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Is this a good option to suggest? Some of the echoes get supper big and they are hard to navigate the specific rewards. So for example if I want "rune echo" I can just search it and it will highlight it.

Let me know if you like this idea or it's not relevant (or if there is a way currently, I personally don't see it). '

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

We actually get this suggestion pretty regularly. It was something we considered and very nearly included. We haven't reconsidered it recently but I could see it being a discussion topic again.

It has the advantage of convenience when navigating very large timelines. It also would probably help once we end up with more types too. Right now, I'd personally be more interested in a filter style. Something like a collapsible list of toggles you could select which types to highlight. That way you aren't wondering if you've used the right search term. Many people who played a lot of D3 would search "legendary" hoping to find "uniques" and get nothing as a result.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by hardolaf

Could you do both the filter style and a text search so we can do more fine-grained searches?

It is technically possible. However, we probably wouldn't ever do both and we currently have no plans to do either.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by adriannn87

Hey, I know this is a different topic but maybe you know, are we gonna have zdps support builds when 0.9 launches?

You'll be able to go full support if that's what you mean. Like it won't ever be literally zero dps unless you just equip a single healing spell 5 times.