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So, I'm playing a build that turns Wandering Spirits into a channeling skill using the Song of the Lost Chantry node. My questions are as follows:

  • I noticed in the tooltip on that node that it doesn't increase total spirits revealed. Is there a way to increase the total number of spirits revealed on the tree, and if so, is it the "Lingering Souls" node, or the "Eternal Haunt" node?
  • Is there a cap on how many spirits you can have revealed at once that isn't tied to the reveal duration?
  • How does reveal duration affect the skill when it is channeled, as opposed to a one-off, single cast skill? I'm under the impression reveal duration only matters when the skill isn't being channeled, but I could be wrong.
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over 2 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBreakfastBaron

Does increasing the spirit duration reveal more spirits in total? Because the channeling node gives me perma spirits as long as I'm channeling.

It doesn't mean that more will be revealed in total, but it does mean that you'll have more at once as long as you've been channelling for longer than the normal duration of an individual spirit.

over 2 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBreakfastBaron

So let me see if I have this right. Wandering Spirits has 3 main stats that it scales from:

  • Spell Duration (the total duration of the spell from beginning to end, during which spirits are revealed at the Reveal Rate and last until either their individual Spirit Duration ends, or the Spell itself ends, which itself ends the duration of all remaining spirits).
  • Spirit Duration (the duration that an individual spirit lasts, default at 4 seconds each).
  • Reveal Rate (the rate at which spirits are revealed, over the course of the Spell Duration).

By using the channeling node, the Spell Duration ceases to be relevant, because Spell Duration is now tied to channeling duration -- it starts when you start channeling and ends when you stop channeling.

It doesn't mean that more will be revealed in total, but it does mean that you'll have more at once

"More at once" is what I meant when I said "revealed in total", sorry if that was confusing. So to summarize, if I increase the base 4 second Spirit Duration, that leads to more spirits being active at once while I'm channeling, which increases the overall number of total spirits I have active while channeling, right?

That summary is all correct.

if I increase the base 4 second Spirit Duration, that leads to more spirits being active at once while I'm channeling, which increases the overall number of total spirits I have active while channeling, right?
