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Riot Scruffy Tweeted the upcoming changes for patch 11.9

11.9 Patch Preview

This is the MSI patch so we're hoping to add a bit of diversity to the pro meta. Also we have a few solo Q outliers (and overbuffs from last patch) that we wanted to tone down.

Imgur (image) version: https://i.imgur.com/OIr31J2.png

>>> Item Nerfs <<<

Turbo Chemtank

Deadman's Plate

>>> Item Buffs <<<

Moonstone Renewer

Death's Dance

Wits End

>>> Champion Nerfs<<<




Dr. Mundo

Rumble (Mid)


Jinx (Bug fix nerf)




>>> Champion Buffs <<<








Kayn (Rhaast)


External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by kakaleyte


Can I ask why Fiddlesticks didn't get nerfed? His core item got nerfed in latest patch and I though it might do it but he is still overperforming.


Champion Win Rate Pick Rate Ban Rate
Fiddlesticks 54.72% 4.6% 6.4%
Rumble(mid) 54.66% 3.1% 3.8%
Diana(mid) 53.90% 4.1% 12.1%

Fiddlesticks is definitely looking strong but he didn't hit our Overpowered bands this patch. Our win rate metrics put him a bit lower than what you have cited here.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by MinorBones

Are you guys satisfied with Akali right now? Seems like she's finally good in solo q without being a priority for pro play.

I think so? Definitely want to see more competitive patches but she seems in a much less pro-bound spot than she was before.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by FunnyBunnyH

All right I am giving it my best shot on behalf of Lux-mains! Is it possible to get any buffs to her in the foreseeable future? In 11.8 she hit the worst stats as far as I can tell regarding S11, even her Mid WR dropped sub 50 in most ELO-s. Her support WR below 50% across most ELO all season.

She did not receive any reasonable changes since 10.17 (her shield nerf), but her WR-s went down significantly in both position in S11, especially support role, meaning that the item-changes and the massive meta shift kinda left her in a bad spot.

Given her being a very popular champion, I think some buffs to her would make a lot of people happy, without making her OP given how far from optimal she is at the moment in the current meta.

Any thoughts on this /u/Riotjag ?

We brought her up and she felt close to the line of buff territory. Maybe in the next few patches? Sorry, can't promise any more than that, but I do hear you.