

27 Feb


Originally posted by Kymori

Please give a update on this

the thing i was most excited about ignoring all the recent negative stuff is TrueSkill 2, does ARAM every month mean that the team that was working on TrueSkill 2 is not not doing that anymore?

TS2 would fix so many things about league, not just feeling better about losing less LP/MMR when doing well but also its a incentive for the 0/3 toplaner to actually keep trying to win the game isntead of not giving a f**k anymore and going 1/16 cause he would lose a lot of LP/MMR, genuinely TS2 is the thing league needs most (other than imo voice chat but thats for another day)

TS2 test is still underway (figuring out how to still make sure that's covered that isn't at the expense of Clash). Don't have results ready yet, will still share them in an upcoming dev update.

26 Feb


Originally posted by iLovUporsche911

can you still get legendary shards from the chests?



Originally posted by SportPuzzleheaded620

Hopefully we get keys with them. They never answered that

You get keys with the pass and honor chests yes


Originally posted by Frostsorrow

So they were "good enough" for a battle pass but now that there out of the battle pass they suddenly aren't good enough to charge for? That seems very fishy.....

In retrospect no, we agree they weren’t good enough for a pass either


Originally posted by OneAbbreviations7855

I hope you keep the price of Jhin at 4444...

We did talk a little about Jhin and Vel’koz’s BE prices. Our thinking was that having higher prices for the sake of a small joke would feel bad and that lower price for them was more important. Open to change on that, but felt like the right thing for anyone who hasn’t unlocked them yet, especially since if they haven’t they often won’t even get the reference


Originally posted by dfjhgsaydgsauygdjh

Now watch them nerf chest drops into oblivion.

Chest contents will be the same as last year. Details on %s here if you scroll down a bit.


Originally posted by WhiskeyPhilosopher

Thanks for all your responses to this video, really helped clear up doubts regarding the new systems

You're most welcome


Originally posted by DraXStar69

All fine but i have 1 very improtant question if pass tokens and honor capsule/orbs are removed and riot said that we can get hextech chest from honor so how exacly we are suposed to get keys specialy when this dev update said there will no longer be any key fragments just keys?

Chests will come with keys. For the pass chests, there'll be a key the level before or after (UI doesn't currently support giving chest and key on the same level node apparently, we'll change that but won't have it in for next week's patch). For honor chests, they'll just come at the same time through a mission (initially, will get a better distribution mechanism at some point that has more honor system connection)


Originally posted by iDobleC

One last note on Exalted skins. We’ll be making the promotional placement of Exalted skins less intrusive within the client based on your feedback.

u/RiotMeddler can you confirm if this is also planned to ship with the next patch? It's not mentioned in the video but it's included on the blog and I think this is quite huge news as well

Also, if you don't mind, could you clarify what's the current naming format for patches? Because the one that I have seen in some official posts is quite different to the initial one that was presented of Season.Act.Patch

Edit: Grammar and formatting

Exalted skins intrusiveness - next patch (25.5) we'll swap it so that the Sanctum isn't the default landing page. Longer term we'll then figure out what the best way to let people know a new skin exists is without shoving it so prominently at everyone.

Patch naming - at start of year we were trying 25.S1.1. Turned out to be a bit of a mouthful to say/write and felt forced. While we'd like the idea of making it clearer where in the arc of each season a patch was it was apparent it wasn't working in practice and was just an irritant instead. We swapped to 25.1, 25.2...25.4 etc to simplify.


Originally posted by [deleted]


6 acts. 10 per act. So up to 60.


Originally posted by SonicZephyr

I've stopped playing since chests were about getting S score in a match. How do you get chests with this change?

Play games and complete missions. Pass progresses. Chests are on free pass.


Originally posted by Oleandervine

Regarding champ shards in chests, is there going to be some kind of compensation now that shards will be worth a lot less value? It was already bad enough as a long time player getting a champ shard that you had no use for, and now champ shards will feel especially bad to get in a chest if we're getting such a meager amount of BE back.

Goal is to not nerf the disenchant value on those shards. Short term it probably will go down, at least in 25.5, given it's tied to the champ's BE price. We'll decouple those though in a later patch (still figuring out exactly when that will land). Would recommend either disenchanting shards before 25.5 lands or holding them a bit until said later patch as a result


Originally posted by CEO-of-Zaun

good. now fix the game and i might reinstall

What's particularly on your mind in terms of what needs fixing?


Originally posted by Snoo_51967

Hello Meddler, just wanted to ask if we will see an any updates to the Act 2 skins for Darius, Talon and Sion? And if so when can we expect it?

We've got a least a couple of tweaks coming in there. From memory that's includes at least Sion's armor needing to be more clearly armor (looks a bit painted on), Darius having a couple of animations that stretch a bit too weirdly and Talon's VFX (I think on ult?) needing some adjustment too. Unsure if those will land for next week's patch or slightly after though off the top of the head


Originally posted by Geist7331

It's nice that the BE costs are reduced but I just finished buying all the remaining champs for blue essence. Hah 😅

If you bought them in patch 25.4 you can message support and they'll give you 50% back


Originally posted by kamacho2000

how is it 60 chests ? arent we having 4 acts this ear so shouldnt it be 40 chests overall ?

6 acts per year (e.g. we're at the end of February and act 2 is about to go live next patch)


Originally posted by Film_Humble

Probably 1350 RP each in the shop like any other skin I guess?

But that means that the awful chroma Alistar is 1350rp xdd imagine you waited 4 years for this and you have to pay it like any other skin

We'll be doing a separate Alistar skin, with a different theme, that will come out later this year

For those existing Alistar and Rell skins, still figuring out what we should do about them. We don't think they're in a good state, or to be honest that those were great starting points for skins that are distinct enough from base Alistar/Rell in retrospect.


Originally posted by Frosty_Promotion_873

When will we have Leblanc on the PBE?? and will she get any?

Targeting mid March for LeBlanc PBE


Originally posted by DarthVeigar_

What happened, Riot? I thought chests were unsustainable? You didn't know regular progression and rewards would be important to people despite literally every live service title having something of the sort?

Quelle surprise Riot were lying once more.

While we still need to make sure the business side of League is sustainable this was clearly a poor way to try and do it in retrospect. Very damaging to the player experience, which made making a great game and a sustainable business became a conflict when it should be a synergy. We think when we've been at our best historically it's been because making something really good leads to sustainable business results in the long term


Originally posted by Wise-Government2914

Hey u/RiotMeddler can we expect you guys to give the Exalted Skins more than one form, same as Fractured Jinx skin? I miss having the option to choose the skin I want to play whenever and wherever I want during the game. (Not as MF's ultimate skin, for example). I feel like this should be the main thing when it comes to the Exalted Skins. It didn't happen to Setts' skin, once you select one, you can't go back and pick another one etc.

We're still figuring out details on what's most important to improve for Exalted skins. For Morde, team are looking at stuff like anims, armor, more use of the custom music the skin has etc. We'll get a thread up somewhere (MordekaiserMains maybe?) to share our initial thinking on direction, get some discussion