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For those unaware with the PBE patch today (September 21) Directx 11 is now enabled by default with an option only available in the config to enable legacy Directx9. As someone who has tested it when they first announced the beta for it on I believe PBE patch 10.11 there are a multiple downsides that are still present with it. Do note that the following issues are from my own experiences and I have not asked/collected data from others. Also for those curious PC specs will be listed at the bottom of the post.

#1: Tabbing out of the game in Borderless causes all other processes to lag out (fps drops to single digits) UNLESS the League Client (not the game) is in the foreground/active window. Do note that while the game is the active window that any processes on other monitors show no fps issues.

#2: Tabbing out of the game in Fullscreen causes my PC to search for output sources (all 3 of my monitors go black and refresh the source/search for a new one).

#3: The game will drop fps down to 60 according to the in-game counter (have not yet tested if it is being dropped to the refresh rate of my monitor) but the feeling is as if its lower than what is displayed. This issue can be resolved by tabbing out and back into the game.

#4 (3.5???): Similar to #3 the game will also drop to 60fps (see #3 for complete details) when tabbing out and back into the game. Again similar to #3 tabbing back and forth resolves this issue.

PC Specs

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.4GHz GPU: AMD RX570 OS: Windows 10 Home Edition

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over 4 years ago - /u/Aperill - Direct link

Hey thanks for this! Interestingly enough, we haven't heard of some of these issues being reported yet so having these on our radar with the additional context really helps. We have an ongoing channel for DX11 troubleshooting on the League PBE discord so please feel free to drop by and engage!

Out of curiosity, for the borderless issues could you try disabling fullscreen optimizations and seeing if that helps in any way?

Additionally, for anyone who is encountering issues with DX11 there is a new option in the LCU settings under Game that will allow you to fallback to DX9 Legacy Mode.