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Originally posted by Cashmiir

There is a TLDW on the website with every Dev Update!

Wow, very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's summary.

Originally posted by Thess_Enate

u/RiotMeddeler What about reducing the amount of s grades needed for mastery grades after minestrone 4? I saw a rioter saying you will be changing it in the next patch but no announcement in the update worries me a bit

The change was decided after filming. It will be in the next patch!

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by JTHousek1

Shocked they admit the visuals are bad and are changing them again

Spirit of the Hearthhome should be the standard for champion teases, it's fun, cute, and makes it more of a landmark.

New series and MOVIES for league? Exciting goddamn

It'll take a month or two (rough estimate) for the updated visuals, but yeah, we agree those didn't hit the mark and need to be changed.

Would love to do something like Spirit of Hearth Home for as many champs as we can. It's been great seeing people enjoy it. Wouldn't want to use that exact format of course, need to make sure we find different things for different champions (avoid overusing or misapplying a format like we did with the Visual Novel approach post Spirit Blossom for example)

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by daswef2

They specifically bring up Spirit of Hearth-home, they can't be surprised that we are asking about Aurora after a game was made to advertise the new champion

They easily could have said "Aurora is 2 months away" and that would have been fine, disappointing but at least we'd know instead of absolutely zero champion information

Aurora is significantly less than 2 months away

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by ullasms_09

u/RiotMeddler which lane is ambessa intended to be played in??

Going to leave reveal of the position(s) we're assuming, other gameplay details etc up to the team to reveal closer to the time. Apologies for vagueness, generally though we want to save a lot of specifics for when a champ's about to come out

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by AobaSona

u/RiotMeddler Since this is confirmed to be the final season of Arcane, and with the stated goal of Arcane being canon, can we expect character's bios to be finally updated to match with the show? We still have stuff like memory loss Vi (I think), Caitlyn being a private investigator rather than an enforcer before becoming sheriff, Jayce and Viktor not really being friends, etc.

Yes, we'll be adjusting bios of champs featured in Arcane to align around that single shared canon. Completely agree it's jarring seeing that sort of disconnect

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by PastramiPajamas

I had no idea Marty Funkhouser was Riot's Esports president


15 days ago - /u/NeoLexical - Direct link

Originally posted by papu16

TBH league has like 160+ champs at this point, the more they build = its harder for new player to get into league, harder to balance the game and on top of that lots of champs from old roaster fell off hard and are carried by their numbers.
IMO, its better that they are fixing old stuff with some of new content.

I think that is a slight misconception that more is harder. Mostly because we already blew way past that point. If we were to release 3-5 champs a year, we wouldn't reach 200 till 8-13 years.

The realistic difference between 166 to 200 is actually not that much. Especially because new champs are one of biggest ways to bring in opt-in content into the core game that changes the way game is played. Opt-in meant that the bulk of the complexity is on the player that choses to play the champion (though some champs breaks that more than others).

However, I do think its healthy for us to rebalance some of the effort and bring other types of content as well as finding opportunities to update our roster that isn't just big overhaul VGUs or explore other game modes! It brings variety, surprises and delighters to the overall game!

Champs team is also thinking about how to bring back some of that magic during release moments along with other teams. While there is less releases, the hope is that players will feel the weight of each release :)

Originally posted by daswef2

I appreciate the response

I liked Hearth Home a lot, thanks to the people who worked on that one

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by AobaSona

I don't think so? They said they're developing new stories with Fortiche, but it doesn't seem like it'll be under the Arcane title and considered the same show.

We haven't said anything about whether we'll use the Arcane title or not for any future possibilities being explored (and as somewhat who's not part of that part of Riot, I'm not certain myself either). Definitely still looking at Riot+Fortiche making stuff in the LoL universe together though, regardless of whether it uses the Arcane brand or not

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Mathemuse

Just to be clear, the only champion stuff on the horizon is the releases of Aurora and Ambessa and reworks (visual or otherwise) of Malphite, Shyvana, and someone associated with Arcane?

That's all we're ready to share at the moment yeah, though there's certainly some other stuff underway too.

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by aroushthekween

Will Seraphine and Camille’s bio’s get an update? Earlier this year it was promised that their bios would change since Skarner’s lore has been retconned.

Yes, though I don't personally know the exact timing. Will check in with the relevant part of the team however

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by iDobleC

Something I think I misunderstood, so I would appreciate it if you could clarify, was the Jax ASU done like this? Or what you meant was how you guys used the new design from LoR as the base, but all the assets were built from scratch?

Also, I guess this might not be the best place to ask, but any thoughts on CGUs and how the Asol one landed? Are they still an option for certain champions, or is it unlikely that we see another one in the future?

Jax's assets were built from scratch, but released piece by piece, rather than all at once. Drawing on another game's take on a character can save some time/work up front, for older champs in particular though the vast bulk of the work comes from updating their (usually) large skin catalogs, rather than from the base itself. That's one of the issues with adapting WR assets - the games have different skins, so even if we could figure out how to port things efficiently that still only covers some of what's needed (would certainly help though)

15 days ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by FrogVoid

Could bro not say bullet hell 😭

Happy to say bullet hell, bullet heaven's getting used when discussing some games that are an inversion of the bullet hell pattern though. Instead of having to dodge a hail of missiles you're instead the one putting out said hail of missiles.

15 days ago - /u/NeoLexical - Direct link

Originally posted by Zarathielis

Is there a chance for 4 champions again next year or should we expect 3 champions for 2025?

Number of champions is not set in stone for 2025 yet. It depends on other priority, complexity of the champion/rework/update production and also the balance between rework/update compared to new champs!

14 days ago - /u/NeoLexical - Direct link

Originally posted by Seabeeseal

since there's no more roadmaps this year what about first champ of 2025 usually they are teased at the end of year and come earle like in February to march, will they only get a teaser in January

We are still figuring out what format we want to do this!

14 days ago - /u/NeoLexical - Direct link

Originally posted by bodynasr

thanks lexi for the replies, hope that Ambessa gets a stellar launch as well!
