Just wanna say first, thanks for taking the time to reply to these threads. I’m sure ADC mains appreciate being able to see the thought process behind the decisions.
I wanted to ask what your thoughts on the state of Mortal Reminder are right now. I often have the feeling of too many balls to juggle as an ADC in terms of buying items—needing to buy Damage, Armor Pen, AS, and a defensive item and then on top of that a situational Grievous Wounds item. If I need to buy Mortal Reminder, then I’m likely stuck without a defensive item or without a core-identity zeal item(e.g. Runaans Jinx/Aphelios, Rapidfire Cait/Jhin). If I choose to sacrifice my damage, well, then I don’t do any damage.
On another thought, do you believe armor is too strong in the game currently? By mid to late game we’re talking base armor that negates 40-60 percent of physical damage which, in turn, necessitates the buy of last whisper items. If armor was tuned and last whisper was removed I think build paths would be a lot more healthy. When you think about it, what does an armor pen item even do except give damage more damage which isn’t exciting as crits, a unique zeal property, more attackspeed, a lifesaving defensive item etc. I think if you had gone this route, the runaans damage idea would’ve worked a lot better. Anyway, thanks if you read this.