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Where and who to ask if I can get a RAH rune tattooed? I know it seems wierd but I can't imagine using someone else's art without their consent. Also if I get their acceptance is there an option for a image of said rune? Edit: I'm not worried about legal repercussions, just want to fair to the artist.

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7 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by bierzuk

Do you have a link maybe?

Hi, it's me, Mike from the EHG stream.

You are more than welcome to get a Rah rune tattoo.

I have but one request (that is fully optional). Please post a picture of it :)

7 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by bierzuk

Could I get a separated image of it?

Yea, I'm already looking for it for you on discord :)