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I hope this makes sense

So this might sound weird but I was thinking about Tetris and I got a rough idea of how EHG could bring pseudo pvp to LE. It would definitely not be a traditional pvp, it would be a PvPvE mode.

Use ELOs system

So how would the actual match work you ask, well it would spawn one player in an arena (incorporate what we have already) in the Divine era one in the same area but in the ruined era(no time jumping allowed) it would be wave based in a sense. Wave one would spawn and random different packs of mobs would spawn on the map and you would have a set time to kill all the mobs. Once you kill a mob it will send the killed mob to the other era and then once killed a 2nd time they disappear. This is where the Tetris idea come in where if you clear your lines you send them to your opponent. Round one would have a set time and providing both players killed all mobs within the time and did not die you move onto the next round. If you die or fail to kill all mobs you lose. As the rounds progress the difficulty increases and the time needed to kill all mobs reduces. So as the match prolongs itself it will become harder and harder. For example wave one would have a minute to kill all mobs and wave 10 would have 30 seconds to kill mobs. For the difficulty wave one would be the same as empowered 100 difficulty where wave 10 would have empowered 500 difficulty both raising mob damage and mob hp.

So this is just my take on a possible pvp and I know every idea can be ripped apart do as you like this is just one players mind. Sorry for the long read I hope it was clear and not to much of a mess. Thanks for reading of you made it this far.

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11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I think this is a cool idea for a head to head competitive mode.

With regards to the ranking and matchmaking, in the future you can just say a modified ELO system.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by legiononeps4

no idea what that is but will do

It's just what you described.