

15 Sep

10 Sep


Originally posted by LookAtThisGraphs

They forgot Janna?

Micropatch just went out to fix her W bug.

06 Sep

30 Aug


Originally posted by bns18js


Wish (R)

Heal :: 100/135/170/205/240 >>> 100/130/160/190/220

[NEW] Clears Grievous Wounds on Allies before applying the Heal.

The numbers you listed are for Soraka's W Astral Infusion. Not her R wish. So which one is it are you guys really buffing?

I think it makes more sense for her ult. It's your ULTIMATE ability so that should feel good and impactful. It's also unlikely to break anything while slightly increasing her performance overall.

Where as her spammable W heal is the more problematic of the two. This is the main source of player frustration where a single target gets repeatedly healed and not dying. This should still be subject to grievous until soraka's power budget shifts at least, because it tends to leads to really bad gameplay patterns if strong.

My apologies, this is what I actually meant to write:


Healing 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240 >>> 100 /130 / 160 / 190 / 220


Removes Grievous Wounds on allies before healing them.


Originally posted by mazrrim

while this is much appreciated could you consider a more active version like empowered ws (q hitting then w) removing and giving protection from grievous for the duration.

This isn't going to change grievous wounds being instantly re-applied allowing for healing to be a dedicated playstyle, it just makes the ult much bigger.

Numbers should go down on healing to compensate for this but it makes the entire game feel less like not getting to play when all your kit is cut by 60%.

Also healing items are basically still bugged and dont apply properly to work on the same statline as grievous wounds

Grievous wounds isn't cancelled out additively in the same stat line as healing bonus as you might expect

60 healing reduction isn't changed to 25% healing reduction with 35% bonus

If you would heal 100 you heal 100x0.4x1.35 = 54 instead of 100 x 0.75 =75

This means all items like ardent and staff feel awful to buy.

We tested that Q/W change last week, and it had the unfortunate effect of making the counterplay extremely unclear.

The R change felt more reasonable - it's giving Soraka a tool to deal with her counter-mechanic, but gated in an appropriate fashion (long cooldown).


Originally posted by mazrrim

Please PLEASE let me play around grievous wounds as soraka , I have been unable to play her in d2-masters elo ever without it feeling like I am trolling after enemy rushes these items plus ignite at 60%

I would not say we think Grievous Wounds is in an optimal state - we do want to revisit the system. In the meantime, we're going to change Dr. Mundo and Soraka to smooth them out a bit given the counter items available. The goal is to increase performance when GW is applied to them, and slightly reduce it otherwise.

A fair amount of champions invest heavily in healing; these two, more than others, are entirely built around healing as the output they actually offer. This is contrast to say, Aatrox, Vladimir, or Swain, who definitely care about healing but have a lot of healing-independent offensive outputs to give their team.


Astral Infusion (W)

Heal :: 100/135/170/205/240 >>> 100/130/160/190/220

Wish (R)

[NEW] Clears Grievous Wounds on Allies before applying the Heal.

Dr. Mundo

Maximum Dosage (R )

Heals 20% of missing HP >>> Gains 15/20/25% of missing HP as Bonus HP

Heals 20/45/70% of max HP ov...

Read more

26 Aug


Originally posted by Therenas

I wonder how they would change someone like Singed after seeing the Draven example.

save this comment

22 Aug


That's very healthy. I hope you have a great experience with your next game.

17 Aug


Originally posted by KrabbyEUW

As someone who loves playing Akshan the W nerf sounds fair. Means people get counterplay. Although it does feel bad that you no longer get rewarded for killing Scoundrels with ignite after dying or when your last AA flies to them to finish them after you die.

One of our playtesters quickly started buying GA as an adaptation, which I thought was really interesting.

08 Aug

30 Jul

23 Jul


Originally posted by Aries_Zireael

Just want to say that im having a lot of fun playing Akshan. Its been a while since i had been this excited for a new release. Congrats!!

Love to hear that :)


I upvoted this.

13 Jul


Originally posted by AddictedToCatz

One of my mains is getting nerfed and the other one is getting buffed, but at least it is rightfully to do so. Thank you Riot for this amazing patch.


12 Jul


Originally posted by bns18js

Oh haha I was more talking about the overall structure/flow of such meetings, not necessarily the details for a specific meeting. Similar to how the balance framework let us know alot about how the game is balanced on a macro level.

Interesting idea. Will consider it.


Originally posted by bns18js

Highest priority was lightly reshaping a few elements to make her less pro bound. We think we hit that, but we'll need to see her in an actual pro environment first.

Solo queue stats from low to high elo certainly support this hypothesis so far.

We're going to have our patch meeting today (State of the Game)

Can the public gain more insights about such meetings? I'm very intrigued.

I just gave some more insight about that meeting! :P

Probably can't give a whole lot more atm.


Originally posted by Qiob

dude I always see you in the comments on these posts. respect

Thanks! Glad my presence is helpful.


Highest priority was lightly reshaping a few elements to make her less pro bound. We think we hit that, but we'll need to see her in an actual pro environment first.

Next priority was buffing her (having more room due to that increased pro fairness), more aimed towards buffing lower MMRs. We hit that too but we may have gone too far in terms of net buff. She's actually within most win rate bounds that we have set for balance framework goals; she'd be a reasonable candidate for a nerf but not a priority one. We're going to have our patch meeting today (State of the Game) and I'm quite sure we'll discuss her in more detail then.