I don't think it will be a permanent mode so I wouldn't worry too much about the longevity
I don't think it will be a permanent mode so I wouldn't worry too much about the longevity
Event Mode's the plan, not an always on mode. If reception is good we'll bring it back again though certainly!
Say hello to unstoppable, ad and ms bonus on every adc with olaf r
Worth noting - you don't get to pick from any of the ults each game, but instead get presented with 3 to pick from. Even if something like Olaf ult on ADCs is incredibly optimal it'll still be fairly uncommon.
Any plans on adding more ultimates?
Not this time at least. Assuming the mode is well received we'll bring it back sometime though and very open to different ults if we do so
I'M SO EXCITED!!! AHHHH!!! This mode is a BLAST and I can't wait for yall to get to play it!!!
Any plans to bring back an Odyssey-like gamemode? Shit was fire.
Nothing planned. While some players really loved the PVE modes we saw engagement with them drop off incredibly quickly, which makes them hard to justify versus doing modes like Ultimate Spellbook here.
Have you really PLAYED League of Legends if you haven't Blitzcrank hooked someone then Lee Sin kicked them into your fountain?
Why the One For All game pacing instead of traditional Summoner's Rift? Do casual players prefer it that way? Seems like it makes the mode less complex and gets boring quicker for no reason.
OFA pacing was a short hand way of stating what the pacing is, but it's fairly different in a lot of ways. You do start at level 3, but levels 3, 4, and 5 take a bit longer to rank up leading to more of a laning phase than what OFA has.
You also get your summoner ultimate near immediately (~2:15s initial cooldown). So, before level 6, you're effectively playing your champion's base kit with someone else's ultimate. Which means you still have to very much think about how your lane matchup might go. Starting level 3 helps mitigate a lot of the worst cases that generates.
zoe ult is gonna be really good, imagine it on someone like skarner or leblanc
Skarner + ZoeR is so rude and hilarious.
I actually really enjoyed it on Vladimir. It amplifies his laning annoyingness up so much with having reliable empowered Qs.
I ran a game of Shen with Lissandra R (could have picked Kayle R too). You don't know how great it feels to Shen R + Taunt + Shen W + Locket + Lissandra R to completely deny someone from killing an ally. Looking back, Kayle R may have been even better.
That Sylas tech paying off :)
Would you guys ever consider making something like Odyssey/Star Guardians a full length roguelite game akin to something like Hades? If I could play League gameplay without going thru pvp I legitimately would not ever play anything else.
Riot's certainly open to making other games, that's not my area of expertise at work though, I'm just focused on the LoL and TFT side of things, so I'll leave any future games discussion to the teams in R&D :)
Hey u/Reav3 can you answer if the yordle are still aiming to be only mid and if you guys have plans to make a male enchanter?
The Yordle is still planned for mid yes. We do know that the enchanter class is in need of a male champion and its something we want to do at some point in the future
Would you happen to have Mundo’s new breadth and depty
Oh yeah I was also wondering if you could share when we can expect the first Udyr blog post
I’m pretty sure it’s out later this week
So I guess the Udyr blog got delayed?
Yeah I was wrong, it’s next week
Can i bother you for a his B/D again, now that the initial hype has gone down