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In Dota you have hundreds of voice lines for every Hero for pretty much every scenario that can happen in the game.

Like, just look at this. About 23 minutes worth of voice lines. Or this one, which is freaking 12 minutes of Killing Responses when the Hero Void Spirit kills an enemy Hero. (Overall Void Spirit has voice lines worth almost 50 minutes btw)

I mean you don't even have to be a genius to come up with more and some decent voice lines. Here are some i came up with by just looking at the item names and then combining it with Gwens lore.


So i wonder, has Riot ever talked about why they invest so little into voice lines? Do they simply think its not worth it? Is it client limitations?

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over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by QuestionableExclusiv

A few years ago we had a phase of champs getting like 30 minutes of recorded voice lines on their kits, like 3-4 different base taunts, taunts for most champions that are opposed to their faction, several jokes, the famous ashe 1 minute monologue...

But people actually said it was too much pointless talking to hear every single game, so Riot gladly took the bait and cut back on voice lines massively for newer releases/reworks. It does save them money after all.

It is fascinating how some of you always find a way to turn an effort to listen to our community and improve the League game experience into some conniving, money-grabbing backroom plot. Money savings had nothing to do with that decision.

Yes, the League community cares about story. We want to make you all happy in that regard. League of Legends in-game VO is not a good place to dive deep into story.

The cynicism that flies in our faces every day is just astonishing...

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by QuestionableExclusiv

I was not trying to imply that the decision was first and foremost made with money in mind. Saving money however is an undeniable side-effect of cutting back on voice lines.

The money-saving aspect is negligible. When you book sessions with voice acting talent, you pay for a minimum set of hours, even if you don't use them all.

Either way, point taken, my friend.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Missing42

You really had that much feedback just begging for inconsequential voicelines to be removed? Nobody liked champions with a wider personality?

yeah honestly it's as if people were rioting for less VO lines. of course you'll always have a few people like or dislike something. frankly it feels super dishonest to use those people's "feedback" as what is objectively a cost-cutting measure, whatever other reasons it may also have. I'm very confident that claiming that money savings had NOTHING to do with cutting VO lines definitely IS dishonesty.

I also don't doubt the costs (and time) associated with voice lines are not insignificant considering they need people to write them, translate them to a dozen different languages AND voice them in those dozen different languages.

See my other comment regarding cost of VO recording. I don't know if you've ever been involved in the process of writing and recording VO. I have. I don't know what else I can tell you, apart from, money wasn't the reason.

Longer VO lines have a noticeable, measurable negative impact on game play.
There are a lot of sonic cues that happen constantly in the game. Sound has a significant impact on timing. Where animation is often fluid, sonic transients in SFX tend to be more precise for that reason; it informs individual game play.

Please keep in mind -- I'm a creative myself. I love to tell stories and want to tell more of them, and I want our champions to have a lot of personality and expression. It just needs to be the right format / outlet.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Havel_the_sock

There probably was a better way to phrase the frustration you're facing, especially because the original comment did not make the decision out to be a

Conniving, money-grabbing backroom plot.

I didn't even notice any cynicism in the comment, it came out as "Many other factors caused it, but it's probably also cheaper for Riot too so why not?"

Just my 2 cents.

Pls no bannerino.

You are correct. I suppose the "gladly took the bait" did it for me. We don't sit in our office looking for cues to cut corners, you know. :P

But you are right. Hyperbole rarely helps.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by MarinaDoBeco

League of Legends in-game VO is not a good place to dive deep into story.

IT IS NOT? half of champion's characterization lies in their voice lines, it is where we get the most of their personality, ideals, thoughts and relations to other characters.

If even a big event like Ruination is not a good place to tell a story, if stories besides their bios are not, if their VOs are not, then what is? really. a promotional short-cinematic of Briar being hungry is? please.

Like, I love Arcane, it is a great media to tell stories, but not every champion has the luxury to be presented in that way, and it fells shitty to be recieving less and less of the ones we already have.

I love hearing my champions talk, I love them interacting with each other, I AM SO GLAD when they enter Legends of Runeterra because I can hear them talk more.

Player's cynicism should not be one of your worries if you guys have not even find a good place to tell stories when the game is over 10 years old

You're right, and please don't understand my comment as "we should not have meaningful VO". Especially interactions are awesome. Champions should have personalities, they should express themselves.

No, they should not tell you minute long backstories about their homeland. It's just not the right place and time in a competitive game.

There's an economy in VO writing. Longer doesn't mean better.

Believe me when I say that I want all of our champs to be expressive.

There definitely is something to be said about us having to find the right middle. From what I can gather, we haven't.

Though I genuinely believe there's a version where our champs are expressive, but also don't step on game play too much. We just gotta find it.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by WoonStruck

People asking not to have minute long monologues and Riot then cutting out most effort put into voice lines as a whole isn't "a way to turn an effort to listen to our community and improve league".

Stop trying to get pity where none is deserved.

I think you're making a valid point. We may have over-corrected, or chosen the wrong route to address an issue.

I'm not looking for pity. I'm looking for constructive conversations. They actually help us understand better what you all want. You don't need to be so harsh in your delivery and always get in some sort of jab.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by AobaSona

I think that when most people complained about long lines, they meant the length of specific lines, not too many voice lines in general. For example, Ashe after her VO update has like 3 whole monologues that she starts reciting from base, which is a completely different thing from a champion having many different lines and different interactions with certain champions or situations.

Another complaint in the vein of "they talked too much" was the repetition of certain lines, like Taliyah saying "just throw another rock" 1000x times. The issue in this case is triggering specific lines too often, and if anything more lines would help avoid that.

I believe you are correct.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by JWARRIOR1

when you do that shit constantly it obviously will start to blur into other areas where that may not be the case.

I'm curious to hear more about this. Can you elaborate?

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by StarGuardianMain

reducing the VO so the champion keeps saying the same sentence over and over is a decision made by someone who doesn't play the game themselves. Akshan keeps repeating the same 3 phrases the whole game because of this bad decision you made. I don't understand why you're mad at us for asking for better quality on VO.

I'm not mad at you for that. Good points are being made regarding the repetitiveness. I just want us to get to a point where things don't get reduced to us having bad intentions, is all.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by RprShadow


I've been playing the game since season 1 and had the displeasure of watching the LoL community go from fun, supportive, and passionate to its current whiney, cynical, toxic version....

I feel this whole 'Theyre after our money' thing is universal in gaming communities now though. You hear it about every game developer nowadays. Many for good reason, but a lot of them not so much.

It is a vicious cycle.

Believe me, there are are a lot of Rioters who would gladly spend more time on reddit / social media, but a lot of them are scared that they'll just get attacked because they'll say something wrong.

Which leads to League peeps feeling like we aren't present and aren't listening. Which leads to more frustration. More assumptions (because silence is also an answer). More vocal cynicism. Some of it perhaps justified.

Which leads to even less Rioters participating in the conversation.

I'm trying to be less "polished" these days, and to be more direct and seek the disagreement to hopefully learn something. Sometimes, that leads to good convos. Certainly have taken some great things away from this exchange.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by StarGuardianMain

You say you want champions to have personality, but you reduce their VO. You don't make interactions that would be interesting with champions you know from the lore. Honestly, it's so hard to believe in you

Let me quote myself from the comment you're responding to:

"There definitely is something to be said about us having to find the right middle. From what I can gather, we haven't."

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Sushikoko

Longer VO Lines do that? Are you sure???? We've got things like "Spark Ready!" that Zeri shouts every other second and gets 100% irritating. So short lines can cause a negative impact.

Yes, I am sure. As with everything, there are extremes on both ends. Short, super repetitive lines are annoying. Super long VO lines that makes me miss important game play information are annoying.

These things aren't mutually exclusive.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

i know this is quite a big ask but would it be like a possibility for vo team to open up a one-off thread asking for constructive criticism they can take into future VOs, and what some users look for in the voiceover of a character they like or things theyd like changed in existing ones. Im sure itll come with a couple bad apples in there but i think it would be neat to have conversations on VO

I think that's a good idea. I will forward that.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by VeN0m333

Ehhh I personally think VA can contribute a lot to lore, especially to those that don’t read anything past champion biographies.

There are some really good examples, especially if the champion drops some pretty hard bombs because said champion knows a lot of secrets within Runeterra. Some examples include but are not limited to Camille, Swain, Aatrox, Fiddlesticks and Sylas.

Of course you have the opposite end of the spectrum, champions that SHOULD have a ton of interesting stuff to say but they are so outdated that their lines are mostly meme templates for their respective subreddits (Singed, Shen, Ashe after her voice lines changed).

Not every champ should have game-breaking voice lines bred out of a Shakespearian play, because we have champions that are just spitting fun gibberish too (Gnar, Kogmaw, Mundo, Trundle) and those are wonderful because they give a break from serious stuff + devs don’t need to worry so much about putting a lot of lines.

I don’t think it’s any money-saving scheme from you guys. You genuinely saw some feedback and used it, unfortunately there were just some strange releases like the Ashe VA that made everyone take notice, then they start combing over your future efforts and begin making conspiracy theories.

On a side note, thanks for the Pentakill music, hope Arcane Season 2 development is going great, I want more Singed he’s my fav from the show ❤️

I agree that VO can contribute a lot. Mind you, I specifically said "dive DEEP into story".

There's a lot of awesome examples in League that paint a beautiful picture of the champion, their background, their personality, their world. But without reciting the silmarillion.

Again: the golden middle tends to be the right spot.

good example of disagreeing constructively.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Satokech

I think it’s more an issue of quantity/variety.

I fully appreciate the issues that come with longer lines, and I agree that the game isn’t the best place for those. But even within the boundaries of reasonable length VO lines it feels like there’s been a noticeable decrease in the amount of meaningful lines and interactions each champion gets.

Adding a wider range of interactions, either with more champions or with more potential lines per champion, as well as more varied options for jokes/taunts/abilities allows for more opportunities for expression and personality to shine through, without overextending any individual lines to the detriment of gameplay/experience.

I think you're right.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Furiosa27

Yes people usually do expect extremely profit orientated companies to prioritize money over everything else

Well, it's a tricky balance that you cannot escape. In the end, unfortunately, it's always business, because you have to pay the teams working on the game. But also, the stuff we make must be great, so people would wanna engage with it in the first place.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by HandsomeTaco

League of Legends in-game VO is not a good place to dive deep into story.

And apparently neither were short stories. And we don't exactly get consistent novels or books. And cinematics also don't fit. And LoR also can't go too long in voicelines with its own diminishing budget and VO length. And a fighting game won't fit either.

You see where I'm going with this? I'm a lore fan for years, but every single decision in the last few has been a net negative for my engagement with this universe.

The out-of-combat long move lines are perfectly fine implementations of longer VO scripts. Also, the in-game audibility implies there's no possibility for sound mixing in there somewhere.

We may have over-corrected,

Briar interacts with a total of 3 champions. In a game with over 160 champions, with a backstory of how she was used against Swain.

I don't want to antagonize or besmirch, but I don't think there's any question that you guys absolutely did overcorrect. It's one thing to say that Ashe speaks too much, which can still be improved by spacing out lines per length, proximity to enemies, and frequency, regardless of script, but she's not even the norm. I've never seen someone complain that ASol "talks too much".

Yeah, I see where you're going with this.

I wish I could take more time to talk about this, but ultimately, I agree very much. We need to find a way to bring back creative and story telling across our eco system. Absolutely.

You're right. And you are in no way antagonizing anyone. Good, constructive post.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Fit-Mention-5707

No company has done less with more for their player base than Riot Games. It's about to be 2024 and we still have no voice chat, a feature I enjoyed on NBA 2K5 on my original Xbox console in 2004 (that means you guys are two decades behind on that feature). If you wanna disagree fine, but please take your victim mentality elsewhere.

No company? Damn!

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by TropoMJ

Not sure if you can answer this but can I ask how this did get mixed up in the way it did? If I'm understanding correctly, you are defending the good intentions taken behind shrinking the number of lines in VOs, but the issues you say led to that are less about the number of lines and more about the length or frequency of them. There doesn't appear to be a connection there that means reducing the number of champion lines was necessary or even helpful for the issues at hand.

If the League team did take community feedback that voicelines had gotten too long, why was shrinking the number of lines the response? If the problem was champions talking too much, why was the response to reduce the variety in things they can say? For example, Taliyah has five different taunts, while Vex only has one. Vex is not a quieter champion than Taliyah for this difference, she is just more repetitive. That voiceover reduction doesn't seem to offer any value to the playerbase, it's just less content.

I don't want to sound like I'm calling you out, I'm just genuinely trying to understand the connection between the issue and the solution which was chosen, because I can't see the link.

I agree on the assessment of the outcome, but I don't wanna make assumptions on all the data and information gathering that led to this. I'll try to understand this better.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Soluxtoral

Seconding what they said. Gonna post my own reply to this just incase but if one of those threads ever comes around I'll probably repost a variation of it there too.

The biggest thing I would takeaway from all of is this is that the playerbase at times can be notoriously terrible at providing feedback in a concise, clear manner that is digestible for the people that need to see it.

Likewise Riot has a consistent problem of taking feedback and interpreting it in the wrong way or even just directly taking actions that contradict feedback but without any given explanation.

Stuff like balance is much more common to be discussed, but stuff like VO's rarely if ever get the time of day on here or across any social media and so changes that have happened over the past lets say 5 years feel like they fall on deaf ears.

We don't expect to hear everything that goes on in your internal meetings but it would be nice if every now and then someone went "Alright hey guys we hear you on the VO length stuff, we're taking in your feedback and will get back at some point in the future with our thoughts and changes".


Now for the topic at hand - Realistically most people aren't and weren't asking for "stories" in their VO. They just wanted a bunch of short voice lines that gave you the personality of the character, but a lot of them so it was fleshed out and varied. Obviously you have to make them good voicelines because otherwise you start to hate them.

Nobody was complaining that champions had too many lines. Nobody. The 3 main things people didn't like when it came to some new/redone VO was:

1. Single voice lines that are too long. Sort of solved by moving some of them to the "long move" audio trigger, but now and then there are just voicelines where you click and they break some of your timing rules.

Honestly as long as they stay in the Long Move category it's fine, but people watched the video of the Ashe VO update and falsely tried to inflate that as her entire VO being too long, which I think is where a lot of the negative feedback came from.

2. Too many voicelines that can be heard by other players. This might be the biggest one I think contributing to peoples annoyance with voicelines.

"Out loud" voicelines should be saved for important skills/interactions only. Restrict it to ultimates, and vital abilities.

Gonna use my flair as example because it's something I'm used to:

Lux W and E voicelines are completely unnecessary to be heard by anyone but the Lux player. You know whats important for my allies to see? The animation of Lux herself, and the VFX her shield portrays. Nobody is listening out for the voiceline "we're in this together!". It doesn't provide any gameplay benefit.

Your enemies and allies don't need to hear Lux say "banish the shadows" and "shine bright" for the entirety of a 10-15 minute laning phase when you activate her E. People hate it. It's annoying, and again it's not like you can't see her E right there. The voiceline plays when the E explodes, so it's not providing any gameplay tools for counterplay or telling/showing you something you don't know.

This goes for her legendary and ultimate skins too. Too many repeated "out-loud" voicelines.

Technically you dont need to hear her voicelines on R, but Ultimate sort of go by a "rule of cool". It's satisfying and cool to hear the Demacian champions shout "Demacia!". It's cool to hear Renata say "kill them and suffer!" as a giant chemwave flood rushes at you.

Super Galaxy Rumble is notorious for this. "SUPER GALAXY COMEBACK BREAKER" and "SUPER GALACTIC TORPEDO" or whatever the f**k he says over and over and over for the entire game is obnoxious.

You get the idea. This applies to stuff like Ezreal saying too many "out-loud" voicelines, Morgana, Irelia's Q lines (nobody needs to hear Ru, Kai, Oni, yomama all the time).

The lines can exist, there's nothing inherently wrong with them, just make them play only for the person playing that champ.

3. Overall shortening of VO lines. Even accounting for removing overly-long lines, newer and rework champ VO's are too short overall and so you end up hearing the same things over and over and over.

Zoe has 27 minutes of VO. You could cut 1/3 off that from the skinspotlights video because of the delay before/after voicelines he used to have in older VO videos and you'd still be in a good place. Briar has a measly 8 minutes start to finish. There's a healthy middle ground between those, and the team definitely has gone too far on the "short" side of things.

Sorry thoughts are a bit all over the place because there's so much I want to address, but I'll try organise them better if there's ever a dedicated feedback thread made and posted. Those are just my main 3 points.

I appreciate you writing this up. This is helpful.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Blueeyedeevee

Agreed. What is this gaslighting attempt at trying to make it the communities fault when Riot and League of Legends is a for profit product. You guys are not running a charity here, we know every action taken is made with profit in mind, you guys were just better at being ethical about it before.

Wonder where that went?

Can you elaborate on us being unethical? Genuine question, I wanna understand better.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Hellzpeaker

It is fascinating how some of you always find a way to turn an effort to listen to our community and improve the League game experience into some conniving, money-grabbing backroom plot

It's almost as if that's what you rioters offer in the vast majority of times so that's what people naturally expect. Yeah, some crazy rocket science, I know. I specially like when it arrives with several lies sprinkled in.

Don't complain because you lost your playerbase's trust with several scummy actions and a never ending stream of pure bullshit. That's your fault, cynicism is only natural and the only logical outcome, deal with it. Besides, there was hardly any cynicism in his post, he's just arriving to a natural conclusion that less of a job requires less money for that job.

Can you elaborate on "scummy actions" and "never ending stream of pure bullsh*t?" I wanna understand.

Also, where am I lying?

Regarding "less of a job requires less money for that job." -- please see my other comments. Cost difference is negligible, VO recording cost is the same.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by fittan69

There definitely is something to be said about us having to find the right middle. From what I can gather, we haven't

Tahm Kench!

Doesn't have minute long exposition lines. Doesn't have 3 lines all consisting of bad puns. Everything about his VO tells you everything you need to know about this character; a demonic fat catfish that want to entice you into making endless deals with him and then gobble you up.

Definetly my favorite VO in the game, so much personality.

ohhh, if only you could have heard the song we made for tahm kench's release that featured vocals and lyrics from the kencher himself. can't remember why, but we decided not to go with it as the main version.

many moons ago...

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Stexe

Oh. Happy Cake Day too! Maybe you should celebrate it by releasing that? I'd *LOVE* to hear it!

I think someone would come to my desk and kick me in the shin

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditingForRakan

I want to add: I've dedicated hours to filling out surveys or providing feedback, paid for "cup of tea" DLC, purchased hundreds of dollars of cupcakes for a game company, and I was happy to do it. I appreciated the passion of the creators and wanted to respond in kind.

I stopped purchasing RP long before I stopped regularly signing into League. I could not see myself doing any of the above for Riot, as it seems to be right now, because the company's actions over time have made me more cynical than passionate. If it truly could bring change, I would be happy to discuss specifics. But even then I would probably see it as a futile effort, lol.


over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by DarthVeigar_

Which leads to League peeps feeling like we aren't present and aren't listening.

Well you aren't listening. Did Brightmoon and Meddler not have to make a video grovelling and apologising to the playerbase earlier in the year PRECISELY because Riot weren't listening?

Right. That's my point.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by MorningMoonlight

"Rapid fire? Where's the drama in that?" One Jhin voice line that flies in the face of everything you said. No story or lore, just a funny single line that works to establish Jhin's personality and make you smile for buying an item that works well with him. I gave you the benefit of the doubt at the start of your post but I'm tired of Rioters lying to me. In what world is it better to move away from giving the characters personalities and depth to be attached to? Would it really cost that much more to do a few more voice lines?

I don't understand how that was your take away from my post. VO lines that express personality are exactly right. The line you mentioned tells you something about the champion.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by WoonStruck

The cynicism that flies in our faces every day is just astonishing...

This is the line that triggered such a response in the context of the only post you decided to respond to.

Its not exactly just cynicism when its brought forward by a valid critique (lower effort put toward the game or certain areas of the game), which is exactly why it sounded like seeking pity, rather than addressing actual criticism.

Not every response was about some financial conspiracy from Riot, yet that is the one you chose to respond to: one that least deserved a response.

I don't know about you, but I'd feel better if Rioters more often tried to actually have discussions on the valid critiques that are present, rather than the conspiracy-brained ones.

I'm sorry if it felt snippy, but its hard not to be with the way a lot of community interaction is handled by Rioters, even in non-official contexts, within the past few years. It feels as if there is very little real discussion, and instead almost exclusively posting on things that realistically don't matter or won't change, even on PBE in terms of skins/icons. The balance team has most of the exceptions.

This is fair criticism, and that indeed is on me.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by BugsBonnie

With all due respect, it's because in a lot of instances the reasons are nonsensical.

Never once have I heard someone complain that VO gets in the way of gameplay. VOs have existed in the game forever, with some champions having VOs that clock in at half an hour, and this is only becoming an issue now? The complaints are about length and frequency - not that a voice line overpowered ability SFX and lost someone their game. And I've been apart of many VO related threads, as one of my favorite aspects of the game.

I really try to look at things from Riot's point of view, but there are a lot of times when it's difficult because the logic just doesn't make sense. Riot makes changes nobody asked for, citing reasons no one complained about, and then wonders why the community questions it.

We're not all here just to shit on you guys and blame decisions we don't like on greediness. A lot of us are trying to work with you. It's hard, however, when a lot of this stuff comes across like random justifications for whatever Riot wants to do on the backend.

In short: People would understand if Riot cut voice lines for financial reasons. They would understand if monologuing just didn't fit the game (the lack of lore to make up for shorter VOs is another issue). They would even understand if VOs got cut because too many people were complaining about champs talking too much. What they will not understand is blaming this on VOs getting in the way of gameplay, which has never been a topic of discussion ever.

I get your perspective, and, yeah, I can see where frustration could boil up. However, you may want to consider that we have way, way, way, way more data points than you. There's game data, there's player testing & research, there's surveys, there's internal play tests, internal teams, and so on.

Not to sound dismissive, but: whether or not something was a reddit discussion isn't a very good indicator. We have millions and millions of active players. A top reddit discussion gets how many people chiming in, a few thousand? reddit is a tiny, tiny section of our entire audience. Sometimes, it's representative. Sometimes, it isn't at all.

Again: it is clear that we haven't found the right answer on this post's matter. I'm not arguing that.

What I am arguing is that "random justifications" tend to be a lack of context and/or understanding how things work under the hood.

I work and interact with a lot of Rioters. I've been here for 13 years. I've had the experience of "why the frick did we do this?" maaaaaany times. Hundreds of times, thousands of times, I don't know. Every time I go and inquire, I end up going "Oh. Huh, I did not know that. That's more complex than I thought."

Now here's the thing: I understand that this explanation is pretty much useless to you. :P Because it doesn't change the fact that A) you aren't getting the experience you desire in-game, and B) it's basically just me waving my hands and going "it has reasons!".

Ideally, we somehow get to a point where folks asking "Why did you do this? I liked it better before." gets a response from Riot that is transparent and works toward the right decision. Our interactive culture (between Riot and community) isn't there right now, which sucks. Reasons have been mentioned by many. I hope this can improve.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Tuber111

You're part of a billion dollar company, if you arent expecting criticism and actively are stating from an employee account that people with complaints should piss off, you can piss off.

okay thank you

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by BurrStreetX

I get your point, but holy shit can you be more of a dick?

... huh?

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by coveryourselfinoiI

First, thanks for being frank on this post. I’ve read your other comments and it’s rare to see a rioter be so forthcoming about these things. It’s helped answer some of the questions we have, and I can understand your point. Though, there is something I’d like to ask.

I work in manufacturing, and there are often changes made along our production line in the name of “improvement” that makes little sense because some guy decided to convince a higher up to change said thing based off inaccurate or misleading data. If this results in an upset client, its a mad rush to reverse the change or fix it to fit our client’s wanted results. What I’d like to ask is if a change results in negative feedback from your end users, then why does it often take so long to reverse said change or amend the mistake for what seems like an easy fix? Using this issue as an example, I can’t think of a reason why reverting VOs to be longer would still not be resolved by now. Is decision-making hindered by bureaucracy from other departments? Is it that you guys need time to collect sufficient feedback on a change?

Hmmm, this is me stepping preeetty far into generalization/deduction land, but here goes:

  1. Articulating the right solution can take us a long time, because the League community is so multi-layered. The question "Why do you play/enjoy League?" can have very different answers.A good chunk of players really just care about the competitive aspect of the game. They pick their champions because they win. They couldn't care less about VO.Another chunk really cares about the creative and artistic expression. (I consider myself among that group. I didn't like dota very much back then, but first time I played League, I just fell in love with the characters. Particularly the VO. It was just different than the typical fantasy setting, where everything takes itself so seriously. I loved that. One of the first VO lines I remember hearing was Udyr's joke about his fur not being real. I remember thinking "wtf, what other game would have a character say this kind of stuff?! this is fun." Also -- I main Heimerdinger. Need I say more...)Another chunk of players are really in it because of the social aspect. They play to win, yeah, but their satisfaction doesn't come from their ranked icon, but from "winning together". For them, I think the creative also matters to find their role and identity among their peers, but in a different way. Individuality and personal expression matters more than, say, pure lore.You may find that your first conceived notion addresses something for one of these groups, but not for the other. So you spend time on trying to find an answer that pleases all of them. Which... well... doesn't always work. :P But I would say coming to the right conclusion is a drawn out process at Riot. Often, I like to think, for the right reasons. Sometimes not. Mountains move slow, yada yada. So, in a way, your guess at the end was correct.
  2. Prioritization. "Yes, but how much of an issue is this REALLY? Do we have to do this right away, or are other things more important?" -- this can take time and be frustrating. There's a lot going on, and lot of things to juggle, different departments have different fires going on.
  3. League is an old game now. I can't remember how the saying goes, but "no matter how much time you give people to complete a task, they will use it." -- the older a thing is, the more time processes have to expand due to renewed assumptions of the status quo. This happens everywhere, on everything. In other words: if we don't challenge ourselves to do things faster, nobody else will. The bigger the org, the harder this gets, because some people are willing to say "alright, f*ck it, let's take care of this now!" -- others are not. For them, this a job, no more, no less. We live in a time in which work/life balance is more important than ever. This is a pretty standard growing pain of larger studios. Humans being humans.
  4. Hidden issues. This can be old tech, tools that were essential for an old thing no longer exist (company behind the tool discontinued it, or was bought and changed features, etc.), contractual complications (as the game changes over the years, suddenly the contracts you signed with external talent 10 years ago no longer cover today's use), union restrictions, yada yada. I can tell you, the list is veeeeery long on that front. Sometimes just really weird and random things that make simple things really hard and... stupid.

I do wanna point out... all of these things are our responsibility to manage. If sh*t should be happening quick, sh*t should be happening quick.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by Objective_Banana1506

You have internal play tests and teams but yet you give ivern tons of bugs during his rework and dont fix any of them for months afterwards? I dont believe that. This happens with every update or change. Every time there is a jungle rework (almost every patch) ivern is bugged again or jungle xp gets bugged or the pets attacking gets bugged

Well, in this particular case, we just wanted to ruin your life.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotPraeco - Direct link

Originally posted by legendcaleb

Do you think Riot will ever release more dev blogs where show the conclusions and decisions drawn from the data analysis? I always find those pretty interesting. I don't really post on these types of reddit threads that happen on the subreddit but I do appreciate the game you all have created and the effort you're putting in to be readily transparent.

Hmm, I don't think this is typically done, or at least I haven't heard of it. Probably mostly because it may give away knowledge to competition. I guess the short answer: No idea. :P