From my own point of view - while M6 and M7 are certainly impressive and worth being proud of - it’s entirely better for the state of the match for a player (ally or enemy) to spam their mastery emote after an easily avoidable death than a 3v1 that they win.
(For the record here, I AM talking about spamming - not just one use. While one use may be “annoying”, I personally don’t really see an issue with it, ‘cause it usually doesn’t come of as rude, rather a self-pat on the back)
While it may be tempting to show off your mastery, especially after an impressive display of mechanical skill, in my opinion, spamming M6 and M7 comes off as pompous both for your team and especially the enemies that you just steamrolled. This can lead to an uninvested “really dude” attitude from your mates (‘cause likely nobody on the team will think you’re cool for that), and a tilted “you a**hole” attitude from the opposition. The latter might help you win the game, but at the cost of someone else’s enjoyment, which isn’t good for the state of the game in principle. And yeah, if they’re super pissed, people can call them snowflakes, but at the same time, I think we can all agree it doesn’t feel good get outplayed and then get M7’d 4 or 5 times.
Now, hear me out on THIS: you’re engaging enemies, 2 on 1. You kill the first one, flawlessly. You engage the second, him at full health and you at half, and feel confident in your approach as you’re a bit fed. He misses his CC ability and main damage tool, and then fails a flash over a wall, resulting in an easy kill for you. As you’re walking away, you see the M7 symbol appear over his dead body. That’s something that makes you laugh, and puts everyone in good spirits. It’s an admission of, “While I may be good at this champ, damn did I just f*ck up.” It’s fun, it’s courteous, and it gives everyone a good laugh, which is infrequent in the more competitive side of LoL.
Anyone else agree?
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