Hi everyone.
Today I queued up for a normal draft game after work, just wanting to play one my fav champ.
Once in lobby, someone starts to order me to "lane swap" because they're a 4 people premade and they want to ADC with one of their friend as a supp, which is fine.
But I refused because I really like to play bot.
Starting from here I started getting insults and they'd send me a copy of the report message.
It's all good. I mute them, still go for my game. I'm used to people being toxic in this game.
I'm just wondering why the reports of a 4 stack vs a solo player has any value in league system because I got punished automaticaly when I did nothing wrong but want to play my game. I didn't insult them or anything, just said that I wanted to play my lane (and that the report was a dickhead move which was the only thing looking like an insult).
But those people decided to punish me for it and I get restrictions ?
if I talk I give the system reasons to punish me, if I don't talk I just have to suck it up, if they make game horrible for me I can't even AFK cause i'm gonna get hit by low priority queue.
Where is the logic ?
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