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As the title says with the patch coming Sunday what will everyone be running for release of the new cycle? Personally im.hoping we see some buffs for rogue bow builds if we do I'm going to give thet a shot, if not I think ill.be making a warlock to farm and get my other characters some items as I think warlock is probably the best class to use currently besides runemaster

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9 months ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by Blaublueter

Dont know yet. I hope that ward doesnt get a huge nerf. Most of my builds go around that. At the same time, i am hoping that ward gets a nerf because most of the time its the better choice for endgame and i do not like that we dont have more choices, so a nerf in that direction would be nice.

Many people said a ward hard cap would be nice but that would make 5 of my builds obsolete. So i hope for a "good" nerf.

Otherwise i would love to make a forge guard build but at the moment i think it is just too bad, so i look at it again after patch day.

Builds that generate very large amounts of ward are being nerfed, but there will not be a cap. A large part of the enjoyment of ARPGs for a lot of people is pushing their builds further and further, and stat/resource caps can be a bit of a kill joy in that respect. They're definitely necessary in some cases, imagine if there was no resistance cap, but we like to avoid them where we can.