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"13.20 Preview!

13.20 has 3 projects we've been working on for some time:

K'Sante: Trying to keep his fun/identity intact (including moving W to more of a warden output in tank form), while reducing his Pro skew

Jungle Changes: Some nerfs to jungle strength across a variety of axes; attempting to focus on things Junglers don't care as much about, to reduce impact to fun of the role

Snowball Reduction: Our 12.14 changes to Dragons and sustain have been optimized over time to increase snowballing (mainly in Elite). We're toning some of that back, by reducing the value of early dragons, while keeping the power of Soul as a win-condition intact. Also includes changes to Runes, Herald, Death Timers, Plates.

For nerfs:

Duskblade: As mentioned y'day, we think Duskblade is a little stronger than it should be compared to Eclipse and Ghostblade.

Bel'Veth: As mentioned on August's twitter, Bel'Veth is a bit too strong early and changes are focused on that axis

Zed: Zed's magey outputs are too strong right now, mainly driven by his interactions with Ravenous, but outside of Zed, think Ravenous is in a fine spot. We're reducing the strength of W max second to incentivize him moving into E max. His pattern overall is too magey which is not long term desirable, but we don't think we're able to adequately resolve it until Preseason, so a bandaid fix for now.

Kaisa: With Kaisa's Umbral build picking up popularity, it's proving to be a bit stronger and she was already quite strong. Tapping her down a bit as she's clearly the best/one of the best picks, especially in Elite rn.

For buffs:

Galio: Can go a little higher than he went up last patch, while keeping his losing matchups to mages intact.

Ghostblade: Is a little weaker than alternatives, and not as pattern warping as Duskblade.

Blighting Jewel: We nerfed Blighting Jewel post durability update to compensate for everyone having higher resists. Jewel needs to be a bit weaker relative to Void Staff so it's not the god component, but doesn't need to be this weak. With Worlds patch shipped, we are at significantly less risk of buffing champs who didn't need additional buffs like Azir/Ori for which this buff would have relatively more impact" - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1708976139551850685


Resources (this is a big one, just putting them up here):

>>> Champion Buffs <<<



  • HP per level increased 100 >>> 105

  • [P] Get Excited! bonus Attack Speed on kill can stack

  • [R] Super Mega Death Rocket! cooldown reduced 75/65/55 >>> 70/55/40 seconds


  • [E] Warm Hugs buffs:

    • Shield increased 60/85/110/135/160 >>> 60/90/120/150/180
    • Recharge time reduced 18/17/16/15/14 >>> 17/16/15/14/13 seconds
  • [R] Breath of Life AP ratio increased 30% >>> 50%


  • [W] Tormented Shadow buffs:

    • AP ratio increased 14% >>> 17%
    • Monster damage ratio increased 155% >>> 165%
  • [E] Black Shield cooldown increased 24/22/20/18/16 > 26/23.5/21/18.5/16 seconds

  • [R] Soul Shackles buffs:

    • Move Speed increased 5/30/55% towards enemies >>> 10/35/60% all directions
    • Stun duration increased 1.5 >>> 1.5/1.75/2 seconds
    • Damage: 150/225/300 (+70% AP) >>> 175/250/325 (+80% AP)


  • [Q] Bouncing Bomb collision radius increased 150 >>> 180

>>> Champion Nerfs <<<



  • [P] Death in Lavender Attack Speed after spell cast reduced 25-50% >>> 20-40% (based on level)

  • [E] Royal Maelstrom adjustments:

    • Damage reduction reduced 70% >>> 50/55/60/65/70%
    • Minimum damage per hit adjusted to 8/10/12/14/16 (+6% AD) >>> 7/8/9/10/11 (+8% AD)
    • On-hit, on-attack, and spell effect modifier increased 6-24% >>> 8-32% (based on target's missing HP)
    • Damage can now Critically Strike
  • [R] Endless Banquet - Enhanced Void Coral Bonus: True Form Void Remora HP adjusted 40/50/60% >>> 20/45/70% (based on minion's max HP)



  • AD per level increased 2.4 >>> 2.7
  • Base HP reduced 603 >>> 565
  • Base Move Speed reduced 335 >>> 330


  • [W] Living Shadow cooldown increased 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 to 20/19.25/18.5/17.75/17 seconds

>>> Champion Adjustments <<<


  • Base HP reduced 610 >>> 570
  • HP per level increased 108 >>> 115
  • Armor per level increased 4.7 >>> 5.2

  • [R-P] Dauntless Instinct All Out Bonus no longer increased by bonus Armor and Magic Resistance

  • [Q] Ntofo Strikes adjustments:

    • Base damage reduced 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 30/60/90/120/150
    • Can no longer Q3+Flash
    • [R-Q] All Out Bonus adjustments:
      • Cooldown reduction changed 1 second >>> 25%
      • No longer removes the Slow
  • [W] Path Maker adjustments:

    • Channel no longer increases damage's target's max HP ratio and stun duration
    • Minimum channel time added 0.65 seconds (maximum unchanged)
    • Damage increased 0 (+2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3% target's max HP) >>> 20/40/60/80/100 (+6/7/8/9/10% target's max HP) (+50% AD) (+30% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance)
    • Damage reduction adjusted 25% (+10% per 100 bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) (+1% per 100 bonus HP) >>> 40-65% (based on level)
    • Stun duration increased 0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 >>> 1.25 flat seconds
    • Mana cost reduced 75/80/85/90/95 >>> 60/65/70/75/80
    • [R-W] All Out Bonus adjustments:
      • No longer deals 25/35/45/55/65 (+50% AD) (increased based on charge time)
      • Minimum channel time added 0.5 seconds (maximum unchanged)
      • Damage reduction adjusted 30% (+12% per 100 bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) (+1.2% per 100 bonus HP) >>> 50-75% (based on level)
  • [R] All Out adjustments:

    • Damage type changed physical >>> magic
    • Damage adjusted 35/70/105 (+150/250/350 wall damage) (+25% AD) >>> 70/110/150 (+70/110/150 wall damage) (+100% AP)
    • Knockback reduced 350 >>> 300 units
    • HP threshold increased 55% >>> 65%
    • Bonus AD adjusted 5 (+32.5% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) >>> 15/30/45 (+25% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance)
    • Omnivamp adjusted 10% (+0.75% per 100 bHP) >>> 10/15/20%
    • Now grants 25/35/45% bonus Attack Speed

>>> System Buffs <<<

Blighting Jewel

Youmuu's Ghostblade

>>> System Nerfs <<<

Duskblade of Draktharr

>>> System Adjustments <<<

Lord Dominik's Regards

  • Giant Slayer bonus damage reduced 0-25% >>> 0-22% (based on max HP difference)

>>> Jungle Adjustments <<<


  • Champion and pet damage reduced 20-160 (based on level) >>> 40 flat
  • Damage no longer applies spell effects
  • Primal Smite changes:
    • No longer grants 20% damage reduction to epic monsters while there are 2 or more allied champions nearby
    • Damage to nearby monsters increased 50% >>> 100%

Jungle Avatar Upgrades

  • Mosstomper shield no longer grants 20% Tenacity and Slow Resistance

  • Gustwalker nerfs:

    • Bonus Move Speed through bushes reduced 45% >>> 30%
    • Bonus Move Speed after killing large monsters reduced 60% >>> 45%
  • Scorchclaw burn no longer applied from damage that does not apply spell effects, with the exception of basic attacks

Jungle Camp Health

  • Will not affect 1st clear, camps in about half of 2nd+ clears will have 7-8% more HP (generally encouraging junglers to recall to components to continue clearing)

  • Camps will now scale +5% (+10% for buff camps) increased HP per level (based on levels 11-18) (currently camps no longer scale after level 11)

  • Large Raptor base HP increased (only affects 1st clear)

  • Slightly more XP in medium and small Krugs

Scuttle Crab Health/Rewards

  • Base HP and HP per level increased, gold/xp normalized to about a camp's worth, late game has more gold/xp

Jungler Healing

  • Pet damage AD ratio reduced, AP ratio reduced slightly, Armor + MR ratios increased substantially (Cloth Armor = Ruby Crystal functionally)

    • Mathmatically champions taking 1 Adaptive shard and 1 Armor shard will feel no difference in 1st clear
    • Healing has a high cap
  • Heal from killing monsters changed to 12% missing HP, monster AD lowered mid/late game


  • Camp Armor and MR increased, jungle item increased monster damage increased equivalently (roughly 20% more HP to non-junglers)

Minion XP Penalty

  • Jungler minion experience changed 40-75% (based on minutes 0-14) >>> 30-100% (based on minutes 0-20)

Doran's/Support Items

  • Now limited to 1 Doran's item.

  • Doran's Blade buffs:

    • AD increased 8 >>> 10
    • HP increased 80 >>> 100
  • Doran's Shield buffs:

    • HP increased 80 >>> 110
    • Endure HP Regeneration increased 0-40 >>> 0-45 (based on current missing HP)
  • Doran's Ring buffs:

    • AP increased 15 >>> 18
    • HP increased 70 >>> 90
  • Dark Seal HP increased 40 >>> 50

  • Relic Shield buffs:

    • AP increased 5 >>> 7
    • HP increased 30 >>> 50
  • Spectral Sickle buffs:

    • AD increased 5 >>> 6
    • HP increased 10 >>> 25
  • Spellthief's Edge buffs:

    • AP increased 8 >>> 10
    • HP increased 10 >>> 25
  • Steel Shoulderguards buffs:

    • AD increased 3 >>> 4
    • HP increased 30 >>> 50

>>> Anti-Snowball Adjustments <<<


  • Cloud Dragon:

    • Cloudbringer's Grace Bonus Move Speed and Slow Resistance per stack reduced 7% >>> 5%
    • Cloud Dragon Soul Bonus Move Speed increased 15% >>> 20%
  • Hextech Dragon:

    • Hextech Prowess Ability Haste and Attack Speed per stack reduced 7.5% >>> 5%
    • Hextech Dragon Soul base Slow increased 45/35% >>> 40/30% (melee/ranged)
  • Infernal Dragon:

    • Infernal Might bonus AD and AP per stack reduced 5% >>> 3%
    • Infernal Dragon Soul base damage increased 80 >>> 100
  • Mountain Dragon:

    • Mountainous Vigor bonus Armor and MR per stack reduced 8% >>> 5%
    • Mountain Dragon Soul base shield increased 180 >>> 220
  • Ocean Dragon:

    • Oceanic Will missing HP Regeneration per stack reduced 2.5% >>> 2%
    • Ocean Dragon Soul buffs:
      • Base heal increased 130 >>> 150
      • Base mana restore increased 80 >>> 100

Rift Herald Gold

  • First Herald gold reduced, second Herald unchanged

Death Timers

  • Respawn timers reduced levels 2-9 8/10/12/14/16/21/27.5/30 >>> 6/8/8/10/12/16/21/26 seconds (unchanged level 1 and 10-18)

Turret Platings

  • Gold per plate reduced 175 >>> 125


  • Arcane Comet damage adjusted 30-100 (+35% bAD) (+20% AP) >>> 30-130 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • Conqueror nerfs:

    • bAD per stack reduced 1.2-2.7 >>> 1.08-2.52 (based on level)
    • AP per stack reduced 2-4.5 >>> 1.8-4.2 (based on level)
  • Dark Harvest damage adjusted 20-60 (+25% bAD) (+15% AP) >>> 20-80 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • Electrocute damage adjusted 30-180 (+40% bAD) (+25% AP) >>> 30-220 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • First Strike bonus damage reduced 9% >>> 8%

  • Fleet Footwork heal adjusted 10-100 (+30% bAD) (+20% AP) >>> 10-140 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • Lethal Tempo melee bonus Attack Speed per stack reduced 10-15% >>> 10-14% (based on level)

  • Press The Attack adjustments:

    • Base damage increased 40-180 >>> 40-220 (based on level)
    • Exposed damage amplifier reduced 8-12% (based on level) >>> 8% flat
  • Summon Aery adjustments:

    • Damage adjusted 10-40 (+15% bAD) (+10% AP) >>> 10-50 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)
    • Shield adjusted 30-75 (+35% bAD) (+22.5% AP) >>> 30-100 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)
  • Taste of Blood heal adjusted 16-30 (+15% bAD) (+8% AP) >>> 16-40 (10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • Waterwalking adjustments:

    • AD increased 3-18 >>> 7.8-18 (based on level)
    • AP increased 5-30 >>> 13-30 (based on level)
    • Bonus Move Speed reduced 25 >>> 10

Baron Nashor

  • HP increased

External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by InTheAbsenceofTrvth

Galio: keeping his losing matchups to mages intact.

Doesn't seem like the right stance for Galio lmao.

The context here is that Galio with prio puts him in pro jail. Galio as a weakside midlaner who scales well and helps his team allows us to tune him "strong" without becoming a mandatory pro pick.

For better or worse, pro play is mage-heavy. In turn, this means Galio is instantly in pro jail if he's actually heavily skewed toward mages so strongly that he just wins lane against them.

We're not trying to steer super strongly. For example, we could have buffed his armor, but that would be really troll to make the anti-mage actually best against Zed and Yasuo. He's probably still pretty good against them since he's good vs. melee, but we don't need to exacerbate that fact.

So Galio can be strong without having a ton of winning lane matchups. This means picking other parts (or times) of his kit to excel.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by UNOvven

I dont quite get the selection of runes being nerfed. Why are Dark Harvest and Electrocute being nerfed harder than Conqueror and Lethal Tempo? Or hell, why are they nerfed harder than First Strike, First Strike already arguably outperforms them most of the time.

The initial plan was to sidegrade Electrocute etc., which is why there were only some runes on the list. Goal was to take from gold scaling and give to level scaling, lowering snowballing slightly.

But we ended up going with minor power nerfs instead. For clarity, this is about 6% less damage on Electrocute until 3+ items. Ultra-late it's up to 25% less damage.

So because of that, we're adding more runes to the list. We're generally targeting about 10% less power across the primary offensive keystones. The PBE is not final, etc. etc. Lethal Tempo was always expected to be nerfed. This means Phase Rush, Grasp, etc. get more powerful by comparison. In the short term that's fine, though I suspect that's not healthy long term.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Black_Creative

That's a Lord Doms nerf not an adjustment lmao

LDR also has a functionality change. On Live, it doesn't damage amp against shields, which is changing here.

Datamining is only so accurate.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by UNOvven

Has there ever been a discussion about making pro less mage heavy? I honestly miss seeing ad assassins be picked in pro, even moreso outside of the jungle.

Me, too.

It'd be a pretty difficult project with significant implications even if it landed correctly. Maybe that gets prioritized against all the other work we could do but I'd guess it's not top 10 right now.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by papu16

What you think about LT that is most popular ADC rune in the game and for ranged champs it wasn't nerfed at all? Rn it just really above alternatives in terms of power and I would be happy if marksmans had some keystone diversity again.

PtA and Fleet both tend to outperform LT on average. Even Hail has a number of great users.

That LT gets auto-selected is more a fault of ADC players, not rune power level.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by daswef2

Is keeping his anti-magic identity holding him back then from being easier to balance? Because most of my games in midlane are against Zed, Yone, Yasuo, Pantheon, Naafiri and other AD champs unless I ban them, grand majority of team comps are pure AD in regular play. If he is projailed by identity as an anti-magic champion, wouldn't removing him from projail be better for everyone?

I'll take fulfilling a compelling fantasy over balance every day.

Plenty of champions have successful thriving player bases even if they aren't strictly strong. There's a reason you've got Taliyah and Galio flairs and not Maokai and Sion.

And to be clear, Galio is a rock (petricite) solid 50% win rate mid laner and support right now. It's not like he's bad. He's been 47% while a priority pro pick.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by MoscaMosquete

How will that work vs people with low HP receiving shields? Will it suddenly increase damage against them?

You're misunderstanding what I wrote. It's not counting shields as health. It's failing to amp against shields.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by MorbidTales1984

Based Phreak, a fellow HoB Trist enjoyer.

And old Essence Reaver. CDR is such an underrated stat on her.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by SyriseUnseen

While I dong necessarily think runes need as much power as they have currently, Im very concerned about this approach. I thought by nerfing ratios you meant just that, not basically just removing them.

5% might as well not exist. And I dont mean that in a "tilted" way, I mean it's so insignificant that it just shouldnt be there, just increase the base a bit more in the final levels and delete it. This is now just extra text.

The designer on it was worried about potential cross-class poaching. e.g. Electrocute Sejuani. I think that's a reasonable call to make.

I don't think there is a problem with largely-cosmetic scaling ratios, though.

Either way, you get 1-2 free "levels" of it across the average game via gold scaling. That's not nothing. It's also not a lot, which is intended.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Mimic_tear_ashes

“I will not let leblanc be a 45% winrate champion” u/PhreakRiot

She’s not. AP LB is within 0.5% win rate. I can’t help players trolling their builds.