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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Aaron1997

Just checked. Anivia's Ult is still uncancelable. Trying to get a response from King Cobra to put this to rest.

We've pulled the CC immunity for 10.6. Should be reflected on PBE soon.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by BeepBoopAnv

Is anivia going to get a different buff in 10.7 or is she just going to get the 1 second window that won’t affect anything.

She is getting the 1 second window increase on R for 10.6.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by BeepBoopAnv

Yeah, but when does that ever come up? I have a million points on anivia and can’t think of a single time where I was like “aw man, if the window for empowered e after being affected by my r was one second longer I would’ve gotten more damage!”

This feels like a placebo that doesn’t address Anivias real problems in that she’s too weak early and never gets to her strong points in most games. Perhaps giving her more roam capabilities or easing her mana issues early so she’s not gated into seraphs+rod of ages?

I don’t know a perfect solution, and maybe this was too much, but I’d like to see some more power given to her so she could have a presence in pro play besides just froggen once a split.

Appreciate the passionate response. I agree Anivia needs some wider work done (maybe QoL, power curve, or power budget shift), but that would require some more due diligence from us that we aren't ready to commit just yet (we swung too far with the CC immunity and were rightly called out for it). We will see what this change does for Anivia (if anything), and reassess after.