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All around a disgusting role, has almost no downsides to playing it. Geographically its in the best place of the map, can rotate to both scuttle fights, has solo xp, solo lane so you don't have to rely on support/adc, great roaming potential, great champions and its the hardest lane to gank. I honestly see zero downsides about mid, well, I guess you are going to get autofilled an ok amount.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Sindoray

And everyone expect you to push the turret, help with scuttle, dragon, ganking top and bot, warding jungle entrances, invading enemy jungle and escorting your own jungler when invading, stealing enemy blue while not getting your blue. And all of that while being ahead in farm, and not behind in kills. Also, follow up when the enemy mid laner roams, even if it’s Zed/Talon, but not fall into trap.

Yep. Mid is the strongest role but it's also the role with the most responsibility. Of course top/adc players always assume they are better than everyone else and only lose games because of counterpicks and teammates xd