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"Wunder was the best top laner in EU for the past 2 years and won 4 titles in a row. Why would I care who plays bot lane for G2 when the better AD (Rekkles) didn't win any of said titles in the last 2 years. There's more to it, but this is my take." Source

"Being the best top laner in the region is something I have to take care of first. Then we can worry about other stuff, IF that is not enough."

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about 4 years ago - /u/VegeterianOsu - Direct link

Originally posted by SinLagoon

Honestly I love Rekkles but I am still gonna support FNC because of Bwipo, Selfamde, Hyli

I hope Bwipo and Hyli become the pillars of FNC for years to come, i fear that Selfmade leaves next year if Jankos retires :(