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If you're interested in Phreak talking about it here it is

What should we expect? Item nerfs? Champion nerfs?

I'm surprised by his generalisation, as really CRIT ADCs are what's OP right now. Xayah, Draven ecc

On-Hit has been kind of a meme for a while, with the exception of Varus, but even he goes Half Crit/Lethality often

It would be nice if Rageblade was looked at OR we got a good on-Hit Mythic since Kraken doesn't really fill the spot for On-Hits.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by Justalostdudeasking

I was referring to his words around 42 ish minutes, where he states that ADCs weren't weak before, but they buffed up them anyways for "feel good" reasons, via Item/Runes and ended up making the role overpowered.

Also i titled it with the items because that's more clear, as those 3 are the biggest Changes that made ADC stronger, with the Crit Changes and BT shield adjustment.

Obviously there other things in the patch, but not everyone here konows what 13.1b contains, unlike what BT/IE/Navori are and do.

So, I'm gonna disagree with him a bit here. And one of the things I want to get across here is that Riot game designers are not a monolith - we each have a different perspective on things, and that's a strength of the organization, not a weakness.

ADC was relatively a bit underpowered on 13.1a, in addition to having some systems design that was not optimized well to feel good. Since then we both buffed their items and nerfed one of the competing carry classes quite hard in mid-late game carry potential (Fighters), which is also a relative boost for ADCs, so a solid buff ended up landing them relatively somewhat overpowered.

Dragon changes will also have an impact, but that one's complicated - it's lane-to-lane balance and how snowbally the game gets at the same time.

almost 2 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

Is there any plan to reduce snowball? I am quite surprised snowball can be this crazy even with numerous comeback mechanics in the game, with Riot adding more in the form of obj bounties.

Drake change should be pretty meaningful there. Remember that high objective value doesn't just give you the snowball of claiming the objective, it also prompts bigger fights which means more kills giving gold and XP.

That said, snowball isn't that far out of its historic levels right now for most players. It's pretty high for top tier players relatively, but for average play we're pretty close to historic levels.