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Hey all, Aldonall from LoLTheory.gg here! Welcome back to The Review, where I use tables and numbers to talk about what Riot's most recent balance patch actually affected, and by how much.

Check Out the 10.6 Notes Here

Patch 10.6, AKA the one where Wukong gets reworked. Some other stuff happened to, or so I'm told. Yaddah yaddah, here's a table:

Champion Changes:

Champion Role Change WR 10.5 ⇒ WR 10.6 PR 10.5 ⇒ PR 10.6
Anivia Middle Buff 50.48%  ⇒  49.70% 2.55%  ⇒  2.84%
Aphelios Bottom Nerf 48.64%  ⇘  47.36% 10.52%  ⇓  6.92%
Darius Top Nerf 52.47%  ⇘  50.04% 10.97%  ⇘  9.47%
Draven Bottom Buff 50.10%  ⇗  51.39% 3.85%  ⇗  5.11%
Garen Top Nerf 52.81%  ⇘  51.16% 12.53%  ⇘  9.97%
Garen Middle Nerf 52.99%  ⇒  52.70% 1.80%  ⇒  1.51%
Hecarim Jungle Buff 49.82%  ⇒  50.63% 2.77%  ⇗  3.90%
Kayn Jungle Buff 47.39%  ⇒  48.17% 6.30%  ⇒  5.96%
Kindred Jungle Buff 49.99%  ⇒  50.51% 2.40%  ⇗  2.99%
Morgana Middle Buff 51.31%  ⇒  51.42% 0.56%  ⇒  0.70%
Morgana Support Buff 47.54%  ⇗  49.11% 7.33%  ⇗  8.40%
Ryze Top Buff 45.43%  ⇒  46.11% 1.48%  ⇒  1.61%
Ryze Middle Buff 45.01%  ⇒  45.54% 3.13%  ⇒  3.32%
Senna Top Nerf 54.49%  ⇓  49.78% 1.99%  ⇘  1.21%
Senna Bottom Nerf 54.41%  ⇓  51.07% 6.81%  ⇓  3.86%
Senna Support Nerf 51.54%  ⇘  49.37% 11.15%  ⇘  8.55%
Shaco Jungle Nerf 53.00%  ⇘  51.76% 5.94%  ⇒  5.52%
Shaco Support Nerf 50.63%  ⇒  51.24% 1.26%  ⇒  1.20%
Soraka Support Buff 47.71%  ⇒  48.45% 4.18%  ⇒  4.50%
Twisted Fate Middle Buff 49.78%  ⇒  49.63% 4.28%  ⇑  6.15%
Urgot Top Buff 49.06%  ⇒  49.46% 1.50%  ⇗  2.37%
Veigar Middle Buff 48.52%  ⇗  50.59% 2.52%  ⇗  3.32%
Wukong Top Rework 50.77%  ⇑  54.04% 0.37%  ⇑  8.07%
Wukong Jungle Rework 45.78%  ⇑  52.12% 0.34%  ⇑  5.66%
Wukong Middle Rework 52.57%  ⇒  53.33% 0.63%  ⇗  2.02%
Xerath Middle Buff 48.50%  ⇒  49.29% 2.06%  ⇗  3.04%
Xerath Support Buff 47.91%  ⇗  49.15% 1.44%  ⇗  2.07%


  • Aphelios: And another one. Further down he goes.

  • Darius: After Ornn's fall, Darius stepped up to help fill the void of oppressive champs in the top lane. He gets knocked down a couple pegs here.

  • Garen: See: Darius.

  • Senna: Riot targeted Support Senna, but it looks like Top actually took the biggest hit here, falling by 4.7%. That said, they did manage to knock down ADC Senna by ~3.5%, while Support Senna escapes relatively unscated (- ~2% WR).

  • Wukong: YES. It's about time. Is he overpowered? Yes. Did he deserve a hotfix nerf? Probably. Will I complain about it regardless? You bet your ass I will. These numbers are still a bit inflated, but at this point the post-hotfix sample dwarfs the pre-hotfix one, and Wukong is still above 52% in three roles. Wukong saw improvement in all roles, but Jungle was by far his biggest, spiking over 6% from last patch.


Teleport Changes:

Role TP WR vs Others 10.5 ⇒ 10.6 TP PR 10.5 ⇒ 10.6
Top 47.37%  ⇗  48.74% 74.84%  ⇒  76.98%
Middle 48.72%  ⇒  49.00% 25.60%  ⇒  25.57%


  • In order to isolate the effects of this patch, we decided to only look at games where TP was run versus another summoner spell in the lane. This allows us to avoid having the effect diluted by TP vs. TP matchups, which will always have a 50% WR. Once that adjustment is made, we can see that TP is performing much better in the top lane versus other summoners than last patch.



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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spring_Night

And ofc the Anivia and Soraka buffs do almost nothing.
