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"Patch 12.23b changes (coming out on Wednesday 14th).

We're opting to go more nerf heavy this patch to address some of the balance outliers. More on specifics tomorrow. Some champs are getting Riot special, but those that are, we think have viable alternatives that are balanced" - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1602438542374080512

>>> Champion Buffs <<<


>>> Champion Nerfs <<<



Dr. Mundo



Mordekaiser (Jungle)



>>> Champion Adjustments <<<

Udyr - Changes which are on the PBE, possibly subject to change

  • [Q] Wilding Claw adjustments:

    • Damage reduced 3/4.4/5.8/7.2/8.6/10% (+6% per 100 bAD) >>> 3/4/5/6/7/8% (+5% per 100 bAD)
    • Awaken empowered damage reduced 2-5% (+3% per 100 bAD) >>> 2-4% (+2% per 100 bAD) (based on level)
    • On-hit damage adjusted 5/13/21/29/37/45 (+20% bAD) >>> 5/11/17/23/29/35 (+30% bAD)
  • [W] Iron Mantle mana cost reduced 45-28 >>> 40-23 seconds (based on level)

  • [E] Blazing Stampede mana cost reduced 45-28 >>> 40-23 seconds (based on level)

  • [R] Wingborne Storm buffs:

    • Mana cost reduced 45-28 >>> 40-23 seconds (based on level)
    • Base damage per second increased 10/18/26/35/42/50 >>> 10/20/30/40/50/60

>>> System Nerfs <<<


Epic DR (Potentially Epic Monster Damage Reduction?)

Small Jungle Gold


Ravenous Hydra

External link →
about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by imadirtyyasmain

Lux buff only means…new Lux skin coming soon.

The intention is to specifically buff carry Lux rather than support, as her playrate and viability in support has been healthy all of last season. We will be intentionally avoiding buffs that skew towards support.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Knight725

lillia’s ap builds are barely hanging on by a thread, and about to be nerfed 4 different ways. this champ is gonna be 45% winrate. just revert the melee change if this is what you’re gonna do to my champ riot, she has been basically fine for a year before that got changed. demonic is clearly too powerful on her, so just go back.

We are very aware of the factors that are forcing Lillia's power upwards. We intend to fully support AP builds, but Jak'sho is just so synergistic with Lillia that it overcomes her traditional builds by ~5%. While we are nerfing Jak'Sho, we are also nerfing Lillia in areas that are NOT AP scaling, and will be watching and considering AP ratio buffs for the future when she has room.

(Un)fortunately, with her being melee, demonic is most synergistic and is likely to be core for the long-term. While this might seem like a blight/curse, she is actually the exact intended audience of an item like that. It gives a lot of AP and some durability, which is exactly what a champ of her shape should want. This is separate of her resist/HP builds (Jak'sho, other tank items) that are too powerful at the moment and we will be moving away from.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

Lux support is played as like a burst mage building ludens how are you planning to do that? Just wave clear up?

If anything it's her supportive abilities like the shield that suck

Gold-scaling primarily