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Like most people in this sub, I enjoy this game to varying degrees, but I have quite the dilemma on my hands... I don't know what champion I should play. I have played pretty much everything, I played Fiora top for a while, then I moved to Akali middle, then I whent back up to top-lane this time with Aatrox, Camille and Ornn. Then I whent back to jungle with Kha'zix, after that I stayed in ADC for quite some time playing Ezreal (who is currently the closest thing I have to a main at 301k pts), and Kai'sa. Now I'm thinking about moving back to middle lane with Irelia and Akali (again). But I can't seem to settle it, so I want you guys to convince me. Why is ur champion better then all the others, why should I main YOUR favorite champion! Out of all the 140-something champions in the game why is urs the most fun to play and why should I play it.

And people who's champs I have already mentioned, don't be afraid to try to convince me as well, just because I tried once doesn't mean I won't try again!

EDIT: Thank you kind stranger for my very first award <3

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over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Interject - Direct link

Well, there's only one champion who doesn't need a team for a teamfight.