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I play almost exclusively fill and decide my picks based on what my team needs. More often than not we want a high magic damage frontline, because AD champs are seemingly played more for top and mid and I see very few Brand, Lux or Velkoz supports. Trying to fill that role is annoying as hell when your options are Tank but you build AP (Sejuani, Amumu, Nunu, Zac) or AP Assassins (Elise, Eve, Fiddle), and nearly every other AP jungle is doing terrible right now.

Sylas, imo, is the best pick to fill this gap, since he regularly goes Rocketbelt, and often gets a Zhonyas, Morello, and/or even a Cosmic Drive, and of course his W in fights makes him have a lot more effective HP if he gets it off, and allows him to benefit heavily from Spirit Visage if he wants to.

The issue is his clear is god awful. His base damage and cooldowns are fairly low so his clear speed is incredibly slow, and his sustain is non-existent since his W only heals off champs. I don't really see why this hasn't been added in years, even Karma got the ability to heal off of jungle camps and she A. has had terrible winrates for a long time with that obviously doing nothing to improve it, and B. has never been a jungler so it doesn't really even serve a purpose.

Sidenote, but while you're at it, can you make Camille's W not have 2 damage caps so it can only do 150 max against monsters? A cap of 300 damage with a 50% damage decrease after that makes absolutely no sense, and that also only heals off of champions. I actually like Camille jungle and it makes it really annoying to play when you basically only have 1 ability.

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about 4 years ago - /u/SwampWTFox - Direct link

I'm a jungle main and really like Sylas so I've been forcing him in the jungle recently and he's not the best, but definitely playable once you get the hang of it.

Full disclosure, I got this info from /r/sylasmains and I'm a gold scrub... I'm not some Rito god of Sylas jungle.

Try Fleet Footwork for your keystone. The sustain helps a lot in your first clears which are really terrible. I've had the best success with pathing Red > Blue (smite) > Gromp > Wolves > Scuttle (smite). If you are uncontested at the scuttle, you should be full health after smiting scuttle and can then look for a gank. At higher ranks, make sure you ward your river because you WILL LOSE a 1v1 with almost every other jungler early on.

A lot of players are finding the best success on Sylas going Liandry's > Zhonyas/Demonic Embrace > Void Staff/Spirit Visage. I've heard Lich Bane is good too, but haven't had time to try it.