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So for context I’ve been taking a break and playing CS and Hearthstone almost exclusively for a year or so, and one thing I realized when I was playing those games, is how much I miss riots dev team,

For example here something that happened in CS (this was in 2014 when I didn’t play so this is pretty much my freind speaking) essentially Valve f*cked up and made the 300$ Auto pistol arguably better than the 3k$ rifles, you know how long it took them to fix that sh*t A f*ckING YEAR, where during this time Volvo gave us no information, no blog posts, litteraly f*cking nothing, until one day they just decided to nerf it.

Another example, Blizzard recently made their stupidly expensive game more expensive with a battle pass system. Of course people have been complaining on the r/hearthstone sub for litteraly a week and a half in which not only has Blizzard no changed anything but have had entire complete radio silence.

at least riot keeps us informed about stuff and tries to fix the game when they f*ck stuff up, which I think is more important than being always right. Think about how impossible it is to balance this game, you have to individually balance 100+ items Champions and Buffs and make sure they don’t collectively destroy the game. The balance is sh*t right now but at least it’s clear that they know that and they are communicating that they want to change it

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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

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