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Honestly, the way Season 10 champions get shoe-horned into the meta and dominate all forms of play I never get "excited" to play against or with them.

Looking back in retrospect Senna has been hell to play against with her hard to balance kit, Sett has been far too overtuned and frustrating to play against, Aphelios has been horrible to fall victim too

Any new champion that comes out is almost guaranteed to have far too much in their kit and frustrate the playerbase and every time another one comes out it's the same cycle all over again.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by JinnDante

Mages are not worth it ? I am sure you don't play the game . Mages are probably the best class right now.

Not even close

about 4 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Belckan

Until new champ comes out and has half a map range on his ult to swap positions with someone and if they're CCd they stun everyone in the screen for 4 seconds.

I want nothing more than a League version of Vengeful Spirit