Hey all!
Withered Rose Talon is coming in hot to PBE with:
- New models and textures!
- New VFX!
- New SFX!
- New Recall!
Withered Rose Talon is set to be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Please leave any feedback or questions you have here!
Riot KiWiKiD
1/21 update: I'm sorry I promised a hood last Talon skin and I couldn't make it happen. I'm sorry there isn't more I can say except I'm sorry. I'm not going to promise a hood for next skin either because unfortunately I don't have that power. I made a really big mistake last PBE thread for Talon by promising a hood for next (this) skin. I hope ya'll can forgive me. I'm going to take all of the feedback in and give it to the team for digesting. Will have another update tomorrow.
1/22 update: Armblade is being made bigger on Tuesday, we're talking to the splash team about getting it tweaked. Thank you for your feedback!
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