Hi Nomads,
We are very excited to finally be able to start revealing more details about the next season of Last Oasis. There’s quite a few things to talk about, starting with me taking over the role of community manager while gladiator continues to focus on the other tasks she has within the studio, so you can expect a lot more of me in the near future :)
Moving forward, we’ll start sharing a lot more details about Season 5 changes. With such a vast overhaul of the game in the works for quite a while now, there is plenty to show to you all. We’ve decided to split it into devblogs each focusing on specific parts of the overhaul.
Next week we will be releasing our very first devblog, which will be focused on showcasing the new creatures coming to Last Oasis, AI systems getting completely rewritten from the ground up, changes to physical mobs, design of new mobs and re-design of old mobs, and how they fit into the new direction Last Oasis will be going with the new season.
Although a lot of things will be changing in this new season of LO, these reworked mobs, both old and new, will be playing the biggest role in this overhaul, and we are excited to show you more about these changes in the upcoming devblog.
Another thing that I feel it’s very important to mention: During the months after Season 4’s release, we weren’t just working on developing new content or already developing this “LOverhaul”, but also trying to find a new direction for the game.
A question that often pops up is whether or not there is a formalized vision for Last Oasis - we’ve always had a vision for the game, but clearly that approach wasn’t working out for a variety of reasons.
We believe that we’ve come up with a much better direction for Last Oasis, and we seriously cannot wait to show you. The team and I are very thrilled to hear the feedback and responses about this overhaul from you, the community. I cannot emphasize enough how much the game is about to change in massive ways; practically every part of the game is getting re-designed and changed in some form or another, conforming to our new vision for Last Oasis. We overturned a ton of previous decisions where we felt change was necessary, and I really hope I can convey a proper image of this new version of LO through our future devblogs.
We are also very happy to let you guys know a lot of the work “under the hood” is mostly complete. Soon, we’ll be looking into public testing some of the new features and content. The majority of these tests will be completely open to everyone to join, with few of them being private (generally, we do private testing to make sure to iron out the really bad issues like constant crashing and whatnot, before it goes to the public).
- Neon
While you wait for next week’s devblog, I’ll leave you with a picture of one of the new creatures coming to the game. We call him the "Mountain Crawler", but it’s more of a temporary name. I heard some of you in the community simply know him as 🪨. chadz calls him "Gogo", you might have to fight him about that.