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By "soft" i mean voice/voiceline changes; without (major) gameplay or visual updates. I get that some characters (like Udyr or Mundo) are not receiving one because they are in line for a full rework, but what about champions like Zed? He has like 2 lines, even tho he is among the most iconic champions of League, has amazing gameplay even by modern standarts and recently received a whole comic series devoted to him. Or Varus, who got a lore update which makes most of his current lines nonsensical. Same goes for Riven and Le Blanc. Vi and Jinx also require some tweaks, but im assuming Riot will do it after Arcane comes out.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Beast1996

Because it doesnt generate value. A VO update is a substantial investment, but rarely lead to higher player engagement or talk/discussion. This is the same reason Riot had stopped doing Visual Update for a couple of years, though hopefully the recent Morgana and Ezreal update mean they changed their mind. Personally the lukewarm reaction the community have with Ezreal, Morgana and in fact the recent Ashe VO update kinda show things havent really change yet. Fiddlestick seems to be the first where the champion narrative is pitch as the selling point, so we have to wait and see.

Basically, the heavier a certain aspect lean on narrative instead of gameplay, the less the community pay attention to it, and thus have more difficulty in "paying" itself back.

Pretty much this. "Only visual/sound" updates don't create much engagement compared to spending those resources on full VGU's (visual + gameplay). Doesn't mean we should never do them, but there need to be strong reasons beyond "this champ is dated."