I started playing the game 2-3 years ago, and one of my first roles was jungle, back when I was about level 15. I did not kite camps. The concept of kiting a camp didn't exist to me when I was level 15, not until I saw other players doing it and started to emulate. At that point in my League of Legends journey, the leash range of a camp could've been 200 units and I would've never triggered it.
When I learned to kite camps and clear more healthily, I felt great! I felt absolutely amazing being able to transition between camps smoothly and path more efficiently. I still wasn't a good player then, not by any means, but the progression still felt immensely satisfying.
When I saw players taking blue buff and gromp at the same time, it IMMEDIATELY became a goalpost for me. 'How do they do that? That's so cool!' was what I'd think when I saw a player managing to keep both camps on them at the same time and take them both at once. When I learned to do it I felt ecstatic. It took some tries but it wasn't too difficult in the end, I just had to get used to standing relatively still once I was in place.
Now that I could clear near-optimally on a couple of champs, jungling felt exciting. I'd time myself as I moved between camps, use the time to watch the map, feel the micro aspects becoming more intuitive and opening my thoughts up to more time spent thinking about ganking and paths.
Clearing on a champion like Amumu, by contrast with a champ like Graves or Rengar, felt incredibly boring. Just standing still and headbutting the camp with my mummy head over and over until it died. Occasionally pressing E. I guess clearing raptors fast was minorly enjoyable. I decided I'd never play Amumu despite quick success with him, simply because the gameplay patterns were so boring to me. Fighting on Amumu felt incredibly linear with very little deviation, and the clear was stationary and dull.
Fast forward to now. I tried several paths on several champions on the PBE today, and every clear felt like Amumu's clear. I can't die to camps. I do the most DPS by standing still, autoing, and pressing my buttons. The only priority I can give my abilities during my clear is 'hit the large monster more'.
Forget skill expression for a moment and entertain the fact that these changes feel boring. With all respect due to Riot for everything else they've brought about this preseason, (most of which seems really fun!) this jungling patience/leash range in particular feels SO sluggish and repetitive in how I'm expected to clear on every champion from now on that I don't want to play jungle anymore if this goes through in its current iteration. The PVE element of the jungle feels completely uninteractive and each camp feels the exact same. 'Kill the small raptors first' is the ONLY remaining camp strategy that I can think of.
Scuttles don't even have a shield anymore. While I'm less miffed about this than other changes, as historically scuttle didn't have a shield, it was at least an interactive element within the jungle. Removing smite healing feels like it removes outplay potential also, especially during fights for camps during invades or defense from invades, but it seems as if to counterbalance this it's been made so it's almost impossible to have an unhealthy clear on nearly any jungler, removing the necessity of proper smite usage to conserve HP.
I'm an average player. I'm not high elo, my opinion is less refined then that of the skilled players posting above me, but I'd say surely that makes me a part of Riot's core demographic? I won't quit League over this if it goes through, but I won't play jungle anymore either. I think a lot of people won't want to after this, as every game will feel so samey.
Also, the inconsistency of jungle companions attacking camps makes it very hard to walk away from a camp as it should be dying to burn, which adds seconds to my clear. Sometimes my companion seems not to attack basically at all, especially if I kite, hence why standing still and AFK auto-attacking camps seems to be the most beneficial strategy.
Okay, sorry for writing a book. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this. I appreciate any thoughts or comments