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Pretty nervous about the direction of added information in LoL preseason.

I wasn't a huge fan of jungle timers being added & now they're adding exact leash ranges, telling you which JG path to take, giving you ward tracking to the second if you ping a ward as they put it down.

It always feels like changes such as this open the door for more and more info to be handed to the players removing some of the advantage of knowledge about the game from you.

How far are we from being given ability CDs for our enemies? Timers in when they arrive back to lane?

WoW went this direction through the evolution of add-ons & weak auras becoming so crazy and it actually made the game at the highest level less skilled IMO because everyone is armed with perfect information.

Those who didn't need add-ons for it lose their edge & the game slows.

These changes don't break the game, but I do think players SHOULD have advantages for learning and studying the game etc and the more knowledge that's just given with no effort to the player the less that side is rewarded.

Please don't turn league into all hands no brain 🙏

A lot of casters and pro players agreeing with this, what are your thoughts reddit?

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over 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Personally, as a non-jungle main but a player familiar with high level jungling, I believe the things being changed here aren’t going to make the role less skillful, but rather improve some of the “out of game studying” and/or “chore management” aspects of the game that are largely inaccessible.

In the end, as others have mentioned, improving jungle accessibility is high priority. In seasons 1-3 before anyone had the game optimized, jungle was more popular since the barrier to entry was lower. Now that some of these “invisible/unintuitive” things are optimized by jungle veterans, newer players to the jungle are effectively gatekept and turned-away. I don’t believe that highly engaged junglers still can’t find MANY things to optimize in their gameplay after these adjustments.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Fleebledee

These jungle changes imply 2 big worries for jungle mains that I don't see addressed anywhere in the post.

  1. Decreased Leash Length: How will this impact champs who clear multiple camps at once such as Fiddle, or anyone trying to do Gromp and Blue Buff at the same time? I'm all for trying to make jungle more accessible, but if these changes make it impossible to take multiple camps at once, then that means these changes would be actively removing skill from the jungle.

  2. Recommended Jungle Pathing: How "in your face" will the recommended pathing be in-game? While yes, experienced junglers will know when to deviate from the recommended path, if the recommended path is super obnoxious then it will make jungle incredibly annoying to play for people who previously loved the role. This could easily be fixed by allowing people to turn off Recommended Pathing somewhere in the client.

Characters that double camp will be likely tuned around single camping. While I 100% agree that skill will be removed by double camping being removed/nerfed, this optimization was one of the "very difficult to learn, especially within the game" mechanics that we were opting to remove for simplicity. If we find that Fiddle, Lillia, etc are significantly nerfed by this adjustment, they will be adjusted. The issue just comes down to these micro optimizations that are practically unlearnable for anyone not watching youtube videos in their spare time.

I believe the recommended pathing will be toggle-able in the settings so that it's not obstructive to those that don't need it.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Characters that double camp will be likely tuned around single camping. While I 100% agree that skill will be removed by double camping being removed/nerfed, this optimization was one of the "very difficult to learn, especially within the game" mechanics that we were opting to remove for simplicity. If we find that Fiddle, Lillia, etc are significantly nerfed by this adjustment, they will be adjusted. The issue just comes down to these micro optimizations that are practically unlearnable for anyone not watching youtube videos in their spare time.

I believe the recommended pathing will be toggle-able in the settings so that it's not obstructive to those that don't need it.

I forgot to mention, you can still pull camps to kill them with DoT on your way to the next camp. That functionality is largely unchanged. Keeping two camps right next to each other is the functionality changed mainly.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by billzhx

Reducing jungle leashing range (admittedly an obscure mechanic) and thus the difference between a practiced and unpracticed clear does make the role less skillful though. There are plenty of time when even pros dont execute the jungle clear correctly and you feel the difference between good and bad clears. Taking that away is taking away a means for players to differentiate themselves.

These things are targeted partly because they aren't learnable in-game. If I'm doing my own thing in my jungle and the enemy is double camping and chaining camps into each other every camp, all I see at scuttle spawn is they are a camp or two up and I don't understand. Those kinds of micro optimizations that aren't interactive nor learnable are targeted primarily.

It's VERY common that people will refuse to jungle (especially when autofilled) because they just don't know how to clear effectively and being behind the opponent from the offset of the game due to that is historically very discouraging for players new to the role/game.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

But why add specific timers for wards? I believe that change can be discussed. Better team communication? Well we have a ping, we don't need to know exact ward timers. It'll just slow down the game too much..

Because if I ping a ward once, I'm not going to ping it over and over until it dies or glance up at the time, add X seconds, type in chat the location, all while laning so my jungler will come. This should be a streamlined version of that same interaction, you need to have seen the ward go down and you can communicate the information with your team automatically through the ping.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by nizzy2k11

In seasons 1-3 before anyone had the game optimized, jungle was more popular since the barrier to entry was lower.

how was this true? the list of champions who could even clear camps early was extremely limited whereas now its virtually every single champion on the roster. back then you needed to manage your spending around vision and your build, now you need to buy nothing but your build. and back then you needed to track timers without any in game tools whatsoever. but apparently more people played when the role was more difficult, and making it even easier now will make it better after 10 years of simplifying the role?

Because in seasons 1-3 people didn't know how to play. If we left the jungle EXACTLY the same since season 3, jungle mains would have optimized it to the same degree as the current one.

The point is that the gap between mains and newcomers to the role is GIGANTIC in jungle compared to the other roles in the game. We are aiming to remedy that.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by South_Bend13

Has the team considered removing the need for laners having to leash their junglers? Quite frankly having to leash vs someone that did not is very frustrating in specific matchups and having this removed would be a good change for the jungle and laners.

Leashing should be less essential in the new jungle with the pets doing a % of the damage, but overall that's a good place for us to look next.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by ErikThe

Maybe it’s being nit picky on a subject that’s much less broad than an entire role. But isn’t the entire point of playing Riven learning to cancel your animations to do crazy burst damage?

If I’m in lane against Riven I have no way of visually learning what they’re doing because the animations are literally being cancelled. All I see is that Riven moved around a whole bunch and did some haphazard swinging and now I’m dead.

If I’m Gnar all I see is the death recap saying I got hit by a bunch of things that I didn’t even see.

My main point is that sometimes optimizing a game means learning outside the game itself.

I think you kinda hit the nail on the head, there's a difference between that being tied to champs or a role. When it's happening at a role-level, it has LOTS of butterfly effects like ruining queue health (introducing more autofill), ruining game quality, creating really sharp optimizations that we (Riot) need to balance around, etc. For example, if double camping was SUPER effective (which it's close to now), we would need to nerf junglers so that that is their baseline power level. Then anyone not doing that strategy would be MUCH weaker by comparison. This results in the average jungler, especially newer ones, being far less useful teammates than someone who did their "research".