about 4 years
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Season start livestream in 5 minutes!
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Thematic voting is going on now in the client! Sound off: why should your top pick win -- and which Champs do you think would fit each thematic best? 👹Monster Tamers 🌆Crime City Nightmare 🤵Debonair 2.0 https://t.co/WITf9UerjH
Choose a Champion! 📢Make your case: Which Champ deserves the next VGU? 🐅Udyr 🦅Quinn 🐉Shyvana 😱Nocturne 🦂Skarner ☑️Head to the client to vote now! Details here: https://t.co/fHnwAreFM5 https://t.co/IqIFjO0kAC