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Hello, I am conducting an experiment on how cognitive abilities relate to video game performance by specifically collecting data on the reaction time/inhibitory control/memory capacity of gamers.

We are interested in how cognitive abilities differ between video game players. Specifically, we are interested in whether simple reaction time (ability to smite that drake on time), inhibition (ability to avoid hooking that 1000 stack Nasus as Blitzcrank!) and spatial working memory capacity scores (ability to remember where the enemies are) will differ for players of specific games. This experiment can be completed either on your phone/tablet or PC/laptop. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete!

To take part in this experiment you must be 18 or over. Please only part take in this experiment once, as we do not want to collect duplicate data. We would also appreciate it if you did not discuss your results on the experiment here so as not to bias the performance of others!

Please click this link to participate in the experiment: https://www.psytoolkit.org/c/3.1.1/survey?s=DYFS9

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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotVoiDzz - Direct link

Woah, is 415ms reaction time the fastest response you've got???

Because if it's not, I think something might be broken.