

31 Mar


I love this analysis. Did something similar a few years back and it inspired me to try and get mastery 7 on as many supports as I could so at least I had depth and didn’t succumb to impulse control issues in champ select as much! Still didn’t hit Diamond …but you know…

Really cool post!

11 Feb


I miss TT too.

15 May


No longer a dev, but please write into player support. They have the tools to validate and fix this.

07 Apr


Thanks for the post -- would it be possible to shoot over your logs to me in a DM? We're not able to reproduce this on our internal accounts, and recognize that this is potentially a bad blocker for players.

31 Mar


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

How much do games played matter though. Hypothetical situation but lets say you played 1000 games in 2013 would that affect your MMR 9 years later even though the game has changed so much it's almost an entirely different game now?

Over time, uncertainty re-enters the system based on your consistent rate of play -- so the 1000 games you played in 2013 aren't relevant by 2022.


Want to clean up one piece of information. Win streaks and consistent wins do affect the rate of MMR increase, similarly to loss streaks and consistent losses over time.

If you’re winning a lot and losing only a little, then MMR will adjust at a faster rate to get you to a more appropriate place.

19 Mar


As someone trying to learn jungle for my Clash team, damn. If this doesn’t that junglers mental, they deserve an award.

13 Jan


Originally posted by AuroraChroma

I'm not sure how to get points for some things. An example is Sage, the very first challenge in the list. It says you get points in it by... earning points in it. If there was a 'sage' category it would make sense, but there isn't.

Sage is a capstone challenge and levels up by completing other challenges underneath the capstone.

10 Jan


It should still be there. Let me check with our team. It’s there on my client, so it might be hidden because of a bug. If you can send in your .log file for the session to player support that would be helpful. Thanks for raising the issue!


Holy hell. That’s impressive. Not only are you going to be the first challenger, but you did it before anyone else even hit GM.

07 Jan


Originally posted by bz6

Quick question regarding Challenges. With all this work behind the scenes relative to punishing game ruining behaviour, how will "I mute all and play for Challenges" settle in this category?


We're creating "fail cases" for any negative behavior that arises due to Challenges and working with the Behavioral Systems team to make sure they're accounted for. Additionally, all Challenges have undergone a risk review and have all had mitigation steps applied to limit or prevent this type of behavior.

We test for abuse cases daily and will be monitoring them very closely in PBE and on launch.

06 Jan


Originally posted by QueerQuerying

Role selection when making a game is a lot harder now. The buttons are very small and harder to click. And the shift from a radial selection menu to a flat one with the roles all in a row makes it harder to quickly and easily select your roles. It's not a huge deal, but it's a pretty noticeable drop in QoL, which can be frustrating.

Overall I like most of the other changes though. I love having ranked borders for our icons that don't cover up my beautiful champie neeko icon.

Thank you for the feedback. We're exploring alternative options for role select.


Originally posted by malakesxasame

Is the response/feedback to ranked borders and icons being addressed too?

Also wanted to say I love the challenges from what we have seen so far, they remind me of seals in Destiny 2 which is one of my favourite things to collect and work towards.

We're capturing all ranked borders and feedback as well. We want the systems to work well together, not just independently.


Originally posted by iwantt

Does riot have bug bashes or polish sessions? Polish isn't a differentiator that drives new customers and revenue in the traditional sense, but y'all are gamers, y'all know what it's like when the QoL isn't as good as it could be in a game you play for hours a day. Is there anything at riot like a tiger team dedicated to QoL? maybe 4-6 devs from various teams on a month long rotation.

We do have polish phases and bug burndown time allocated on regular basis.


Originally posted by GaT0M

Question: Do we have a challenge for how many poros we feed in aram?



Originally posted by Shangrolam12

Question, and not at all meant to be derogatory, why did it take so long to implement this? Was this just not seen as a priority? I feel like this had always been an annoyance to those who play with friends. Why was the preset pick order a thing to begin with?

I think this is a great question and I’d like to provide some visibility into why things like this seemingly take so long to just do.

It definitely seems from the outside that we’re working with unlimited resources, and in many ways we count ourselves grateful that we have been successful enough to continue to keep the game interesting for so many years; but, with the scale at which we operate League (and all our games really), there comes a whole slew of different prioritization issues that are just the reality of delivering these games to a massive player base. Specifically, size and impact of small problems like “randomizing champ select for premades,” pale in comparison to the size and impact of say everyday problems like “party nodes can’t handle the amount of games thrown at them.”

What you start to see (and what most companies that grow to this size will see) is a shift in how you HAVE to spend money and time, not just where you WANT to spend it.


Read more

05 Jan


Originally posted by GaT0M

Hey, IDK where to drop this feedback but would it be possible to incrise the size for icons and runes in the new loading screen, I love how the new load screen looks now but those few a bit to small and compresed at the moment Again sorry idk where else to drop this feedback

This is the perfect place to drop that feedback. We've got it captured -- I think they're already trying to improve this. Thanks for raising it :)


Just for some clarification -- this is prep work for Challenges content coming later in the year, along with some new banner / identity content.

It's part of a larger piece change that we're rolling out-as-ready. Over a couple of iterations and testing passes, it just looked (and felt) way too cluttered leaving it as it was on the banner, and this was the option that felt the best.

We're still open to making changes, but since we're working on the next set of features, those changes may come later on and not in the next few patches.

13 Dec


Welcome to League! If you can find 4 other people that love the game the way you do, playing as 5 in League is one of the best experiences you can have, in any game ever. (I swear I’m not biased.)

My best advice is to just enjoy the game for what it is that you love about it and not try to rush anything because someone else tells you to. The game is beautiful for all types of players no matter where they live, who they are, or how they like to play.

I’m excited for your journey. It will surely be a long and sensational one.

29 Nov


Originally posted by Horror_Radio3470

Will there be other rewards than titles, as per say, getting 1000 icons, rewarding a special icon, and something alike with the other collector/tressure challenges?

On launch, we're looking for just titles and tokens as the reward types, though there are plans for additional reward types in the future.