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Hello! I've been making a concerted effort at /r/Kindred to get visibilitiy higher on this long standing bug with Kindred's W.

What's the bug you ask? Well sometimes when casting W, Wolf will not attack scuttle crab.

Why is this a big deal you ask? Well Kindred as a champion desperately needs their first 4 marks, and their first mark always spawns on Scuttle crab (unless you got an early mark from a pre 3:15 kill). Losing out on about half your dps when securing scuttle crab is incredibly impactful when it happens, and can cause a Kindred player to have to give up scuttle and a mark if the enemy comes by when the bug is occuring.

So I've been pouring over all my clips and testing of this goddamn bug, trying to find a way to trigger it with 100% consistency... Unfortunately, I don't think that it is possible for me, somebody without access to Riot's dev tools, to trigger it with 100% consistency.

However, I noticed that every time the W not attacking scuttle crab glitch occurred, it would happen when Wolf spawned as Scuttle Crab would change direction.

So bug replication went:

  1. I would Q or Auto scuttle
  2. I would press W
  3. Wolf would spawn as Scuttle turns to run away from me
  4. Wolf would not attack scuttle

I found it hard to believe that scuttle crab's bug would be from pathfinding, so I decided to eliminate as many variables from the equation as I could. I started testing the bug without auto attacking or Q-ing at all.

My new bug replication steps became:

  1. I would spam move commands right in front of scuttle crab (face f*cking it, basically)
  2. I would cast W at a moment that I suspected scuttle would turn to path around Lamb/turn around
  3. Wolf would not attack scuttle crab.

That's where this newest video comes from, and I'd really like some more data from anyone that plays Kindred on this one. If anybody else can see if this will consistently trigger the bug occurring, we could be one step closer to getting rid of this annoying as sh*t bug from occurring.

Here's the video: https://youtu.be/YFA-4SOw5FI

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almost 4 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

So this is awkward (or maybe a good time). I think we actually submitted a fix for this bug for 11.8. It should be on PBE right now. Obviously there's a lot going on within Wolf's AI, so we could have fixed one aspect and this one may have slipped through.