see it it's laying down you can't
3452s even see it
3460s might do a little crafting
3465s but yeah this is why you don't play
3466s two-headed Rogue
3469s it's bad
3471s I think I need a new weapon I think my
3472s weapon has uh outlived its usefulness
3476s and I need a new weapon and I've got one
3479s that I'm that I'm eyeing for crafting I
3481s don't want to take the breakouts of crap
3483s won't take long
3489s getting some good some hiccups here too
3491s oh my goodness that's a lot of poison
3495s wow it Stacks up so fast
3501s have Clinton
3503s I thought it did
3519s okay another question Mike you can do it
3521s can we get a Kung Fu Panda wears skin oh
3524s I got a lot of tickets for super dude
3526s yeah that'd be sweet eh
3529s um
3530s I I would I'd be surprised if uh maybe
3532s not specifically the intellectual
3535s property of Kung Fu Panda
3538s um but I could see a black and white
3542s um
3543s panda bear style markings
3546s appearing as a skill ncx for Weber next
3549s to that being a thing
3551s uh there is a uh there's a unique item
3554s kermud's cage that uh
3556s will let you be a white Werebear
3559s pretty cool
3561s which they're like I actually noticed
3563s before the scenes they are technically
3565s different than a polar bear
3575s this is not going well
3587s not going well
3591s it's okay we can do this we can do this
3592s we can just
3595s question our other plans for character
3602s why do I look away oh how do I do it
3605s okay you know what I think I think and
3607s there's probably things down here being
3609s like he died give us a spoiler you've
3611s earned it you suffered through my
3612s horrible play long enough
3616s uh here's here's something cool
3621s I think that one's actually listen to
3622s this one first
3624s um
3625s oh maybe not no let's do this one
3626s they're both cool okay the
3639s um problem
3649s what's going on here
3654s oh no
3655s oh no
3657s sorry
3661s why didn't that Center I hit Center on
3663s screen like four times
3665s okay
3667s here we go here is uh an example of a
3671s higher tier uh Rogue armor set coming uh
3675s down the pipe
3677s which I'm pretty pumped for I think it
3679s looks pretty cool so
3681s answer questionable it's not are there
3682s any plans for character creation
3683s customization uh or is it a lower
3685s priority compared to other areas it's an
3687s extremely low priority right now for us
3689s um it is something that we do hope to
3690s add in the future but it doesn't
3691s actually
3693s um it doesn't affect the core gameplay
3695s Loop directly
3697s um there's lots of really good reasons
3699s to have character customization in the
3700s game and we we would like to get it in
3703s um
3704s the
3706s time and development resource investment
3708s to
3711s um what you get out of it
3713s right now where we are in development
3714s and what else is available like like the
3717s when you when you take that and compared
3718s to the other things we could be doing
3719s and like all sort of stuff it's it it
3722s comes up short and so
3725s um
3725s we've we've got to just do all this
3727s stuff first
3728s basically this all boils down to
3732s I love my snow blade the old man isn't
3735s selling it
3741s uh you should ask questions oh someone
3743s asked the question
3747s can I click on this like see what it was
3750s um
3752s any chances other colors for transforms
3754s like the Weber
3758s yeah it'll be a while still though
3762s any cool patch coming in besides butt
3763s fixes um the next like cool patch where
3765s there's like neat fun stuff will be 0.91
3768s and that's a little ways out still going
3770s back to our usual Cadence from the 0.8 X
3773s um it's like go look up the time between
3775s point point eight
3778s goes with the difference
3780s between all those patches and average it
3781s and you'll get pretty close to what
3783s we're expecting for patches going
3784s forward
3788s won't be exact I just don't want to say
3790s whatever that number is because I don't
3791s know that number is at the top of my
3792s head
3793s and this way I can be like well that's
3795s close
3798s what kind of hardware specs do HD devs
3800s typically use to work I mean so I
3802s mentioned mine earlier
3803s um
3804s but yeah I can say it again real quick
3806s so I'm I've got a
3809s um I'd say my system's probably on the
3812s weaker side compared to what a lot of
3814s people are using
3815s um
3816s maybe about average i7 700k
3820s uh 32 gigs uh it's ddr4
3824s um
3825s a few ssds uh so GTX 1080 TI
3829s I think it's like an 8 gig version
3834s it was a very big memory version when I
3835s got it but it's not that big anymore
3842s uh the second half of that question will
3843s MTX be available from 1.0 or before I I
3846s we planned for it before 0.91 it was
3849s supposed to be pointing to know but it
3850s wasn't quite polished enough 7.91
3854s uh is there a time frame for when the
3857s thorn Shield player preference targeting
3859s will be looked at
3861s uh it's already in
3863s I assume that means taking that out
3865s which is something what you're hoping
3867s for but that's already done
3870s I died the spoiler yep
3873s okay I'm gonna turn this off and uh get
3875s back on
3878s because this is really old questions I'm
3881s sorry
3883s I've gotta I've gotta take this down to
3885s some easier stuff here
3887s because I'm getting my butt kicked
3891s shred armor not great
3895s recently that's fine
3898s uh will we ever see cool Quest rewards
3901s other than passives and idle slots I
3903s know we have the unique glove and amulet
3905s but anything else yeah definitely
3906s there's there's cool stuff coming
3912s technically there's also the uh one all
3915s attributes at the end of The Campaign
3917s Quest reward already but yes there's
3918s other cool stuff coming too
3921s um
3922s any map redesigns coming in 1.04 towns
3925s currently without being able to use
3926s skills it's a pain to walk
3928s um not specifically no but there will be
3930s a lot more stuff happening in Thames in
3932s general but yeah there's um the early
3935s game specifically does have a lot of
3937s changes coming oh my goodness I I need
3940s to do a crafting break because like
3942s we're gonna get to the boss and I'm just
3943s gonna be like
3944s well
3966s try to pick off the things that are
3967s outside of its protection aura
3972s I'm kidding my butt kicked all right all
3975s right all right uh here we go
3979s oh my gosh that's huge what have I done
3982s what have I done
3984s how could you how could you can't
3986s believe I've done this
3993s oh it's not the right I have such a hard
3995s time with this
3999s okay well it's terrible but it's close
4000s enough uh here we go let's figure out if
4003s we can
4011s because we so we have the creative
4013s voidance here but this weapon has the
4015s less damage thing from crit's Strike so
4017s we can put a different uh chest on
4020s um
4021s to maybe up our damage as well and use
4023s this as the defensive for the crits
4027s um
4029s so I'm gonna try and craft this up a
4031s little bit
4032s it's so close to being like 92 is fine
4037s uh we need more [ __ ] multi though it's
4040s unfortunately damage let's start here
4043s yeah that was necessary
4046s uh and we're gonna probably Frailty
4048s right
4050s armor shorts the other option but I
4052s think we need Frailty all affix is nice
4054s too
4056s oh
4059s yeah that's too high of an item level
4071s Wow since it goes down so much
4075s does it actually though it does go down
4077s wave yeah that's gonna be way big drop
4080s can we can we eke out more from our
4083s chest piece though
4085s if we use something good on the chest
4095s not really because we don't have much
4105s there's something there
4110s Let's uh
4113s You're Gonna Want This
4129s like we roll those off now
4136s everything's out of 40 potential oh it's
4138s got some room
4141s this chaos is off
4143s fire damage ugh
4146s Elemental damage ugh
4149s we are we are we are not doing well here
4152s at all
4155s our fire or necrotic Reds are they below
4157s cap fire in so it's necrotic okay well I
4160s mean might as well grab something right
4170s foreign
4181s just getting our butts kicked
4188s we go back to ballista I have three of
4190s them probably not
4196s I can do this though this might be
4198s better
4201s it's close to the same damage
4205s better
4210s yes
4215s take care
4221s okay can we
4225s uh roll this off to something else
4227s that's useful
4232s apparently not
4253s okay
4255s okay
4260s we're gonna get there
4262s didn't really do make many changes not
4264s the ones I wanted to make anyways
4268s back to questions sorry I was such quiet
4270s there
4271s uh
4273s do you remove percent chance to cast
4275s haste on totem spawn on Idols I'm 96 and
4278s still I'm kind of single one I I don't
4280s think so if you there's a database
4282s websites uh lassibox has
4286s um stuff that's pulled directly from
4290s what can drop so this is the information
4292s there should be solved on what's
4293s possible to exist
4296s um as long as it's still there you're
4298s good to go
4306s I mean we might we might have to go back
4307s and do easier content I could I could go
4309s try and do temporal Sanctum
4314s but next time I die I'm just gonna think
4316s what's really really close the laws
4325s damage is just so awful
4330s let's go to the museum right now oh and
4333s I'm on the wrong side of the screen
4335s oh and I'm on the wrong side of the
4336s screen
4338s frostbite swarm blade in the serpent
4340s strike tree bleeds convert to frostbite
4342s and the swarmblade tree poison converts
4344s to frostbite what about Idols like lead
4346s chance to on cold hit and chance to
4349s poison on
4351s uh poison on hit both those convert as
4354s well a chance of poison hit wood uh
4357s chance to bleed on cold hit depends how
4361s that's worded if it's your cold
4363s abilities have a chance to bleed yes if
4366s it's worded a different way probably not
4380s this is the hard thing about having like
4381s just like like this is what this is
4383s because they there's subtleties in how
4385s they're awarded that really make a big
4386s difference
4398s when is launch I don't have a set date
4401s for you sorry about Dungeons Jewel drops
4404s feel like they roll normally uh then
4406s just convert zero LP to one LP uh yes am
4408s I just unlucky or not can we fix these
4411s drops to actually have more LPS in the
4412s lp mechanic no it's it's
4414s um what it actually is it rolls normally
4416s and if it doesn't have any LP it adds
4419s one
4420s that's all so the zeros get converted to
4423s one not the
4427s it's not guaranteed to be one exactly
4429s one that's all
4433s blighted Jade dice meditation that's
4435s like that's gonna be so bad for us
4437s yeah
4439s so bad for us
4458s all right
4460s I'm very intentionally playing a
4461s terrible build I know that
4464s for fun this might be the last people do
4466s this I'll I'll get another character
4467s going for next week I think that's
4469s that's a little better
4471s the problem is I can't just cheat
4472s anymore I have to actually play it up
4475s um so I'll have to take some time on the
4476s weekend and get another character up up
4478s higher
4486s all right next question uh I'm sure you
4488s had this question before but anyway it's
4490s totally fine I do love the new beams
4492s they're so nice
4494s um
4495s will it be a character reset once he
4497s goes to full once the full game drops or
4499s characters carry over from the beta um
4500s so we do not plan to actually wipe any
4502s characters we do plan to have a ladder
4505s reset happen and start a new cycle so
4508s Cycles is the term we're using for
4509s leagues so to speak from Poe we're doing
4512s them a little bit differently but that's
4513s that's the general style and idea that
4516s can be used to convey the rough
4517s mechanics pretty quickly
4519s um
4521s we are looking at this before
4526s you go um before I just died to
4528s Avalanche that's what I do
4531s um
4533s so like the the characters that are
4534s currently around will get moved to air
4536s code standard and if you want to play on
4538s the ladder you'll have to start a new
4540s character so I want to delete them um
4542s but we do want to keep a uh like a fresh
4545s competitive environment for
4548s um for the ladders when when a reset
4550s happens
4554s and economies for uh for trade once the
4556s end of actions coming too
4564s because it's like especially for things
4565s like when there is
4567s um trade with item factions It's tricky
4569s to enter enter into an economy from
4572s scratch where like you show up and
4574s you're like oh I got this Quest reward
4575s that was like 500 gold I'm gonna go to
4577s the uh to the to the auction house and
4579s see how much I can what I can buy for
4580s that cheapest item four million gold but
4588s the cycle resets helping that a lot how
4590s about faster leveling after Story
4592s completion let's say 90.
4596s a little bit contrasting with the uh
4598s comment we just saw
4600s I don't think we have plans to speed up
4602s leveling process
4604s uh question any thoughts about giving
4605s immunity timer uh to personal portals it
4608s does have one uh like using the teleport
4610s device in hardcore if you port back to
4612s the previous spot uh mobs are back on
4615s you and you get whacked yeah that's a
4616s bug
4618s uh for all my annoying questions I see
4621s those oh my God I'm far behind oh no oh
4625s no I don't see someone else to play
4626s while I just answer questions here
4629s um pull Jack Black
4635s foreign
4638s he was like doing a gaming twitch
4641s Channel and he was like it was some some
4643s ridiculous amount of time he hadn't
4644s actually played a game yet uh and then
4646s he like pretended like he was actually
4648s playing but he was it was someone else
4649s with all green screen everything yeah it
4651s was good it's funny
4653s it's all a big joke uh so without being
4655s able to use skills in towns notes is
4657s this something that's sting as it a
4660s little as is or will you be able to use
4663s them again we do not plan on enabling
4664s skill use in town suddenly I can't get
4666s into the hidden hut in here area now
4668s because of that oh yeah I forgot about
4670s that still crossing my fingers for a
4672s hidden B level also
4675s uh are there any fix or crashes when
4677s he's lunch skill
4678s um we're working on fixes for bugs I
4680s don't have any specific information on
4681s it uh just buy themselves yourself yeah
4683s I could that was a while ago any plans
4686s for Unique Idols unique Idols for
4688s specific classes
4689s um we do have we do have unique Idols in
4691s the game already we will probably expand
4693s on that eventually and
4695s that's weird thank you for gifting box
4699s jet 200 who is the game director what's
4703s up
4703s that's funny
4707s uh any plants more unique Idols uh yeah
4709s yeah we will be adding more unique Idols
4712s um class specific Unitas I haven't seen
4715s any class specific unique Idols
4717s um in the in the
4719s um unique item documents yet
4722s but off the table I think Idols I think
4724s you'll likely see us launch 1.0 idles
4726s want to change much from where they are
4727s now like mechanically in the systems
4729s that are involved with them but there
4731s will be clear room for improvements and
4733s expansions on that system going forward
4735s as as I think it's a really interesting
4737s space to do stuff in
4740s um and I think it's really important
4741s that we have obvious spots in the item
4744s systems where we can be like okay let's
4746s like add something here there's room for
4748s more more complexity more depth in this
4750s system
4751s more options
4753s um so that'll be an important an
4755s important piece going forward
4771s come on
4774s there you go
4777s the whole uh one death fail mechanic
4779s where single death means you lose
4781s everything from the echo reward or
4782s dungeon reward it was really frustrating
4784s especially level 100 plus or single legs
4786s like means you die no matter what this
4787s is going to be permanent fixture less
4789s Epoch forever um yeah I think having a a
4792s echo reward loss on death is uh very
4796s appropriate
4798s um
4800s punishment for for dying
4803s um I don't see that going anywhere
4806s every time for discussion everything's
4808s up for change possibilities
4810s um I I don't see that being a
4814s uh a targeting thing for us right right
4818s now
4823s hello there hello any plans on making
4825s party model with less punishing
4827s experience
4828s um yes like now only one player gets
4831s progressed so we are actually forced to
4832s play so I mean the that's a bug so yes
4838s uh nothing to show waves for arena monos
4841s you can only go based on the bonus
4843s stability oh yeah
4845s it's a bug should be there
4850s my damage just is not high enough
4863s yeah like I need to be like doing triple
4866s damage at least
4869s I gotta figure out a way to fix this
4871s is where this build falls off
4877s uh
4878s these are only on 1.0 will there be
4881s previous spoilers for the tree or skills
4884s um yeah I would say
4887s um
4888s like we'll definitely have posts that
4891s we'll share like here's here's what this
4894s tree is gonna look here's what the skill
4895s is going to look like like here's bass
4896s functionality here's some very notable
4898s nodes
4900s um and like like previews of it in that
4902s sense yeah we'll definitely be doing
4903s stuff like that
4904s um
4905s here's the whole entire skill tree so
4908s you can
4910s um prepare stuff for it me
4913s I I'd really like to keep it a little
4915s bit under wraps if possible and have
4916s that be uh like a day of surprise and
4919s exciting and things like that I think
4920s that'd be awesome
4921s um but we'll see what happens I don't
4922s know
4928s I don't always get what I want
4931s very rarely actually
4934s but that's okay
4936s uh
4938s wait wasn't it you who said under the
4941s arena wave UI it was bugging point nine
4943s it probably was
4945s um Forge card has a shrapnel now to
4947s bring a shield Sports strike trees which
4950s has atrocious scaling the damage is
4952s barely there compared to basic hits my
4955s bug report on the Forum got moved into
4956s feedback instead doesn't mean the node
4957s works as intended yes
4962s uh if it got if someone moved it it must
4965s be any news on post localization fairly
4967s we're still working on localization in
4968s general
4969s um it's gonna be a while before it's in
4970s still I think uh it's a ton of stuff but
4973s yes we're still working on it and I
4975s think polish is one of the
4977s languages
4979s I think
4982s there's quite a few languages on that
4984s list
4986s I was surprised
4991s uh do you guys have any plans to improve
4993s Arena Echo sometimes they take a long
4995s time or feel slow but I like this and
4996s I'll sort of more standard objectives
4998s um I mean like Define improve right
5001s I I there's no major plans to change
5003s them big time
5004s um if if you're not feeling them the
5007s name of the echo actually does say Arena
5009s so you can't avoid them they are
5011s avoidable if you're not a fan or it's
5013s not feeling it right then
5014s um
5017s but there is a clear this is an arena
5019s Echo before the echo starts
5021s before you even click on it
5031s thank you so much oh
5041s come off it
5051s okay
5053s I think I can just stand against this
5056s uh we can do this all right
5061s I don't know what that was for sorry
5066s thinking of an MTX transmog when you do
5069s implemented uh will you only be able to
5071s use purchase MTX for your character or
5073s will it be your trans box system for
5074s found gear looks um we don't have
5076s specific plans on transmog system at the
5078s moment
5079s um the the only thing that's coming in
5081s 0.91 is
5083s um MTX to be able to
5086s uh change the look of what you're
5089s wearing to something else so this is oh
5092s yeah
5094s this will this is what this tab is so
5096s like you'll be able to pick specific
5098s things to replace the visuals on certain
5099s slots in some cases add effects so this
5102s one um will add like like a footstep
5105s effect and this will add an effect to
5106s the minion itself or this will be like
5108s for skills so there's there's
5110s um replacement effects that's the first
5111s wave everything going as for Trans box
5113s we don't have any clear information that
5115s we're ready to share on that
5127s oh right do you have any expected patch
5130s number for factions release
5132s um we have a goal for it and uh it's
5136s gonna depend on how I the async trade
5139s functionality
5140s uh back-end systems come together
5142s because those those are still in process
5144s right now so
5145s um depending on when that gets finished
5147s uh and and how other things are coming
5150s along will determine when that happens
5151s so we're not ready to say when yet
5155s um
5156s it's not going to be 0.91
5160s I don't think hey I I could be wrong
5163s about that but I'd be really shocked I'd
5166s be really shocked
5168s just just from where it is right now
5183s uh will the new character should be on
5184s intention no that's been pushed hard
5188s I had a question is there any plans to
5191s just fix models progression in Co-op I
5193s am on the side quests only completed for
5195s one player both players not getting
5196s gazed or corruption progress yeah the
5198s gays and Corruption progress is uh
5201s intentionally like that
5203s um
5205s mostly because you can put yourself
5207s right right now anyways you can put
5209s yourself into a situation where
5213s um you you like can't progress in your
5214s monoliths properly
5216s um
5218s if you if you're like getting carried
5220s hard by someone else and your version of
5222s the model progresses
5223s um corruption really heavily you can end
5225s up in a situation where you're just
5226s hooped
5228s so until we have a way to adjust that
5231s properly
5232s um or to to reduce your corruption
5235s manually without having to
5238s uh uh like do something really
5240s challenging uh it's it's gonna be like
5243s because finding a shade to to lower it
5245s over and over again will will be
5247s impossible for a lot of players if like
5249s if your character can do like
5251s corruption 20 and your corruption 300
5254s because you were in this party of these
5256s like crazy powerful people for a long
5257s time
5259s um and
5261s you're sitting here going okay well now
5262s I need to find a shade that's close
5264s enough to the center to do to to lower
5267s it
5268s um and just like you just can't even get
5269s past the center nodes you're just you're
5271s you're you're up up a creek right
5276s um
5278s so because we couldn't prevent we
5280s couldn't allow people to get into that
5282s situation
5283s um
5291s um
5292s yeah that's that's why it is the way it
5294s is but we do we do plan to
5297s um have a way to reduce your corruption
5300s um like reset it a lot easier
5306s I will this early game changes be in
5308s 0.91 oh I don't know
5311s we don't know
5314s it's I'm not really super involved with
5316s the development of that but like
5318s from from the stuff I've seen from it I
5320s hope so
5322s I particularly love how Le integrates
5325s narrative lore mechanics alternative
5327s timelines as concept for repeatable end
5329s game could you share some thoughts on
5330s the role of narrative lore on your
5332s overall game design process yeah
5336s um
5338s and it's it's this is this is
5341s interesting and kind of difficult to to
5342s quantify sometimes
5344s um
5346s this
5349s oh that is a really confused item is
5352s what that is
5356s does not know what it wants to be but I
5357s bet that's a good Target for a legendary
5361s potential role
5365s yeah okay could you share some thoughts
5366s on the role of narrative and lore in
5369s your overall game design process yeah
5372s um
5374s a lot of it comes out so there's there's
5376s items that get designed there's like you
5379s get top down or bottom of design for
5381s four items
5382s um and sometimes you you just you start
5384s with oh
5387s oh
5389s oh some stuff that's really nice
5391s sometimes you start with
5393s um
5394s like a just a thematic concept so you
5396s say like okay like
5399s um
5400s uh tight Titan steamer okay this is a
5403s great example actually Titan steamer
5404s it's a uh I have my back at the minus
5407s Dash it's it's it's a it's a two-headed
5409s maze that's literally just a huge bone
5412s um and it came out at the same time as
5415s we released the uh like this Arbor that
5417s has a big active Titan in it
5420s um and so so like this is this is an
5422s item that we took and we're like okay
5424s like we like the thematics we were
5426s pulling from it is just like lore lore
5429s start for the for the thematics of the
5430s item and then we're gonna build the item
5432s around that beaming
5434s um and that happens a fair bit so we we
5436s do we do both types of things for sure
5438s frequently sometimes we'll take an item
5440s and say like oh or like we'll have a
5442s mechanic okay we like we want to have a
5445s mechanic that does this specific thing
5446s that's like
5448s um
5452s we'll have some mechanic and we'll say
5454s like okay we want to have
5458s um
5458s and here's an example of of a lore
5460s driven one because it's it's got
5462s specific functionality for
5464s um a specific character anything out of
5465s the character's name on it
5468s but yeah so the assumptions will start
5470s with the mechanic and say okay we need
5471s to build an item that has this mechanic
5473s on it and then we'll we'll try and like
5475s make it fit into the world after that
5477s and sometimes we take and say like hey
5479s like let's have an item let's pull it
5480s out of the world and like let's let's
5481s say like okay what would this item have
5483s in a real situation
5492s okay
5499s our factions play for 1.0 or after um I
5502s mean I'd be pretty disappointed if they
5504s were after
5505s I I would I'd be I'd be very
5507s disappointed
5508s I'd be surprised and disappointed
5511s but you never know
5522s the reason I'm not ready to commit to
5524s that one is because there are still uh
5526s technical hurdles that need to be
5527s overcome that if they aren't
5530s world's Legends
5533s yeah the the I asked this a few times
5535s for people who've been here a lot but
5536s the when we released that document that
5539s uh that item factions document that was
5541s like two weeks after the idea was first
5543s pitched internally
5545s from from Chi to to the other design
5548s team people
5551s yeah they showed up I had a dream guys I
5554s got this
5557s could be more fire damage sources for
5559s primalism in a particular feels like
5560s it's lacking a bit there it's definitely
5561s lacking a lot though it's very
5563s intentional I would say that there's a
5564s high probability of having more items
5566s come in that have
5569s um Fire theme and fire Focus fire
5571s conversions for
5572s um for Shaman type abilities as possible
5575s but having it be intrinsic to the uh to
5577s the skills itself is pretty low
5579s probability
5580s we try and avoid fire on Shaman in
5583s general
5585s um it's very much physical lightning
5587s cold
5588s um
5589s and and you you put fire in that mix and
5592s suddenly you've just got like the the
5594s the element combination that's primarily
5598s focused on in Mage with physical editors
5601s um
5603s and so we're we're trying trying to keep
5605s that out of there we try and it's part
5606s of our class identity pillar does not
5608s pillar design is is having things be
5610s unique I mean it's gonna be distinct
5611s having things be
5613s um thematically interesting and
5615s appropriate and fun and also stuff but
5617s um you know sometimes you just have an
5620s effect that works really well and gotta
5621s make it happen and so when we're doing
5623s those like
5625s to use a magic term a color pie break
5629s um we're generally doing it through
5631s uh unique items
5637s really good way to put it's a color
5638s probably break
5641s like the
5643s the void
5645s disintegrate is a color pie break for
5648s mage right in a concert item
5662s I mean
5664s nice base for something other than me
5665s but poo-poo garbage for me
5677s we did one we got there it took a while
5681s we had to stop to get snacks
5684s it's a nice beef jerky some like
5685s teriyaki beef jerky like fresh teriyaki
5687s beef jerky
5689s there's a place in the province over
5691s that does it so well
5696s uh hello Mike hello John Sinclair is
5699s seven uh great job with okay thank you
5702s question at the moment the impact of
5704s forging on year with progression is
5706s declining the further you advance into
5708s the game it reverts to just be a slot
5711s machine I would keep going here sorry uh
5715s do you have plans for further ongoing
5716s crafting options especially for in-game
5718s crafting
5719s um yeah I mean so there are we we like
5722s to add in more runes glyphs things like
5724s that
5725s um I think that as you get further into
5728s the game as you get into end game as you
5731s get into like
5734s uh like like as as the as the your power
5738s level goes up the room for improvements
5741s is going to go down just because you're
5743s finding really specific things and
5747s um needing to have those specific
5748s affixes on gear is going to make a big
5750s difference so
5752s um yeah like they'll be we'll be adding
5754s more gloves I mentioned this lesson is a
5755s new glyph coming
5757s um I think it'll probably be down here
5758s there's a new glyph coming right there
5763s um there won't really have anything with
5764s crafting so it's not really a good
5766s answer
5767s um but yeah there are there are things
5769s that we're looking at to expand crafting
5770s here and there some some like dungeon
5774s rewards are a great way to add in new
5775s crafting mechanics
5777s um
5778s uh I'm trying to say things without
5780s giving some way of stuff we're gonna do
5781s here
5782s um but yeah there's there's things we're
5784s planning and looking at doing for sure
5787s um
5788s I'm not talking about the circle of
5789s Fortune is just gonna be a great way to
5790s do that just to help with deterministic
5792s item fighting and crafting and stuff so
5794s yeah
5794s doctor when when it's really chat
5798s when it's ready
5805s Kane replied to use
5810s uh the most recent patch is awesome
5811s thanks you're welcome I'm glad you're
5812s having fun that's that's really the most
5814s important thing
5817s I had I had a friend come up to me
5820s um who I haven't seen in years
5825s um they had no idea I was working on
5827s this game at all but they knew like when
5830s we played Diablo 2 back in the day a lot
5831s I said came up to me and sent me a
5832s message uh on Facebook
5835s um and they're like dude you gotta check
5837s out this game it's so much fun and I was
5840s like
5841s they're like it's it's just like Diablo
5843s I know you're gonna love it
5845s um and they actually kind of they
5847s pitched my own game to me and I was like
5850s the whole time I was just reading I'm
5851s just kidding like this is so fantastic
5854s um I just sent them a link to uh one of
5858s the Dead streams
5860s they felt kind of silly it was sweet
5862s though
5863s I was quite pleased it made my week
5870s uh
5873s I mean like we can do the criticoids
5875s it's not that bad we're not like relying
5877s on crit
5878s it'll wear out for the boss get that
5880s experience
5883s oh don't forget to put at last game in
5885s the question so I answered but I got one
5887s here that I saw anyways hey like will
5888s item shop purchases whenever that comes
5891s in
5892s uh I think this means like ntx shot
5894s purchases available to work with offline
5896s characters currently offline characters
5898s have the appearance tab grade out that
5900s is the plan to stay as it is grayed out
5903s at the moment so we don't plan to add
5904s them right now it could change but we
5907s don't have plans for immediately at
5908s least
5910s frostbite shackles look like the splash
5912s art on the gloves I'd be so happy maybe
5915s two
5916s uh am I insane playing hardcore without
5919s a shield using Commander I'm only level
5921s 82 right now no no no no no you're you'd
5924s be insane if you're doing that on a
5925s rogue
5927s um but no there's there's
5929s um
5931s so there's this stat right here that's
5932s 92 less bonus damage taken from critical
5934s strikes
5936s um
5937s on two-handers this is uh this is a
5939s really important mod if you're gonna be
5940s on two-hander
5942s um if you want to not have to worry
5944s about
5945s um
5946s uh critical strikes which is really
5948s important to do so you don't get spiked
5950s um there's then Titan heart is a
5952s fantastic uh chess piece probably with
5955s two-handers
5959s um you do like like void night you can
5960s do
5962s um Druid you can do you do all sorts of
5964s stuff with it
5970s was there any discussion on the
5972s possibilities for eyeballs to have
5973s conditionals that's uh plus 30 Health if
5977s this Idol is next to a two by two Idol
5978s yeah we've talked about this a lot
5981s um positioning uh and stuff like that
5984s this is this is definitely something
5985s we've talked about a lot and you'll see
5986s you'll notice that the centerpiece is is
5989s is empty they're not empty but
5991s unavailable to have something placed in
5993s it
5994s um
5995s and there's there's definitely a lot of
5999s mechanics we've discussed and explored
6002s for future content relating to the
6005s relative position of Idols in your idle
6008s inventory
6009s uh and possibly having other mechanics
6011s that tie into that as well but I don't
6014s have enough nothing's been decided on
6017s that nothing's been green light
6018s nothing's been uh like figured out or
6021s anything like that
6025s but we've talked about it a lot and when
6027s we talk about stuff a lot it means we
6028s like it usually
6030s uh what kind of data do you look at when
6033s deciding how to change balance skills
6034s yeah there's a lot here
6038s um I think we'll get into more
6041s data-driven formal balancing as we get
6044s um for the towards launch
6047s at the moment there's there's a lot of a
6051s lot of just discussions that happen
6052s about it so
6054s um we we do look at things like
6057s um
6058s just like
6060s every Everything really so everything
6062s from just
6064s hey was anyone playing this how did it
6066s feel just on our internal weekly play
6068s tests and uh all the way up to like
6072s trying to find data on
6074s specific like play percentages and
6076s things like that
6077s uh right now it's definitely more skewed
6080s towards discussions and feelings
6084s um partially because we're still in
6086s development right like it's
6088s I I think that we're gonna be always
6091s using that as a very
6094s um as a primary tool for balancing
6097s um because because data doesn't tell you
6099s everything and and did out of context
6101s can be very misleading
6102s so it's we do feel it's important to use
6106s as many different methods as possible to
6108s get as high quality of an overall
6111s picture
6112s for improving the game
6114s with balance going forward and like one
6117s of the big things we're trying to do
6118s when we balance the game is
6120s um increase the
6123s chances
6125s Ingress Jets where if you don't follow
6126s build guide you just play something
6128s that's you think will be fun and make
6130s your own build
6131s um is it going to the chances of that
6134s doing well
6136s is one really important metric for for
6138s balance so like if someone just picks up
6141s and plays and has fun and just goes for
6143s it and experiments what's the likelihood
6145s that they're gonna get to empowered
6146s monoliths and finish empowered models
6148s and get to level 100 what what are the
6149s chances of all those things assuming
6151s that they're a good player
6154s um and then then there's also
6156s information that's that's really
6157s important
6159s um looking at like okay these These are
6162s the the top meta builds available
6165s um do any of them generate uh
6168s degenerate gameplay So like
6171s um
6172s oh there's this build that's like real
6174s sweet and you can one shot any boss with
6176s it but there's a half hour setup that
6178s you got to do standing outside the
6180s bathroom before you do it haha have fun
6182s no that's awful you know like so there's
6186s there's there's things there's more than
6187s just numbers there's a lot of things to
6189s go into deciding how we're gonna balance
6190s something when we're gonna bounce
6191s something all that stuff that's a sweet
6194s hat too bad it's completely useless for
6196s us
6203s I'm gonna make a rogue or a marksman at
6206s some point so let's just
6208s stash that away and that was a cool
6222s it's a nice ring
6227s frenzy and Hayes went hit
6237s that's fine
6238s we need the shards
6243s um uh any teasers on what you intend for
6246s sets while I enjoy them uh they can use
6249s some LP wise Chase maybe a progress a
6251s progress tree uh you can feed other set
6254s item drops into set drops into
6257s um
6258s that's that that's that's a cool that's
6260s a cool thing we have uh talked about
6261s doing where like
6263s uh you can find like
6265s 40 of this set item to like fully power
6268s up the the set of pizza or whatever step
6269s onto something and and there's some real
6271s problems there so we aren't gonna do
6273s that
6274s um we do have plans for
6277s uh
6279s set mechanics and uh improving of set
6282s mechanics
6284s um
6285s expanding all the possibilities because
6287s there's there's there's definitely room
6288s for awesome and they're not awesome yet
6291s and we want awesome so we're gonna make
6293s them awesome
6296s um but I can't tell you exactly what
6297s it's gonna look like yet we did we did
6299s uh very recently last week agree on uh
6303s uh mechanical change for set items going
6305s forward that we're gonna test
6307s um
6308s it's not in yet we haven't touched it
6309s yet so it's it's in the
6312s um
6314s queued for development
6317s um
6319s column
6325s I need better AOE
6328s I get in here and I'm just like
6332s not doing the AOE
6337s what can I add to this build for better
6339s aov
6345s kind of attempts to like change flurry
6346s to puncture or something like that
6360s I don't know
6368s oh come on
6383s a little Ring Around the Rosie okay uh
6385s what teasers have you given out today uh
6388s we did Rogue t65
6390s um and then I've got a little video to
6392s play
6395s um
6396s I'm trying to think of a coded way to
6398s answer this question so you know what it
6399s is but no one else knows what it is and
6401s I got nothing
6402s so I'm just gonna play it safe and uh
6407s hang out in my little bubble
6420s difficulty it was just too high to
6422s figure out a way to uh
6425s say it's you coated
6432s just just yeah just give them a better
6434s perspective on what's coming up
6441s anyone picked Anna up on it that was me
6443s actually trying to communicate to
6444s someone what it is
6456s oh I did survive
6457s I thought it was dead for sure
6465s shift iframes
6469s I don't care if it's bugged it worked
6471s for me
6484s my goodness me
6492s my damage is
6494s woefully terrible
6500s I can't do the arena because
6504s you know what
6507s I think we're gonna just show it I've
6508s done so many times you've earned it
6509s we're gonna Hammer a couple questions
6510s here let me do it alone sir mcfluffing
6512s coming in hot you just picked the best I
6515s don't know if you heard me say I'm gonna
6516s just show it and then rate it or not but
6517s my goodness that was the best time you
6519s possibly could have had welcome to the
6521s Stream
6522s come on in let's take a look at the
6525s spoiler thanks to the resub too 23
6526s months oh we're getting there oh we're
6528s getting there
6536s it's gonna it's gonna mess it up too
6537s isn't it
6539s oh no it's good okay sweet
6541s so this is
6543s um this is a test clip for some new
6547s camera control systems that we're
6549s working on
6551s um
6552s for special events and specific
6554s locations and
6556s um
6557s you know it's it's you you won't see
6559s this much Dynamic camera movement in uh
6562s in like most zones and situations like
6566s this is a very special situation
6569s um
6570s yeah we've just been expanding our
6572s camera control tools and scripting for
6574s different events in game and thank you
6576s very much to akimodo's
6579s uh Elven shoes that's cool Dave I like
6582s that
6583s nice uh for the sub thank you very much
6587s you got a couple questions about this
6588s replay a few times here because I'm
6589s gonna try and Hammer something so I
6591s don't just die
6592s another question but thank you for the
6594s new beans on items so much better
6596s quality of life than before I appreciate
6597s all the hard work you guys do for us
6599s players you're welcome glad you enjoy
6600s them
6608s with it
6611s uh
6614s Judd offering up teasers oh it's danger
6616s zone uh I've been any internal
6619s discussions about adding extreme and
6621s game Boss Fights uh something came to
6623s pee wee Uber boss points oh yeah
6624s oh yeah
6627s we haven't we like Orvis isn't even in
6630s the game yeah he's seems like a pretty
6631s big Baddie to fight right
6633s uh does the blessings with the item drop
6636s work correctly yes trying to farm
6638s Leviathan Carver and I got two-headed
6640s sword drop blessing but I'll get his
6641s other stuff
6642s oh but I get all other stuff but that
6646s RNG is RNG when I farm a node unique set
6649s two-handed swords one-handed or and
6651s daggers I ate too much the others yeah
6655s RNG
6657s can be a cruel mistress
6660s um solution is to how manual lowering of
6663s corruption that groups can share the
6665s increase I I agree that is a good
6667s solution for it
6673s uh when is the last time you didn't have
6676s a beard oh the last time I didn't have a
6678s beard was uh the second week of
6682s University
6683s so I was like 19 or something
6686s um
6688s and there was an opportunity for
6691s participation in uh early University
6695s shenanigans
6697s uh and I I'm I'm one to dive in face
6701s first with these sorts of things so to
6702s speak
6704s um and I spent the first week two weeks
6708s of University with with a beard that was
6713s it was like there's a spot in my beard
6714s you can't even see it now there's a spot
6716s like right here underneath the spot
6718s right here underneath my chin that like
6720s doesn't grow or did actually it's
6723s growing pretty well now but it didn't
6724s grow for a long time very well so it's
6725s like a little like Gap there and so I I
6727s shaved everything underneath and like
6730s ended up with like sideburns that came
6731s down and up into the mustache so it was
6734s like shaved yeah it was it was horrible
6736s it was great
6738s um
6739s was actually a request because I was
6741s always that would be funny
6743s so that was
6748s uh
6749s uh quite a few years ago
6751s quite a few years ago
6756s any skill set mechanics you wish people
6758s would play around with more because
6761s bees is excluded as an answer
6765s um
6766s no I mean there's lots of really cool
6767s stuff going on all over the place and uh
6770s uh I I think Shaman is the is the is the
6773s cheaty answer there but that's well put
6774s because yeah
6776s um
6778s I I know no one plays it because it's
6780s bad but I'd love people to play with
6781s Tempest right more
6783s cool
6786s we'll get it fixed and then people will
6787s play with a lot more I know
6789s uh is the goal of the game for as many
6792s builds to be 500 plus corruption viable
6794s 500 is really high I would turn that
6796s number to 300.
6798s uh or do you think it's fine that's only
6800s a select you can go that high like do
6802s you think it's okay that some skills are
6804s decently Trashed by monos
6807s um
6808s yeah I mean like
6810s like getting into monolith I think most
6812s skills should be able to handle that
6815s without a build guide and and be be fine
6817s to get into monthly like like I'm
6819s picking a very unoptimal build system
6821s here and I'm I'm like into monoliths
6824s with like just wrong choices
6828s I think that's a good thing to be able
6830s to do
6832s it's currently 16 27 CT compare this to
6835s me see this okay
6836s oh my brother far behind
6838s 12 minutes behind nope that's 22 minutes
6840s behind
6848s that was a question I missed
6850s uh
6853s why don't I see these questions oh yeah
6854s it's just really far behind sorry
6856s uh thanks for answering my question
6858s design Lord of these things speaking of
6860s Titan femur oh my gosh I'm so far behind
6862s uh we need a unique exciting femur that
6864s Dean's such a D2 bone snap I love about
6866s stuff the bone spear gone
6870s uh been loving the game would it be
6872s possible for some melee attacks removed
6874s from fortnite items
6878s uh probably not
6880s apparently there's a lot of lore of love
6883s for void spells and Fields there isn't a
6886s lot of love for voicemails and it feels
6887s Limited
6889s there we're still trying to have it be
6891s like
6893s they're they're still a melee class that
6895s uses supplements of spells more so
6898s I'll give Simon some Lightning Spell
6900s love for their color pie break I mean
6902s lightning spells is with Shaman still
6903s it's fine right now the only way to make
6905s a lightning storm is to start with
6907s Tempest strike attack on additional
6908s skill notes yet
6912s um but I'd love to add that right now
6913s it's
6914s how extensive are online servers for
6917s video expensive or All In terms video
6918s games
6921s wow expensive uh so we're helping us
6925s understand it coming from a total Noob
6926s of having no idea how that type of stuff
6929s um I I smarter people than I manage that
6932s even now and
6934s um
6935s I uh
6938s they're they're really expensive
6941s that's all I can say uh be honest now
6944s early in the game after you get the
6946s first town There's a chord progression
6949s that sounds like Pink Floyd Welcome to
6950s the machine I'm not crazy right I do not
6953s know that song well to make that
6955s comparison
6956s um I would I suspect that so there's
6959s there's this thing where like whenever
6960s you make something creative right
6962s um even things that you uh try to avoid
6967s or or try to ignore or don't intend to
6969s to let seep in
6971s stuff you're just like a ring of failure
6973s go back down here and hide
6977s um you'll still like your experiences
6980s uh interact with what you create
6984s definitely it happens
6985s um having subconsciously all the time
6987s for basically every creative medium for
6990s every person it's like in the the nice
6993s way of putting that is like you get
6994s inspired by certain things and um
6998s like maybe that happened I don't know
7000s I'm not the composer
7004s what builds this this is my two-handed
7007s flurry lethal barrage poo poo garbage
7008s build
7011s uh is it which is cold spell and cold
7014s dot viable can make it work with
7015s wealthier crafting it's pretty weak it
7017s needs some love it's gonna get some
7020s uh is there any chance to give the
7022s backpack for people that bought the game
7023s after the 0.9 release I don't think so
7026s um it's one of those things where like
7028s um
7030s it's it's
7032s if we did it kind of
7035s makes what we said before not true you
7038s know
7039s but there's gonna be lots of
7041s opportunities for cool stuff don't you
7042s worry
7045s uh if Falconer will be released before
7048s 1.0 yes I have very concrete info about
7050s that it will not
7053s I love Ellie would struggle to
7055s understand sub-skill sailing scaling
7057s stats Etc will it be any way to show
7059s sub-skill crit chance flat and percent
7062s damage Etc we don't have any plans that
7063s right now there's some problems with
7065s that
7066s um if we find a way to do it yeah
7071s Ruby Fang
7084s yeah like this this Falls victim very
7086s heavily to the
7088s um
7089s like weak weak implicits
7094s we're gonna make sets awesome
7097s have you guys looked at poison builds at
7098s all yes I tried doing with blade dances
7100s patch and it feels vastly inferior to my
7102s new flurry multi-shot marker I mean yeah
7104s there definitely are poison builds that
7106s work still
7108s um
7109s poison was
7111s a little busted Opie before the patch
7113s and it did get some overall Nerfs
7116s um
7117s but it was necessary if you had if you
7121s had tried it the
7123s um
7124s if anyone had ever tried four player uh
7128s poison builds
7129s uh in multiplayer you would have like
7132s immediately after seeing that for for
7134s two seconds gone okay well you obviously
7136s have to change that there's what you
7139s know like see either that or just like
7141s give everyone who's not using poison
7143s plus five million percent damage
7146s obviously an exaggeration but you got
7147s the idea you mentioned magic color pies
7150s are you planning to make the classes
7153s um
7154s pillar public
7156s oh sorry when I say pill like design
7157s pillar
7159s um
7161s there's not like a specific uh set of
7163s rules like that I mean but yeah like I
7165s can I can
7167s um this is in so you guys kind of see it
7169s now in the skill tree when you open it
7171s up
7172s um so like Rogue is like physical
7174s physical physical physical physical
7174s physical physical there's a lot of
7176s physical there right
7177s um there's a touch of fire so we got
7178s fire fire uh there's fire over here
7182s um this fire
7184s that's bleed right the fire that's fire
7189s the oh it's poison not fire obviously
7192s um
7193s so yeah there's there's like you see
7195s there's like a decent on fire
7196s um and then there's like a little bit of
7198s cold but not a ton
7200s um there's two cold skills it's three
7201s cold skills so like you can see
7203s um
7204s like there's more cold here in Marksman
7206s there's not a lot in Blade dancer so you
7208s can kind of like get like a little bit
7209s of feel for what's what's happening
7211s where things are coming from
7215s just by looking at there's a bunch of
7216s poison you know this is no necrotic or
7219s void in here anywhere um the other
7221s classes you can see that as well
7223s um
7224s there are missing skills that will
7226s expand those as well
7234s oh
7235s my
7237s goodness
7238s okay yep uh this is just bad in every
7242s way
7245s I don't like to use the term Hoops
7247s completely but uh
7250s chances of this coming together are
7254s low
7258s are you guys uh exploring alternative
7262s ideas to the seasonal content that I'm
7264s uh leveling up from scratch over and
7265s over again uh not at the moment
7269s um but if you really don't want to
7271s participate with a new character
7273s um you will be able to participate with
7274s old characters in standard
7278s uh uh are you guys exploring uh how big
7280s is the dev team right now I I don't know
7282s I'm gonna say 75 and I'm within
7286s a decent
7287s ly small margin of error there I think
7293s hybrid Health in those boots
7297s uh he's child slurry and there are times
7300s for my attacks
7301s sometimes swing but don't do any damage
7304s or this one continuously after Letting
7305s Go the button is the bug if you if you
7307s ever say to yourself is that a bug
7309s doesn't matter please don't report it
7310s but yes it's a bug
7312s uh
7315s haven't unveiled
7317s what this new Echo is have we no but
7320s thanks for the extra bit of information
7322s spoiled for it
7324s I didn't even say it was an echo did I
7328s was
7329s a special Echo tape a new special Echo
7332s type
7333s foreign
7338s but it wasn't me that said it so I can
7340s get away with it
7344s uh what's up skill Skilling stuff
7352s okay I'm dead this place is too exciting
7354s no spoiler was too much for my heart
7356s yeah
7359s sorry
7360s uh can we get some weapon and or armor
7364s perks that leech Health off throwing
7366s damage not just mainly I I'd be pretty
7369s surprised if we did that but possible I
7370s mean I'd say a unique item doing that is
7372s not out of the realm of probability
7379s can you show previous teasers if there
7381s were any for later Rivals oh sure
7385s this was the other thing I changed today
7389s oh we're like I didn't even see the time
7390s my goodness I'm sorry
7394s I'm just I'm gonna Hammer a bunch of
7395s questions while this plays because I
7397s know there's lots of questions that I
7398s missed and I really hate leaving them on
7399s the table
7400s um so I'm gonna just try and power
7401s through these quick Spots I'm sorry if
7402s I'm if I go skipping over them
7406s I think I've heard that you guys might
7408s be changing focus and uh Arcane
7410s ascendancy for mage
7412s uh there's no major plans for that I was
7414s just wondering if that's true uh if so
7416s if you guys have anything in mind
7417s already since I do like I think their
7419s concepts are cool and use Arcane
7421s sentence in some builds but a lot of
7422s nodes feel underwhelming I'm sure
7423s they'll get like glow ups and
7424s improvements and you know like extra
7426s stuff here and there but uh like like
7428s reworks or Replacements are not uh in
7431s the works for those Bobby
7435s very much appreciate it
7437s um also mentioned that the the whole
7439s thing like so some what I've said in the
7441s past
7443s guarantee that was Judd uh the other
7446s thing that I say is that um like oh is
7448s is XYZ on the list yes everything's on
7451s the list every every skill is on the
7453s list for updates and reworks
7455s um some are just dramatically higher on
7456s the list than others
7459s have you thought about adding uh rare
7461s run or glyph that adds x amount of
7463s forging potential to an item but makes
7465s them super rare yes we have very very
7468s carefully explored this idea
7471s no
7474s no
7476s uh whatever happens to Shaman uh shock
7480s chill or stun us yes
7483s love that include support uh we play
7486s any build once
7490s y'all play any build sure
7492s I like fun builds
7494s uh any plans on expanding the idol
7496s system like maybe idle crafting or
7497s resulted Idols or something yeah and
7498s this goes back to what I was saying
7499s earlier about
7500s um having room for growth in in the
7503s mechanical space for systems that we
7506s already have in the game post launch
7508s um and and having those like clear
7510s signpost and things of like well it
7512s looks like we're gonna add more stuff to
7513s this yeah we are
7516s um but having room for uh building on
7519s systems that already exist is really
7521s good for
7523s uh keeping the like Community knowledge
7527s of the game relevant useful and uh and
7531s and up to date things like that so like
7532s it's really easy to say like post launch
7537s um everyone knows how the idle system
7538s Everybody Plays the endosthel system
7540s works no problem
7541s um everyone's been introduced to that
7542s great
7543s um and you you add in idle crafting
7546s maybe it's like a dungeon reward and you
7547s can
7548s um combine like like it it's it's like
7551s literally just not a student as a like a
7554s what if so you had like on your you put
7557s two Idols the same type in and it takes
7559s both the prefixes from one and both the
7561s suffixes from the other and it makes two
7562s new idols and just like kind of like
7564s whoops
7566s it doesn't not something we're doing but
7570s um something like that let's say and
7572s suddenly
7573s um you have like
7576s you see you have new players and most of
7579s the players have been playing with the
7580s Alice system the whole time so most
7581s people will be able to just understand
7583s how this works really easily because
7584s it's not a big change for that
7586s um and they'll be able to help new
7587s players uh learn and explore that as
7590s well yeah temporal sanctum key except
7592s for our horrible attempt earlier
7596s I'm definitely gonna do dungeons next
7597s time so I want to get into uh Capital
7600s sanctions stuff
7604s oh yeah
7606s oh yeah
7608s there's some good ones in there even
7610s more
7615s deep space better than that
7618s all right more questions we're trying to
7620s get through these chat splitting
7625s uh chat splitting into in two at times
7629s is reported I take it I don't know go
7631s report it
7633s uh I I did let this over earlier today
7635s and so much the drug that it pushed
7637s purples off the screen I had to go to
7639s the portal to click some but lost a few
7641s uniques due to clickable too far away
7643s I'm reporting this
7644s um but is this a known issue the ground
7646s levels aren't reacting to pickups yes
7649s it's um
7651s uh I think if you uh if you like put a
7654s rule if you like start a new loot filter
7656s and go like hide all show all it'll
7659s force a Refresh on it I think
7662s like like hide all and turn it off it
7664s should it should I think refresh it
7668s uh we can try that but I really want to
7670s get to these questions
7671s um any consideration to making it
7673s possible to switch to previously
7674s acquired blessings yes we talked about
7676s this a fair bit internally uh we don't
7677s have plans for this right now but it
7679s might happen at some point
7681s um we're not completely against it but
7683s uh at least for now we're not we're not
7685s a specific plans to actually put it in
7687s yet
7689s um make frozen or great all right love
7691s friends
7693s yes it's getting it's temperature is
7695s getting its role change so it's not
7697s going to be a
7699s um spammable melee skill uh early in the
7702s early in the tree it's gonna get moved
7704s later in the tree
7705s um and have its functionality tweaked
7708s and something else is going to take that
7709s place
7711s uh have you considered adding in
7713s spacebar skipping through conversations
7714s or making an option that you skip
7716s instantly past the flavor conversations
7718s with Bender NPCs um nothing specific but
7721s if you had a suggestion go to the forums
7722s leave it there uh
7728s oh jet answer would blow out saying
7730s something different
7731s saying that we have talked about it I
7733s wasn't in that meeting he probably was
7734s uh would you consider playing an
7736s internal test build on stream at some
7738s point yes and I have done this before
7741s um
7741s I I try not to if possible partially
7744s just because it's uh there's there's a
7747s very high chance for accidental spoilers
7750s um
7753s but yeah maybe
7756s all right powering through let's keep
7758s going I love shortly sheer Mana build
7761s but they're gonna be a NERF to passive
7763s lost knowledge
7764s uh right uh maybe it's really strong
7768s it's good
7770s um thought about making party invite
7772s window have priority over everything
7774s else layer wise
7776s uh
7778s no not specifically but maybe we
7781s I think the like the to like the pop-up
7784s like when you get like a pop-up up here
7785s that should be over just about
7787s everything
7788s uh
7791s there might be some stuff in front of it
7792s but it hopefully shouldn't be
7795s currently uh currently the best way to
7797s farm oh wait thank you Anton eight
7800s two months in a row glad to have you
7802s with us
7803s glad you're enjoying it we're overtimed
7805s we're gonna keep reading questions
7806s clearly the best way to farm rare shard
7809s uh rare shade drops is to fight an edge
7812s of the web shade yes but this raises
7814s your corruption yes what if you want to
7816s farm rare shade drops but don't want to
7818s raise your corruption or corruption is
7820s already at the boundary of your
7821s capabilities you can't Farm anymore
7824s um yeah anyways the the thing here is to
7828s um
7830s like
7833s do do lower ones in between to like to
7835s balance it out
7837s um but I think there needs to be more
7838s control on uh stopping you for
7842s corruption from going higher and or just
7843s dropping it completely
7849s Judd making me look bad writing stuff
7851s down ugh
7853s uh Justin filter off and back on the
7856s hockey works for me okay just the
7857s hockey's not cool
7859s that was for the items reconfiguring
7861s themselves uh any idea if we will see a
7864s rewarding feature for alt characters
7868s um
7870s this is a tricky one because some people
7872s really hate playing alts and so having
7875s stuff like that is is difficult we do
7878s have things for like easier leveling of
7880s alts
7881s um which is a little different though
7882s like getting bonuses on one character
7884s for another character's progress is
7887s at best
7893s uh hey can you update please the Rapture
7896s and creature like that movement and
7897s actions because they look kind of odd
7900s um please head to the forums through a
7901s suggestion there and I managed to only
7904s go seven minutes over and answer all the
7906s questions I think
7912s that's it that's all I got for you
7915s oh
7917s last one from Judd oh you're the best
7919s and you should know it thank you
7920s appreciate that
7921s I just had a fun today I hope you did
7923s too if I missed your question I
7926s apologize uh we have lots of very active
7928s people answering questions over on our
7930s Discord we're gonna ask the devs channel
7932s um if you want to get in touch with one
7933s of us if it's a gameplay related thing
7935s that you think community members might
7936s know even ask the community Channel very
7938s knowledgeable people in there answering
7940s questions all the time
7942s um lots of great other communities too
7943s uh we're active on Reddit and other
7946s social media platforms and uh our forums
7949s great forms all sorts of stuff you can
7951s get in touch with us if you want to ask
7952s questions I will be back same time same
7954s place next week uh if you need a Discord
7956s link I think if you scroll down slightly
7958s it's there or it's possibly just Discord
7960s slash last
7964s or maybe the last default game
7966s uh there it is just got it
7968s oh the first time uh yeah
7973s that'll do it for everyone here
7975s um we'll be back yeah next time same
7976s place
7977s same time next week same bat Time same
7980s bad place
7985s I hope everyone had fun
7994s let's go say hi to someone
8003s here's a new player
8006s that was fun help him out maybe
8008s be nice
8015s see you next time everybody bye
8030s God