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I want to finally get into this game as I’m tired of hearing my friends scream at each other over their custom match and not being able to take part in it.

I’m a rather experienced SMITE Conquest/Duel player so I have a pretty decent understanding of how MOBAs work but I’m not having the easiest time at switching from an over the shoulder perspective to a 3rd person isometric one. In smite I play mostly adc however there are a couple of things keeping me from playing the role in this game. The part I like the most about playing adc in smite is that after level 5 (you get ult at 5) the support usually leaves to help out the mid laner, leaving the carry to solo farm and opens a lot of 1v1 opportunities and apparently that’s not very common in LoL. Also one of the most important skills of being an adc in smite is hitting and dodging basic attacks and that doesn’t exist in this game. Is kiting LoL’s variant of this? Should I try to keep this playstyle in a different lane or do you recommend learning a new way of playing?

If there are any ex or current smite players reading this I play Ullr, Anhur and Hou Yi, are there any gods with similar kits? From the few abilities I took a look at apparently Lucian ult is Anhur ult and Vayne’s 3 is his 2, but that’s pretty much all the similarities I found.

Any help would be appreciated.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Interject - Direct link


Here are a couple ADC options to check out:

Miss Fortune has an AoE ultimate (Not exactly like Hou Yi, however) and her Q has an angle component to it for hitting behind the target.

Varus has a fun kit if you like skillshots and combos.

Ashe is overall a great kit to get started with the role.

I'd argue that the two games are different enough that you might want to give other positions a shot. While it's not an exact comparison, I think a bruiser jungle might scratch that Anhur itch (Trundle even has a wall/pillar ability). Kindred is a ranged jungle champ that has some similarities in play styles to those as well. A ranged top laner (Quinn, Vayne, Swain) might suit your solo play style more, too.

Your support shouldn't be taking your farm as ADC, there are items that allow them to gain gold without taking farm. A lot of the play around autos in laning is around timing movements/hits to the opponents auto attack animations.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Interject - Direct link

Originally posted by Electronic_Bid4659

(Quinn, Vayne, Swain) Ah, I see you're a man (or woman, I don't judge) of trolling the toplane as well.

Teemo player :D