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While we previously announced that we would end the year with Nexus Blitz, we’re not going to be able to bring it back at this time. Unfortunately pieces of the NB UI experience were broken by unrelated work on a different part of the game.

Since we made the original promise in 2021 to bring back NB, the League team lost some key people that would’ve been involved in this. Rehiring for roles and onboarding new members takes time that impacts respective projects.

That means the amount of work to fix NB will take longer than we had hoped, and isn't something we were able to complete in time for the end of 2022. So we had to make the call to not run it.

We know this is not the news you were hoping for, as players have been asking for the return of NB, and we apologize for being unable to make that happen for right now.

The recent ARAM updates were our priority for live modes work and we have plans for other areas both old and new. We will have a more detailed update on what caused the incident, as well as the future of modes for League early next year.

Source: Twitter

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about 2 years ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by RpiesSPIES

Except like way after the timeline we'd expected it to arrive.

Honestly it's fair to call us out for not making this communication sooner, and in an ideal world we would have.

Truthfully, we had a longer form blog in the works that was also going to announce this a little sooner, along with some other things. However, with things shifting internally like new members joining the team, new leadership for modes, etc., we felt it would be best to wait a little bit longer so that a fully staffed and ready to go modes team could properly give the update that we want to give, alongside those members feeling like they're owning the direction they want to take the team.

Personally speaking, it wouldn't have felt great to have made that update, then have folks come in who are supposed to be in charge of what they want to do with something like modes, but being immediate constrained to promises or declarations made by people before them. It sucks to put us in this situation here where it feels like a late communication, but I feel like it was the right call for us to make given the circumstances.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_ME_A10s

Totally different subject, but I have some serious nostalgia for some of what might be considered "less popular" modes.

Specifically Nexus Siege, Ascension, and OG Doombots

Any chance of those ever being revived?

No idea on if/when those could ever be revived, but I can definitely say you're not the only player asking us for those as well.
The only thing I can promise you is that I'll let the team know there's still an ask for them!