You want your Yuumi to create a higher amount of vision for your team?
cat plz ward
You want Wukong to help out on your lane while you recall?
ape plz hold
You need an additional companion for doing Herald? Ask your toplane Nasus with a friendly
dog plz help
Your GP is a coward?
pirate plz attack
If there are multiple champions on your team that could fit into one category, you can prevent confusion by adding an additional qualifier.
For example, if you have a Yuumi, Nida and Rengar (and don’t know that Nida is a cougar), just say:
book cat plz heal
spear cat plz heal
bola cat plz delete heal
Similar stuff with humans wielding blades. If you can’t call them with “swordsman”, just use these:
running swordsman plz don’t gank (Yi)
angry swordsman plz buy crit (Tryndamere)
carousel swordsman plz play def (Garen)
And, of course:
idiot plz uninstall (Yasuo)
other idiot plz uninstall (Yone)
plz report caster minion (enemy Veigar)
Thanks for letting me waste your time and have fun with this exciting new way to communicate! internet plz approve
EDIT: I can’t believe I have to clarify this, but of course “ape” and “dog” can be interpreted as toxic, so don’t say those to random teammates. You can now stop writing comments about this.
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