Hi everyone, I'm excited to announce that Preseason 2023 will be available test starting tomorrow October 4th. We have quite a few changes planned, below are the individual threads for feedback and bug reporting.
Preseason 2023 Sub Threads:
Like most Preseasons everything is subject to change and we will be making iterations from now until the launch date of Preseason 2023. We value your feedback and discussion as well as your time investment into finding bugs. I will be monitoring these threads frequently, so we can stay on top of bug fixing as well as communicating any community concerns when necessary.
Hope you guys have fun this year :)
EDIT: Using the following space below to provide PBE Updates/Status
As of 10/18 we have added many new changes and features:
- Objective Planning early iteration added
- Offscreen Pings
- Item Tuning
- Companion AI improvements
External link →