It just feels weird. Wouldn't it be more pleasing if the dragon slain message is shown then the dragon soul message, since the former is the cause of the latter?
External link βIt just feels weird. Wouldn't it be more pleasing if the dragon slain message is shown then the dragon soul message, since the former is the cause of the latter?
External link βYeah this kind of bugs me too, and I created this messaging! Turns out the messages are both sent from different script locations, and the Soul one runs before the other. I could put a small delay on the soul messaging if I remember.
You sir are a good man.
I promise NOTHING! I am expecting my first child any day now, so might not get a chance to do much of anything next week π
Congrats, but you gotta know your priorities man. Pleasing millions > pleasing one kid and a woman pls.
I'm proud to say that I disagree with you.
What kinda tech stack do you guys use at Riot?
Riot: Yes
Yup! It's a bug where Shaco clone kills a dragon. Will be fixed in 9.24.