Original Post — Direct link
over 4 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by baaabuuu

Hey /u/CodeofBear I have a few questions and comments regarding Clash and its rewards.

First of all, I just wanna say that I’m super happy with Clash and its overall state, having played in all but 4? Clash tournaments, I can honestly say that it revitalized my love for the game. Overall I’m a fan of the rewards given that it fits well with the nature of Clash, as we’ve already been rewarded.

For next years Clash, do you plan on reducing the VP required for hitting the higher ranks as the number of monthly Clash games have gone down from two weekends per month to once in recent months?

Is there also a reason for the frequency of Clash games going being reduced? Will it differ on a monthly basis, or was there some special reason recently?

How will Preseason Clash and VP work? Will VP simply be reset at the start of the Season

So we're still working through what the next iteration of Clash is. This includes revisiting what it means to progress, frequency of tournaments, and what Victory Points actually mean as far as rewards and end of season.

I'm hoping to get a. Clash specific blog out before December with some clear updates, but not sure just yet.